The judge who ordered defiant Kentucky clerk Kim Davis to jail last week for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses has subsequently ordered her release from the custody of the U.S. Marshal.
“Defendent Davis shall be released from the custody of the U.S. Marshal forthwith,” read an order from U.S. District Judge David Bunning, according to BuzzFeed. “Defendant Davis shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.”
that's fair
Wonder if the licenses issued since her imprisonment and those subsequent will be deemed void? Probably depends on how the wording in the state or local law is written....
Now the judge should resign for failure to give a American Citizen BAIL on the first Day.
Revoke them.
what law? who's law? seems the law is whatever anyone wants it to mean anymore!
mans law! what a freakin joke!
not sure why you are having such a hard time understanding what law the are speaking of. It is in all the papers.
2:07 You seem to be right, Kim Davis must obey Constitutional Law ,but Barry Obama does not.
Now what is she going to do to get more attention?
3:05 Having real convictions that you are willing to go to jail for is obviously a foreign concept to you. Nobody is TRYING to get attention.
I'm sure she would rather not have the attention.
It's the principle of the matter. If it was me, I'd
simply resign the post.
More turmoil, division and hostility for the NWO cause. THE USA has to go. Hidden dangers of the rainbow agenda, (destroy christianity) and their warriors are on the attack
More turmoil, division and hostility for the NWO cause. THE USA has to go. Hidden dangers of the rainbow agenda, (destroy christianity) and their warriors are on the attack
Really???? Because it seems the person on the attack is this good Christian women. You know the one that has been married like 7 times and has like 5 kids several out of wedlock.. If she would have just done her job,none of us would be talking about any of this. What a joke.
What a shame
The SCOTUS CANNOT make laws!!!! CONGRESS makes laws, and is prohibited by the First Amendment to make ANY law "...respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
So, the SCOTUS ruling is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and she broke no laws.
Why can't you people get this?
Oh, "...it's in all the papers and all!"
LOL! What a dumba...
She was practicing her religion lawfully.
Your statement demonstrates how profoundly ignorant you are of American rule of law. It's religious zealots like you that terrify me.
6:41, then name the law she broke and the jail penalty attached to it. Look it up. I'll wait right here with all the others!
Even if the ruling was somehow legal, she took the job and the oath before it was made.
"Ex Post Facto" ring s frigging bell with you?
What about the GAY mayor in san fransico that broke the law when he married 4000 people ? Knowing it was Illegal.
@4:45 She is "on the attack" for standing up for her religous belief?? I dont recall reading or hearing anything about her attacking anyone. She held this position BEFORE SCOTUS ruled to legalize gay marriage. She is simply standing up for HER religous beliefs. It seems to me by your post it is you doing the attacking. Listing all of her "sins"...cause you are perfect, right?? If YOU have the right to push your beliefs, why doesnt she?? It's a two way street not a rainbow highway. Get over yourself.
You should trade in your matlock ceral vox legal degree for a tin foil hat. This country was founded on the notion of separation of church and state. No individual holding office is permitted to impose their religious views in the administration of their duties. So you wait right there with your bible and your juju beads while I look for a picture book that walks you thru this. Moron.
What about it?
I think David Allen Coe is my hero. I think the pole cats need to be thrown in a sac and tossed in the river.
If separation of church and state why did SCOTUS rule it was legal?? They had no right but I guess that's ok with you.
After the dust settles, the licenses will be found to be null and void. The licenses must have her signature to be valid. Anyone signing "for" her, even using her signature stamp, is committing forgery, INCLUDING the Judge..
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