The victim is identified as Dommeir D. Deshields, 21, of the 700-block of Church Street, Salisbury, Md. His body has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death.
Shortly before 11:30 a.m. today, officers from the Salisbury Police Department responded to 911 calls reporting shots fired in the area near the intersection of Anne and Baker streets in Salisbury, Md. Responding officers found the victim lying in the street and determined he had sustained multiple gunshot wounds. The victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.
The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit was requested to respond and take the lead on this investigation. Additional assistance is being provided by State Police Criminal Enforcement Division investigators, as well as detectives, officers and deputies from the Salisbury Police Department and Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office. State Police crime scene technicians processed the shooting scene.
The preliminary investigation indicates the victim was walking on the street when a suspect approached and shot him with an unknown type of firearm. A suspect description is not known at this time.
Investigators have been interviewing witnesses and residents in the area throughout the day. Crime scene evidence has been transported to the State Police Forensic Sciences Division crime laboratory for analysis.
Anyone with information about this murder is urged to contact Maryland State Police at the Salisbury Barrack at 410-749-3101, or Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore at 410-548-1776. Callers may remain anonymous.
Come on Bury, you can still catch Baltimore record by the weekend.
complete chaos. Savages. 11:30 in the morning just blocks from the Christian Shelter, State's Attorney's Office, etc. We have gone to hell in a handbasket
check out md case search. this guy is bad news and no loss to society. i thank whoever cleaned up this street trash. social justice for all.
The "Bury".
Scary thing is ..... How much worse is the monster that took the trash out?
What is with this MSP Homicide Unit running every murder in Da Bury. Ireton and Duncan have no faith in the good detectives and command staff they have on board. I would shut down like Baltimore did. I guess you are only good enough to work petty crime lol. If that is actually the case why is a trooper not the chief of the Bury. Come on Babs passing the buck has become the way of you and Sweet Jimmy. I would leave that agency. It is a sinking stinking ship. Hire a Chief that leads by example not hiding behind a Black Berry. What message are you sending to your troops Babs. Teaching them to sit back and call another agency every time a body drops in the Bury is not educating or motivating your troops.
Sorry just my view. I did the work for over 25 years but what do I know. It starts at the top Babs. Grow a set and start fighting crime.
Jimmy say he will run for office. Really Jim you have f'd this city from the ground up. Time to clean this dung hole up. The fact is this not Baltimore it does not make sense for a city of this size to be ran by drugs and thugs. When was your last proactive mission to fight crime. All the local agencies need to supply man power to a street crime unit. Salisbury needs an enema.
No darn excuses. This prayer vigil is not the answer. God made cops to fight crime not embrace it !!! Stop drinking the kool aid and put boots on the ground. That goes for a LE in this county. Time to seize the day and make it clear thug life has no life in the Bury. Litards
This is really a terrible state affairs. This city is not the place it was even one generation ago. My family has lived and worked in the Salisbury area for over 175years and I am very sad to say we will be moving. Collectively we see the crime and disregard for human life reaching a crisis level with no end in sight.I am not sure what local law enforcement or the politicians can or will do but our decision, sadly, has been made.
An Eastern Shore family
It's horrible what has become of Salisbury. I came down here in the 80's to SU and stayed. I worked and raised my family here and now i cant wait to leave. The thugs are everywhere doing whatever they want, the schools are not very good. Becoming like Baltimore. Think about those thousands of apartments being built. If we've been losing jobs in Salisbury, who is moving in? Baltimore hood transplants maybe? No reason for this many new apartments. It's very sad.
MSP is much more qualified. SPD couldn't handle a traffic jam without help
They cleaned up NYC but Salisbury continue to spiral down.
So did I.
I can remember when I could walk down Camden Avenue to my college classes. Wouldn't do it nowadays, don't even really want to drive down there either.
10:02 right you are, Bab's has her boys out writing tickets for not using turn signals, and policing walmart for shoplifters. So no they are not qualified to go after murderers. spd is nothing more than a group of f'n keystone kops!
More so, how was he out of jail....??
How is this possible, Md. has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. Oh I forgot criminals don't obey the laws. Silly me.
175 yrs. Appears no worse than when lynching was a sport. Guess the equal opportunity is mind boggling
I get so sick of hearing everyone complain while sitting in their easy chair. Go out and help for a change. Do a ride-a-long with the local police....get involved in a community watch. The fact that someone is killed in daylight and there is NO DESCRIPTION of the felon is a crock. Someone saw something but in this world of self involvement no one will get involved. If your local police don't want citizen help THEN you have a problem.
ride-a-longs only distract police from their duties. it's like a night off for them since they are not allowed to bring a civilian to a possible endangerment. New York was cleaned up by the addition of nearly 3,000+ uniformed officers and that included 150 of those officer were assigned to Internal Affairs to clean up the corruption within. This is the best idea to fix Salisbury & Baltimore.
I think the investigators have identified a suspect, but need the public's help in building probable cause for an arrest warrant and that is why the lack of description.
Just spit-balling here; chances this is a retaliation for what happened with the prior shooting? This is a brash way to shoot someone, in broad daylight while walking down the street. Seems like it was meant to send a message.
Shouldn't he have been working at his job??
What can going on a ride along do idiot? We are still citizens and can't act. Sit in the car and hope I'm safe? Your so solid on doing something. Walk the beat at night and start making citizen arrests. Hold em till SPD gets there.
New York also quit bothering with bull crap charges.
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