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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Governor Hogan Speaking With The Salisbury Committee Last Night


Anonymous said...

What does this would-be House of Lords do besides put on these media events?

Anonymous said...

Memo to all tax payers. Fire Chief Rick Hoppes and Salisbury's next mayor Jake day had tickets to The Greater Salisbury Committee's 48th Year of Service banquet dinner, where plates were $75 each. They were no shows so the City tax payers lost $150 of your money because these lazy clowns wasted your money on this event and didn't show.

I say get rid of both of them!!

Anonymous said...

What is your evidence that taxpayers footed the bill? Check your sources as your accusations are untrue.

Anonymous said...

6:25 -- prove what you say, Jake.

Anonymous said...

I saw both Fake Day and Hoppes at the Third Friday so guess they were just too busy to make their appearance at the Banquet. One thing for sure, it that was Barrack Osama there, they would have been the first ones in line and Mayor Liarton would have been dressed decent!

Anonymous said...

Who ru gonna put in ?

Anonymous said...

Jane knows its her last days.

Anonymous said...

7:03 pictures shown here earlier of Third Friday with Jake Day standing with the governor indict both were dressed to go to the banquet. Prove he was not there.
Using your illogic neither Jake nor the governor went to the banquet.

Jim said...

Pis off Jimmy.rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What is your evidence that taxpayers footed the bill? Check your sources as your accusations are untrue.

April 18, 2015 at 6:25 PM

I didn't write that, but I know for a fact, dumba$$.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I saw both Fake Day and Hoppes at the Third Friday so guess they were just too busy to make their appearance at the Banquet. One thing for sure, it that was Barrack Osama there, they would have been the first ones in line and Mayor Liarton would have been dressed decent!

April 18, 2015 at 7:03 PM


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately The House of Lords has already giving their support to the other gay guy named Jake Day. That's a Fact Jack!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
7:03 pictures shown here earlier of Third Friday with Jake Day standing with the governor indict both were dressed to go to the banquet. Prove he was not there.
Using your illogic neither Jake nor the governor went to the banquet.

April 18, 2015 at 8:27 PM

Prove you were there Jake Day!!

Have you forgotten that you have to check in as you enter to get your name badge. Duh!! Just check the table with the left over name tags on it. DUH!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What is your evidence that taxpayers footed the bill? Check your sources as your accusations are untrue.

April 18, 2015 at 6:25 PM

What is your evidence that the taxpayers didn't foot the bill?

First, the Greater Salisbury Committee bills the City of Salisbury for this event, not the individual.

Second, Hoppes has been raping tax payers out of millions for several years now so what a $75 meal? All this now with Jakes approval.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
7:03 pictures shown here earlier of Third Friday with Jake Day standing with the governor indict both were dressed to go to the banquet. Prove he was not there.
Using your illogic neither Jake nor the governor went to the banquet.

April 18, 2015 at 8:27 PM

Um, Jake's job is with Perdue and intergovernmental relations. His job is to dress up and he dressed up for 3rd Friday, not the banquet. Many were there and he wasn't in attendance.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
7:03 pictures shown here earlier of Third Friday with Jake Day standing with the governor indict both were dressed to go to the banquet. Prove he was not there.
Using your illogic neither Jake nor the governor went to the banquet.

April 18, 2015 at 8:27 PM

So you are so intelligent because you saw Jake Day in a picture of some downtown plaza 5 miles away from the event and that puts him at the event?

You are a special kind of stupid aren't you!! How's that hope and change going for you!