CLICK 'READ MORE' below to see the entire press release. It is very long
Incident: Possession of Heroin
Date of Incident: 5 August 2015
Location: 900 block of Booth Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Dana Michelle Lyons, 30, Hebron, MD

Narrative: On 5 August 2015 at 8:47 PM a deputy approached a subject later identified as Dana Lyons of Hebron, while she was sitting in a vehicle in the 900 block of Booth Street. During the encounter, the deputy observed a container where Lyons was sitting that would be revealed to hold what the deputy identified as heroin.
The deputy placed Lyons under arrest and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance the Commissioner released Lyons on $5,000.00 unsecured bond.
Charges: Possession of CDS
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Incident: Possession of a Firearm by a Disqualified Individual
Date of Incident: 6 August 2015
Location: 4000 block of Skylar Drive, Eden, MD
Suspect: Melvin Kenneth Wolinski, 49, Eden, MD

Narrative: On 6 August 2015 at 5:16 PM a deputy responded to the 4000 block of Skylar drive for the report of a subject shooting a weapon. Upon arrival, the deputy located the individual responsible, Melvin Wolinski, who admitted to discharging a shotgun behind his home. During the subsequent investigation, the deputy recovered the shotgun but also discovered that Wolinski was prohibited from possessing the weapon due to past criminal convictions in both Wicomico and St. Mary’s Counties.
The deputy seized the shotgun and corresponding ammunition and placed Wolinski under arrest. Wolinski was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner, Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Wolinski in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charges: Possession of a Shotgun by a Disqualified Person
Possession of Ammunition while being a Prohibited Person
Incident: Vehicle break-in
Date of Incident: 6 August 2015
Location: 35000 block of Mt. Hermon Road, Parsonsburg, MD
Suspect: Jerry Allen Timmons, 21, Parsonsburg, MD

Narrative: On 6 August 2015 at 8:05 PM a deputy arrested Jerry Timmons following an investigation into the breaking into of an automobile in the Parsonsburg area. In this incident it is alleged that Timmons used a piece of concrete to smash out a window of that vehicle. The associated noise with this incident caused the vehicle’s owner to exit their residence which then caused Timmons to flee the area before he was able to steal anything from the vehicle. Timmons was positively identified by the victim during the investigation as the perpetrator of this crime.
Upon arrest the deputy transported Timmons to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Timmons on $5,000.00 unsecured bond.
Charges: Rogue and Vagabond
Malicious Destruction of Property
Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 6 August 2015
Location: Rewastico Road, Hebron, MD
Suspect: Sean Edwin Messick, 29, Hebron, MD
No photo available
Narrative: On 6 August 2015 at 11:42 PM a deputy responded to the report of an overturned vehicle on Rewastico Road. Upon speaking with the driver of the vehicle, Sean Messick, the deputy detected as strong odor of an alcoholic beverage. The odor, along with other physical indicators suggested that Messick was operating his vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Following the administration of sobriety testing, the deputy placed Messick under arrest for DUI.
During subsequent processing, Messick submitted to a breath test with a result of .24.
Messick was released upon the issuance of citations.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Failure to Control Speed to Avoid a Collision
Incident: Possession of Heroin
Date of Incident: 7 August 2015
Suspect: 1. James Armand Stofko, 24, Delmar, MD

2. Steven Kyle Olischar, 24, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 7 August 2015 at 10:27 PM a deputy stopped a vehicle in the 300 block of South Salisbury Boulevard for an obstructed windshield view and displaying an illegible rear license plate. During the stop the deputy observed indicators of possible CDS activity which prompted the scanning of the vehicle by a WCSO Drug K9. During that scan, the Drug K9 alerted to the presence of the odor of illegal drugs. Following the alert, the deputy attempted a further search of Olischar who at this time attempted to push the deputy away. Olischar then struggled against the deputy’s attempt to both search and to detain him. After a struggle, the deputy was able to detain Olischar.
Search of the vehicle revealed both Heroin and Marijuana along with related paraphernalia. Both Olischar and his passenger, James Stofko, were both placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking for processing and an initial appearance in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner released both Stofko and Olischar on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Possession of Heroin
Incident: Motor Vehicle Theft
Date of Incident: 7 August 2015
Location: 6000 block of Mary Jane Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Britani Nikol Elburn, 18, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 7 August 2015 a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office arrested Britani Elburn after catching her behind the wheel of a stolen 1995 Mercedes sedan on Craft Street in Salisbury. The vehicle’s owner had reported the vehicle stolen to the Sheriff’s Office on 31 July 2015 from the 6000 block of Mary Jane Drive and at that time Elburn was believed to have been the one who took the vehicle without permission.
Upon stopping Elburn, the deputy discovered that the license plate displayed on the vehicle was supposed to be on a utility trailer and had also been reported stolen. Furthermore, the deputy also discovered that the driver’s license of Elburn had been suspended by the State of Maryland.
Elburn was placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Elburn in the Detention Center in lieu of $35,000.00 bond.
Charges: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Theft of a Registration Plate
Driving While Suspended
Incident: Possession of CDS / Flee and Elude
Date of Incident: 9 August 2015
Location: N/B N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Andre L. Henry, 45, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 8 August 2015 at 12:03 AM, deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office attempted to pull over a vehicle operated by Andre Henry for a traffic violation. Instead of stopping, Henry attempted to flee from the deputy northbound on Salisbury Boulevard. Henry cut through the parking lot of the Centre at Salisbury and continued through to East Naylor Mill Road with the deputy in pursuit. Henry lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a light pole in the Parsons Lake neighborhood at which point he continued his flight from the deputy on foot. The deputy chased Henry down who actively struggled and resisted the deputy’s attempts to take him into custody. With the assistance of additional deputies, Henry was taken into custody.
A search of Henry’s vehicle revealed both Heroin and Cocaine. The deputy also found .357 ammunition during a further search of Henry’s vehicle. Due to previous criminal convictions, Henry is prohibited from possessing firearms and ammunition.
Henry was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Henry in the Detention Center in lieu of $15,000.00 bond.
Charges: Possession of Heroin
Possession of Cocaine
Possession of Ammunition by a Prohibited Person
Resisting Arrest
Attempt by Driver to Flee and Elude
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 9 August 2015
Location: 300 block of Cherry Way, Parsonsburg, MD
Suspect: Francis M. Cordwell, 28, Parsonsburg, MD

Narrative: On 9 August 2015 at 12:47 PM a deputy responded to a residence in the 300 block of Cherry Way for a reported domestic related altercation. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a visibly upset female. The deputy learned that the victim had asked her boyfriend, Francis Cordwell, to cease smoking marijuana in her house. It was at this point that Cordwell became mad and allegedly grabbed the victim around her throat and began choking her. The victim stated that Cordwell also threw a bottle of bleach at her and that when she fell down Cordwell kicked her in the chin.
The deputy saw obvious signs of injury along with spilled bleach that corroborated the victim’s account.
Cordwell was placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Cordwell in the Detention Center in lieu of $50,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 1st Degree
Assault 2nd Degree
Reckless Endangerment
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 10 August 2015
Location: 28000 block of Log Cabin Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Dana Lynn Chamberlin, 36, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 10 August 2015 a deputy arrested Dana Chamberlin following a complaint made that she assaulted a male subject in his residence. According to the complainant, Chamberlin offered to perform a favor in exchange for compensation. When the male subject refused and attempted to assist her back to her residence, Chamberlin allegedly assaulted him and ripped his shirt.
Upon arrest the deputy transported Chamberlin to the Central Booking unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Chamberlin on $20,000.00 unsecured bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree
Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 10 August 2015
Location: Pemberton Drive at Diamondback Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Esteban Jose Mancia, 22, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 10 August 2015 a deputy arrested Esteban Mancia following the investigation into a DUI the previous evening. In this incident it is alleged that Mancia lost control of his vehicle on Pemberton Drive causing it to flip over. Upon the arrival of the deputy to the overturned vehicle, Mancia had left the scene. Approximately two hours later Mancia turned up at PRMC at which point the deputy met with him and determined that Mancia appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Due to the odor, observed physical characteristics and statements made by Mancia, the deputy was able to develop probable cause that Mancia was operating his vehicle under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.
The deputy also discovered that Mancia’s license to drive had been suspended by the State of Maryland.
Upon arrest, the deputy transported Mancia to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Mancia in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving While Suspended
Failure of Driver to Remain at Scene of an Accident
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 11 August 2015
Damn everyone is a nightmare. What a bunch of loosers. I serioudly wish if you are cuaght in possession of heroin you should just be automatically shot so your parents can just get on with their life
From a hooker who didn't get a ride home to the cops using an obstructed wind shield to run dogs. It is frieking hilarious. The criminals and the cops. See the bonds? Stolen car N tag 35k. Coke and dope with a gun 15k. Lmao. Pathetic. All cops, commissioners, judges, and criminals are all a comedy hour that is 24/7/365.
^clueless. excellent work as usual.
That's Dr. Olischar's son. Looks like his rich daddy got him off of the assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest charges. Low life scum.
Britani has been bad. She needs a spanking!
Funny how the woman who got busted for Heroin got a $5000 bond and rich boy who also resisted arrest got released without bail.
Dana. get your s@@@ straight or you will be dead by your own means very very soon.
Your parents must be very proud of how they raised you!
Ours is a society in decay. Very sad.
The amount of bail set is influenced by multiple factors, including prior record and likelihood they will not show up for court. That is why is seems disparate.
It's about time they caught that Timmons boy he's been stealing for a long time. He has overdosed at the taxpayers expense. It's a wonder he is still alive. I bet the state slaps him on the wrist and he will be back stealing again. LOSER
Other factors exist too, like the officer screwed up (again) and didn't meet probable cause... The defendant's criminal history plays a part
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