It would seem that your gay Mayor wants to use his position to throw parties Downtown as he frequents the Brick Room, MoJo's and Roadie Joe's with his special friends. So why don't they just call it "Gay Pride Night" and get it over with?
This is the newly proposed crosswalk at Division Street and Main Street. How special.
No wonder there are nothing but fights in these bars. You MUST be kidding about the crosswalk. Really??? I wish the plaza could be a family thing...what happen to that idea???
He is pathetic!
This is just absolutely ridiculous. Does anyone have a head count? I mean how many people showed up?
I love being able to tell all of you STUPID people I TOLD YOU SO!!!
7:53 they are not stupid - and that is what the sad part is. They are brainwashed. I know people who would vote for the worse person in the world simply because they are that person's candidate of their registered party. Crossing party lines in the general election is one of our great liberties but "loyalty" to the part of their choice seems to override any common sense they should have. Brainwashed by their parents or peer group.
Joe really, why bring gay into it? Jim is not a bad mayor because he is gay. He is a bad mayor for many other reasons like his decisions, actions, behavior and the current state of Salisbury. Who cares if there were a real gay pride parade? There are many, many gay people in Salisbury who would like to see Jim gone as mayor. Yes, Rehobeth is not the only place you will find gay people here on the Eastern Shore so please get over using the "gay" argument as it is offensive and has nothing to do with Jim's piss poor job as mayor.
Homophobic much?
oh no you dih int... no you dih int...
Amen 8:00am
8:00, look at the rainbow colors in the background. "PRIDE" for what then? I'm sure our readers would LOVE to hear your excuse for that.
So you don't mind a Gay Pride Parade in Salisbury. Are you suggesting YOU know something the rest of us don't yet?
Man, this Eastern Shore, (if anything) has LOST all its PRIDE. I have nothing against gay people but when a Mayor wants to shut down businesses like the Red Light District, you people want to come on here and criticize me?
What ever happened to America? Gays don't want heterosexual people to enjoy their RIGHTS and FREEDOMS and that is plainly obvious with Ireton's behavior on this matter.
This is the most hate-filled bs I have ever seen on this site. My friend runs The Brick Room, and he happens to be a gay man. He also has been having Pride Night there every week since the place opened. To go full out homophobic because the mayor supports the LGBT community is just childish and deplorable. The amount of fear "the gays" instill in you is really much more telling of you than anyone your talking about.
8:00 I completely agree. He is a bad mayor not because he is gay, but because he makes terrible decisions, has a bad temper, is mean and is vindictive. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
8:07, REALLY, is that all you've got? Is that what all of you young people have been trained to say. Call me a homophobe all you want, I really don't care.
there is a difference between Ireton acting the way he does because he is gay and gay rights. I think he acts the way he does because he has personality and control issues. I agree that in some cases "gay rights" trample on others' rights.
I agree with Joe on this one. Jim sent this out to his mass mailer from the city. He is abusing his office. Quit shoving it down our throats Jim.
If the rainbow beanie fits, then wear it Joe.
Many so-called "gays" are miserable living in their sin and want special privileges, not equal rights.
Who's the phobe here. Just because Joe put up the flyer the gay supporters are upset. Oh my god, now thousands of people will find out our little secret. Own it and call it what it is. I also don't like to see the hate the gay people and supporters have against the people who don't support their lifestyle. Look in the mirror for once.
I've been to the brick room a few times. Not going back. Ireton is ruining downtown with his cast of followers.
Welcome to Westboro Baptist Salisbury!
Would you feel the same if a bar held white pride night? Or heterosexual only night.
Ireton and his group as well as the other "young turks" have let their egos overwhelm their common sense. They think they control downtown, opening one bar after another. In a sense they do until some smarter minds get involved and we get more solid businesses downtown. Do they really think ALL of these bar/restaurants can survive?
what you are is who you are. ..
8:34, Smarter minds refuse to invest Downtown because of Ireton. I can tell you first hand, back when Ireton and I were friends he boasted about creating a homosexual environment to Downtown. He would talk about other gay towns and how their economy was so much better.
Now, I will agree with what he suggested about building the local economy through the gay community, it's true. I just feel that this is not the City of which desires such a Downtown.
The big question is, is that what all of YOU want?
Every night in America is white pride night and heterosexual pride night. God forbid people who don't fall into these two categories but are inundated with both from birth want something that they can call their own..in this case one night a week at a local bar.
The reason it doesn't specify "Gay"? Because only the eight of us would show up.
I'm with Joe on this one. Not much left here to be proud of, as businesses have made a steady exodus and crime has come to record levels.
And, yes, if this was sent out from the Office of the Mayor, it is an abuse of office. Where is the ad for my business from there?
And, rainbow crosswalks is shoving it down peoples' throats. Joe is not forcing his beliefs down yours, just objecting to your actions of forcing your beliefs down ours.
That is NOT homophobia.
Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt kids either. Nothing but pure filth. The kids are the ones that suffer growing up thinking that 2 Dads or 2 Moms are a normal way of life. A man wearing a dress wanting to be called a lady or a woman wearing mens clothes with a buzz cut wanting to be a man something wrong with situation.How do you think the kid feels when they see a normal couple
What the hell is your problem?! It's 2015, not 1950. Wise up Joe, and stop promoting HATE. You dont have to like everyone, you dont have to like everyone's ideas.... but that doesnt mean you have to get ugly.
Key West enjoys a bubbling community NOT BECAUSE it is a gay community...but because it is WARM. I welcome the gay community to bring on their best art...their best ideas.... their best money to contribute to downtown...but to turn downtown in to a designated GAY community center is a big mistake. Do people know that Key West has a huge gay community? YES! Does it keep people away...NO! But do people go there to celebrate that community...NO! They go for the warmth and all the artistic vibe...but mostly because it is warm. Do families go during Gay Pride activities in Key West...NO... they stay away in droves because they have nothing in common. People.....Salisbury is not a vacation destination that can be marketed with gay pride. We will lose our shirts. Family friendly Berlin has the correct business model. This is a business issue and we need new business to attract ALL PEOPLE. Smarten up folks.
I've never met you, Joe, so I have nothing factual regarding you to say. I can say, however, that you come off as homophobic in your posts. My advice is, if you are homophobic, own up to it. If not, say so.
With regard to the mayor it is pretty clear that you don't like him. I'm surmising that you wouldn't like him if he was a heterosexual either.
8:54 It is normal in many communities in the US. Seems that you live in a bubble from 1950 and cannot accept the reality of the 21st century. Hopefully your hatred will die with you and not be passed on to any children that you have.
This is 807. Yep, those two words are all that I needed. I am middle aged by the way. Not gay. Jim ireton is definitely not a productive mayor. Salisbury deserves better and needs better. His sexual orientation has nothing to do with his lack of leadership.
9:48, Are you suggesting being gay is a NEW thing since the 1950's?
Look, there are some of us who just do not accept this lifestyle.
NO ONE is suggesting gays are bad people, not one bit. There are simply many who do not believe in it.
Shoving YOUR beliefs down our throats and throwing out HATRED by calling UD homophobes PROVES you are the ones full of hate.
Is Jim Ireton a fun guy, absolutely. Should he be using his office to promote Gay Pride events, absolutely not. But I guess I hate Jim because I DISAGREE with him, right???
It's the gay supporters who spread the most hate. Will I ever accept any Mayor who promotes such activities while in office, NO, period.
I/We will await your apologies.
Keep all the gay crap in rehobeth we don't need it here.If I went into a bar or restaurant that was obviously a gay establishment I would leave and NEVER go back.
Are you suggesting that there is something wrong with being gay?
10:29, Are you suggesting there's something RIGHT about it? WOW, I never knew I was doing it all wrong.
People like u who are the straight haters go on with your corupt lifestyle god will sort u out.
Joe i say us Straight people go down there to the brick and overwhelm the gays with straight hormones.
Right on, 11:34! Fresh meat!
There is a movement to get a "Rainbow" on license plates for the Gay & Lesbian groups.
love how teh gheys throw out the word homophobe when they see others disagree with their lifestyle.
it sure is telling.
makes me think they are the ones who are really the homophobes.
Lol go ahead dont think i would advise that kinda like. I wouldn't want nazi plates ?
this is beyond wrong; it's disgusting. to think our city of Salisbury will be Gay Salisbury is going to be the laughing stock of all.
the gay population is less than 5%; so why on earth would this be good? our city leaders are perverts at best...so sad.
I know I get sick to my stomach when I am out with my family eating dinner and my children and they happen to glance over and see 2 men kissing. I call the server over switch to another table or leave all together.I for one do want my kids exposed to that type of behavior.They should not be teaching our children this behavior in the public school system either. Liberal have done everything to ruin this country and take God out of the home.
It is always funny hearing a homosexual say they were born gay. BS they have a choice to be that way.Like grandmother always used to say the world is going to hell in a hand Basket.Homosexuals better pick up a bible
Just like tbe muslims.
Americans are not (yet) REQUIRED to like, love, or approve of anyone or anything. No matter how much someone wants to force their agenda, lifestyle, or opinion upon others.
We have the RIGHT to stereotype, generalize, or dislike anyone, anything, any group, any culture.
I KNOW that really gets to some people.
It doesn't make anyone superior, but its also doesn't make them INFERIOR, regardless of how badly some would like to paint them as such.
I also know THAT really gets to some people, too.
We are in time of relativism, where NOTHING is wrong, or deviant, or distasteful. Heck, even pedophiles have advocates (educated and enlightened, of course) who say that pedophiles are not any different than you or me except in their proclivities.
That's how far down the road of "acceptance" we have taken ourselves.
Until our PRO ISLAM PRESIDENT allows ISIS in America.
12:36 maybe you should pick up a bible. Not sure jesus would act this way
3:01 do you really believe that or is it just fun to say?
I don't let an old book dictate my life. I refuse to be a slave to a textbook.
GOD does not like GAYS either....
I have to echo lmclain [February 27, 2015 at 2:56 PM].
When a society becomes so depraved as to advocate or even contemplate the mindset of pedophiles or child pornographers that society has come to the point of collapse and needs be cleansed mortally.
sorry 4:14; God loves ALL, including Gays. He does not like their sin, or for that matter any sin.
I posted earlier and stated my objections to Ireton and the other Gay and Gay leaning leaders, but I have to remind everyone; God loves ALL.
LADY BOYS time is up this year.
Anonymous said...
Joe really, why bring gay into it? Jim is not a bad mayor because he is gay. He is a bad mayor for many other reasons like his decisions, actions, behavior and the current state of Salisbury. Who cares if there were a real gay pride parade? There are many, many gay people in Salisbury who would like to see Jim gone as mayor. Yes, Rehobeth is not the only place you will find gay people here on the Eastern Shore so please get over using the "gay" argument as it is offensive and has nothing to do with Jim's piss poor job as mayor.
February 27, 2015 at 8:00 AM
You are one brainwashed DIPSH!T!! Him being a gay homosexual man or whatever you want to call it has everything to do with his decisions as a mayor. He thinks he is untouchable and his homo loving Democrats like you have put him on a pedestal. He is gross and we are sick and tired of seeing his naked body in bars. Why don't you get lost and take the ferry mayor with you.
JoeAlbero said...
8:00, look at the rainbow colors in the background. "PRIDE" for what then? I'm sure our readers would LOVE to hear your excuse for that.
So you don't mind a Gay Pride Parade in Salisbury. Are you suggesting YOU know something the rest of us don't yet?
Man, this Eastern Shore, (if anything) has LOST all its PRIDE. I have nothing against gay people but when a Mayor wants to shut down businesses like the Red Light District, you people want to come on here and criticize me?
What ever happened to America? Gays don't want heterosexual people to enjoy their RIGHTS and FREEDOMS and that is plainly obvious with Ireton's behavior on this matter.
February 27, 2015 at 8:11 AM
Amen Joe!!
How can the Homo Mayor run from cops in Rehoboth Beach after being caught performing sex acts with another man and then fight a business like the Red Light District from opening. How dare him.
Anonymous said...
This is the most hate-filled bs I have ever seen on this site. My friend runs The Brick Room, and he happens to be a gay man. He also has been having Pride Night there every week since the place opened. To go full out homophobic because the mayor supports the LGBT community is just childish and deplorable. The amount of fear "the gays" instill in you is really much more telling of you than anyone your talking about.
February 27, 2015 at 8:13 AM
I am sorry for your friend. I am glad you let us know a homosexual man is running a gay bar in downtown Salisbury. And to think that I was going to start going to local bars and the excitement of having a new bar in downtown Salisbury. I am just grossed out by the thought.
Fear? Many of us fear nothing about gay men. We just don't want them looking us up and down and undressing us with their eyes. We don't want our children around them. You are a pathetic POS. Go back to Rehoboth Beach you loser.
After reading some of these comments it's pretty obvious that someone was right on this blog when they predicted that Jim Ireton and Jake Day were trying to make downtown Salisbury and Gay destination. This is SICK!!
Anonymous said...
8:00 I completely agree. He is a bad mayor not because he is gay, but because he makes terrible decisions, has a bad temper, is mean and is vindictive. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
February 27, 2015 at 8:14 AM
You morons have become to soft hearted to understand that gay men have hissy fits and it's because of their chosen sexual preference. Some of you people are just plain idiots.
JoeAlbero said...
8:07, REALLY, is that all you've got? Is that what all of you young people have been trained to say. Call me a homophobe all you want, I really don't care.
February 27, 2015 at 8:16 AM
You are correct Joe. This is exactly what the Democrat controlled school systems are indoctrinating our youth. These Obama Lovers are trying to teach our young people that gay is ok. Well guess what it is not ok, it is very immoral and just because there are soft hearts out their doesn't mean we accept the practice of gay sex. It is not normal and they gay men have a serious mental illness.
Well now we see it happening and some people are to stupid to realize it.
A gay mayor, gay friends, gay Third Friday, gay First Saturday, gay Arts and Entertainment District and now a gay bar in Salisbury. This was all a plan by your gay mayor and friends. Salisbury is the new Gay Destination of the Eastern Shore. Watch out Rehoboth Beach, Jim Ireton is giving you a run for your money. "Arrest me again will you." "I will show you by opening up my gay friendly down Salisbury." Toodaloo
10:19 PM and you wonder why they want to spend all of our tax dollars to revitalize downtown. Well your revitalization is going to attracting gay bars and the homosexual life style to our area. Bring it on, the new Fagville.
Anonymous said...
Who's the phobe here. Just because Joe put up the flyer the gay supporters are upset. Oh my god, now thousands of people will find out our little secret. Own it and call it what it is. I also don't like to see the hate the gay people and supporters have against the people who don't support their lifestyle. Look in the mirror for once.
February 27, 2015 at 8:24 AM
Well said. I am very sick of the gays and their supporters ramming their lifestyle down our throats with their hate and the only thing they can come up with is calling us a homophobe. I guess that is the only race card they can drop. Bring it on Homos we are ready to fight back. You obviously don't know about the groups of people who are against your sick lifestyles and treating us like crap because we don't agree with you.
"Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!" Salisbury's new downtown restaurant and bar is the latest gay addition brought to you by Salisbury's Own Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Yes The Brick Room is a place that will eventually have a brick room to enter and have gay sex after you are pick up after a couple of drinks.
Anonymous said...
there is a difference between Ireton acting the way he does because he is gay and gay rights. I think he acts the way he does because he has personality and control issues. I agree that in some cases "gay rights" trample on others' rights.
February 27, 2015 at 8:18 AM
I am not supporting Jimbeau and his gay rights, but his gay rights lifestyle is trampling the rights of others. He loves men and hates women. He proved that by hiring a worthless, noncredentialed white man over a highly credential and experienced black woman with high credentials. Several years in the acting capacity and many years as the assistant city administrator. And did you notice I said a black woman? Yes this woman had a PhD in the background for the position she applied for and was fired for because he didn't want her to apply and he didn't want her to have the job. Three reasons why:
1) She was black. Yes Ireton is racist.
2) She was a woman. (Yes he hates women and prefers men) Remember the bathroom incident.
3) Tom Stevenson was cuter. Wink, Wink! Arm Candy for the Mare.
Yes he has a severe mental illness brought on by his gay lifestyle. That is why he makes irrational decisions like he does. He is like Obama and thinks he is against the law.
Please, Please, Please can we get a good Republican to run for mayor in the rapidly upcoming city election.
A gay bar in Salisbury. Dang, we knew it was coming didn't we Joe. You knew that and we knew that and the detractors called us liars. Well it's in our face now and guess is is paying for it. That's right city taxpayers are paying for it.
I am so glad I didn't get the chance to apply for the City Administrators position because I couldn't stomach working for a gay mayor and forcing tax payers to fund gay bars. Wow.
Anonymous said...
8:00 I completely agree. He is a bad mayor not because he is gay, but because he makes terrible decisions, has a bad temper, is mean and is vindictive. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.
February 27, 2015 at 8:14 AM
His sexual orientation has everything to do with it. He is soliciting gay bars to open downtown when we need more family related businesses and restaurants opening downtown. You my dear friend are an idiot!
Gay living in Salisbury area Maryland
Greenhummingburd started this thread
Hi there,
Me and my wife are looking into moving to Salisbury, MD. We are wondering if this area is a gay friendly place? We will be moving from New York so this is a big move for us. I cant wait though as i have reserched Maryland and think it is a beautiful place to live.
Any help on this matter would be great. Thank you
Wicomico County is the most suburban county than the rest of the Eastern Shore. Salisbury has more diversity and is more open to LGBT lifestyle than the other counties. Most because of Salisbury University and U of MD Eastern Shore in neighboring Somerset County.
Even the Mayor of Salisbury is openly gay. He won re-election twice. Just saying.. lol
Another Downtown on the Plaza gay business.
DelMarvalous Occasions Inc. on the plaza is pushing for more Gay Sex business. How disgusting and I won't be using them for my future wedding.
Officiant Services
Weddings, Elopements, Vow Renewals, Commitment Ceremonies, etc., we do it all.
We believe that every ceremony should be personalized to your beliefs. From traditional, to non-denominational, or same-sex.
Whether your wedding is small and intimate, casual or formal, large and elaborate, we will give your wedding the fine detail to create memories. Civil, Same-Sex, or Eco-Friendly. With a wedding planner from DelMarvalous Occasions Inc.
And that is why your children would never be comfortable telling you if they are gay......and this is where young suicide comes from in the gay community! I pray for your children to have the strength to survive the closed mind! And, me, nope....not gay!
Jim did a lengthy interview tonight on WRDE News at 11 regarding crime in Salisbury.
This study proves that Salisbury is abnormally higher than average on the Gay Index Scale. This Study was done using the 2000 Census. If done with the 2010 Census this Gay Index would be off the charts. Thanks Jimbeau Ireton for bringing immoral gay sex to the City of Salisbury which was once a great place to raise a family.
Gay index: 121
Gay male index: 135
Lesbian index: 107
National norm: 100
About the Gay index
The gay index is a comparative score, based on the percentage of people reporting in the 2000 U.S. Census that they lived in a same-sex partnership.
A score of 100 is the national norm. A number above 100 indicates that the local proportion of same-sex unmarried households is higher than the national average. For example, 140 would mean that the proportion was 40 percent higher than the national norm. A score of 60 would be 40 percent lower.
ePodunk publishes three measures: a combined gay male/lesbian score called the gay index, a score for gay males and a score for lesbians. The indexes are provided for the 1,360 U.S. communities in which 50 or more couples reported living in such relationships.
Statistics were analyzed by Gary Gates, a demographer at the Urban Institute and co-author of The Gay and Lesbian Atlas.
Cruising Gays, City Hook Up Guide
Salisbury Gay Cruising Areas
Thanks to Jim Ireton
Home Depot North Salisbury
115 E North Pointe Dr, Salisbury
Small peep hole that is lined up very well with the next to it. Sit in next to s & when someone comes in, lean back and check out some .
rating of Home Depot, North Salisbury
1932 Votes
Pickle Park
Rt.50/Phillip Morris Drive, near Ames (updated), Salisbury
All week, non-stop action
Crowd: Guys
rating of Pickle Park
2827 Votes
Schumaker Park
, Salisbury
Crowd: Seems like older guys, but other folks too. I understand an administrator from UMES does as well.
rating of Schumaker Park
1445 Votes
Kmart Shopping Center
, Salisbury
Video cameras have been installed, do not go there! There are 12 cameras out back.
rating of Kmart Shopping Center
1246 Votes
Leonards Mill Pond Park
, Salisbury
Wooded area.
Crowd: construction workers fishermen
rating of Leonard's Mill Pond Park
1812 Votes
Centre at Salisbury JC Penney
2300 North Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury
he bathroom has double entrance doors, so plenty of warning if someone is entering the bathroom. Sit in handicapped and see a massive to watch or through. Tap foot or show hard to let the guy in the other know.
Crowd: Straight/Gay/Bi
rating of Centre at Salisbury JC Penney
2938 Votes
Barnes and Nobles
2618 N Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury
Crowd: J/O and its possible to get a quick bj or if you are carefull.
rating of Barnes and Nobles
1159 Votes
WinterPlace Park
, Salisbury
rating of WinterPlace Park
1099 Votes
Rt 50 rest area
, Salisbury
Rest area on the side of Rt 50.
Crowd: Truckers and Tourists.
rating of Rt 50 rest area
1717 Votes
Wicomico Co Library
Downtown Salisbury, Salisbury
Crowd: General public
258 Tilghman Rd, Salisbury
Semi private restroom as you enter the front door to the right, big in back for two guys and small next to with wide gap to see guys at the .
rating of Ollies
1879 Votes
Salisbury University Campus
1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury
Crowd: College Students.
Cumming Soon - The Brick Room
Sounds like your fantasy. Time to come out of the closet.
12:20 Seems you know where to go to find your men. Good job. Now, all of the closet "christian" "men" can act out their true feelings with men, instead of boys (like normal).
I'm sure Liarton will be there with his boyfriend and head election cooker, Chuck Cook. I just wonder which one of them bends over for the other.
Soon all downtown will be gay bars with minimum wage jobs and a ton of flamers. Good on ya jimbo and jake
Are you a closet muslim ?
Ireton has a one-way tickey to HELL.
TO ALL< Stop sending in gay bashing comments, they will be rejected. Come on now, give me a break!
Gay Salisbury sounds better than Ghetto Salisbury
Is the illegal, or doesn't Salisbury have an ethics law?
This is why downtown will fail. No decent person wants to be around this kind of trash.
I had to look twice at the poster for the event, I really thought it first said "BJ Mayor", knowing how he is.
I just want to see viable businesses Downtown. Not really sure about gay sex stores or anything as I lean a little more towards a family oriented environment, but any business is welcome in my opinion, just be respectful...
Agree wholeheartedly. That's like saying Obama is a lousy president because he's black He's a lousy president without question but not because he's black. Ireton's not a good mayor but race or sexuality are of no consequence. Drop your homophobia and your prejudice and at least try to comment without hatred as the basis of your argument.
For the record, I'm straight and I still think the gay bashers are wrong!!!!
Sorry but Joe has every right Not to support the gay movement. If Joe does not support it he has every right. You are being a bigot if you judge Joe here. We all agree to disagree. I have many friends that are gay. They do not were it like a suit. They are my friends because they are good people. If they did push it or try to influence my politics on the gay issue I would be offended. I do not rub the straight life in their face. Just saying
It is so embarrassing to have a Homo Mare.
I can promise you I will not be spending a nickel in The Brick Room if they are ran by Homo's. Sorry, I just don't need men eyeing me up and down and pulling a Larry Craig on me in the bathroom. UGH!!
Anonymous said...
Many so-called "gays" are miserable living in their sin and want special privileges, not equal rights.
February 27, 2015 at 8:20 AM
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.
Anonymous said...
Would you feel the same if a bar held white pride night? Or heterosexual only night.
February 27, 2015 at 8:33 AM
No, because they never would you DUMBASS!!
I bet you are the racist that always tells everyone your best friend is black or your best friend is gay. BARFF!!
Doesn't this sound like Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Chris Demone and other Homo friends crashing an Andy Harris event!
Seventh printing of the DSM-II, 1974[edit]
As described by Ronald Bayer, a psychiatrist and gay rights activist, specific protests by gay rights activists against the APA began in 1970, when the organization held its convention in San Francisco. The activists disrupted the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, gay rights activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA’s convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled, “Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you.”[27]
This activism occurred in the context of a broader anti-psychiatry movement that had come to the fore in the 1960s and was challenging the legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis. Anti-psychiatry activists protested at the same APA conventions, with some shared slogans and intellectual foundations.[28][29]
Presented with data from researchers such as Alfred Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, the seventh printing of the DSM-II, in 1974, no longer listed homosexuality as a category of disorder. After a vote by the APA trustees in 1973, and confirmed by the wider APA membership in 1974, the diagnosis was replaced with the category of “sexual orientation disturbance”.
Anonymous said...
Ireton and his group as well as the other "young turks" have let their egos overwhelm their common sense. They think they control downtown, opening one bar after another. In a sense they do until some smarter minds get involved and we get more solid businesses downtown. Do they really think ALL of these bar/restaurants can survive?
February 27, 2015 at 8:34 AM
No they will not survive and none of my friends or family members will cater to them.
Anonymous said...
this is beyond wrong; it's disgusting. to think our city of Salisbury will be Gay Salisbury is going to be the laughing stock of all.
the gay population is less than 5%; so why on earth would this be good? our city leaders are perverts at best...so sad.
February 27, 2015 at 12:17 PM
You are 100% correct on that. What has happened to our city. I see a lot of child molestation in the future of Salisbury.
ginn said...
I have to echo lmclain [February 27, 2015 at 2:56 PM].
When a society becomes so depraved as to advocate or even contemplate the mindset of pedophiles or child pornographers that society has come to the point of collapse and needs be cleansed mortally.
February 27, 2015 at 4:15 PM
I agree as well. A mortal cleansing of homosexuals and pedophiles is what this world needs.
Anonymous said...
What the hell is your problem?! It's 2015, not 1950. Wise up Joe, and stop promoting HATE. You dont have to like everyone, you dont have to like everyone's ideas.... but that doesnt mean you have to get ugly.
February 27, 2015 at 9:03 AM
When did Joe get ugly? You are the one that is getting hysterical. Go smoke a white owl and leave us alone. We don't want your lifestyle and we won't accept it.
Anonymous said...
8:54 It is normal in many communities in the US. Seems that you live in a bubble from 1950 and cannot accept the reality of the 21st century. Hopefully your hatred will die with you and not be passed on to any children that you have.
February 27, 2015 at 9:48 AM
Funny you say that because you homosexuals will die and you won't have any children to pass things on. I am LMAO because you people will eventually eradicate yourselves.
If that is how it works, then how are there any gay people at all?
I posted 9:48 and am heterosexual, married and republican but unlike you and so many of the posters on this site, I am educated, well travelled and tolerant of the choices that others make whether it is their sexual preference, religion or political affiliation. BTW, there are plenty of gay/lesbian couples that have children from in-vitro fertilization and surrogates.
Gays = Hell.
Is this mayor for real. People of Salisbury must be stupid, voted this jerk for two terms. Bet he wins a third.
1:56 that is funny, because it is not the gays who are after children. 2:10 I am with you on the pedophile part. That will wipe out 70-80% of organized religion. Two birds, one stone.
I agree
Yes!!!!! Let's have white pride night!
This is terrible
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If that is how it works, then how are there any gay people at all?
March 1, 2015 at 2:54 PM
I have relatives that live in another part of the state that are saying that Salisbury is the next Rehoboth Beach on the Eastern Shore. Word gets around that Salisbury is Homo friendly. It's on gay sites everywhere thanks to Jim Ireton and Jake Day.
If you think Mr. Day is straight just because he plays Weekend Warrior GI Joe and Married to a wannabe Barbie Doll you are nuts.
LOL, He said "nuts."
4:21 pm I care that he is gay. Gay people have a mental illness and make irrational decisions. Get real people an quit being brainwashed.
This article and most of the comments are so offensive. SO WHAT if he wants to have a gay pride night. How many people have committed suicide, been murdered(MATTHEW SHEAPARD) etc. because society will not allow them to be who they are. I agree the mayor may not of been the best choice for mayor, but he was elected Salisbury choose him!! So if he wants to use his platform to bring awareness, and have an event where our LGBT citizens can hang out in a safe and open (emotionally, physically ) atmosphere (meanwhile having an event that brings people out to patronize downtown) SOOOOOOO WHAAAAT!!! I’m sure there are plenty of other things you can write about regarding Ireton other then this event that is more relevant.
4:21: is particularly offensive being gay is not a mental illness please go read some books
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