DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Watch How Crowd Made Up of Veterans, Bikers Reacts to Woman’s Anti-Police Rant at NYC Flag Burning
A crowd largely made up of bikers and veterans who were counter protesting a planned flag burning in New York City drowned out a woman who accused police of racial profiling with a “USA, USA” chant.
The incident took place Wednesday evening as dozens opposed to the burning of the American flag flocked to Brooklyn’s Fort Greene park to counter-protest anti-police activists who had planned to set the stars and stripes ablaze.
When an unidentified woman criticized the NYPD, a veteran who identified himself as “Joe” told her to “take it out on the government, not the flag.” The man then led the crowd in a prolonged “USA, USA” chant, drowning out her criticism of police.
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why would they stop her from expressing her opinion under the 1st, something they supposedly fought to protect?
She is anti-social at best, anti-American at worst. Most REAL Americans are sick and tired of listening to those idiots.
These I hate American idiot, and that is what they are, don't know history at all, and that will be the death of them. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Saddam, all killed off those that put them in power, these idiots would be the first to go under Emperor Obama.
They merely expressed their opinion under the first amendment louder.
@1:50 because the same people who fought to protect that right are completely disrespected when you stomp on and set that flag on fire. They defend that flag, with their life. So if you are going to protest, find a more respectful way to get your point across. I would think desecrating the flag would be a crime. In other countries you would get locked up without a doubt.
It does not appear from the video that she she stopped "expressing her opinion", Therefore her rights were not violated. This group shows their ignorance by disrespecting the law and our flag. Many fought for our country, losing life and limb, so that a POS lady can disrespect policemen and our flag. She will be the first crying out for help from our soldiers and our policemen but they will not exist when ISIS takes control.. She can look up at the ISIS flag, while being beaten, raped, or beheaded because "Old Glory" will no longer exist..
People need to wake up and think about what is good about the USA and being free. Showing respect would be a good start. Actually most people are respectful. The few who are causing the biggest problems have become the priorities, and the most entitled. The vast majority of us have no say as "those problems" do as they please, including burning our country's flag, thanks to our Nation's leaders., i. I side with "Joe the Biker" and wish to chant "USA" at the disrespectful, uneducated "problem folks",.
They didn't stop her. They were also expressing their right. They just happen to be louder than she was.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
They didn't stop her. They were also expressing their right. They just happen to be louder than she was.
July 2, 2015 at 3:56 PM
they were intentionally drowning her out. suppressing her opinion. just because one doesn't like what another one has to say does not negate her right to say it and be heard. I really have a problem with anyone doing anything just because there is a flag involved. Every country has a flag and do things that are not good, in fact some are evil.
All this false patriotism leads to wars, oppression, murder, everything under the sun. If anyone wants to have pride in something, take pride on how good a human being you are, how well you treat others, how moral you are, how you treat others how you want to be treated.
People allow all kinds of evil to florish but someone steps on or burns a piece of fabric and they lose their minds.
As far as the military 'defending' this flag with their lives, that is true in that they will die for what they have been brainwashed into believing and don't realize what really is at play here. The U.S. is a war mongering nation plain and simple. We don't go to war because of any threat or invasion of our shores. We go to war for profit, domination and forcing our beliefs and greed on others.
I am not a socialist, communist, liberal or whatever the current pc derogatory phrase is at the moment. I do like to think as a realist. That symbol in the form of a colored piece of fabric does not control me and I don't allow any actions taken against it to control me.
When attacked, I defend. When offended, I ignore. A standing army is only for defense of an invasion, not for world dominance, which is really what the goal is, through blind worship of a colored piece of cloth.
There are much better ways to express one's self other than arguing or killing over a flag. It's about the same as saluting a pb and j.
456, The fact that one crowd drowned out the other is proof that freedom of speech was practiced at that event! If one drowned out the other, then there was a majority there.
Get over it!
Anonymous Steve said...
456, The fact that one crowd drowned out the other is proof that freedom of speech was practiced at that event! If one drowned out the other, then there was a majority there.
Get over it!
July 2, 2015 at 6:21 PM
You need to get over it and open your eyes and begin to treat others like human beings. Majority is just mob rule. Like two wolves and a sheep debating what is for dinner. Guess who wins and who loses.
7:03 I said the same thing when your mob leader Nancy Pelosi said "we have to pass it to see what's in it " and Harry Reid gave it to us up the arse.
veterans in wheelchairs should roll up on scum like this and spit on the-treasonous bastards.
Blogger Pete da Pirate said...
7:03 I said the same thing when your mob leader Nancy Pelosi said "we have to pass it to see what's in it " and Harry Reid gave it to us up the arse.
July 2, 2015 at 8:18 PM
I don't know you have to assume she is my mob leader, or anyone else'. Can't you and others argue with facts instead of doing personal attacks? Just like those people who try to shout down others who have a different viewpoint. It would seem you are a mob leader, or aspire to be one. I wouldn't follow you, or many other people for that matter.
When people like me think for themselves and go against popular opinion it sure gets lonely. But I like it. Wide is the gate but narrow is the path. ( if you and others know what that means. )
Sometimes people just to bitch about something to feel like they are needed. I think this is the case. I bet if we put her in another country for a few years she would change her tune.
I will always take the role of the Wolves. Sheaple are what's for dinner. Really a bad analogy. One should pick their place and time to express their view. She was preaching to the wrong congregation.
One should pick their place and time to express their view. She was preaching to the wrong congregation.
July 3, 2015 at 12:00 PM
Oh, like free speech zones?
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