
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why Salisbury Maryland Has Evolved Into A Crime Infested Community

Last week Salisbury News broke the story about Labinol packing up their business in Salisbury, (like so many other major companies in the past) and relocating to another state. As you might expect, many have asked me why and what can be done about it.

In order to explain what's going on we need to go back in history, something NO ONE else has ever done.

I can clearly remember having a one on one conversation with Sheriff Mike Lewis when he was first elected. I shared something with Mike he not only didn't know, he actually didn't believe me when I told him. I can tell you the very same thing happened when I held the exact same conversation with Chief Barbara Duncan when she was first hired. 

I explained to them that it was my firm belief that crime/gangs are through the roof in Salisbury and Wicomico County because of a contractual agreement between the State and Somerset County involving ECI. The agreement is, they are NOT allowed to release any prisoners into Somerset County, period. We have a LOT of criminals from Baltimore and so forth serving lengthy stays at ECI and here's what happens.

Rather then their spouses remaining in Baltimore, (for example) and traveling all this way to visit them, they RELOCATE to Wicomico County. Once released from prison they move in with their spouse and start up a new life. Many of them become gang members in prison and or were a gang member before they ever went to prison.

So the majority of prisoners from ECI are released and then bused to the Christian Shelter in Salisbury. Mayor Jim Ireton even went so far as to get a grant to retrain these prisoners to help them get back into the work force. This cost taxpayers money. It also ENCOURAGES these former and convicted criminals to reside in our community. Hence the RISE in crime in Salisbury/Wicomico County.

Since this has been going on ever since ECI opened, crime has steadily risen on the Shore and guess what, no one can deny this to be a fact. MOST people have never been made aware of this. Especially your local Main Stream Media. 

So Sheriff Lewis and Chief Duncan actually tried to get the information as to how many prisoners had been released into Salisbury and Wicomico County and for years ECI would NOT provide such information. I do believe Mike and Barbara are privy to these numbers now but NO ONE will discuss the figures. 

So crime starts rising, our population starts rising, (even though there are no good paying jobs, go figure) Schools start experiencing more and more problem children, baggy pants, disrespect, you know the drill. The next thing we know we've got Police Officers planted FULL TIME in our Schools and someone has to pay for it. Hence the tax increases year after year. I'm not suggesting that's the only reason your taxes have gone up but it is a part of it you may have forgotten about. Some of the tax increases came from businesses leaving and creating shortfalls. 

Over the past 20 years the stats have risen so much so that Salisbury has been rated the 4th Most Dangerous City in America, per capita. So if crime is so high, we became the 4th Most Dangerous City in America, WHY are people moving here when businesses are running like a bat out of hell? The answer, go back to the top of this article and start all over again. 

You can't keep slapping up apartments, condos, affordable housing units or whatever else you want to call Section 8 Housing without crime going through the roof. Transient housing creates CRIME. When people purchase a home, they're committed to it. Look, we all know that along with businesses running away, so are the gray hairs that have been here for decades. When their homes sell, who buys them, slumlords. MORE RENTALS, more transient people. 

So if you want to know why Salisbury has evolved into the DUMP that it now is, (and it's going to get a lot worse) now you know why. Lewis, Duncan, Maciarello, Ireton, Pollitt have done NOTHING to make sure no prisoners are released into Salisbury and Wicomico County. Perhaps it is impossible to pull off, I don't know. But this is why crime is the way it is here. The quality of life here will never be the same as it was 20 years ago, period. Mind you, as long as there is crime, law enforcement becomes the most secure business in the County.

As hard as you try, businesses are not going to relocate here no matter how cheap you make it for them. When we say Salisbury will be the next Detroit, now you know why.


Anonymous said...

Joe once again you have left me speechless - what a great article! It just so upsetting to know,those who you reference in the article will do nothing to stop it. We in Salisbury are in for a tough haul - it is going to get worse and worse!

Anonymous said...

Well this is depressing....

Anonymous said...

If you believe it's a dump then why don't you move far away? Problem solved.

JoeAlbero said...

10:39, aka, JT, I DID.

However, my moving away doesn't resolve the problem. I know, you'll rent everyone a uhaul truck and help them move. And what we will have left, people like you living in affordable housing, food stamps, disability and the whole nine yards.

You, Shanie and Laura will have more of YOUR KIND here. It's no wonder you want everyone to leave.

Anonymous said...

Anyone not believing Salisbury is a dump only need go downtown during the day and try finding a parking place; there's one where ever you want. Wasn't that long ago when the only spots to be found were on the roof of the garage.

Also saw an article where they created a mass murder's haven. Knowing that all mass shoot ups have occurred in gun free zones, where shooters know there won't be anyone to stop them, the Centre has decided to make itself available.

Anonymous said...

Glad I moved out!!

Anonymous said...

I've been following you for years but this has to be the best article I've ever read here. I had no idea this was going on with the prison. It makes sense though. I think we'll sell our home now.

Anonymous said...

How much is the state paying the city to dump there known criminals here? The demise of neighborhoods started under the reign of terror created by Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster, somehow I think they benefitted most from the decay of the city. Put a stop to releasing criminals here and you'll see a decrease in crime. Send them back to Baltimore or wherever they came from. Let them all be released from DOC Baltimore and find their way home the best way they know how or make Baltimore their home. We don't want or need them here.

Anonymous said...

Here are the first primary questions...:

Is there a way to change it?
Can our elected officials do anything to prevent ECI 'residents' from being dropped on our doorsteps?

Here's the important question after...:

Will our elected officials do what it takes - or have they been bought off by the corrections system to allow this to continue.

Once we know the answer to the first question - we'll be able to figure out the rest.....

Ben said...

Great analysis of the problem. I know there is no quick way out and I have had a million ideas and my main opinion is to have this area become attractive to business and industry. When employers demand and pay for a steady, not substandard work force then the employers will grow and the work force will have a stake in ownership of their homes and lively hood. No quick solution but it can be done with out having free wi-fi and trendy trinket shops come first. All industry can balance profit and environmental and economic responsibility Yes rip me to pieces that is your right but I stand by my belief that a strong business base is our only solid footing.

dogg said...

you nailed it Joe. If we had any MSM with real investigative reporting it would have been said a long time ago.


Anonymous said...

Even if they are taken to Baltimore (or wherever) to be released, nothing prevents them from coming right back here on the next bus. And under our Constitution, that is their right, isn't it?

When all is said and done, this is a law enforcement problem that will require some serious policy changes that will make life MISERABLE for those who choose to break the law.
It's time for the taxpayer-funded babysitting to end and to bring some hard-core accountability to these folks who don't want to behave properly.

Anonymous said...

Bingo! Exactly why we left. Wife and I figured this out, years ago.

Finally got out last summer.

Life is good, again.

JoeAlbero said...

11:16, This is America. The prisoners spouses have every right to move here so there's not much we can do about it.

Sure, we may be able to force the state to bring the prisoners back to where they came from but if their family is located in Wicomico County, more than likely that prisoner is going to return here immediately and there's not much, (I believe) we can do about that.

The Eastern Shore was SUCKERS for ever pleading to the state to have a prison here. It was easy pickings because not enough people get physically involved whenever these things come to our attention, other then making comments on a Blog.

Heck, Ireton put up YOUR parking lots for sale and what did YOU do about it, NOTHING. Oh, wait until you see the almost ONE BILLION DOLLAR project they're creating there. Yeah, it looks beautiful, I'll give them that. However, it too will destroy Downtown and none of you will stand up to them.

My strong suggestion would be, get out of here while the gettin is good. I have spent 10 years of my life trying to get you people to wake up. I have delivered information none of the rest of the press even attempted to challenge. What have I learned in 10 years? I've learned that I have delivered and YOU have not.

As for believing things can get better, as Ben stated, well, I'd love to believe that too. However, when you keep election Idiots like Jim Ireton and all of his crony friends, there is NO WAY things will get better. Unless YOU people start standing up for yourselves, nothing will change.

So, what's it going to be people? I'll stand right by your side if you want to fight back. However, being the Lone Ranger here, I can't do it alone.

Anonymous said...

This is so on target. I vividly remember Tilghman and Webster saying there were no gangs in Salisbury and they lied. Good article Joe.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget once these criminals are released they are told how to get on welfare assistance. On and on and on.

Anonymous said...

Joe you missed Poplar Hill pre release unit. Most murders go there before they are released. That unit only takes long term offenders and gets them ready to work in society lol I would be willing to bet we have more murders on the streets of Salisbury then we do actual gang members. Wonder if we have the highest rate per capita in the state. I am willing to bet we do.

Just look at what has happened to Hagerstown. Crap hole. All because of convicts released in that town.

On point Joe.

Anonymous said...

Lower shore clinic is where they all go for treatment and drugs for psyc

Anonymous said...

It needs to start with making these people suffer when they go to prison. Most of the inmates at ECI live better than a lot of people do on the streets. Hot showers, 3 hot meals, free cable, cells full of food, XBOX 360s!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of section 8 housing ans slum lords.

Anonymous said...

The other variable in the equation is the fact that voting rights were taken from property owners about 20 years ago. When only city residents were allowed to vote, the fiasco of political idiots began.

Anonymous said...

Joe you are absolutely correct.
It's been several years and I can't remember what I was looking up, but while doing so came upon some prison forum site for family and friends of those within the corrections system.
They have threads dedicated to specific prisons including ECI.
It was mentioned that it is inexpensive for the wives/girlfriends to relocate to nearby Salisbury because of availability of low cost housing.
When I get the chance I will try and find conversation again on the forum and post.

Anonymous said...

Let's not try to implicate Matt M. -- as State's Attorney he has no power or authority about where prisoners are taken when they leave ECI. Now the local members of the General Assembly do have some influence -- has Mathais ever tried to do anything about this situation? What about Jake Day, Sample Hughes, etc.

Anonymous said...

Joe why are Matt and Barb bragging about the down turn in crime, yet they both want more money, more staff. Matt's budget has tripled since being elected. Something stinks here

Anonymous said...

Freedoms include the freedom to commit crime.They choose to rob a bank or steal a purse & then do it.That rule applies not only here but in every country on earth.The consequences vary in different countries,but no one stops them from committing the act,making it their free choice to do so.Were it not their freedom to commit crime it would suddenly stop happening.

Anonymous said...

Joe, It is my belief that the good people of the Easternshore of Maryland have played a significant role in achieving the one last thing that has the potential to save the state of Maryland from being a mini-Detroit and that is the election of Governor Hogan. His election, along with other key elections statewide, will give Marylanders that want to begin the long slow climb out of the sewer we have been drug down into by prior Governors and their minions! The very first thing we need to do is come to an agreement that we cannot buy our way out of this mess we must do what those 650 people at Labinol are doing such as no unnecessary spending, look for cuts in areas that we cannot justify expenditures, find other sources of revenue without increasing taxes and most importantly make Maryland a Business friendly state it can be without giving away the farm. I could spell this out further, but anyone with just some common sense can figure the rest out! As we welcome the new governor do as I've done by sending him an email asking him to do these very things and I'm sure you will find he is of the same mindset.

As far as the prisoners go send them back to the jurisdiction from whence they came period no exceptions! We have enough common criminals and certainly don't need to inherit other counties recidivism problems! Thanks for all you do and I hope this happens because the or else is the end of a once proud Maryland. As for me and my family we are already in the process of moving to Delaware.

Anonymous said...

It's very easy for people like JT to say "get the heck" out. They have nothing invested in the area. Not even a home. Advice or suggestions coming from someone like him who doesn't have a pot to piss in is meaningless and actually quite funny. He's a pauper a peon and he's telling others to leave? Others who have invested in the area.

Anonymous said...

Ben's nailed it. Better employers means better employee demand. When you have nothing but poverty level wage jobs everything goes downhill. When the jobs pay more, then other things go up like rents which makes it less attractive for criminals stay here.

Anonymous said...

joe, check it out to be sure but i think you will find out that the land for the prison was purchased from then gov. harry hughes brother in ny. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

Have ECI give the perps a one way greyhound ticket to where ever there drivers license is issued problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Joe been here 55 yrs just sold my home in Salisbury because of pollitts tax increases and higher crime Byeeeee

Anonymous said...

Anon 115, criminals don't work for a living, they commit crimes for a living. They steal from you and me and community businesses. They don't care about rent increases, HUD picks up the tab.

sydneyh said...

And I don't think a business is interested in hiring a thief !

Anonymous said...

Joe -- why put the focus (photo) on Matt Maciarello, who has nothing to do with where criminals released from ECI are sent? It's the policiians who are responsible for not stopping that situation, so go after them, tooth and nail, including Mathias, Ireton, and Day.

JoeAlbero said...

2:48, I'm biting my tongue with my language here. only YOU are focusing on Maciarello and I believe you've now done so twice. I'm NOT targeting Matt. This is a stock photo, so get over it.

Now, since you keep SUGGESTING such, Maciarello could lead the pack in getting the state to make changes for Salisbury and Wicomico County, if he so chooses.

It sure would make his life and career a whole lot nicer and easier.

Anonymous said...

A new Sheriff would help wico. county 100 percent if not more!

Anonymous said...

If you want some cold hard facts go on the Maryland State Police Website and go to the cold cases unsolved murders in our area. I have the list as I am working with others to solve one case not even listed. There are (7) for Salisbury/Wicomico County, (4) for Somerset County, and (2) for Worcester County. You can get the victims names dates of accurance and some of the facts. And no I am not kidding.

Anonymous said...

Take them back to their home town for release would stop some but as long as crime is let go in Wicomico they will always return! I moved out of state due to the school system and thugs! You have a good chance of seeing an armed robbery anytime after 9pm in Salisbury! It is just a fact crime is bad!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the city council members who stood behind former mayor Tilghman and police chief Webster, and sho said that there was no (zero) gang activity in Salisbury. They include Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart, Shanie Shields and president Mike Dunn, all of whom thought that Tilghman and Webster walked on water and were never silent in expressing it. During their "Dream Team" single term on council they set the stage for what Salisbury has become in terms of crime and blight, ignoring the festering crime rate and its root causes.

It's interesting to note that Dunn, who moved out of the city within a month of leaving council from the College Avenue home that he more than once said he "loved" to the county. With his newfound riches from the sleazy sale of property that shouldn't have been annexed into the city while he was on council, he moved to Tony Tank. Since then he's moved back into the city and has become the darling of some after bringing back The Winter Wonderland of Lights and city July 4th fireworks, both of which he made go away by pulling funding while president of council.
People's memories are evidently short and very selective in this town.

Anonymous said...

You can take the released prisoners back to their district of adjudication, but a $40 bus ticket will bring them back to Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Because they are covering up the true crime stats to make it seem like all the grant money they steal is actually doing something.

Anonymous said...

Dunn=scumbag POS

I can't believe he wasn't run out of town on a rail. His term as president of council was the most vile of the 20+ yrs I spent in Salisbury.

Doubly glad to be gone if that POS is making a comeback.

Anonymous said...

Oh but there can be hope.
Take Berlin, MD. Quite possibly the folks all the way up in Salisbury did not realize how bad the situation was in Berlin just 5-to-ten years ago.
Locals knew.
Robberies, burglaries, muggings - all drug-related, of course. No knowledgeable local would venture into that town after dark for dinner, shopping, or a place to meet for cocktails.
Today? "America's Coolest Small Town." This did not happen accidentally.
First, it took leadership, Then a zero tolerance policy. Then a strong push to get the community (ALL people in the community) involved.
The town came together as one and decided that they wanted their community back, and it worked. Big time.
Even the crime in the Section 8 housing areas is down significantly. The residents do not want it and will not accept a crime-ridden community.
Salisbury can be a wonderful, vibrant town. It's the leadership that is making it die a slow death.
Change can come.

Anonymous said...

Barbara's lies cost peoples lives.

William B. said...

Joe you have a valid point with ECI releasing prisoners here on the lower shore. I however feel that is only a very small portion of the problem. Rental properties in Salisbury and Wicomico County are the real problem in my eyes hence the reason we moved way out of Salisbury. Most rental properties are run down nasty homes held together with just enough to get by. Those who live in such properties choose a low quality of life with not a care at all about the home they live. The tenants don’t own it so why should they care. Take a look at some of these nasty places and what lives in them questions answered. Very low quality people without a care in the world that steal and rob to survive milking the system. Destroy the property and six months later move on to the next one and the process continues over and over. Salisbury is a pure crap hole owned by the slumlords that can’t be saved sorry too late now.

Anonymous said...

2:48, it is clearly an old photo. Fact is, Matt, could lead the charge with the police agencies to force change at the state level. Release where sentenced, provide finacial support to the areas that are spending mega bucks on enforcement because they have become a dumping ground. This falls disproportionately on the taxpayers of Salisbury and we can't afford to hire enough officers to make a dent. For the mayor, take back our housing stock. Make the slumlords bring their rental (business) properties up to code. Help the remaining homeowners to find the resources they need if repairs are required. Get off the police chief's back and let her do her job. Jake Day, if your cousin still works for SPD, I'm guessing that you have a hand in maintaining the status quo, too.

Anonymous said...

Who is the guy to the right of Matt?

Anonymous said...

Crime is here to stay deal with it. Sheriff's Office, SPD, Delmar and Fruitland need to pull resources together develop gang unit that target high crime areas and only priority is to arrest, arrest and arrest. Eventually the system will get them off the street. Expand drug task force, flood the jails with dealers. Flood neighborhoods with cops and just arrest, arrest and more arrest. Encourage crime report through neighborhood watch groups. Yes get a new sheriff and police chief.

Anonymous said...

I have lived around the country and have never seen a police force as large as it is here for a small area.

Anonymous said...


When I moved here the worse thing that ever happened was a girl was knifed at the old mall, is there an actual provable correlation between the prisoner element and local crime?

Have Matt assign Carsten to do a study to determine as such. If there is one, then a fix is needed.

Send the prisoners back to their home county.

PS- All city police forces should be dissolved and the officers put under the jurisdiction of the County Sheriff. Higher pay, better bbenefits, with the voters in charge.

Anonymous said...

At least there is less people working for the DT to report on crime Big layoff

Anonymous said...

3 police forces and the crime is still are the police really doing there job I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

John Thanos (last person executed in MD) was from Baltimore and was sentenced to ECI. When released he moved to Sby in that big house that's now a rooming house that sits in front of Benny St. He went on to murder a young man from Hebron and then continued the murder spree on the western shore.

Anonymous said...

Clarence Butch Jackson who went on to murder Christine Sheddy (2007?) in Worcester county was from NY and committed some crimes in OC. He was sentenced to ECI. Upon release moved to Salisbury and was arrested multiple times. He eventually found himself living in Pocomoke where he continued with his criminal career until he was finally changed and plead guilty to murder a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

402's history lesson is worthy of a post. Every week. To remind people. It should get sent to every young professional, college student and non-profit member where he is joining the boards to resurrect his "nice guy" image. Going to run again? Oh, hell, yea.

On the topic of this post, I knew about this, Joe, because the former councilwoman Debbie Campbell raised an alarm bell about it years ago. Barrie Tilghman ignored her. Jim Ireton stood and wrung his hands. This self-promoting blowhard was such a big deal with the Democrats and he couldn't get O'Malley or Mathias or Conway to do anything about it?

It was Terry Cohen that went to O'Malley pleading for help because of all our murders. Boy, oh, boy, did Jimmy BOY resent her for that. OMG, had to share some limelight (except she didn't do it for limelight, Jimmy).

So, Joe, you are right about the people not being up in arms about all this. They let Debbie Campbell get beat by Jake Day. They re-elected Ireton, whose victory speech was all about threatening Terry Cohen and Tim Spies.

THIS is why Salisbury will not get any better.

To the whiner about property owners not getting to vote. You must be a landlord. That's their mantra. If property ownership alone gets you the right to vote, guess what? The Chinese will be picking the officials. Be careful what you wish for. That is not the reason Salisbury "changed 20 years ago.)

Joe, you perform a service here. There have been a couple of officials in Salisbury who gave a damn, but they are gone now. Spies is still there, poor dude. I have some hope with the new leadership in the county, but they have years of hell to clean up.

SAPOA's Dream Team is coming back. Salisbury will only be good for a chosen few.

Anonymous said...

7:30 Heather Miller. 1991?

Man i've been in Salisbury a long time.

Remember Dave Bonar, the WBOC anchorman who went to prison?

Anonymous said...

5:51 that's a pretty broad brush stroke painting all renters as filth.

But it shows your limited knowledge and ability to think out side of the box. Would you rather they be vacant dilapidated properties? Because that's what they would be if not rented.

Maybe the bigger issue is the lack of jobs or actually livable wage paying jobs in this town.

Who the heck can afford to buy a home working at some minimum wage retail job, because that's the majority of opportunity here.

You simple minded small town pea brains will never be able to fix anything if you do not admit what the real problem is and quit spewing these out dated unfounded mantras.

The rental business is the only thing keeping your real estate market alive in this place, and the more complexes they build the more vacant single family and apt homes you will soon see vacant and dilapidated. And as far as I can tell there have been a $hit load of them recently built all over this community.

I will help you out with a small tidbit. The foreclosure rate in this community is on the rise again.

So keep spewing your rental bashing ignorance. That oughta fix the problem.

Until you fix the income issue (or lack there of) you can not fix real estate issues.

Anonymous said...

The streets need RC Cordrey back he is the best

Anonymous said...

Some good and thoughtful discussion here, today.

Sounds like an excellent opportunity to make a difference.

I'd offer to take the lead, but I left when they ousted Debbie. With Debbie out of the picture, I knew that within 2 yrs, they would undo all the changes She, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies had made for the better.

It didn't even take them two years.

Aside from her family issues, I can't blame Terry for bolting. The smarm that's really in charge did everything but hang her in public. She was threatened, her family was threatened, she was vilified everywhere in this town except on this blog. And in all that time, no one went to bat for her publicly, except Joe.

A representative needs a team. I happen to know Terry well enough to know the thousands upon thousands of hours she put into fighting those bastards. She coulda used some help with that.

So, if you decent people of Salisbury get your act together and manage to get rid of the current scum in charge and keep out scumbag POS Dunn, just remember that still isn't the end of it. Because those vultures the landlords will be throwing everything they have at it, 24/7 to destroy whoever it is they are against.

And if you doubt me, all you have to do is remember the blanket mailing sent out by a CHICAGO Real Estate organization on behalf of candidate Jake Day.

Pay attention people and you will know who is bought and paid for.


Anonymous said...

8:43 I don't think it was Dave Bonar but his ex wife. She plead guilty to embezzling a company she had worked for.
Dave Bonar now resides in Dover DE where he serves as city council member.

Anonymous said...

9:26, what joke. Calling the Rental industry the savior of real estate properties in Salisbury is like calling cancer the cure.

the 60% ratio of rentals to owner occupied IS part of the problem. In a healthy city, the percentage is close to 80% owner occupied.

On every block that has a house to go to rental, the values of the entire block go down. Good for your business though, right? lowers the cost of your assets.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference if a landlord allows his property to fall so far into disrepair it is cited regularly and a vacant dilapidated house? The difference is people are occupying and destroying these properties. Either way, they're dilapidated and not worth the space they take up on the earth.

Anonymous said...

So, I find this thread interesting, ECI has in many ways been a job producer for the shore, I know many good people that work there. In regards to a study, certainly the sheriffs office has historical data for certain types of crimes going back 50 years or so? Now take that data, filter at a preselected baseline, ECI opened up in , what? 87? When did they start releasing a certain amount of people per year? Come up with a number, is there a divergence point? In order to be sure, you would need to attempt to look at each crime above the previously mentioned baseline, and see if the individuals had some connection to ECI. Plotting through "x" degrees of separation might not be easy but if a connection could be proven, then fixes are possible. Lower shore coalition could draft return to sender county legislation. If they were "our" people, lower shore from heres only, a recividsm program could be funded for at risk peeps. A bigger question is though, if you plot the number of private sector jobs a community has, as that number of jobs decreases, does crime increase?

Yeah, how do we fix that?

Anonymous said...

Who says no ECI inmates are paroled out into Somerset County???? Maybe you should check the Housing Authority in Crisfield,or the former Pines motel or any of the low rent districts around Princess Anne.Both towns in Somerset are full of inmates "baby mommas".
As far as rentals go,who can afford to live in Salisbury anymore? I rented from a well known local landlord in Salisbury many years ago who did not renew my lease because I paid $750 and they could charge $1000 if they rented it to a "free housing" client referred by social services.I kept my home neat and clean and planted flowers outdoors-months later I rode by my old rental and not only is the yard barren,the new "tenants" were using posters of Tupac and other rappers in lieu of curtains or blinds.Lovely.
Most working class people are priced out of rentals because the housing voucher program pays more.But they are not "saving" any money when their houses are getting trashed by those tenants,now are they?
And the comment about substandard housing cracks me up because some of those Section 8 renters have nicer homes than us worker bees and its all free so they do not appreciate or care for the home or neighborhood.Don't tell me there are no released inmates in Somerset County....I have seen enough gang tattoos to know better.

JoeAlbero said...

8:31, I said the contract states they cannot be RELEASED into Somerset County. I didn't say they couldn't reside there.

Anonymous said...

Do you people wake up every morning on a mission to hate the poor? You have no problem sending those section 8 babies off to fight your wars.

You get exactly what you deserve.


Anonymous said...

Stop treating criminals/inmates like they're first class citizens. Put the word "Corrections" back in true use. It seemed very much that crime in the old days was a lot less than what it is today. We coddle criminals and make excuses for criminal activity. Take a look at the facts and start making hard decisions about criminals. We don't need and don't want any more hug-a-thug programs either in the county or this state. Make incarceration so miserable that no one would shrug off going to jail or prison. It's time to get tough in the schools as well as corrections!

Anonymous said...

E.C.I. should stand for Executive Criminal Institute. It is nothing more then a criminal college. The only thing scarier than the inmates are the C.O.s. Longer sentences and tougher p&p is the answer. You can not fix evil. You can cage it or kill it. period

Anonymous said...

10:41 I know quite a few OWNED non rental homes that are on the brink of being condemned. So why the ignorant rantings and blaming solely landlords.

There is one condemned house on my block, one in foreclosure, two for sale, and 1 abandoned. And guess what, only 1 was a rental and they ALL look like dilapidated dwellings.

And why would a tenant invest in a property when the landlord won't.

Nothing will ever change with the stupid notions you hillbillies have and your continued focusing on the non issues.

Anonymous said...

Fix the employment issues you fix other issues. Lift up your community and they will rise with it.

When you can't find viable employment, x-criminals included, you turn to other activities to make a living.

Change the environment. The PD has to quit turning a blind eye to the known activity going on around them.

Enforce the code and compliance laws.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Exactly complaining &' shi

Anonymous said...

Well Obviously the contract has been broken in Somerset County. If an inmate has a home plan and p&p investigate it, then the inmate is allowed to move there. It's that simple. No inmate is allowed to be release from ECI without a family member or friend there to drive him away. Think about how ECI has benefited a lot of families by providing a job. You are not going to stop the gang problem. They are everywhere in the State of Maryland and USA.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious .

barb said...

Spot on! Prisons have become a revolving door for gang growth. Bring back chain gangs and hard labor as a deterrant! Oh wait..the bleeding heart liberals wont stand for that. Hope its their door they break down on their NEXT crime spree!

Anonymous said...

I agree!

Claudia Balzac said...

Nobody "sends Section 8 babies off to fight" any wars. There hasn't been a draft in decades, did Section 8 even exist then?

If they would join the military even as non-combat personnel, they'd at least get some on the job training. And just as importantly, learn self discipline and the meaning of a work ethic, as well as the connection between behavior, reward, and consequences. Basic life skills their parents never taught them.

Or perhaps I should say "could" join the military. The degenerate subcture that rejects education and applied effort, unfortunately tends to produce unmotivated, ignorant individuals with overinflated self esteem and a distinct lack of any real potential.

If they can't pass the enlistment exam to get into the military, or they have a serious criminal record, they can't join the military.

Claudia Balzac said...

It's not just an income issue that leads to the creation of ghettos where a good neighborhood once thrived. It's a lifestyle issue. One can be poor but law abiding, respectful and keep a tidy yard.

It's an entire subculture taught to reject the values and responsibilities required to sustain a civilized community. Blame the parents, without absolving the offender.

Anonymous said...

You must mean slumlord Cannon.
This guy should not be on the county council it's a conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot. No one makes poor people join the military. I have a degree and make less a year at my retail job than the LOWEST paid active soldier in the US military. My husband is a veteran, joined the military for job training and college funding. Tell me again how voluntarily joining the military as a low income young man or woman is a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

For as small as Crisfield is they sure do have a LOT of crime,not so sure prisoners are not there.

Anonymous said...

Before s person is paroled out, a home investigation is completed..that being said, that is simply an address is provided, and it is verified that there is an actual residence there, and that the person is allowed to live there by mom, dad, grandma, etc. If the inmate simply listed an address and the person says they don't want them there, then it is denied. A person can't be banned from living in an area, unless they meet criteria as a sex offender, and there are children in the home, etc. Believe it when I say P&P would prefer not to have more and more criminals on their caseloads--it is staggering, and the public would probably not believe what is going on.

Anonymous said...

Well, when you have DUMB ass people in charge of police agencies, NOTHING will be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Joe, You are right I have been in Salisbury for 55 years and I have 10 more befor I retire and move away.

Anonymous said...

9:21 AM

Well put.

Anonymous said...

Well, as far as criminals go, Kathleen Green, Warden of ECI, has been taken from the prison twice in handcuffs herself.

Once for assaulting a CO, and another for padding paychecks.

How does she keep her job? She is Ben Cardin's niece. lol

Anonymous said...

I think you mean "devolved" there, Einstein.

Anonymous said...

Its not the police dropping the ball. It is the judicial system here with its good old boy connections making pleas and putting crap on the stet docket. If they would stick to their guns and toughen up on the criminals then the criminals will leave.

Anonymous said...

Let's get this article to the parents of all the present and future students at SU. I heard this years ago.

Anonymous said...

Lol... this whole article is pure opinion. The inmates from ECI, etc are all released back to the area where they are originally indicted. And its very doubtful that a contract exists between the state and somerset county regarding ECI, A lot of crime comes from the fact that families in areas that are highly crime infested across the bridge, move to areas like wicomico county due to their being a low cost of living.

Anonymous said...

Section 8 helps alot of the working single mothers in the area. So getting rid of section 8 is not the answer because the recipients are not all criminals. Now getting getting rid of the slouches that abuse it is a great idea. So they can stop sucking up my tax dollars. But hard working single mom's like myself that aren't eligible would actually appreciate it.

JoeAlbero said...

To the person writing in all capital letters, all of your comments are being rejected. Stop screaming.