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Sunday, February 08, 2015

UPDATED: Can You Help SPD Identify These 2 Suspects


Salisbury Police Department

Juveniles identified and 1 juv arrested as a result of Express Market robbery last night


Anonymous said...

Mmmm , a little like "Amos and Andy" , can't be King Fish , he was very large.

Anonymous said...

Where is SPD , Oh yeh , changing tires for people.

Anonymous said...

all these thugs look alike to me!

Anonymous said...

You can be sure more than just a couple people recognise those punks but will they turn them in,that is the question. the people that would recognise them most likely don't look at Sby News.

Anonymous said...

Word travels fast, they already know their picture is out there.
Their mama's will drag them in.

Anonymous said...

They look like Obama's Sons to me.

Anonymous said...

It's no wonder SPD can't solve a crime, they can't even write correctly.

Anonymous said...

Did you think Salisbury Policemen operate on mental telepathy and magically appear at the scene of a crime before it happens? Sadly that many of Salisbury News readers feel the need to exploit every opportunity to be a class act. IMO come across more as a cop hater than a class act..

Anonymous said...

Salisbury , the next Ferguson!

Anonymous said...

If they are school age, teachers and classmates recognize them.

Anonymous said...

You have all been a great help here! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

U sure about dat???

Anonymous said...

Hang them when found.

Anonymous said...

Please, grace us with your undoubtedly wide and extensive knowledge of how our police procedures can better be carried out to reach your level of satisfaction.

Please be specific, and don't start with replacing anyone, as this is a challenge to reveal what you would do as a cop in your day to day approach of the job that isn't being done now.

Anonymous said...

I think they qualify for Obama's free Community College.

Anonymous said...

If they have any type of real community policing program they can reach out to the community and have this crime solved in hours.

Anonymous said...

Chief lure them in with pizza......

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:11
Just keep changing tires and keep avoiding the real issues.
Your belt should have a lug- wrench , perfume , and hand cleaner.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

They look a little like cadets for the SPD

Anonymous said...

12:11 Hire me to do the dirty work and just look the other way.

Anonymous said...

I got a good idea , have an officer stationed at all small businesses that carry cash , hell it's only a few small businesses left in the city , everyone else has moved to Texas.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is hating on cops. We're all just tired of living in a crime ridden city. In the private sector you get fired for not producing results so we'd all like to see a big change where it counts. 3 law enforcement agencies should be more than enough in a city this size. Making these streets safe again--that would be a class act.

Anonymous said...

If such a theft happened in a public school, even if caught on video tape and witnessed by two hundred people, a way would be found for consequences not to be levied.

Anonymous said...

How about instead of blaming the cops and putting more city money into additional cops, Salisbury finds a way to make their city appealing while making these children productive too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If they have any type of real community policing program they can reach out to the community and have this crime solved in hours.

February 1, 2015 at 12:28 PM

Please explain!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chief lure them in with pizza......

February 1, 2015 at 12:57 PM

That's what works at the WCBOE with John Fredericksen. They come out of the woodwork with free pizza. Does Barbara have purchasing cards?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If such a theft happened in a public school, even if caught on video tape and witnessed by two hundred people, a way would be found for consequences not to be levied.

February 1, 2015 at 2:50 PM

Thanks to Obama and now Mark Thompson towing the Obama line.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nobody is hating on cops. We're all just tired of living in a crime ridden city. In the private sector you get fired for not producing results so we'd all like to see a big change where it counts. 3 law enforcement agencies should be more than enough in a city this size. Making these streets safe again--that would be a class act.

February 1, 2015 at 2:22 PM

But the 3 agencies handle their own jurisdictions.

At least in some areas in Delaware you only have the Delaware State Police handling all calls.

Anonymous said...

Making the children productive?
Just quit producing the children!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
If they have any type of real community policing program they can reach out to the community and have this crime solved in hours.

February 1, 2015 at 12:28 PM"

Oh right. Unless there is something in it for them they won't rat on someone. This is one of the many many difficulties the black communities face. They have no sense of right and wrong unless it benefits them directly. A lack of forward thinking prevents them from grasping the long term benefits of reporting crime.

Anonymous said...

Blast them on local tv and Facebook,
Then arrest them and fine the Great Parent $1000.

Anonymous said...

The robbery actually didn't happen on the property it happened around the corner from what I heard, which was actually a purse snatching

Anonymous said...

I wish they could be sent to Sheriff Joe's jail and chain gang for some real discipline. Probably nothing will happen to them here.

Anonymous said...

3:25 answer, if you have good relationship with your community they will provide information. Cops need to walk foot patrol in high crime areas, talk to the people and spend time having interaction with grades 1 through 6 and let the kids get to know you. Provide small breaks on minor possession charges to call in favors at a later time. Have community picnics (hot dogs) in local parks and invite community to get to know you. Meet with citizen committee to discuss their perceptions (preceptions are people's realities) and seek ways to work together. We carried small stuffed animal with us and after being called out to a residence with children we would hand them out to the children. There are good people still in bad neighborhoods that love to see police. Increase night time bike patrols, saturation patrols and foot patrols. Stop in and talk to businesses owners in high crime areas. Very difficult to police from inside a car. I could go on but my typing sucks.

Anonymous said...

Dumb & Dumber are their names, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Miss Barbara the so called chief--is Liberal in Chief--she believes in fantasy world... Need to get new Mayor and new Chief ASAP

Anonymous said...

Does the court take EBT cards?????

Anonymous said...

There is always a reason why certain kids who know the rules and know the consequences for breaking them should never be referred to the office or suspended. It's much easier to lower discipline statistics for certain groups by always portraying them as innocent victims who just happen to start trouble all the time.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear they were I.D.'d and SPD nailed one.

Good work, by them and the community.

And good work by this shop owner having a GOOD video system!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They look like future NBA or NFL players, of course they will fit right in with the other thieves, wife beater, rapist, drug addicts, criminals, on those teams.

Anonymous said...

Sadly that many of Salisbury News readers feel the need to exploit every opportunity to be a class act. IMO come across more as a cop hater than a class act..

Anonymous said...

IMO come across more as a cop hater than a class act..

February 1, 2015 at 9:24 AM

Why does everyone who criticizes cops have to be a cop hater?

Certainly cops don't do or not do anything to warrant such criticism or emotions do they?

And responses such as your just make the situation worse. The lack of professionalism and crybaby attitude just enforces and and validates such criticism, and failure to recognize such also re-enforces the low I.Q. beliefs.

It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

What do you really hope to accomplish by engaging in such dialogue? Boosting public relations?

You have to be a city cop. Even state police have more sense than you display by such dribble.

Oops, sorry. Did I just hurt your feelings again? I keep forgetting you guys have guns.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's privatize the police force! Than, all the people we capture we can put into these little camps.. what should we call these camps...? Maybe a concentration camp! That way they can learn to concentrate on being a better person!

Don't be an idiot, SPD has a tough job in the 27th most crime ridden city in the USA. You want to blame someone for our cities crime level? Blame the underperforming stores at the center leaving god knows how much vacant space, or blame the state for some of the highest income taxes, or the fact that maryland doesn't support local business. Or our justice system not doing anything about REHABILITATING these people instead, treating them like slave labor.

Blame SPD? They try their best with what they have, your citizens and your government has failed you.

Anonymous said...

6:05 we need to get rid of mayor and then the police department could succeed.

Anonymous said...

5:42-Your theory sounds great but it's not the reality. Community policing should be the standard, but it's not anywhere near the solution. The solution starts at home and with strong positive role model parents who are involved in a child's life 24/7.
If a parent is stuck in a high crime, poverty stricken neighborhood then extra care should be taken that a child doesn't get lost to the streets.

Anonymous said...

Instead of groups always telling the rest of us how we can treat thugs better, how about stop having so many thugs?

Anonymous said...

The problem with the police is that they seem more interested in writing tickets for traffic violations than anything else.

Yes we have State, County and City police but most of the time you see them is hidden at some speed trap.

Just last Thursday I drove into Ocean City. From Berlin to 32nd St. I saw 4 different people puled over on the side of the road by police.

This is not counting the cop I saw by the Seven Eleven just as your coming across the bridge, the cop I saw sitting at the Seven Eleven between 28th and 27th and the two state Troopers I saw one sitting in the Jolly Roger parking lot with the other one waiting on the west side of the bridge leading into OC.

Its crazy to think Ocean City needs so much police presence this time of year.

Now I know that's not Salisbury but really its the same in this town. Police are all over the place but they are more interested in traffic violation than public safety.

Either way to see so many people pulled over in such a short span really leaves the impression that your living in a police state and not an open and free country.

Anonymous said...

More Stupids.

Anonymous said...

lol police state 9:17??? lol you must kidding or clueless. Wow 4 whole traffic stops out of 10's of thousands of vehicles a day on rt 50. give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Section 8 housing residence.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that anyone who would personally recognize these thugs reads sbynews.

Anonymous said...

9:17 you sound like a paranoid personality to me there are doctors out there who can treat this disorder. I seriously doubt you saw that many police during the day as well. The police are way under staffed during the day. Police officers have court during the day. They are running errands for the Brass. The bottom line is people are hating police and it is fueled by MSM. 99% of all police do the right thing. Our enemies want to disrupt our way of life. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

Teachers at their school recognized them and turned them in. The police know who he is. I heard one was let go. One is a freshman at local high school. He was in school last week.

Anonymous said...

Two white guys dressed as minorities.

Anonymous said...

Look up the person who is the Director of Safe Schools, and I bet you will also thank that person for "towing the Obama line." Dont let Mr. Thompson's title fool you...he runs the mentor program in the county and a grant-funded job program for kids at risk...its the latter that watches the videos and (mainly) decides how to proceed.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised he bothered showing up to school ever since Freddy abolished the attendance's called social promotion and it keeps the stats looking good!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Thompson is the Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator. Mr. Andrew Turner is the Safe Schools Coordinator. Surely both of them have been successful principals or they wouldn't be advising those who do run the schools.

Anonymous said...

We need a new class in the government schools called "Thug Prevention 101". You would learn things like, pull your pants up, learn to speak English, get a job, respect your elders, dont hate cops, don't hate Whitey, etc. I would pay MORE school taxes for that class.

Anonymous said...

I like your idea but there'd only be three kids left per class!