Should the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Protection approve
chicken-seller Perdue's application to forever pollute
Susquehanna Valley air by yearly releasing
additional hundreds of tons of
toxic waste hexane gas?
The Pa. DEP is holding a public hearing
6-8 p.m., March 31, 2015 at the
Bainbridge Fire Hall
34 South 2nd St., Bainbridge,
Lancaster County, Pa.:
The public will have the opportunity to present up to five minutes of oral testimony per speaker during the hearing. All presenters should bring two copies of their comments and exhibits for submission to DEP.
Those who wish to present testimony during the hearing are asked to register in advance by contacting Eileen Bitting in DEP’s South-central Regional Office at 717-705-4703. Individuals who register in advance will be given priority on the agenda. If time permits at the hearing, those who did not register in advance will be given the opportunity to testify.
Those who prefer to present their comments in writing or who are unable to attend the hearing may submit written testimony by 4:00 P.M. on April 7 to Thomas Hanlon, DEP Air Quality, South-central Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17110.
How ironic Perdue.
Hundreds of tons hexane gas released a year? Wow. Must cost a fortune. Its a shame the hexane can not be reused in the extraction process.
If the demand for partially hydrogenated vegetable oils were to go down, Perdue would not need to use hexane. Why not teach healthy eating instead, Ray? That would help everybody's health, not just those in the valley!
"In a nutshell, the extraction process consists of treating the raw material with hexane and recovering the oil by distillation of the resulting solution of oil in hexane called miscella. Evaporation and condensation from the distillation of miscella recovers the hexane absorbed in the material. The hexane thus recovered is reused for extraction. The low boiling point of hexane (67°C / 152°F) and the high solubility of oils and fats in it are the properties exploited in the solvent extraction process"
Sounds to me like it doesn't escape the closed process, Ray. Do some research.
Just face it, Ray. You just hate Perdue.
From the map, this county has its southwest boundary on the river that feeds directly in to the bay.
If the government scientists are to be believed, Perdue is already polluting the bay with chicken manure all up and down the eastern shore of MD.....now they'll get to inject their pollution further up stream!
How do we help the PA folks!?
726-Perdue is the main reason that the Wicomico is the most polluted river in Maryland. Check out the numerous reported overflows, directly into the river.
With Jake Day's Father the new Purdue President, I doubt anyone on the Council will have the stones to raise their voice to the obvious problems.
To the anonymous, hostile, truth-ignoring commentator at March 6, 7:24 AM:
Here's the simple, documented, and easily verifiable central fact that you dismiss:
Perdue has applied to the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Protection to forever yearly dump over 200 tons a year of highly toxic waste hexane gas into the already seriously over-polluted air of Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna Valley.
Rather than properly dispose of its own, dangerous waste hexane, Perdue thinks it’s entitled to save money by just releasing it into the air that Pa. families must breathe.
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