DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Rumored In The Halls Of The GOB
Council President John Cannon is allegedly so mad at Executive Bob Culver for bringing in Attorney Paul Wilber, word is Cannon and the majority of the Council now want their own Attorney.
Now I only have it on one source, (probably all I'll get until they announce it in a couple weeks) that they are considering bringing back Ed Baker.
It sure is amazing how much Cannon hates Culver and for what? Being fiscally responsible and actually delivering what he promised the taxpayers who elected him!
The County Council is looking more and more like the Salisbury Council every day, dysfunctional.
Hey John, just try to remember how things worked out for Norm Conway and Rick Pollitt in the last election. I highly doubt you'll ever get elected to County Executive, trust me on that one. Just do your job and learn to agree to disagree.
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If the council does such a dumb thing the taxpayers should be outraged. We are being taken advantaged by the very ones we supported to represent us. I for one know at least 2 council members I won't be supporting the next time.
Double dipping again. The taxpayers are sick of this garbage.
John needs to get with the program or get outta the way. Bob is slowly cleaning up some of the mess Pollitt left behind and John is suppose to be on the same team! WTF
I agree joe he is acting like a spoiled git who is stopping his feet because he is mad.
Booo whoooo
Cannon is mad bc bob is hitting cannon in his slumlord pockets.
Cannon is a hypocrite. He lead the defeat of John Terrell, the most qualified to run Rec and Parks, because of double dipping. Yet, he hired Matt Creamer during his first time on Council, the king of double dipping and the architect of Baker's "sweet" buy-in deal AND the 5 year bump retirement package for others. NOW, he wants to bring back Baker to double dip too?
Cannon is a small vindictive man with no integrity. He wants to keep this county in the dark ages with the good old boy mentality. Why? Personal benefit. He is NOT looking out for the people he was elected to serve.
There are five other people on the council. What the h#ll is wrong with them? Are they completely spineless? (Not talking about Joe Holloway - he gets it.)
First, a question....is Paul Wilber protecting the executive's and NOT the council's actions? That would be justification for two attorneys doing different jobs.
After that, this is a perfect example of not enough good people running for office...we ended up with the best of the worst...and a RINO at that.
EGO is a funny thing
In Johns case i believe its called the Napoleon syndrome or
Short man syndrome.
He was the same way back in high school. Cry baby
Needs to get with the program or step aside
I love reading "I heard rumors" that are never mentioned again. Is there any reason folks cannot go to Council Meetings or contact Council members and ask questions BEFORE rumors are posted. I attend meetings, both county and town in my county of residence. If Wicomico folks cared that is what they would do. Cannon is just one person, so are you saying (other than Joe Holloway), the other Wicomico council members are merely lemmings in Cannon's pocket? If you don't keep up with what is happening in your local government and make your voice heard then don't complain and whine after the chicken gets out of the hen house. You are the problem, not Cannon.
The people learned a long time ago that the business in Wicomico County is done behind closed doors. Culver has tried to change that but the council is a huge problem due to their "boss" Mr. Creamer who has conducted business for so many years and always behind closed doors. The people gave up years ago when John Cannon was stupid and hired Creamer back.
Cannon = last year as council President.
I've been following these posts about the council and Matt Creamer recently and my only comment would be, Creamer is totally opposed to Wilber because he realizes his day of working his "magic" through law opinions is over. Paul Wilber won't play the silly games that Creamer has played with Edgar Baker, and the other attorney who just left for Worcester. That was truly a good riddance for those two.
To the poster above - YES OTHER THAN JOE HOLLOWAY - the Council are lemmings. Wicomico County has been so controlled by the GOB (good old boys or government office building - take your pick) that few people of integrity want to participate in our government.
If you haven't noticed, they are fighting Culver all the way. Culver should have just cleaned house from the start and taken whatever hits followed. Perhaps we wouldn't be in this position now where Cannon feels he can challenge Culver on everything.
10:16. I certainly hope you are right. We had to embarrass him during his other term on the council and vote him out. He was such a bully about the presidency. I know, I was there.
I totally disagree with your comment comparing the County Council to the City Council. In my opinion, the City Council had made great strides to make Salisbury a more progressive city. That was evident Friday night at "Third Friday". What a great turnout for a great family event this has become so popular.
If John Terrell was not considered a good rehire by Cannon and company. How do they justify Baker? Because he does what you want and you can control him? Disgusting display on behalf of council.
Baker claims to have integrity and be a Christian man. He should have enough integrity to turn down a double dipping rehire.
Cannon's "in your face Bob" brand of politics is a turn off. Majority of people I know are O V E R Cannon and his power plays.
Why is it that the same old people keep getting re-cycled in government? Is it because of their knowledge or that they can be manipulated?
New blood with fresh ideas desperately needed on council and in county government. Culver, keep cleaning house.
until culver realizes that he sleeping with the enemy in strasburg, nothing will change. strasburg and cannon are buddies. neither want culver to succeed. don't understand why culver won't rid us of strasburg who is just another leech on government.
Really Council? Baker is the best you can do. I guess no other lawyers want to work with your sorry bunch.
Baker = laughable. Did Matthew Creamer's bidding. Only the weak, Creamer controlled council would want to retain someone like that. Speaks volumes about your character, council members. You are sheep not leaders.
Hope the council members are reading these comments. They should hang their heads in shame for how they are viewed by the PEOPLE - not the insider clique, but the real PEOPLE.
Joe Holloway for Council President. A man not afraid to stand up for what he believes. He is NOT a lemming. He is the opposite of self-serving Cannon.
This may be a "rumor", but given how Cannon has behaved and how Creamer rules this county with an iron fist, it is likely true.
The one word I would use to describe this council - DISAPPOINTMENT.
Joe Holloway is the ONLY one who acts like a Republican. The other Republicans are a disgrace.
I believe some on the county council are so out of tune with the people that they give lip service while campaigning, but after they are sworn in they decide the peoples will is not important until 6 or 8 months before the next election. I really hope the citizens are making mental notes of their behavior. I have never seen such dysfunction with any other county council as with this one.
What we are seeing is a power struggle from the county council and Creamer. The charter is very plain and is written as a strong executive form of government. Mr. Pollitt allowed himself to be manipulated by the old guard just because it was easier. Since Mr Culver has taken the office, the old guard, those who are left, are fighting for all their worth to maintain the power. Ed Baker was a part of making that happen for Creamer. That's the reason the council is being advised to bring him back as their attorney. Hopefully, Baker is enjoying his retirement and will realized he is better not to get involved again. He understands Wilber's strengths and just maybe he will decline to practice law under Creamers direction.
Too many people don't pay attention to what is going on in this county. I would like to see more outrage over some of this.
Government in Wicomico County is toxic. Who in their right mind would want to be associated with this? I voted for Culver thinking he would fix this mess. He has been there almost a year. He needs to do more. I agree with comment that he should have cleaned house from the beginning. That would have set a tone for real change. Instead, he has let Cannon walk all over him at times. My guess is Culver gets bad advice from Wayne S. who is thick as thieves with Cannon. Until Culver breaks the back of the established abusers, he and us will have to put up with this kind of crap.
Joe Holloway is a great representative for our district. He has fought for us and fought to keep spending down. He knows how government should work for the people.
As far as Cannon is concerned; he has an EGO problem, a control problem and needs to grow up. If you watch the meetings you will see Cannon fight everything Culver is trying to do for our county. It's so obvious Cannon has a bad grudge against Culver. Hall is another EGO driven man. Keep an eye on him as well.
Next election I pray Cannon and Hall are defeated. They really have no concern for Wicomico County and its citizens; only for their own EGO's.
Why don't those who rewrote the charter for the executive form of government speak up and call out this council?
12:34 agree. Bob, if you are reading this, you need to do more. You could stop a lot of this BS. You were elected Executive. Cannon was elected as a council person. His peers unfortunately made him President after he openly campaigned to be president. YOU have the upper hand. USE IT!
I agree. Where are the people who wrote this charter for executive form of government? Is this what they envisioned? I doubt it!
However, with that said, they did let Pollitt be a puppet for 8 years. Maybe they wanted it to fail after all.
It is just nuts the way this county works(or doesn't).
the question to ask is why would they hire Baker back? do they think he is that smart? do they think no other lawyers have the ability? or is it an "in your face" to culver for hiring wilber? guaranteed the reason is an evil one. cannon's sole goal is to make culver look bad in hopes of taking his job in a few years.
Yawn. Cannon is a self-serving, arrogant person. We know this. Culver needs to push back where and when he can. If Culver doesn't understand what is happening around him - that's scary. I, for one, am not sure he does get it.
Anonymous said...
Cannon is a hypocrite. He lead the defeat of John Terrell, the most qualified to run Rec and Parks, because of double dipping. Yet, he hired Matt Creamer during his first time on Council, the king of double dipping and the architect of Baker's "sweet" buy-in deal AND the 5 year bump retirement package for others. NOW, he wants to bring back Baker to double dip too?
Cannon is a small vindictive man with no integrity. He wants to keep this county in the dark ages with the good old boy mentality. Why? Personal benefit. He is NOT looking out for the people he was elected to serve.
October 19, 2015 at 9:06 AM
Thanks John!
Anonymous said...
I totally disagree with your comment comparing the County Council to the City Council. In my opinion, the City Council had made great strides to make Salisbury a more progressive city. That was evident Friday night at "Third Friday". What a great turnout for a great family event this has become so popular.
October 19, 2015 at 10:30 AM
LMAO!! You don't know what the hell you are talking about. What does that liberal Freak Show Third Friday have to do with running a government. If you think a bunch of weird people walking around in costumes is making great strides you are ignorant.
Mr. Culver:
It is time for you to step up to the plate and use your back bone to stand up to the bumbling idiots on the council. Firstly, grow a pair and fire Wayne S. He is your worst nightmare that will not only stab you in the back but also your chest while laughing at you the entire time just in time for Holloween. Next step replace John Boy Cannon with another council president. Yes, it may be difficult to complete but 90 percent of the taxpayers in Wicomico County are behind you and your cost cutting missions. Keep up the good work we appreciate the good job you are attempting to do!
How many times have we seen in print that Culver needs to fire Strausburg and clean house? For whatever reason, he is clinging to him. Huge mistake - HUGE. Culver mistakenly thinks some of these people are his friends. All they are doing are collecting data to use against him at the next election.
That pathetic front page in the daily rag about everything being "rosy" in Wicomico county??!! Who wrote your speech with the headline "things couldn't be better in Wicomico County", Bob?
Sounds like something Wayne set you up to say. Certainly you don't believe that with the economy and job market being like they are. Whoever you are getting your advice from is playing you.
Dear heavenly father, this city and council is going to make the taxpayers of this city dump attorney poor with so many attorneys for them. Cannon, this is nonsense and you are a complete fool. Your jealousy is showing too much! You would be better served to take some anger management classes or face being removed. We the citizens are sick of your childish behavior, and election time for you will be coming up soon.
It is obvious that no one on Culver's team does any "opposition research". If he did something as simple as look through Facebook, he'd see some alliances that would probably surprise him. People he considers "allies" are not.
At this point, it doesn't even appear Culver has a "team", if he is relying on people like Strasberg. Culver - beware of the enemy within.
Another potential retread in the county. Isn't that how this backward county operates? Clinging to the past with no new vision or ideas.
I have repeated Mike Dunn's incredibly revealing statement that he made in the Bassett liberal rag when Culver was first elected and Mackes and others left. Accusing Culver of cleaning house, Dunn stated "we don't do that here". After a stunned silence, people who have an ounce of intelligence burst out laughing at the stupidity and arrogance of such a remark.
THAT comment by Dunn, my friends, is also the mentality of Cannon, Strausburg, Creamer, Hall, the DT, Bassett, etc. God forbid that we move forward and rid ourselves of the self-anointed and self-important "elite" that have driven this county into the ground. Let's cling to the past and those who have produced this failed economy, falling down schools, slum housing and more.
SUPPORT CULVER! He is trying to loosen the grip of government abuse and excess and save this county and the taxpayers. Speak up! Contact your councilman and Cannon and tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the DT headline and front page were awful. Bob, I can't believe you gave them that opening by saying how great things are. SMDH. That is going to come back to haunt you.
Also, I agree with the comment about know your enemies. Bob, it is easy to see who is in cahoots against you. Don't let Strosburg try to shove some of them down your throat as good people who are on your side or worse yet, that you should hire them.
Ignorance is no excuse when the information you need to know is easily available.
Get rid of the good ole' boys... so sick and tired of the so called Eastern Shore way... good riddance
6:25- LOL. I remember that article by Dunn too. So ignorant!
Completely agree with your comment!
So Cannon was opposed to John Terrell to run Rec & Parks, now that Wisk is gone(Thank You Very Much for Leaving Andy). Who is capable of running REC & Parks??? Certainly not Little Red, she is totally confused about the whole system. Come on Wico. County Council and bow down and ask John Terrell to come back and get rid of Snaky Cannon!!
Get things done right for a change. The WYCC needs a total revamp in personnel and their duties, let alone salaries...............
This city, and this council could really be something truly amazing, if ALL OF THEM would put the citizens of this city and council AHEAD of the city and county councils own personal agendas for personal profit. There is absolutely no telling how great we, the people could truly make this place. But none of it, no, none of it will ever happen when integrity is left at the door and the threshold is crossed with these people seeking their own gain and glory benefits.
What all of you fail to think about is this; what is done in the darkness (behind closed doors) will always come out in the light (you each will be exposed, maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen). Why sell your self and self respect? Are you that low on self esteem that you would rather personally profit than do the right thing all the time?? Collectively, all of you make a sorry excuse for what is commonly called leaders. For some strange reason all of you think that the citizens are stupid and we don't see and hear all of your foolish behaviors. We see it, we understand what is behind it. You keep making the same mistakes over and over. Even children learn from their mistakes, why can't you???
What happened with cramers partner. Mrs Holland? Last couple meetings I attended she wasnt there.
Wayne has more management brains than all the rest combined. He is a numbers person for the whole bunch.
8:49...really? Last 2 businesses he ran are closed. Why don't you "circle back" and check it out. All wayne is is a bs artist. He needed a job and mackes conned pollitt into giving him one. He baffles 'em with bull crap.
8:49 Really? ? ? ? ? He just repeats whatever he hears in a meeting. He doesn't have a clue. I've even considered checking his credentials if I could learn what they are.
Wayne is numbers person for whole bunch? Don't think so Wayne...have another drink.
I guess you are calling all the kids in costumes weird as well. This is a world wide event. Get your head out of your butt and do some research. Start by looking at the event in San Diego. I am the furtherest thing from a liberal.
The executive and legislative branches are separate, and having separate attorneys is a good idea.
8:36 - she quit....shortly before she was going to be fired....
7:37 It may be a good idea, but not by hiring Baker. Check with your attorney friends and find out how they truly feel about him. They won't go on the record about it, but the vast majority feel he was far too political making questionable decisions. He took too long to get work out of his office and rarely returned phone calls from fellow attorneys. He was NOT a good representative of the way government should operate. He catered to those who allowed him to buy in to the system. Many local attorneys question the ethics of his "retirement" deal. Shouldn't the council have an attorney that is respected by his/her peers? Let's move forward, rather than being stuck in the same mud.
Wayne's MBA is from the prestigious Morgan State University supposedly. Now there is a real powerhouse of business acumen.
8:04. LOL
Wow....really!!! How did craemer fell about that.
There are small people and then there are people who are small. Cannon fits both descriptions.
I probably am as conservative as anyone in Wicomico County. Having said that, a lawyer takes the position of his client. He or she is an advocate. As long as that position is legal and ethical, whether you agree or disagree, it is valid. The lawyer doesn't deserve to be ostracised. He is just a lawyer, doing his job. I know both Baker and Wilber and have never known either to do anything illegal or unethical. Both are qualified and very competent. If you don't like Cannon because he is a RINO; vote him out. He certainly has exposure. Pound on his slumlord status. He and several others on the Council certainly don't behave like Conservatives.
Cannon and Dunn. Both are snakes in the grass slithering around looking to screw the public for their own benefit, both an embarrassment. Dunn was our worst nightmare as city council president, and Cannon comes a close second as county council president. It's a good thing that the county council changes leadership every year.
Anonymous said...
It is obvious that no one on Culver's team does any "opposition research". If he did something as simple as look through Facebook, he'd see some alliances that would probably surprise him. People he considers "allies" are not.
At this point, it doesn't even appear Culver has a "team", if he is relying on people like Strasberg. Culver - beware of the enemy within.
October 19, 2015 at 6:05 PM
Ok name names! Not everyone has the same friends as you do on FB. What are the comments?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wayne has more management brains than all the rest combined. He is a numbers person for the whole bunch.
October 19, 2015 at 8:49 PM
Thanks Wayne, now go back to your drink.
Bob Culver we elected you to clean house and we mean clean house. You are failing by keeping Strausburg in his position. If he stays there much longer you will have a hard time getting re-elected and you have already told people you want another 4 years.
Anonymous said...
Mr. Culver:
It is time for you to step up to the plate and use your back bone to stand up to the bumbling idiots on the council. Firstly, grow a pair and fire Wayne S. He is your worst nightmare that will not only stab you in the back but also your chest while laughing at you the entire time just in time for Holloween. Next step replace John Boy Cannon with another council president. Yes, it may be difficult to complete but 90 percent of the taxpayers in Wicomico County are behind you and your cost cutting missions. Keep up the good work we appreciate the good job you are attempting to do!
October 19, 2015 at 4:22 PM
First of all Bob Culver has no control over the County Council so he can't replace John Cannon.
Second WTH did you get 90% of the tax payers are behind Culver? He didn't get those kind of votes in the election. Comments from idiots like you ruin the County Executives credibility and make him look stupid.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dear heavenly father, this city and council is going to make the taxpayers of this city dump attorney poor with so many attorneys for them. Cannon, this is nonsense and you are a complete fool. Your jealousy is showing too much! You would be better served to take some anger management classes or face being removed. We the citizens are sick of your childish behavior, and election time for you will be coming up soon.
October 19, 2015 at 5:56 PM
WTH are you talking about? This isn't the City you moron! Some of you people should keep your comments to yourself because it makes you look ignorant.
Anonymous said...
So Cannon was opposed to John Terrell to run Rec & Parks, now that Wisk is gone(Thank You Very Much for Leaving Andy). Who is capable of running REC & Parks??? Certainly not Little Red, she is totally confused about the whole system. Come on Wico. County Council and bow down and ask John Terrell to come back and get rid of Snaky Cannon!!
Get things done right for a change. The WYCC needs a total revamp in personnel and their duties, let alone salaries...............
October 19, 2015 at 7:32 PM
He is a product of Gary Mackes. That would be a bad move.
Must be John posting this himself...
Anonymous said...
Wayne's MBA is from the prestigious Morgan State University supposedly. Now there is a real powerhouse of business acumen.
October 20, 2015 at 8:04 AM
Are you serious? LMFAO
Anonymous said...
The executive and legislative branches are separate, and having separate attorneys is a good idea.
October 20, 2015 at 7:37 AM
Anonymous said...
This city, and this council could really be something truly amazing, if ALL OF THEM would put the citizens of this city and council AHEAD of the city and county councils own personal agendas for personal profit. There is absolutely no telling how great we, the people could truly make this place. But none of it, no, none of it will ever happen when integrity is left at the door and the threshold is crossed with these people seeking their own gain and glory benefits.
What all of you fail to think about is this; what is done in the darkness (behind closed doors) will always come out in the light (you each will be exposed, maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen). Why sell your self and self respect? Are you that low on self esteem that you would rather personally profit than do the right thing all the time?? Collectively, all of you make a sorry excuse for what is commonly called leaders. For some strange reason all of you think that the citizens are stupid and we don't see and hear all of your foolish behaviors. We see it, we understand what is behind it. You keep making the same mistakes over and over. Even children learn from their mistakes, why can't you???
October 19, 2015 at 8:23 PM
Why do you keep talking about the city you Moron!!
IIRC, the executive proposes the budget; the council can approve it or trim it but cannot add to it. If so, council has no way to create and fund a lawyer position without concurrence of the executive. Stay tuned.
Two personal opinions:
One attorney/firm serving the county's needs is sufficient. Council has abundant opportunities to request information and opinions in open meetings and/or through their administrator.
Second:The sneaky deal whereby Baker was retrospectively credited with a pension without ever being an employee was nothing more than robbery of the public purse. Across the years he did work for the county and other clients, and should have been setting funds aside from his billings for his retirement just as all the other lawyers, doctors, etc. do. Pollitt wasn't bright enough to concoct the scheme. He probably billed for the work involved in formulating his windfall. Ethical? Don't make me laugh. And I'm not a lawyer.
Anonymous said...
I guess you are calling all the kids in costumes weird as well. This is a world wide event. Get your head out of your butt and do some research. Start by looking at the event in San Diego. I am the furtherest thing from a liberal.
October 20, 2015 at 7:09 AM
Trust me you are a liberal and an ignorant one at that. One that is to stupid to realize what he is. San Diego and San Francisco, Hell all of California is nothing but a Liberal Freak Show Bozo!!
One thing that you all keep forgetting is that John Cannon and Wayne Strausburg are tight! Connect the dots.
Not one person mentioned that.
Anonymous said...
IIRC, the executive proposes the budget; the council can approve it or trim it but cannot add to it. If so, council has no way to create and fund a lawyer position without concurrence of the executive. Stay tuned.
Two personal opinions:
One attorney/firm serving the county's needs is sufficient. Council has abundant opportunities to request information and opinions in open meetings and/or through their administrator.
Second:The sneaky deal whereby Baker was retrospectively credited with a pension without ever being an employee was nothing more than robbery of the public purse. Across the years he did work for the county and other clients, and should have been setting funds aside from his billings for his retirement just as all the other lawyers, doctors, etc. do. Pollitt wasn't bright enough to concoct the scheme. He probably billed for the work involved in formulating his windfall. Ethical? Don't make me laugh. And I'm not a lawyer.
October 26, 2015 at 12:40 AM
The Council can create law and make the Law Department fall under them just as the city council did.
The council did give Ed all his private and part time with the county into a full retirement. Something that they refused to do in other departments. so I guess Ed has it made. Not knocking him, just knocking this counties lack of fairness.
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