And Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis has a counterintuitive explanation for all the cold: It's the warming Arctic.
More specifically, Francis thinks the warming Arctic is causing the jet stream to slow down and get a lot more loopy, which lets big masses of frigid air slip south.
The jet stream is that powerful, high-altitude circulation system that carries weather around the Northern Hemisphere. The main fuel behind it is the difference in temperature between the Arctic and the warmer regions to the south.

“When the Arctic is warming so fast, that means there's less fuel driving the jet stream,” Francis says. “When the jet stream has less fuel it flows more slowly, and it tends to take these big north-south dips.”
Pure BS. Just another way of spinning their failed global warming theory.
7:45 and 8:18. Thanks for your enlightening and educated commentary.
8:54 It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see through the BS. You must be dumb to not see this is a political agenda to support an energy program that will bankrupt us all!
And the cow jumped over the moon!
yes, its called GLOBAL WARMING
The sun is in a cooling cycle. That will affect us a lot more than Al Gore and his inconvenient truth.
The Arctic Ice has recovered in the last four years, more than it had lost in the previous 17 years. One can hardly call that "arctic warming."
All you gotta do is read and it's right in front of you. Standing there while the Green Credits pushers try to work their spiel to entrap us in their Bullshit.
Anyone want to take a wild guess at who is a major partner in the company granted the rights to make a market in Carbon Credits?
Yeppers, Al Gore.
enough said.
Just another scam to tax the masses.
I liked the horsecrap comment.Probably the most accurate of the bunch.
If it's hot - global warming. If it's cold - global warming.
As in all religions, unfalsifiable tenets.
don't pay any attention to those pretty perfectly straight clouds cris-crossing the sky - they couldn't possibly be caused by man-made global warming
Al Roker now says there is climate change going on. That is enough for me!!
You've got to be pretty highly educated to be that foolish.
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