DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 20, 2015
WBOE Holding Closed Door Meetings On Redistricting Pittsville & Willards Students
It has come to my attention that the Wicomico board of education has been having closed door meetings again on redistricting. They will be leaving Delmar alone this time. They will be forcing all Pittsville / Willards students to WiHi that way those parents can't say don't split our kids up. This is Dr. Fredrickson's parting gift to us and we get no say whatsoever. Please get this word out before he sticks it to us once again.
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Makes the case for the elected board, hope our guys are there educating them on when the next meeting on elected board is.
Isn't there an agreement that keeps kids in pittsville from going anywhere but Parkside?
Parents are going to be unsatisfied regardless. There is nothing wrong with WIHI.
Under the "No Child Left Behind Act", we have the right to send our kids to a "higher performing" school in the school district. So "just say no" to Wi-Hi.
We need to make that law work for ALL of us...and our children.
Called my realtor today and told them I don't want the house in Pittsville. Only reason I was moving there was the schools. My last hope to stay in Maryland. Kinda relieved. Know damn well it would've been a mistake staying here.
We must demand an elected school board! Parents unite!!!
GO get them Pittsville/Willards parents. Please do not allow your children to be bused to Wicomico High School.
I already have a child that goes to Parkside and I don't want her to have to relocate. Also I have a son that will be starting High School when my daughter is a senior and I would like for them to attend the same School. I think we should have a say so where our children go to School.
What planet do you live on that there is nothing wrong with wihi? If you do not have a child going there, keep your opinion to yourself.
I already have a child that goes to Parkside and I don't want her to have to relocate. Plus I have a son that will be starting High School when my daughter is a senior and I want them to attend the same High School. Parkside is a higher performing School even my kids doctor has said so. We should have the right as parents to decide which High School we want our children to attend. I also Graduated from Parkside and this is why I have stayed in Pittsville because I wanted my children to attend the best school in Salisbury. This is very disappointing.
Thank you for writing with your concerns. There appears to be some misinformation circulating, as last year's redistricting process is on hold and a redistricting process has not started. Wicomico will examine school boundaries in the future, and there is the possibility that some school boundaries could change. That process has not yet begun, however. When it does, there will be opportunities for public questions and input. Thank you.
That is the reply I received this morning, after contacting them about this supposed rumor. There is everything wrong with WIHI. I invite any parent who thinks WIHI is fine, send your kid there. If it is "fine", why are there so many transfers OUT? IF it is FINE, why do teachers there, who have high school age children, send THEIR kids to other schools? If I have to home school my son, I will do so, until such a time as I can get him back to Parkside. He is an honors/ap student, part of the marching band, and doing beautifully. He should be allowed to finish his high school career at Parkside. Not be forced to switch mid stride.
What? Only way I'd be satisfied is for my kid to go to parkside. And there is plenty wrong with wi-hi. Damn ghetto school. Period. As many thugs there as a rap concert. The teachers all need be fired for ...well giving up for all intensive purposes. I don't even know why Wicomico wants its name attached. It outta be named like a city school. PS 001
they tried this crap in delmar, and we didn't stand for it.... stick together!!
Thank you for looking into this matter. I was about to make a phone call myself.
You knew he had at least 1 or 2 screw jobs left in him.
Let me be clear, I feel like it is a bs answer. I just wanted something documented from them. Parkside plays wihi this Fri in football, should be interesting.
There are a lot of kids in Parkside that DO NOT live in the district.
They get special exceptions ! This bullsh%$ needs to stop. Residents
buy homes in certain areas so their kids can go to the school they want. They should take the apartment kids and use them to move to other schools for enrollment numbers. These parents do not pay property taxes!!!! If you don't like it, then buy a home in the district you want your kid to go to.
As a substitute, WiHi is the ONLY school I will NOT sub for!
That said, all you parents need to protest this closed door meeting and demand to be heard!!
The solution to a lot of the problems in Wicomico County schools, would be to build a new high school...out in the county. Not in Salisbury.
There is no reason every single child in this county must be bused into the city for an education. There are obviously enough kids in the surrounding areas, such as Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Willards, Powelville and so on, to populate a high school.
People move where they want to be, within reason, and some want the "city" culture and lifestyle. That is wonderful for them, and I wish them the best. But some of us prefer the more traditional values and American cultural standards that made our country great. There is nothing about the ghetto or in it, that represents or upholds our legacy of freedom, innovation, ingenuity and hard work. For that reason, I do not want my child to be thrust into an environment that holds our values in contempt. And I am sure that's true for most if not all of us.
3:04 Is on crack. New school, how much money do you think the county has ?
Yep I feel the same....I see it at Fruitland Schools. ....the caravan from Salisbury leaves at 738 am every morning.....got to be at least 25 cars.... none of those people pay these high taxes in Fruitland but just like all the people that are recipients of Fruitland water with out the Fruitland tax burden
Joe, A couple of questions:
Are the closed meetings being advertised?
What is the listed reason for the closed session? There are only a few allowable reasons under the Open Meetings Act to close a meting:
1 - Property acquisition - NO
2 - Performance assessment over someone who it has jurisdiction - NO
3 - Consider the investment of public funds - NO
4 - Before bids are opened, discuss a strategy of negotiating - NO
5 - Discuss an investigative proceeding on actual or possible criminal potential or some other issue that requires the protection of an individual's identity that is not related to the public's interest.- NO
6 - Consult about pending litigation - NO
7 - Collective bargaining negotiations - NO
In other words, if what you are reporting is true, the BOE has likely broken the Open Meetings Act laws, and any citizen can file suit with the Open Meetings Board of Maryland.
"Under the "No Child Left Behind Act", we have the right to send our kids to a "higher performing" school in the school district. So "just say no" to Wi-Hi.
We need to make that law work for ALL of us...and our children"
I tried this for special permission, was told to come back with a valid reason.
Your rights should not require "special permission".
2:46 totally, kids coming from Hebron to play football at Parkside and his parents now have an apartment in parkside district, WTF.
He isn't living there!
Exactly! When I bought my home, I checked out the schools first, like any responsible parent. The demographics In the Willards/Pittsville schools represented our culture and values. I was mystified that there was not a high school with a similar amount of diversity. Maybe they're sent to private school, rather than Parkside (or worse?)
Really not being fair to WIHI here. Believe it or not it's a pretty good school with a lot of good teachers, staff and most of all students. Wicomico County needs to do away with waivers all together. It's ridiculous when kids waive to go play softball at Mardela, football at Parkside, baseball and lacrosse at Bennett. That totally unfair to both the students and to the coaches and staff of the schools losing the players. And I really love the "culture" argument; that's nothing more than code for being a racist. Parents and coaches setting lousy examples for kids is what it all amounts to.
Do you have a child at wihi? If not, your opinion doesn't count.
Yes I do.
Idiots abound.
Elect real people!
The process hasn't begun? Then explain why the hell are there meetings about it behind closed doors? I'm not stupid. I wasn't taught by the teachers here.
And that's why we have a problem. Parent like you shouldn't have had kids. Nothing but a bigot. All schools matter!!!
Uh, no you don't. That provision went away.
Those of you bitching about which high school to send your kids to: The Salisbury area has many fine private schools to choose from.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Parents are going to be unsatisfied regardless. There is nothing wrong with WIHI.
September 14, 2015 at 12:37 PM
This coming from a parent of a Thug!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Isn't there an agreement that keeps kids in pittsville from going anywhere but Parkside?
September 14, 2015 at 12:22 PM
Yes and they were also promised the very next High School to be built because the BOE stole their High School from them when they built Parkside.
If this is in fact true this is Freddie and the Boards way of making Wi Hi over crowded so they can get the oldest high school in Wicomico County rebuilt. Par for the course.
Anonymous said...
Parents are going to be unsatisfied regardless. There is nothing wrong with WIHI.
September 14, 2015 at 12:37 PM
"Parents are going to be unsatisfied."
Yep, No Child Left Behind.
So much for poor grammar.
WiHi = Congo Tech
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are a lot of kids in Parkside that DO NOT live in the district.
They get special exceptions ! This bullsh%$ needs to stop. Residents
buy homes in certain areas so their kids can go to the school they want. They should take the apartment kids and use them to move to other schools for enrollment numbers. These parents do not pay property taxes!!!! If you don't like it, then buy a home in the district you want your kid to go to.
September 14, 2015 at 2:46 PM
Yep and my kids are some of them. I refuse to send my kids to an illegal gun toting Thug rapist school.
Anonymous said...
The solution to a lot of the problems in Wicomico County schools, would be to build a new high school...out in the county. Not in Salisbury.
There is no reason every single child in this county must be bused into the city for an education. There are obviously enough kids in the surrounding areas, such as Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Willards, Powelville and so on, to populate a high school.
People move where they want to be, within reason, and some want the "city" culture and lifestyle. That is wonderful for them, and I wish them the best. But some of us prefer the more traditional values and American cultural standards that made our country great. There is nothing about the ghetto or in it, that represents or upholds our legacy of freedom, innovation, ingenuity and hard work. For that reason, I do not want my child to be thrust into an environment that holds our values in contempt. And I am sure that's true for most if not all of us.
September 14, 2015 at 3:04 PM
I've been saying this for years and you Dumb Hillbillies have been to stupid to call the Board of Ed and the Wicomico County Council out on this. Notice there are no high schools in the County? They are all in the City with less than a mile drive or so between them. Mardela doesn't county so don't even go there.
You dumb Hillbillies had the opportunity to demand your new high school be built on the East Side when they rebuilt Bennett High School and you were to dumb and lazy to do anything about it. Two wrongs went on there. Rebuilding Bennett on the same land and tearing down the old Bennett. Lazy Morons.
Anonymous said...
Exactly! When I bought my home, I checked out the schools first, like any responsible parent. The demographics In the Willards/Pittsville schools represented our culture and values. I was mystified that there was not a high school with a similar amount of diversity. Maybe they're sent to private school, rather than Parkside (or worse?)
September 14, 2015 at 4:28 PM
The problem here is diversity. Stick it where the sun don't shine.
Anonymous said...
Really not being fair to WIHI here. Believe it or not it's a pretty good school with a lot of good teachers, staff and most of all students. Wicomico County needs to do away with waivers all together. It's ridiculous when kids waive to go play softball at Mardela, football at Parkside, baseball and lacrosse at Bennett. That totally unfair to both the students and to the coaches and staff of the schools losing the players. And I really love the "culture" argument; that's nothing more than code for being a racist. Parents and coaches setting lousy examples for kids is what it all amounts to.
September 14, 2015 at 5:39 PM
Aw... It didn't take long for some Wuss to drop the race card.
Obviously the shoe fits 10:16. Wear it.
You missed my point.
There is no high school with a *similar* amount of "diversity" as Pittsville.
WiHi is NOT s 'pretty good school' and I know because I teach there! It is a horrible school. Their is always a tense racial tension there and fights galore. We need an elected school board and not an appointed board!
Oh, and let me say, I know for a FACT that the school board is holding secret unannounced meetings and it's a done deal for your children in Willards/Pittsville that they have no choice and will be bussed to WiHi. I know because I was at one meeting (1/2 of the meeting) as I was called in.
If I could transfer out of WiHi I would in a heartbeat! Parents, FIGHT for the protection of your children! Unite as parents!!
"Culture and values" sums it up. No more be said.
Ot should b keeped the way it is. Parkside. Was built. For the kids on this side of the county. And it should stay that way. .....they should have never torn down Pittsville. High school if it was going to come down to this.....Parkside. is for thr east side students only...so move the other students .......a concern ed parent. Of a Parkside student....the boe....needs to get there faxs straight .....or build the high scool back at pittsville....
There is plenty of diversity at parkside. If this was a race thing, I would send my kid to a predominantly white private school.
They are always. Picking on the students coming from the east side of the county. ....rebuild. Pittsville high back problem solved. .....the buses wouldn't have as much problems either,...........lets all of us from the east side blow the doors doen on the board of ed. Over this ....they need to no we all count to.......dont just think about the kids in town.........very concerned parents of willards\ pittsville area......i have already put 1kid thur parkside and i plan on putting my freshmen threw Parkside. Until he graduate s.................lets all from thr eastside raise as much hell as possible over this..........
Superintendent Open Door Meetings:
September 16, 2015 4-6 pm
October 21, 2015 4-6 pm
They are held EVERY 3rd Wednesday, from 4-6 pm at the Board of Education. Seems like to me, that this would be a perfect opportunity to let our voices be heard and ask face to face what the hell is going on.
Think bigger 3:04. What the county should do is build a large wastewater treatment plant in Powelville. This would allow for the building of a new school on the east side of the county AND new housing developments without worrying about septic requirements, nitrogen runoff, and controll urban sprawl in the future.
Board of Ed Members emails:
To: 9/14 10:02 p.m.
Why doesn't Mardela count? It is a high school within Wicomico county.
Anyway, I guess things have changed. When Sam Walker was the director of student services, a position that was (then) in-charge of transportation, I was told by him that it was illegal to have a bus pass a school to take students to a school farther away. I was told that was why Pittsville, Willards, and Powellville all went to Parkside instead of Bennett or WiHi while apartments that were close to Parkside and Bennett went to Bennett.
The school tracks were on the website to see what school track (elementary-middle-high) your child would attend based on the home address.
Last fall, at the redistricting meeting at Pittsville school, the head of Willards town council made it clear that Willards has the waste water capacity and would welcome having a high school in Willards.
Willards High School would be as small as Mardela and too many white kids.
Building a high school in Willards would make more sense.
Keep the central part of Salisbury in Wi-Hi, West kids to JMB
South Kids to Parkside and Mardela is what it is.
It wouldn't be small for long..."too many white kids"...said no one with kids in school, ever...
The schools in Pittsville and Willards are about 95% white, but there is no high school in this county more than about 55% white.
The only reason I bought a house in fruitland and pay double taxes was so my kids could go to a good school. It's not fair to let people move around schools. If that is the case I should sell my house in fruitland and move to Pittsville where houses and taxes are a lot cheaper.
Take it from someone who moved and stayed in Wicomico County to change our school district. Don't stay in the county. If you are in the process or planning to move I would consider a different state. But at the very least cross over to Worcester County if you have a vested interest in the area.
I personally know two teachers that ate leaving Wicomico County and moving to Worcester County. Why? So their own kids don't have to attend Wicomico schools. Enough said.
Yes, I am black and my four children went to WiHi. One of my son is a medical doctor the other is a chemical engineer. My daughter is a physician assistant, the other is financial analyst. It's not school per se but your children's determination and parent tolerance.
How long ago did your children attend there? Things are not the same as they were even 5 years ago. It is not a suitable environment for mu child. Sorry if that offends people. Plenty of diversity at parkside. If I wanted my kid in a predominantly white school, I would send him to a private school. I want him to be around all types of people. But, not at the cost of his safety or school performance.
WI Hi hasn't lost any students to violence. Remember the rape was on Parkside watch you cant blame the staff for the action of the kids.There are a lot a good students and Staff at Wi Hi the board doesn't disclose nor does the press release what goes on in our school system. There are a lot a mean people in Pittsville and Willards. Stop all special exception and then take a look at the student population at each School. There are a lot of attacks on the staff at Wi Hi news flash people if your teen is crazy at home they are even crazier and nastier at school.
2:30pm You did a fantastic job, then. And there is ZERO excuse for others not to do exactly what you did, to keep them out of gangs, off the streets, and in school to succeed in life. It's lazy, neglectful "parents" who are usually the ones whose kids end up as dropouts and criminals. And the ones who cry "boo-hoo-hoo he was a goooooood boy" when he gets himself killed.
From what I understand, things have gotten much worse over the past several years, at Wi-Hi, since yours graduated. We need more "good kids" like yours (and mine!) and good parents...regardless of race.
Yrs, but the rapist, was bussed to parkside from wihi, for cte. So.
Hasn't lost any students to violence. How sweet. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. Just means that they have been extremely lucky. Only a matter of time. For that matter, at any of our schools. Only takes one. I can say that walking through the crowd at the football game after parkside won, wad exceptionally uncomfortable. People just standing and blocking the parking lot, just waiting for something to happen. I will say this too. Sitting in the stands, with some of the wihi students, who yes, they were black, and were very pleasant. As were the whites. Everyone in that section at least enjoyed the very close game. It is unfortunate that there are people of all races, who make the rest look bad.
2:30 is full of it.
Riiiiiiiight. Sorry but statistically speaking there is no way.
Each high school in this area has it's own personality, and these personalities have lasted a LONG time. Through several changes of staff and principals. WiHi has always been the drug user/ghetto school, Parkside is the melting pot and home of the athletes, Bennett is split between the have and the have-nots, but mostly college bound and artsy. Mardela, is out of the city and out of the loop. No one remembers them and they are generally ignored. This has been the way since I moved here many years ago.
Discipline policies related to reducing referrals/suspensions of minority students may or may not improve school safety and focus on learning. We shall see. If discipline worsens, look for parents to resist redistricting even more than they have previously.
I bought in Pittsville last year for this very reason. If this redistricting happens, it will ruin everything. 1) I won't be able to resell my house because of the high school and 2) my children won't be able to go to my alma-mater. How can we keep the county from doing this? Delmar didn't get touched. What did they do to prevent this?
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