Incident: WCSO Activity
Date of Incident: 4 June 2015
Location: Wicomico County


Date of Incident: 4 June 2015
Location: 4000 block of Skylar Drive, Eden, MD
Suspect: Jack Joseph Elliott, 67, Eden,MD
Narrative: On 4 June 2015 at 9:34AM a deputy arrested Jack Elliott after Elliott called the Sheriff’s Office toreport that he had been the victim of a theft. During the course of theinvestigation the deputy ran a routine query on Elliott and discovered an openwarrant that was issued back in 2012 following an allegation he dumped sugarinto another individual’s gas tank.
Thedeputy took Elliott into custody and transported him to the Central BookingUnit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner.Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Elliott on PersonalRecognizance.
Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property

Date of Incident: 4 June 2015
Location: Priscilla Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Shaquille O. Thomas, 20,Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 4 June 2015 at 3:35PM a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Shaquille Thomas after observing thatthe vehicle’s registration was expired. Upon making contact with Thomas, thedeputy detected a strong odor of marijuana emanating from within the vehicle.Upon conducting a search, the deputy recovered what was determined to be overan ounce of marijuana. Further search of the vehicle revealed a substantialsupply of clear baggies.
Dueto the amount located in connection with the empty baggies, the deputy chargedThomas with Possession with the Intent to Distribute. Following an initialappearance in front of the District Court Commissioner, Thomas was detained inthe detention Center in lieu of $31,000.00 bond.
Charges: Possession of Marijuanawith the Intent to Distribute
Incident: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
Date of Incident: 4 June 2015
Location: 400 block of Nomreh Rd., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Monty S. Hall, 40, Frankford,DE
Narrative: On 4 June 2015 at 5:15PM a deputy arrested Monty Hall following a complaint he borrowed a vehiclefrom his employer and failed to return it by the specified deadline. Followingthe complaint a warrant for the arrest of Hall was issued.
Uponarrest, Hall was transported to the Central Booking where he was processed andtaken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following the initial appearance,the Commissioner detained Hall in the Detention Center in lieu of $17,000.00bond.
Charges: Unauthorized Use of aMotor Vehicle
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 5 June 2015
RE: Monty Hall...
Was it.....
Wait for it.....
So you call the police to report a crime and they automatically run you for wants and warrants?
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