- I read this blog with disgust. I stand tall as a Muslim. We are here. We work here. A war with us will be your loss. We poison your food when we work in plants, We will give poor medical treatment such as wrong prescription meds. There are many ways that we can make your life miserable and short. You don't want to fight a losing battle. Praise Allah.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 06, 2015
A Comment We Received From The Religion Of Peace
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I stand tall as an infantry recon soldier , your cult an ideology will fail you , because it is not a religion. You will fail at all attempts to fight our nation , we are 300,000,000 strong with 100,000,000 warriors ready to take your drug stores , fast foods and other establishments. Maybe you should think about converting to the Christian religion , the real thing.
We have fought many battles , won most , lost few , always won the war.
i believe it & that it's already going on. wish they'd all go home.
Go to Hell Ahmad, yours is not a peace loving, love your neighbor religion. Why would you want to poison anyone or give wrong prescriptions if you are so peace loving? You should seek God and then you'll know what loving is.
We saw how tough you were when you ran in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not too mention the crybaby the world looked at recently. I wish you crybaby, child molesting, cowards would quit hiding and fight. You'll find out real soon once this POS Muslim brother we have as president is gone. You got a better chance of getting pregnant than kicking our ass. Until we drag you out of the trash heap your hiding in keep warm with your little boys.
There are radicals in any religion.
Violence and ignorance is not limited to Muslims.
Sadly I avoid them and their businesses, which, I am sure, is hurting those that are not Muslims, but I assume they are based on physical features.
DAMN! I won't trust a pharmacist again, most of them wear Burqas or whatever they are called
Back at you Ahmad. Ill have bacon all day today in your honor.
My goodness Ahmad , why did you chose to pour gasoline on this fire?
Do you realize you were standing way too close to the fire , it has backfired on you . Do you have any facial hair or eyebrows now?
You need to hide!
If your phony profit Allah was a profit,what miracles did you preform? None that were ever seen. If you Phony Allah was a profit, what was his Prophecy? None he died before he could say it.
So you have ways to make use die, we have ways to make you afraid... You are all cowards that kill and hurt people in a cowardly way. You cant fight fair because you know you would lose. We are the sheep dogs, not the sheep and it will be my pleasure to make sure you go back to your cave and never come out.
You don't scare us, we know who you are and your tactics. How do you know what things we have been doing to your people while in the U.S. American people are much smarter and wiser then you think, we know how to take care of the likes of you!
I read your letter with disgust. You are proof that not a one of you Muslims are normal. You can take you all out of the 15th century desert but you can never take it out of you and you are proof. You people have never evolved into civilized human beings.
Plus you lie. If in fact you did "stand tall" as you claim you wouldn't post anonymous. Lying cowards is all you are. Now go to hell your words and opinion are as worthless as you are and don't you dare ever forget it. Do you understand.
Your 'religion', Ahmad, is in direct conflict with almost everything we believe and stand for here in America.
So why did you come here?
You and your fellow muslims often arrive here with little or nothing. We give you food, clothing, money and a place to live; we give you jobs and health care; we allow you to start your own businesses and build large mosques, even though many of you and your leaders curse us and plot against our society.
I must say, Ahmad, we are beginning to re-think that. This isn't working out very well for either of us.
There are many countries in the region you came from that have ideologies more like your own, where you would surely be more comfortable.
Perhaps we can come up with a program to re-settle you and your hostile friends in places that suit us all better.
That way, we won't be such an aggravation to you, nor you to us.
How does that sound?
Y'all got punk'd. Too funny.
7:37 better refresh his math skills. 1.6 billion people are muslim. That is 23% of the world's population.
No they aren't normal. They've been fighting with someone since the beginning of time. This is proof they are psycho. Peace is a foreign concept to them as well as honesty. Horrid people who the REAL God is punishing by making their areas constant war zones. He is doing this because they worship that fake thing called allah. God hates people who worship fake idols and that is why their regions are constant war zones and the people running around killing each other. The REAL God has a special place in hell for them because you don't spend your lifetime worshiping fakes and getting away with it.
That comment should be reported to the FBI.
855 We will see how funny it is when the police are knocking on your door.
I say go to either Riverside or Milford Street pharmacies if you want to see American's behind the counter. Great bunch of people there!
I'm sure that there are other's but these are who I use.
Go to neighborhood local pharmacies---Milford, Riverside etc.. they have real people real friendly, and speak complete and total English.
And Obama wants to bring a least 10,000 more of these bastards over here? This is proof that Obama is trying to destroy America.
I'm amazed , here we have a threat to your family and nation and I only see 16 comments . I guess they have won , you bunch of chicken $hit A O'S.
Joe I know this comment came to you Anonymously since this TERRORIST is just like the rest! I hope you have turned this over to the proper authorities since this is a threat to every person who is not a Muslim!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I stand tall as an infantry recon soldier , your cult an ideology will fail you , because it is not a religion. You will fail at all attempts to fight our nation ,
Is that you Richard?
Funny thing is that I work at a local hospital, and I have often wondered why some Muslim doctors order/do the things they do, i.e. Order wrong tests, order wrong meds and interpret lab values wrong. I thought it was due to lack of education or understanding now this makes more sense they are silently mistreating us
1:50 am post. A drunked up prankster has all of your fired up and he is sitting back laughing at you. No muslim wrote that post and you are too blinded by hate to see that you've been had. Un F'ing real.
BUT ...
Just in case this is a real threat, Joe, you are morally obligated to contact the FBI (if you have not already done so).
Contact the FBI and tell them what?
That there was a maybe/maybe not muslim selling wolf cookies on his site?
What are they supposed to do? If he is really a muslim, what is different between him and the thousands of others who badmouth us and huff and puff every day?
Nothing he said constituted a criminal act. Heresay. Unsubstantiated allegations.
"We poison your food " isnt a threat ? Really ? Your either stupid or the poster.or Both.
actually we know what the Koran teaches and it is not good. you believe if we aren't Muslims, we are infidels and we must convert to Islam or die. well, we won't convert because our Savior LIVES and Jesus Blood was shed so ALL could be 'saved/born again' and Live Forever...that includes you.
it's a sad commentary on your part that your Islamic religion is so evil and hateful. NO ONE wants to follow your dead god. your Islamic religion leads only to death.
'Choose you this day who you will serve', as for me and my house we will serve the LORD'.
You need bacon in your life.
Please refer to post 12:04.
No one wants to follow except for the 1.6 billion muslims.
M?mm Bacon.
Didn't christians kill people in the name of the lord for hundreds of years for not being believers? Hmmmm.
Actually its not a threat, its a statement.
This is 2015 fool.
3:19 You are correct and it is about time you stop worshipping make believe stories about a virgin giving birth, a man being killed and rising from the dead just as much as the muslims should give up believing that they get virgins in heaven for becoming a martyr. Both groups are a bunch of whackos.
If Trump is elected President
Your Ass is grass and he is the Lawnmower
Better leave the US with your 7-11 cash while you can
I think 12:04 nailed it.
Yes, they did. And they murdered thousands for simply not being the "right type" of Christian.
But they evolved, unlike the Mohammedans.
"Anonymous said...
Actually its not a threat, its a statement.
November 30, 2015 at 3:06 PM"
You must be a special kind of stupid. All threats are statements, but not all statements are threats, Einstein. YOU no doubt are a product of the dumbed down US "education" system. Such fools this country is putting out-such fools!
" Anonymous said...
Didn't christians kill people in the name of the lord for hundreds of years for not being believers? Hmmmm.
November 30, 2015 at 2:59 PM"
Another special kind of stupid. Yes Einstein Christians did kill non believers eons ago. You're not only a special kind of stupid but a special kind of mental case, dwelling on something that happened centuries ago. No "Hmmmmm" about it, they did but as stated above, Christians evolved into civilized human beings. So 2:59 start worrying about what's going on TODAY and NOT centuries ago because it makes you sound like a fool!
Christians don't purposely kill people. The Israelites killed people only on God's orders to do so.
Someone missed history class a lot......
As a Muslim who knows this comment to be complete fabrication I challenge the Muslim who said to come forward and and publically reveal yourself. Ahmad my ass.
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