Date of Incident: 20 January 2015
Location: 3000 block of Devonshire Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Donna Lee Haddock, 45, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 20 Jan 2015 at 11:30 PM deputies responded for the report of a subject firing a weapon in a yard in the 3000 block of Devonshire Drive in Salisbury. Upon arrival, they learned that Donna Haddock had become upset with her boyfriend at which point she went into the back yard and allegedly discharged a rifle into the air multiple times. The other residents of the house took shelter inside until the arrival of law enforcement. This incident caused a significant disturbance in the neighborhood as well.
At the conclusion of the investigation, Haddock was placed under arrest and transported to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Haddock in the Detention Center in lieu of $25,000.00 bond.
Charges: Reckless Endangerment, Disorderly Conduct and Disturbance of the Peace
Incident: WCSO Activity 19-21 January 2014
Location: Wicomico County
1. On 19 Jan 2015 a deputy arrested Sebastian Lee Robinson, 21 of Salisbury, at an address in the 500 block of Emory Court. Robinson was being sought on a District Court Bench Warrant that was issued after Robinson failed to appear for a Diving Suspended and Uninsured case. Robinson was released by the District Court Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.

2. On 19 Jan 2015 a deputy located and arrested Polly Lynn Poole, 40 of Salisbury, on a traffic stop after discovering an open warrant for her arrest in connection with a theft. Poole was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.

3. On 20 Jan 2015 a deputy arrested Scott Anthony Dasaro, 49 of Salisbury, at an address in the 800 block of Upland Drive in Salisbury; Upland was being sought on a District Court Bench warrant that was issued after he failed to appear fora Driving Without a License case back in 2012. Dasaro was released by the District Court Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.

4. On 21 Jan 2015 a deputy arrested Eugenio Rincon, 38 of Salisbury, at an address in the 200 block of Eden Street in Salisbury. Rincon was being sought on a District Court Bench Warrant that had been issued following Rincon’s failure to appear for a violation of probation hearing in a DUI case. Rincon was detained on a bond of $10,000.00 in the Detention Center by the District Court Commissioner.

Incident: Child Support Warrants
Date: 19 January 2015
Location: Wicomico County, MD

Narrative: Between 16-19 January 2015 deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office arrested the above individuals on Circuit Court Body Attachments that had been issued in connection with Child Support cases.
All subjects were detained on bond in the Detention Center pending an initial appearance in front of a Circuit Court Judge.
Charges: Child Support Non- Compliance
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 18 January 2015
Location: 8000 block of Athol Road, Mardela Springs, MD
Suspect: Brandon Scott Nauman, 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 18 Jan 2015 at 7:45 AM a deputy located and arrested Brandon Nauman in connection with an assault that had reportedly occurred the previous evening. In this incident, Nauman is accused of engaging in an argument with a female subject that culminated with Nauman getting angry and quickly driving away. It was during the driving away where Nauman allegedly struck the female with the vehicle and reportedly ran over her ankle.
Upon the arrival of the deputy, the female victim was in the process of being treated by EMS and was subsequently transported to PRMC. The deputy further discovered that Nauman’s privilege to drive a vehicle had been suspended.
The deputy was unable to immediately locate Nauman which led to the obtaining of an arrest warrant. Upon apprehension, Nauman was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Nauman in the Detention Center on a bond of $75,000.00.
Charges: Assault 1st Degree, Assault 2nd Degree, Reckless Endangerment and Driving While Suspended
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 21 January 2015
The 1st one looks like a witch
The first one IS a witch! What comes around goes around.
Haha that's hilarious. The karma train
Oh, wow. Doesn't she deal in insurance
Funny how people comment and hide behind "anonymous". Grow some balls, if you have something to say be proud of it and tell us who you are....... Joanna
Fred said...
Your so brave Joanna...Fred
Joanna said F/U Fred
Joanna is Donna's sister. The karma train finally hit her!!!!
So sorry to see this about Donna. She is a great Mother and person. Men will make you go insane at times. Better days ahead for her ---- so sorry you find yourself in this situation.
Anon 3:17
She 'deals' in a lot.
😂. Your my hero
Looks like the county would be better off to hire a bounty hunter for this trash rather than pay the expensive deputies when they could be out doing real police work.
Well I've known Donna my while life and this does not surprise me. But not in a bad way. I've done the same thing. Prob is we are country girls trying to live in town where we don't belong. Where people call cops and stuff . No worries donna. Mardela always got your back girl! ;)
Sounds like some good therapy would be the best idea. A man cannot "make you" do anything that is not in your nature. She needs to get as far away from this dude as possible and find herself again. If she is the "good person/mother" that some say she is...then she needs a break from all of this drama and a new start. Everyone deserves a second chance. Times are tough...give a gal a break.
Haters will be haters but like always Donna will prevail and be on top.
I believe she and him both own the home. And you can be as "country" as you want, but when you buy a home in a NICE neighborhood, it would be polite to have your property not look like some trash heap and you should probably conduct yourself in a respectable manner.
If you want to act all ignorant and redneck, then move to the country where you won't be bothered by your poor neighbors who just want to live in peace and not listen to your trashy mouth and guns.
Omg really 609..therapy? You ever fire a rifle..it's amazing. Gets your point across quickly too! LOL
Therapy..I wish I would
I remember when Donna shot at her boy friend at that time, at the cactus club years ago
6:09 give the girl a break?
The idiot was randomly and irresponsibly shooting a gun off in a residential neighborhood. And I am being kind when I call her an idiot.
Honestly she is bringing down the neighborhood and it is a shame.
Maybe she shouldn't be acting like white trash.
I wonder if she "accidentally" hurt someone if you would still be asking for a break.
Wow the cactus club. Now that was a classy establishment lol
715..guess your the boss on how someone should or shouldn't behave. How is she bringing down the neighborhood.
7:33 Really? you that much of a moron?
I wish more of my neighbors would air their dirty laundry for all of us to see and hear. I can barely contain myself to express how much fun it is having some absolutely moronic idiot who carelessly shoots off a gun living near me.
And while they are at it, maybe they can throw more crap in their yard. Looks like a used car lot with a side business in recreational vehicles.
No I am not the boss, I just know how to act like a respectable person and not some mentally challenged selfish piece of trash.
Not everyone give a crap or wants to listen to their self imposed drama.
Grow the F up or move and leave us in peace, like it was before you got there.
Any woman who allows a man to get her so darn mad that she can't control herself and starts shooting a gun off in a residential neighborhood (which is a crime) has some issues.
All I can say is she needs to grow the hell up and start behaving like a responsible adult and not common white trash.
Joanna the sister adds more insight with her crude language and speaks volumes as to the poor parenting these "ladies" had.
What are you simple or something 7:33. When there's a lunatic in the neighborhood who has no self control and shoots a gun off, it brings the neighborhood down levels.
It's not rocket science. You must be related to her. Too stupid to realize what she did wasn't clever or cute but something only an idiot would do.
Deer Harbor is getting bad.Shots fired are nothing new,and I'm not talking about hunters either.
Actually the press release is incorrect
There are 5 charges:
Dangerous weapon with intent to injure
Reckless endangerment
Disorderly conduct
Alc. Bev/ Intox:endanger
Disturbing the peace
Drunk with guns, what every neighbor desires to have next door.
You have hit the nail on the head. When you lie down with dogs you are going to get up with fleas.......
8:18 aka fancy pants, my parents did a fine job of raising me, not only can I cus like nobody's business I can kick some city ass too. How is that for acting like a lady. And for those who say she trashes the neighborhood with her vehicles, those vehicles probably cost double your rinky dink house.
8:18 aka fancy pants, my parents did a fine job of raising me, not only can I cus like nobody's business I can kick some city ass too. How is that for acting like a lady. And for those who say she trashes the neighborhood with her vehicles, those vehicles probably cost double your rinky dink house.
These comments are proof we are de-evolving.
those sisters are bad...i wouldn't mess with them...serious business now.
8:45, yes you two sound like real treasures.
The biggest laugh is that you refer to Smallsbury as "the city". Oh my gosh thanks for the laugh.
Yes your parents raised you right fine. To be drunken foul mouthed selfish pieces of trash.
Small town, small minds drama.
Oh and from the judiciary case search, and all the people she owes money too, I can't imagine that them there vehicles are actually paid for. Living the life of pseudo richness on an over limit credit card and not paying yer bills. Maybe she can divorce another one and suck them dry......yee haw.
I will keep my rinky dink house and some class over that fake hot mess any day.
Look at me! Look at me! Seems to be your motto.
Not quite the attention you were hoping for eh?
Omg..this is the most hilarious thread of comments I have ever seen. The whole bunch of you sound like morons. Get a life.
7:07 I love shooting rifles, and handguns, shotguns, semi autos, full autos and everything in between. Responsibly, aimed at a target with a background to stop the projectile. Not carelessly shooting a rifle with a projectile travelling at 2500+fps in a residential area. I hope her gun days are over for life. She should not be allowed to possess, or be in the same house, as a firearm.
What's it matter what size house any one has as long as they can afford it and it fits their family. No forclosure here. Boo, can't say the same can you. That's why husband (ex) left you for something younger and obviously more attractive(not hard to do).
37 years ago, you started your bullying in me at Northwestern. To this day I obviously still ponder on that. I can see you are the same trailer trash (ha you grew up in one) that you were back then. Rot in hell.
You have issues if you still ponder on something that happened 37 years ago. Move on man life is too short.
8:20 dude you must be talking about her crazy ass sister, Donna never bullied anyone. That sister of hers was off the chain......
5:40 - Are you serious?! Mardela has your back! Please!! Also, you have known her your whole life, not while!! Also, You are a country girl and not a city girl - so what? So are you saying country people act different then city folks?! Cause honey- If you are a lady- You act like one NO MATTER WHAT!!! Quit making excuses for her!! Also, If you have known her, her whole life - I guess you have helped her move ALOT!!! Mardela, Hebron, Mardela, Salisbury and Fruitland!!
Yes the ex left for the 17 year old babysitter and he was in his mid 30's.
She and her sister are still loud mouth bullies and always have been, since grade school. Donna has never had any serious consequences for her nasty white trash behavior, with luck, maybe she will get what's coming to her this time! I do feel sorry for her kids, sadly they've had to endure her crazy, erratic behavior and unpredictable tirades against the many men in & out of her life. I hope they are both taken away from her so they don't end up on that crazy train too!
I just speak my mind and tell it like it is, nothing to be ashamed of babybcakes. Sorry if I don't sugar coat things and I certainly don't lay down like a doormat to let people walk all over me. The Sister!!!!!
No you aren't sister but how many notches does sis have on her bed post. You held your own but you were never vindictive. Your sister is obsessed with bring others down.
And he is extremely happy now. So your point?
But your nose isn't
Both a couple of HO bags...If they had as many sticking out of them as stuck in them they would both look like porcupines.
You're funny, once gain you are one of those who hides behind posting with anonymous. Unless you have the balls to say who you are or better yet come see me then keep your comments to yourself. Coward. Joanna
Haddock may as well have DRUNK tattooed across her forehead. You can take one look at her and tell she's a stone cold alcoholic. She looks to be 60 years old and not 45.
It's a same that people let alcohol control their lives to the point that they make asses out of themselves.
People should mind their own business. Classlessness starts with people whom supposedly have class. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Go look in your mirror and remember who you really are. Anymore reminders needed. You who have nothing to do but read about others misfortune need to GET A LIFE. Chester
@ 2:39 You're a wanna be tough guy...LOL
No people should not mind their own business 5:38 and they never will and don't you ever forget it. People have every right to throw stones and they will, because episodes like this won't be tolerated without people sitting back silently.
When a stone cold drunk goes out and starts firing shots off in a residential area she needs to be put in her place which includes public humiliation and then maybe the out of control drunken behavior will discontinue.
Public humiliation is the best medicine and if she's too stupid to get control of her life then she has to sit down shut up and/or suffer the consequences.
@8:30 you have nothing better to do than to google search court cases, shouldn't you be working or something. This article doesn't say anything about being out of control because she was drunk.
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