
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Mayor Ireton Wants You To Celebrate Gay Pride Night Tonight: But Closes Adult Book Stores


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I am floored that my Mayor of Salisbury is pushing for Gay Pride in Salisbury when we have crime out of control and housing going into foreclosure. This man is a lunatic when he puts gay sex as a priority. This man is a sick individual and those people that like his page are just as sick. You idiots are morons and I bet the majority of them don't even live in the city limits.

Anonymous said...

no thanks

Anonymous said...

Did he force them to close for the evening? Those adult stores have more gay people then straight. Hurts their business!

Anonymous said...

This country needs isis to take care of these situations lol.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Ireton had spent as much time since he's been in office going to and speaking with Labinal executives about their concerns in stead of being in bars, 100's of people wouldn't be without jobs. An unprofessional play baby is all he is.

Anonymous said...

Muir Cummings Boda and Chuck Cook likes this.

Jane Richards Szabaga - Jim, I would SO go to this if I still lived in the DC area. I'd drive all the way to your town to see you!
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Beth Reid - Love this!!!
22 hours ago · Like

John D Robinson Sr. - I will be there with my flip flops on!
20 hours ago · Like · 2

Kimberly Meadows - Where is the brick room?
20 hours ago · Like

Crystal Shipe Hirsch - I would love to see this!
19 hours ago · Like

Jim Byrd - Epic, I know there is some pet shop boys in there.
14 hours ago · Like · 1

Cori Puckett - I definitely think I will be going tonite
30 minutes ago · Like

Anonymous said...

I know I won't be going. When I just ride by that place I feel like I have to have a shower.

Anonymous said...

Boycott tbe brick room 24/7 i don't care wbo owns it Joe.

Anonymous said...

God, I can't stand looking at that dude. I want to puke every time I see him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am no fan of iretons, but is gay just implied by sbynews or does it actually say it somewhere?

Anonymous said...

San Francisco of the east here we come!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this is just an April fool's joke.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

April 1, 2015 at 3:09 PM

Seriously what??

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it will be a truly "gay" happy time for one and all!!!

Anonymous said...

The only april fools are the ones who go to this.

Anonymous said...

Jim Byrd - Epic, I know there is some pet shop boys in there.

Pet Shop Boys?? Why does that sound gay?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am no fan of iretons, but is gay just implied by sbynews or does it actually say it somewhere?

April 1, 2015 at 3:13 PM

Look at the picture silly. WTF do you think "Pride Night" and a gay mayor means. Liberal Puke!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hopefully this is just an April fool's joke.

April 1, 2015 at 3:22 PM

It's not. It was done last week or the week before with the same Homo Mayor. It is Gay Pride and everyone who has any intelligence knows it.

Anonymous said...

I went joy riding last week because I was bored and took my 12 y/o daughter with me. I wanted to see how downtown Salisbury was happening since Ireton, Day and a couple of their friends keep promoting it. I parked in front of the Brick Room and took a look inside just to see what it looked like. My young daughter said "Dad there is nothing, but guys in there." We left.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the Mayor of Salisbury get arrested on a beach in Rehoboth Beach for frolicking with another man and than ran from the cops?

Anonymous said...

@ 3:31 PM I mean Seriously, is this happening? Can't this school teacher/mare find more productive things to maybe grading papers or making Salisbury more liveable?

Anonymous said...

there is a chamber of commerce business afterhours there tonight. Things could get interesting.

Anonymous said...

Look until the normal people start pulling the protests like the gays do..nothing will change..BOYCOTT sounds like a step in the right direction..i for one have scratched that place off of my list..any others?

Steve Betz said...

Seriously, how do we go about a recall election? I guess it's really too late, save the energy and resources to elect a real mayor in November. Thinking of starting a new party, "WORKING DEMOCRATS".


What are the
owners of the BRICK ROOM THINKING? i will never go back,Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Ireton SUCKS.You know he will really suck when he turns Salisbury into a Queer's Paradice and we all know thats exactly what he wants.Gays want everybody to think they are normal,they aren't normal they are abhorant POS.I bet half of Rehoboth Beach will be in Salisbury to support Jimmy's big night.

Anonymous said...

You must be young. Supposedly the band called THE PET SHOP BOYS were gay.

Anonymous said...

He's riding the gay tolerance wave from the last 10 years. He too stupid to realize that the wave hit the beach and people are tired of the in your face GAY!!

Jim said...

8 more years of work and I am gone! Salisbury along with the entire Peninsula has become another liberal cesspool. Look out South I come!!!

Anonymous said...

I could care less if he promotes gay pride or whatever but it gets old that he does devote so much time to parties and very little to any meaningful economic development.
What has he done to get any one of the businesses on the Western Shore who are looking to relocate to come to Salisbury.
It seems as if his specialty lies in testing bar stools and that is not one bit acceptable for a mayor in one of the most economically depressed areas in the state.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday - Pride Night
The one and only party in all of Salisbury for anyone and everyone. A Hump Day party where is doesn't matter who you hump.

Anonymous said...

F the mayor,he is a walking peodophile.

Anonymous said...

We will soon be known as REHOBURY.

Anonymous said...

Honestly jim! no one cares if your gay we just don't like a shoved in our faces. the fact that you haven't done anything productive as a mayor speaks volumes of the lack of your abilty to lead..sissyfits dont work, as you are now your incompetence and lack of any accomplishments leaves yourself open to ridicule...not your gayness! good riddance to you! Poor Carolina..i want leave this libtarded state too!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut your face! Isis is never worth mentioning until its eradicated

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an excuse to party and get drunk to me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
F the mayor,he is a walking peodophile.

April 1, 2015 at 5:33 PM

I was thinking the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
@ 3:31 PM I mean Seriously, is this happening? Can't this school teacher/mare find more productive things to maybe grading papers or making Salisbury more liveable?

April 1, 2015 at 4:08 PM


Anonymous said...

What are the
owners of the BRICK ROOM THINKING? i will never go back,Yuck.

April 1, 2015 at 5:05 PM

He's gay. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I could care less if he promotes gay pride or whatever but it gets old that he does devote so much time to parties and very little to any meaningful economic development.
What has he done to get any one of the businesses on the Western Shore who are looking to relocate to come to Salisbury.
It seems as if his specialty lies in testing bar stools and that is not one bit acceptable for a mayor in one of the most economically depressed areas in the state.

April 1, 2015 at 5:30 PM

When people like you care less you fools create the problem.

Anonymous said...

Scratch their eyes out Jimmy Boy.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if his boy toy Stevens will be there?

Anonymous said...

Get em on Video.

Anonymous said...

How sleazy can he get???? The mayor is a total disgrace. Gay Pride?? there is nothing to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Its not the first.
Check out Feb 25th.
He has done it before.
Last poster advertised booze prices.
Keepin it classy Lierton

Anonymous said...

It's a party just for him and his friends. It's his party and he can cry if he wants to. map

Anonymous said...

the mayor is a dj?

JoeAlbero said...

WOW, Look what already hit the top 5 of the week.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. What does gay pride have to do with adult bookstores?

Anonymous said...

Is there something wrong with being gay?

Anonymous said...

Ask god,fool.

Anonymous said...

Pervs just like the mayor.

Anonymous said...

No there isn't. Today,it appears there's something wrong with being straight.

Anonymous said...

It is against the law of nature.

Anonymous said...

It's disturbing that this mayor is encouraging college students to go to a bar. He should be encouraging them to volunteer, help clean up neighborhoods, whatever but should never ever encourage them to party which we all know involves alcohol. There is a great lack of not only professionalism but maturity as well that should concern everyone. He's edited since it's been posted here.

Anonymous said...

John D Robinson Sr. - I will be there with my flip flops on!
20 hours ago · Like · 2


Wearing his flip flops and his thong!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We will soon be known as REHOBURY.

April 1, 2015 at 5:39 PM

It will always be GhettoBury. Those pansy Homo's won't like getting mugged and beat up by the thugs so they won't stay long. I can hear them squealing like a girl now flailing their limp wrists...STOOPPP!! STOOOPPP!

Anonymous said...

I believe I would rather be seen in the Red Light District store before I would be seen in The Gay Pride Brick Room. That is GROOOOSSS!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's disturbing that this mayor is encouraging college students to go to a bar. He should be encouraging them to volunteer, help clean up neighborhoods, whatever but should never ever encourage them to party which we all know involves alcohol. There is a great lack of not only professionalism but maturity as well that should concern everyone. He's edited since it's been posted here.

April 1, 2015 at 10:31 PM

I agree with you 100%. This is not what I want my Mayor to do. I did not vote for Jim because Joe was the best choice.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is against the law of nature.

April 1, 2015 at 10:21 PM

And it is against the law in most states.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No there isn't. Today,it appears there's something wrong with being straight.

April 1, 2015 at 10:15 PM

You say there is nothing wrong with being gay and gay sex? You seriously are a special kind of stupid aren't you.

Anonymous said...

Here's something to think about. Let's just take a small percentage of gay people and put them on 2 different Islands.

Let's put five 20 year old gay men on Island 1.

Let's put five 20 year old gay women on Island 2.

They are the only humans on the island and both Islands are 50 miles apart.

The number 5 is used for comprehension purposes. Let's just say this percentage is representative of all gays in the world. After all the Dems are pushing for all humans to be gay because they think it is ok and they think it is normal.

Since now everyone is gay what do you think will happen to these 2 populations in the "new" world?

Anonymous said...

DJ Mayor? Wow. Is he a relative of Rob Ford? What he does in his personal time is his business but to drag his job title into being drunk, etc. is beyond unprofessional.

What a shame and embarrassment to the community.

I can assure you his ego is bursting because a few of his minions are supporting him, but this just makes him look like some immature drunken 0 year old. Not a professional community official.

I agree with previous commenters that he should be promoting more business like activities and not drunken gay orgies.

I have no respect for this person, and consider him unable to make good decisions based on this continued bad judgement and public display of bad conduct.

Keep is classy smallsbury.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time for straights to sue the in-your-face homosexuals for affecting our emotional stability of something. This is ridiculous! Especially coming from an elected official. But, then, Salisbury voters spoke, which tells you where Salisbury is headed. Glad I'm outta there!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's disturbing that this mayor is encouraging college students to go to a bar. He should be encouraging them to volunteer, help clean up neighborhoods, whatever but should never ever encourage them to party which we all know involves alcohol. There is a great lack of not only professionalism but maturity as well that should concern everyone. He's edited since it's been posted here.

April 1, 2015 at 10:31 PM"

Yes this is sad. If you view his Facebook there isn't any kind of community outreach projects/events posted. Nothing but bar related activities and posts attempting to ridicule and bring down the republicans. We live in another county and happened to drive around Salisbury a few weeks ago and I was stunned at how dilapidated the area is. Yes there are a few small pockets here and there that are nice, but the overall picture was one of overall poverty. It was school day and time and it was an eye opener to see so many school aged children out running the streets and people openly drinking alcohol who you can tell are most likely unemployed. I'm not exactly sure where this was but over and beyond Salisbury Brick Co we saw this. The south Baltimore areas of Brooklyn and that area of Ritchie Hwy comes to mind when I visit Salisbury anymore. That highway is like 13 and if you go off of it onto any side street you are certain that you may witness a drive by or some other crime.

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget that this ass is a school teacher. My kids are older, but if you have young children or grandchildren you should make sure he never has the opportunity to influence them. He is also on the local teachers union board of directors. Everyone should contact the board of education and ask that he be removed from any and all contact with children.

Anonymous said...

At some age teenagers stop seeking attention by throwing tantrums and trying to be cool. They recognize that self-centeredness is not a desirable trait in an adult. It's always a plus if they come to that realization before being elected to public office.

Anonymous said...

I think we should follow Indiana new law!! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Really people!?!
Joe you are a stupid homophobic asshole.
And don't think we don't have your receipts and video of you driving drunk leaving BackStreet
you've been blogged!
John Robinson

Anonymous said...

We need a mayor that works to bring in businesses. This guy stood idol while labinal left and more dive bars came in. Jimbo thinks he is so smart with bring all these gay bars downtown. This has made many want nothing to do with downtown. The only one winning down town is brad gills who ownes all the buildings the bars are in.

Anonymous said...

2:36, your attempt at reason is my laugh for the day. Of course all Dems WANT EVERYONE to be gay! And YOU will win the next NOBEL prize for your superior intellect!

JoeAlbero said...

8:37 John Robinson,

You claim to have receipts of mine from Backstreet as well as video of me leaving and driving while drunk.

OK John, While that would be considered stalking, I openly and freely give you 100% permission to publish, (anywhere you want) such mentioned video.

You see John, I NEVER drink and drive, ever. I am dropped off and picked up wherever I go.

I published your comment because I want to prove to everyone that you are a blatant and habitual LIAR.

Get a life Mr. Flip Flop.

Anonymous said...

We'll see the receipts and video shortly after john robinson opens the skate park I guess-which will be never. Or when he gives the video he says he has of Joe assaulting him to JT-which will be never. More John Robinson lies.
His family needs to muzzle him.

Anonymous said...

It is not about sexuality. It is about what we should expect from an elected official. Competence, sound judgment and maturity should be evaluated.

Anonymous said...

April 1, 2015 at 5:39 PM

It will always be GhettoBury. Those pansy Homo's won't like getting mugged and beat up by the thugs so they won't stay long. I can hear them squealing like a girl now flailing their limp wrists...STOOPPP!! STOOOPPP!

April 2, 2015 at 1:42 AM


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lets not forget that this ass is a school teacher. My kids are older, but if you have young children or grandchildren you should make sure he never has the opportunity to influence them. He is also on the local teachers union board of directors. Everyone should contact the board of education and ask that he be removed from any and all contact with children.

April 2, 2015 at 7:46 AM

He is on the lawless teachers union board of directors to make sure they do not support any more Republicans. He is also trying to make a name for himself because he is eyeing Norm Conway's old position or Andy Harris' seat. If something were to happen with Jim Mathias such as Jim Mathias accidentally gets Bab's seat Ireton will run for Mathias' seat. It's all in the plan.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Really people!?!
Joe you are a stupid homophobic asshole.
And don't think we don't have your receipts and video of you driving drunk leaving BackStreet
you've been blogged!
John Robinson

April 2, 2015 at 8:37 AM

BFD you Homo John Robinson. We see you sucking up to that Homo Mare. You are a two faced POS.

John D Robinson Sr. - I am proud to call you my oldest friend and my Mayor. Even when we disagree on politics you have proven to be a great man. And I applaud you for hosting pride night.
5 hours ago · Like · 2

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We need a mayor that works to bring in businesses. This guy stood idol while labinal left and more dive bars came in. Jimbo thinks he is so smart with bring all these gay bars downtown. This has made many want nothing to do with downtown. The only one winning down town is brad gills who ownes all the buildings the bars are in.

April 2, 2015 at 9:14 AM

Bingo! Gillis and Gilkerson are getting rich off of Jim and Jakes stupidity. Bunch of liberal morons.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is not about sexuality. It is about what we should expect from an elected official. Competence, sound judgment and maturity should be evaluated.

April 2, 2015 at 12:51 PM

You people need to quit being such soft liberals. It is all about sexuality and you people are ruining our country every day.

Anonymous said...

Gilkerson you guys look like FOOLS allowing this crap.

Anonymous said...

I think 12:51's point is that, when an elected official lacks all qualities of a competent and mature leader, criticize that.

Tick Tock said...

John robinson is a NOBODY with a small p.n.s as per his X , he is a failure wannabe cop who who thinks because he has a overpriced crappy used jewelry store and sell stupid cheap tee-shirts that fade in a week DO NOT go to his store its ALWAYS empty and will be up for sale soon enough from what i here.

Anonymous said...

The adult bookstore that was recently closed was primarily frequented by sketchy individuals and the criminal element. Its location and general environment felt unsafe and served as a deterrent to potential customers. There is nothing wrong with adult bookstores in general, but the one in question was certainly degrading our community.

In contrast, the Brick Room seems to be a prospering new business that is helping to breathe much needed life into downtown Salisbury. I understand that you may not agree with the politics of "pride night," but as a capitalist, you should also recognize the potential economic benefits of such establishments. The only way to revitalize the city of Salisbury is to encourage investment in our community through entrepreneurship by a wide variety of people.

Anonymous said...

Who is Robinson's "X" Tick Tock? OC's Pole Doll?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Bricks I will not support a place that so liberal. Sorry you lost my revenue. Gay is nothing more then a political party. I am sick of it. How offended would we be if we had a White power night. I can assure you it would not be welcomed at the Bricks. Jim you are gay stop wearing it like a flag. You chose to be gay.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the health dept will b expanding soon

Anonymous said...

Ireton , turning Salisbury into one big gay glory hole.

Stu Stinchfield said...

I can see it now some executive of a large corporation talking to the mayor and asks what this city has to offer his employees if he opens offices and factories in this area. Whats the mayor going to say,well we have several new gay bars.That POS of a mayor needs to go. How could anybody possibly be proud to say they live in Salisbury?

Jim said...

2:29pm...congrats you win the moronic statement of the day award.

Anonymous said...

No way! Me & my family do not support sin and immorality. This mayor is evil and has no business representing the good folks of Salisbury. He is a sinner and supports sin.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that knows anything about John Robinson knows the guy is a perverted human being. He got saved by Colburne being buddies with his father. The guy is a legitimate fruit cake trust me. I would never leave him alone with my kid. Joe the man has a history trust me it was covered up.

I don't know how his wife has stayed with him the guy needs long term treatment you cant fix what he has.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

At some age teenagers stop seeking attention by throwing tantrums and trying to be cool. They recognize that self-centeredness is not a desirable trait in an adult. It's always a plus if they come to that realization before being elected to public office.

April 2, 2015 at 8:01 AM


ROFLMFAO. Too precious for words. Unfortunately, this speaks to 99% of the politicians out there, not just the idiot mayor.

And yes, to the person who said the idiot mayor has designs on higher office, absolutely correct. If not, why would the name of his election committee be "Ireton for MD?"

This Idiot thinks he can hissy fit his way to the governor-ship of MD.

Someone really needs to put this POS out of his misery.