Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 12 September 2015
Location: Salisbury Blvd. at Carroll St., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Conner Scott Bradley, 26, Seaford, DE
Narrative: On 12 September 2015 at 3:31 AM a deputy stopped a motorcycle without any visible registration operated by Conner Bradley. The deputy detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from Bradley and also observed that he stumbled when he dismounted the motorcycle. After observing other indicators that suggested Bradley was under the influence of alcohol, the deputy initiated sobriety testing. Following testing, the deputy placed Bradley under arrest for DUI.
During subsequent processing, Bradley submitted to a breath test that measured .11.
Bradley was released upon the issuance of citations.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Date of Incident: 12 September 2015
Location: Wicomico County, MD
Suspect: Conner Scott Bradley, 26, Seaford, DE
Narrative: On 12 September 2015 a deputy arrested Conner Bradley for DUI and released him upon the issuance of citations. Bradley was sitting in the lobby of the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office waiting for a ride to arrive from Delaware to pick him up. While in the lobby,Bradley dragged a large metal Prescription Drop -Off Box from the lobby into the public restroom. Upon discovering what had happened and locating Bradley and the Prescription Drop-Off box in the restroom, the deputy observed that the dragging of the box gouged the linoleum floor in the lobby and scraped the wooden door leading to the restroom.
The Prescription Drop-Off Box held unwanted prescriptions that had been dropped off by members of the public for destruction. Bradley was unable to gain access into the Prescription Drop-Off Box itself.
Instead of being allowed to leave following the DUI arrest, the deputy took Bradley back into custody and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner on charges related to this incident. Following his initial appearance, the Commissioner released Bradley on Personal Recognizance pending a future court appearance in the District Court.
Charges: Attempted Theft and Malicious Destruction of Property
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 14 September 2015
What a idiot
Somehow I don't think that alcohol was the only mind-altering substance circulating in this bozo's bloodstream.
Seems awful happy for someone in so much trouble.
Arrested twice in one day, this man is living life the right way.....................................................................................................
Wow. The sheriff's actually stopped a crime while it was happening. Good job. Not!
Marie should love him even more now.
is that you Tuna?
His dad is a judge too smh
I bet the judge will wipe that smirk off of his face!
Now there's a young man who just doesn't give a sh*t.
He has "daddy" issues.
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