Date of Incident: 2 August 2015
Location: 200 block of Cherry Way, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Liviu Andrei Costica, 24, Hebron, MD
Narrative: On 2 August 2015 at12:10 PM a deputy responded a residence in the 200 block of Cherry Way in Salisbury for the reported theft of a paycheck. The victim identified the suspect as an individual known as Liviu Costica of Hebron. According to the victim, the paycheck was removed from the victim’s wallet while it wasunattended and subsequently cashed by Costica.
The deputy found Costica about an hour later sitting in the parking lot of aconvenience store in Salisbury. During that encounter, the deputy discovered what was identified as a syringe and heroin in Costica’s possession. Costica stated he took the paycheck in an effort to obtain cash that he could use to purchase Heroin.
The deputy placed Costica under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Costica on a bond of $12,000.00 in the Detention Center. That bond was raised to $25,000.00 at a bond review on 3 August 2015.
Also, Costica was wanted on four outstanding warrants:
1. Violation of Probation - Unauthorized Removal of Property
2. Violation of Probation – Unauthorized Removal of Property
3. Failure to Appear – CDS Possession
4. Failure to Appear – CDS Possession
Total Bond for warrants: $75,000.00.
Charges: Theft, Possession of Heroin and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Date of Incident: 30 July 2015
Location: 100 block of Main Street, Mardela Springs, MD
Suspect: Roger Dale Wilson, 31, Delmar, DE
Narrative: On 30 July 2015 a deputy arrested Roger Wilson in connection with a complaint that he drove by a residence in Mardela Springs and shot out three windows with a pellet gun. During the investigation, the deputy learned that Wilson reportedly had some animosity with the subject who resided at that location and that this had been part of an on-going problem.
The deputy applied for and obtained a warrant for Wilson’s arrest. Upon arrest, the deputy transported Wilson to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Wilson in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property and Reckless Endangerment

Date of Incident: 2 August 2015
Location: Nanticoke Road at Bank Road, Nanticoke, MD
Suspect: Clinton Richard Hicks, 33, Tyaskin, MD
Narrative: On 2 August 2015 at 4:00PM a deputy was on patrol in the Nanticoke area when the deputy recognized Clinton Hicks operating a motor vehicle in that area. The deputy was aware of an outstanding bench warrant that had been issued for Hicks after he failed to show for a driving suspended case. The deputy stopped Hicks and took him into custody.
The deputy also charged Hicks with diving suspended again.
Hicks was detained without bond in the Detention Center.
Charges: Driving Suspended and Failure to Appear
Incident: WCSO Warrant Arrests
Date of Incident: 30 July 2015

Incident: WCSO Warrant Arrests
Date of Incident: 2 August 2015

Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 3 August 2015
Daaamn western wicomico county is awesome. Wtf is wrong with all of you. Mardela hebron and westside fill up the blotter.
So a deputy pulled over a guy because he was aware an warrant had been issued. Bull shit! Hkw did that deputy know the man hadn't taken care of that warrant earlier that day? He didn't! He pulled him over and ran his name to confirm. This is wrong and a violation of his rights.
But he hadnt taken care of it and was driving illegally now wasnt he. Keep enabling him see what that gets you. I just love how its always someone elses fault when some trash gets pinched.
If he had 'taken care' of the warrant, he wouldn't have had a problem when he got pulled over!?????
Not too smart to drive around westside with no liscens and a warrant when several leos live there and everybody knows tour business
With the license plate readers the deputies can get a "hit" just by riding near your car. That is probably all that they need in order to pull you over. Same thing goes for those who have CCW permits, I'm sure that when the cop pulls you over that they already are aware that you might have a gun on your person.
Pretty simple to figure out as he was held without bond. If he'd of taken care of it he'd be in jail not out endangering the lives of others.
daaam Salisbury - what's wrong with all you people??
Keep allowing warrantless searches and see what happens when its time for your guns.
There was no reason to pull him in the first place. And an officer has to confirm in real time of any warrants. So with no reason to pull him over the officer had no right to run his current status. This is 30 yrs of TV that's conformed the sheep as yourself to believe a cop can say " that guy had a suspended license last month, I'm gonna check him out." And does so with out any reason but that. It's wrong.
Which is true and a load of crap. Any legal law abiding citizen could be driving any persons vehicle at any given time. A tag reader says dude has a warrant and that innocent person gets pulled at gun point and the cop never actually confirmed the identity of the driver. No driving viations what so ever and an innocent person may be killed by a scared cop.
Now was be endangering others? By not having a $100 + piece of plastic that says he can drive?
Wouldn't the Maryland case search show a bench warrant had been issued? I can't find one on there. I could see if maybe it was the same officer that pulled him over the first time and he didn't show for court...but it is two different officers. Sheriff department is getting shadier by the day.
Wow I've never seen so many wrong tv law degree idiots on here.
Suspect: Liviu Andrei Costica, Obviously NOT from Hebron. Fools.
Maybe El Salvador, not Hebron.
So, the deputy sees this guy driving, recognizes him, thinks "gee, I think that guy is suspended and/or wanted, " runs his information, verified the same, and the deputy is wrong for doing his job, just because he is a "kop" (in this blog's vernacular )?WTF? We have plenty of LEOs doing knucklehead stuff across our nation, for sure, but this incident isn't one of those cases. The guy was wrong and the deputy made a good arrest. Period.
Maybe Romania, not El Salvador, Fool!
Billie Jo has had a tough 34 years.
Sharptown needs to step it up.
And the cops write the scripts. They make up rules as they go. Tweek a charge and let a judge figure it out .
Yes it's wrong. The cop dosent know for sure. And its against the law for police to run a person's info for no reason. If the guy was speeding swerving etc.... Yes.
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