DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Jonathan Taylor Continues To STEAL Articles From Salisbury News: Caught Red Handed AGAIN
Yeah, if you're stupid enough to visit his site you'll see a series of articles with "Whoops!" on it or a blank screen because we pulled our original articles that he stole from us and he can no longer use.
The obese and lazy piece of crap can't get his own articles for himself. Instead, just sit back in your oversized chair and copy whatever Salisbury News takes the time to search for and publish.
Notice in the yellow boxes who owns the material. This was taken from his own site and he was even too lazy to change the name of the files.
Now some of you might come back and say, we copy and paste articles all the time, this is true. HOWEVER, we copy a few paragraphs and then link back to the original site with a MORE link.
Since Taylor is now partnered with Greg Bassett, birds of a feather flock together. Taylor is well known for stealing full articles from beginning to end and never giving credit to the original origin.
We work very hard every day searching the Internet to find articles WE believe the majority of viewers will be interested in. It would be great if this guy delivered original material and didn't STEAL it from others who work so hard. Heck, he could see what we publish and go there and create his own articles but why do that when you can just steal the whole thing.
Jonathan, NO ONE likes a thief. You mooch off the taxpayers and now you are a well known thief. Its no wonder people call you a bottom feeder. Once again Salisbury News delivers hard evidence.
UPDATE: Since we own the files and material, once we pulled them from our site it instantly pulled it from his site and that also proves he stole the material from us. That's why you now see either a blank screen or a ""Whoops!" message.
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Isn't he also pals with Mikey Dunn and Fake Day?
JT is friends with the far left wing Democratic radical - as one can get.
If there is a hand-out he has his hands out.
I really would like to throat punch him. Hes blasted me before on his site and does not allow return comments. Hes such a bitch.
He's girly
How can he steal a press release? Please explain.
Jonathan is part of the problem in Salisbury and the county = not the solution. He allows lies on his site and when told with PROOF that he is publishing lies, he continues to keep the post up and allows vulgar comments. He wants to rail at you which is laughable. You have more truth in your little finger than he has in his whole body - and with that body, that's saying something!
To the Idiots who keep asking, how can you steal a press release.
A press release is usually released in a different format and to recognizes REAL main stream media, like Salisbury News and not a hobby blog. After we download the file we have to convert that file. Once its converted it must be uploaded and the settings changed on the file. After all that is done it is ready to be put up on the blog. JT skips all that hard work and just steals the information from us rather than finding the source and doing it himself. Many sources refuse to have anything to do with him because he's a liar and a thief.
I like WGMD, but I am totally baffled by the fact that they have him call in and actually attempt to discuss anything. I remember watching his candidate interviews a few years ago and thought WTF are these people doing sitting down with this moron.
Thanks for posting his pic, which I have printed to scare my kids when they misbehave. I'll tell them that they are going to spend the night with him if they don't shape up.
I stopped listening to WGMD because of this bum.
Joe, I think everyone knows you guys work really hard every day. I have been coming here for years. You've been consistent and your local news is the best we've ever seen. I stopped going to his site because I realized he was writing his own comments. The mental midget actually writes to himself and creates his own arguments. It's amazing to see how screwed up he is. Anyone who reads his comments and believes they are from individuals are not the sharpest blades in the drawer.
2:14, I have friends who go there and at times read me the comments and for what it's worth, you are 100% correct. Taylor wants people to believe others are going there but it's complete BS. He absolutely is writing his own comments or countering comments anonymously.Its just him.
The way I range it is, when he started his blog years ago I'd run into people who'd say, JT this or JT that. Honest to God, I NEVER HEAR THAT ANY MORE. NO ONE talks about anything he says, and I'm out and about quite often.
I truly believe and agree with you, the man has serious mental issues and he knows it. You can't ignore it when you are writing your own comments in the hopes people will believe it's someone else. Heck, the guy even believes he has more traffic than we do, yet he refuses to prove it. I make it a point whenever I see ANYONE to show them the actual real time hits at that exact moment so people will know, when we say we have MILLIONS of hits, I am not lying. NO ONE has ever seen his hits because he's a lying sack of sh!t.
Come on fat boy, meet me anywhere you like. Heck, invite all your people, (even imaginary ones) to bring cameras and we'll stand face to face, (LIVE) and compare hits on Blogger Dashboard. Heck, I'll even offer one better that will suit your wants and needs, (IF you are telling the truth) don't even meet me. Find someone like Matt Maciarello and have him view your Google Blogger Dashboard hits vs. mine on the same day.
Nah, you wouldn't even consider it because everyone knows you have mental issues and you want to be Joe Albero, something that is 100% impossible.
Heck, I'll even go one step further. I'll make the same offer to ANY local media to compare hits. Keep in mind Ladies & Gentlemen, ALL of our hits here are from WORD OF MOUTH. We don't do Twitter and or get all over Facebook and beg people to like us or even come to our site. We are as real as it gets.
Jonathan Taylor, the guys who has to steal articles from others absolutely 100% has mental issues and a man crush on Joe Albero. He attacks my Wife and Grandson and stupid people, weak people, actually visit a mans site and watch him tear apart innocent women and children. Then he flat out lies about how I attack his wife and dead father. Prove it Jonathan. Don't just say it fat boy, prove I said anything about the unfortunate death of your own father, even though you went after my Mother when she died.
People who come here, people who know who Joe Albero know for a fact I would never, ever do such a thing. It's clearly your style but not mine.
Not to worry Joe. This fat guy isn't long for this earth. He's a heart attack just waiting to happen and never too soon.
It is stealing if someone takes it from your website and doesn't give credit or a link. Its very clear to me that it was a sbynews file. For what its worth though Joe, no one I know goes to his site. It is scary how obsessed he is over you. Watch your back. Watch that gay guy from Pittsville too. Ryan something or other.
He obviously steals FOOD too.
No 2:46-If it was stealing charges would be in order.
2:46, it's called plagiarism . You must give credit to the original source. Look, Taylor has been caught at this MANY times. The point of the matter is, he's lazy, he steals from other sources and yes, lawsuits have been threatened against him for his illegal activity. Heck, his Salisbury Grinch website was shut down by Warner Brothers because they filed a lawsuit against him for using and defaming the Grinch name. He was forced to completely shut it down. That's his style.
I've always said, there's plenty of room for all of us. He just needs to do original stuff and not steal it from us or others. The guy is so stupid, he takes news from us and then changes the time after he publishes it. We know this for a fact because when he puts something up, all you have to do is go to his Facebook page and see what time it published there. You CANNOT change the time on Facebook. Then go back to his site and it shows an hour earlier, trying to make it LOOK like he had the story before us. He's a scam artist and a liar.
To be honest, because he has no real traffic, who really cares. I could put it up two days after him and still get a hundred more comments because, unlike him, we DO have the traffic.
Nevertheless, he's not fooling most people. We also don't QUIT every month and say we're rethinking if we will or won't continue blogging. On again, off again. Yeah, then the guy wants to say he has more traffic. So much BS. With what, four articles a day, I think not. He's a legend in his own mind. LMAO
Maybe his buddy Ryan Stevenson did it. You know, they guy who runs first alert.
Joe. Just create a SBYNews watermark and put it on the press releases. He can steal all he wants. Anyone that does go to his site, he has traffic just not as much as this site, would then see your watermark and know where to get their information going forward.
Don't see much police activity on first alert, I imagine the police are using cell phones, blue tooth instead of scanners to withhold information.
Taylor is more than a thief...and I question any of the political candidates that he supports. They pay him "hush" money by placing an "ad" on his site...sell outs! Those who have refused...and there were only a couple...magically become those he lies about and vehemently attacks.
Never seen that with Joe and doubt I ever would.
Taylor is not unlike any other shake down artist. The big problem is that he is a penniless man. If one could file suit to have his SSI check as a settlement he would be gone in moment.
The old adage is certainly true in this case: "You cannot get blood out of a turnip"...no matter how fat the turnip happens to be!
JT epitomizes the phrase "white trash".
Jonathan Taylor is unstable, period!
Wow - the shadow if his ass must weigh fifty pounds...no I didn't make that up - it came from a Robin Williams movie!
What a slug, and I mean that in all possible ways.
Lazy fat piece of sh*t
The only reason he did that is it smelled like food.
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