From 2013 Article in Ocean City Today showing 2011 O.C. Government Salaries. Information on the total amount spent on employee benefits in 2011 was not available, but will appear in a later issue. CITY MANAGER ........................................173,404.80 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ...............................152,669.64 FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR ...............................146,860.93 CITY ENGINEER .......................................146,860.43 CHIEF OF POLICE .....................................144,676.89 RECREATION/PARKS DIRECTOR ...........................140,321.75 PLANNING & COMM DEV DIRECTOR ........................140,321.46 EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECTOR .........................140,150.34 FIRE MARSHAL ........................................135,445.22 POLICE CAPTAIN.......................................132,617.77 POLICE CAPTAIN.......................................126,743.38 POLICE CAPTAIN.......................................123,803.60 POLICE CAPTAIN.......................................123,328.39 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIR ..........................121,828.01 GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR ...........................118,892.80 PW SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER............................118,541.49 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ................................116,773.06 FIRE/EMS DEPUTY CHIEF ...............................116,561.04 TRANS SUPER..........................................114,746.27 PW DEPUTY DIRECTOR ..................................114,400.00 RISK/CLAIMS MANAGER..................................113,846.15 POLICE OFFICER ......................................113,654.21 POLICE SERGEANT......................................112,902.18 WASTEWATER SUPERINTENDENT............................112,553.76 POLICE LIEUTENANT....................................111,060.18 CONVENTION CENTER DIRECTOR ..........................110,441.00 POLICE LIEUTENANT....................................110,198.26 POLICE SERGEANT .....................................110,147.23 HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR .............................110,000.73 GOLF SUPERINTENDENT .................................109,193.03 ELECTRONIC SERVICES MANAGER .........................108,953.07 POLICE LIEUTENANT....................................108,715.45 FF/EMS 2ND LIEUTENANT ...............................108,455.06 POLICE CORPORAL .....................................107,896.52 POLICE LIEUTENANT ...................................106,798.83 POLICE LIEUTENANT ...................................106,174.58 POLICE LIEUTENANT ...................................106,101.83 FIRE MARSHAL/DEPUTY CHIEF ...........................106,079.84 PW CHIEF DEPUTY DIRECTOR ............................106,004.49 BUDGET MANAGER ......................................105,817.00 POLICE SERGEANT......................................105,732.65 RECREATION/PARKS ASST DIRECTOR ......................104,114.08 POLICE SERGEANT .....................................103,951.94 ASSISTANT FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR .....................103,947.78 FF/EMS 2ND LIEUTENANT ...............................103,433.64 POLICE SERGEANT .....................................102,788.29 CONVENTION OPERATIONS MANAGER .......................102,432.47 POLICE SERGEANT .....................................102,018.75 POLICE LIEUTENANT ...................................101,634.12 POLICE LIEUTENANT....................................100,815.17 CONVENTION SALES/MARKETING DIR ......................100,139.11 PW MAINTENANCE MANAGER ...............................99,171.67 POLICE LIEUTENANT ....................................98,584.78 FIRE/EMS ASSISTANT CHIEF .............................98,468.62 FIRE/EMS LIEUTENANT ..................................98,331.83 SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR ..............................98,066.39 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV....................................97,917.85 POLICE SERGEANT ......................................97,392.00 POLICE OFFICER .......................................97,305.75 SERGEANT .............................................97,201.11 FF/EMS 2ND LIEUTENANT ................................97,141.47 PW CONSTRUCTION MANAGER ..............................97,086.10 POLICE CORPORAL ......................................96,578.88 CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL ..............................96,363.51 POLICE SERGEANT ......................................95,965.90 FIRE/EMS LIEUTENANT ..................................95,884.27 POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS ...........................95,668.59 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV ...................................95,494.39 POLICE SERGEANT ......................................94,559.79 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT .................................94,112.25 POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS ...........................93,961.25 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV ...................................93,443.18 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV ...................................92,126.79 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV....................................91,928.81 CITY CLERK ...........................................91,743.69 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV ...................................91,729.54 FF/EMS 2ND LIEUTENANT.................................91,605.78 POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS............................91,518.83 POLICE CORPORAL.......................................91,497.41 COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION MGR ..........................91,437.76 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV....................................90,818.71 ENGINEERING MANAGER ..................................90,641.28 GOLF PROFESSIONAL/MGR ................................90,572.99 FIRE/EMS CAPTAIN......................................90,504.00 FIRE/EMS CAPTAIN......................................90,503.90 FIRE/EMS CAPTAIN......................................90,503.85 POLICE CORPORAL.......................................90,248.81 POLICE CORPORAL.......................................89,220.94 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV....................................89,103.53 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV....................................89,016.33 POLICE CORPORAL.......................................88,997.91 POLICE SERGEANT.......................................88,981.66 POLICE SERGEANT.......................................88,804.80 POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS............................88,680.56 FIREFIGHTER/EMT IV....................................88,444.03

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Ocean City's Top 100 Salaries
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Unbelievable -- please double check!
I am a fire Lieutenant in Salisbury making $60,000.
Don't I feel raped! Thanks Jim Ireton and Jake Day you worthless POS wannabe leaders. Your biggest concerns are fighting the Republicans and passing Gay Sex Marriage. Damned Losers.
The rise and fall of the middle class.
These salaries are a disgrace ! What a racket - gravy train.
Holy Crap Batman!! This outrageous!! Anywhere else cops make about $35-40 a year. Talk about overpaid doughnut eaters!
$100+k for a police sergeant?
Golf professional .......$90,000
Thats crazy
Anon 7:07 pretty simple, apply For a job in OC. I did and made this list.
Dear 7:07 am ,
You make 60 grand a year , what are your areas of responsibility ?
What do you do to allow this salary ? What productive activity do you perform in a week or a year?
I already have an idea of these questions , the answer is " not much".
Now that you know what these people make , why don't you apply for a job there? At least thank the editor for giving you information you should have known.
You know and I know that Salisbury is the laziest fire dept. around.
Hold on to your job , you may need it and you may have to earn it come 2016.
Does this include their benefit insurance, retirement, paid holidays, etc??
Good for those guys. For those complaining...if you're unhappy with your something about it.
If you're not satisfied making $60K year...make a change.
The Town of Ocean City generates huge revenues, and is able to pay out larger salaries.
It's like the old Sam Kinison bit about how to solve world hunger. "move to where the food is".
Fire Dept. just hired two more from the Salisbury losers club, maybe someday you will get hired. Word has it, over a dozen applied from Salisbury Fire to the two open positions in OC. That speaks volumes. Now when you come over little boys, better be prepared to work.
There is a new class emerging from the collapsing government. The Oppressing Class. It pays to be a cop.
Read the header, the info is what was paid in 2011. That means it includes over time before taxes. IT IS NOT BASE SALARIES. Those that were willing to put in the hours that year were able to reap the rewards. Get off your butts and go work 100 plus hours every two weeks and see what you pay does.
Worth every dime. All of these people work harder in four months than most small-to-medium sized town managers do in an entire year.
Invite 300,000 people a day to, say, Salisbury, and you'll find the money to attract high quality people to run the show, which is exactly what Ocean City does.
They deserve every penny. Sad fact is Salisbury is spending hundreds of thousands training and losing people. Duncan and Ireton keep hiring people who can not make through the police academy. Many that do graduate leave asap to better paying departments. It is a real problem the council needs to address. It is true you get what you pay for.
1:25 100 hours over 2 weeks? That's cute.
Like I said, overpaid.
OMG the ticks in Ocean City can't hold a candle to SFD, after all, we have to work everyday not just in season.
You would wet your huggies if you had to fight a fire in a building over 2 stories. You would probably throw a temper tantrum also if you couldn't speed up and down the roads because of traffic in OC.
this doesn't include benefits, insurance, take home vehicles etc. Also, retire for half of your last salary for the rest of your life. This is why the tax rates go up.
I have said it many times on this blog - stay the heck out of OC. They will find a way to pick your pockets - and all vacationers pockets - and then smile at you while your are exiting the (2) bridges that lead you into OC.
Scoundrels, corruption, villains, - that is the best way to describe the Ocean City Government. How do I know - because I worked down there for over a decade.
And as for Jim Mathias - screw him and his horse that he rode into Town on. He was part of the problem that contributed to such a bureaucratic morass.
What can I say - GREECE 2.
That's a LOT of parking tickets...
I remember reading in one of the local newspapers a while back that the Ocean City convention center director quit to take the same job in Tampa Bay Florida. Tampa bay has a population of about 400,000 with an additional 200,000 people in surrounding towns. It also has two sports franchises and the convention center hosted the 2012 Republican National Convention. Funny thing about the article is that the O.C. convention director took a pay cut to go to Tampa Bay.
They also get great benefits and retirement. Lets say someone on the list is making $100,00 a year when they retire. They get half of that salary for life. Lets say they live 20 years after retirement. That means they get 1 million dollars after they retired. This is going to backfire.
Here is the problem. Property owners that don't live in town pay higher taxes than residents but can't vote. There are over 28,000 properties in O.C. Only about 7000 year round residents of which about 3500 actually vote.
These people are way overpaid. Look at the two biggest businesses in ocean city. Restaurants and hotels. I guarantee you that managers of these places don't get anything near these salaries. I also can tell you that they probably work a lot harder and longer hours throughout the year.
These salaries are way out of line. Think about it like this. Ocean City is busy about 4 months or 120 days a year. That means in that 4 month time period assuming a 5 day work week a police officer will work 80 days in the busy season. He will work another 160 days when it's dead in town. Not bad work if you can get it.
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