DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Because I Think Out Of The Box, How About A Microbrewery/Liquor Distillery Mall?
Ever since I heard of Labinal packing their things and leaving Salisbury I thought, what in the heck can we do with that facility.
Considering there are so many vacant manufacturing facilities in Salisbury and Wicomico County, I had to think out of the box. Clearly the fact that so many of these buildings have remained empty for so many years, what the very people involved in working together to figure out what THEY want to do with this facility, I wanted to prove I had better ideas.
When I ran for Mayor I told everyone my economic development platform, most of which were "out of the box" thinking. Creative ideas that specialized attention towards what we actually have here on the Eastern Shore.
So, how about a Mall right next to the Civic Center. The idea would be to design this facility for MULTIPLE Microbreweries and Distilleries. In the front of the building would be a Bar/Restaurant that only sells the liquor manufactured at that location. Each business can divide the overhead costs and or profits from the Bar/Restaurant to help subsidize their overhead.
Now, the building would be carefully designed for small companies, a start up, as you will. The idea would be to create a START UP location for enthusiasts with a dream of owning their own business. Once their product takes off, the County would have a list of other larger facilities these businesses could expand to. GOOD MONEY AFTER GOOD MONEY!
You see, I was thinking, what's the new upcoming Industry. Clearly Microbreweries and Distilleries are it as they are popping up everywhere. The one thing I had noticed about these business owners is that they don't feel like other Breweries are competition. They are getting into it because they love the art and craft of it. So why not create an environment where everyone works together and has each others back.
It's never been thought of and quite frankly it would very quickly become a "DESTINATION LOCATION" as I head preached in my campaign. It would easily become a tourist site.
Anyhow, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this idea. And don't come on here attacking me, unless YOU want to provide a better idea.
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I think it's a great idea. It could possibly be a place for Christmas parties, wedding receptions, and maybe a small concert venue.
This concept could work in Asheville, NC, or Nashville, not sure the Income level would support it here.
I say some indoor recreation place should take over Libinals' spot, we need indoor play area for kids and adults (need a bigger CoCo's). SU took over the racquetball courts at merritt and the indoor tennis courts are locked down as well, a nice indoor swimming pool that is not over loaded would be great as well. Not sure if that structure would support this, if not plenty of open spots at the Mall (jcpenny old spot?)
What happened to that indoor skate park Robinson was building out to the industrial park?
Love the creative thinking. Since it is a secure location, could the Sheriff's department move there?
Great idea! You can rent space out to different vendors, a bread maker, pastry maker, or soap maker or a pottery, etc. that would get some locals working also!
it is a great idea. it would open up more local jobs,revenue,more people would possibly have some money to spend here if the city and county doesnt raise taxes. more. but salisbury is not bussiness friendly. maybe it could be located outside of salisbury.
Great idea! It will never be allowed.
Because so many of you do not think out of the box, there are a few of us that have the ability to see much further into the future. We've been business owners who have experienced the ups and downs and when you are down you must be creative enough to make things work.
My belief is, many of you really haven't traveled like I have and visited hundreds, (if not thousands) of other communities to experience what's new, creative, successful and so forth. It kills me that we have a RIVER running right through the Downtown and your leadership wants to pop up this or that. I want people to open their minds and THINK about what it would be like to enjoy a San Antonio Texas experience. Try it for just a minute and Google just images of that Town.
Now, here's the problem with many of you. YOU think about YOU. I think about YOU too. However, I also think about ALL of the other people I can draw from everywhere else, like Rockville, Silver Spring, Annapolis and so forth. In order to revitalize, you are right, Salisbury CAN NOT handle it because there's not enough INCOME here. Guess what, IF we get creative and we develop DESTINATION LOCATIONS that will attract people from other states, THAT is money Salisbury NEVER had. It creates BETTER PAYING JOBS from OUTSIDE money. It means we grow while carefully managing the design of that growth.
Locals aren't going to pony up the BILLIONS of dollars to recreate another San Antonio. We have to reach OUTSIDE of Salisbury to draw in the investors to rebuild.
STOP thinking so small. With the right kind of thinking and positive energy IT CAN BE DONE. However, the leadership you now have wants to open this little tiny bar here and there and they think that's success. It's a lipstick on a pig.
Adding to 10:35 and what you said Joe, it could be divided up into "stalls" for a variety of vendors. If it had a deli or a couple of eateries, it could be a lunch time destination too. Local amateur musicians could try out their music....it could be a really cool, industrial vibe place.
How about going after a theme park. We have a great location for one being the "crossroads" of Delmarva.
i'm not sure how consistent the power and fiber lines are but companies are looking to expand thier data center locations.
10:56, That's an idea I delivered years ago, theme parks, indoor and outdoor water parks. Your right, but let's concentrate on Labinol for now.
Great idea. I actually believe the Trolley would finally see passengers for once.
Heck yeah ! Love your idea !! It creates jobs and rekindles badly needed industry in the area. My only problem with this is why in the hell are our lazy, corrupt, cheating politicians not coming up with such an idea?? Why is it that our politicians never serve their intended purpose??
The idea is great Joe, however the county would approve the Civic Center for selling beer immediately.
11:19, Legally the Civic Center can't sell liquor, period. Besides, WHO is going to go to a Civic Center to get a beer!
Here's another thought. I'm told they already have a commercial kitchen at this location, PERFECT!
This venue, if it actually came to fruition would make a small fortune on just the Dog Shows alone. They bring in thousands of dollars to the local economy. It would be within walking distance of the many motor homes that set up during these shows. I think it's a fabulous idea. Start with the small microbreweries, add in some food, some local entertainment and any surrounding space could be leased out during these special events to quality craft/artisan vendors. It's a great idea which begs the question...WHO is going to solicit investors/businesses to locate there? Isn't that a project for SWED?
SWED? Are you kidding me. SWED is so outdated. The County should hire ME to do that job. At least things will improve.
Here's the funny part. They could hire me and if I failed, well, you all could rag on me all day long.
You know what, like all my other business and Salisbury News, I never fail.
Mind you, I will NOT work directly for the County as I would NOT allow the Council to hold me back.
The job would be a LOT like what Hogan and Culver are facing. An almost impossible task but someone with experience needs to do it.
I pretty much always disagree with Joe, but he is right on with this one...
This town does not have, and needs, a bakery. This would be a good location to be included in what you propose.
I like the idea. I would prefer that one of the major distillers come in first. They are looking to expand and opening a new facility in an area that is on the east coast closer to dc Baltimore and Philly can cut their transportation costs. Coors partnered with SAB Miller and now most of the Coors light sold east of the Mississippi is brewed at a Miller facility in Virginia. Who is capable of making the pitch to let's say Brown Forman and convince them spending the money is worth it? It's not the local leadership..
to answer the "skatepark" question that was asked a few posts back.
John Robinson bailed on that project a long time ago. and he still has his corvette
as long as they also sell Miller, i'm ok with it
How about an ice rink? Salisbury University's hockey team could play there. Salisbury could get a minor league hockey team. There is quite a bit of interest in youth hockey and figure skating. Adults could have curling. Currently, people have to drive to either Easton or Harrington for these activities.
The fact that the civic center can't sell alcohol is why they cannot attract and maintain a customer base for music and comedy acts. The majority of venues around the country that have concerts and shows sell alcohol. Even movie theaters sell beer and wine in many locations.
Joe, outstanding idea if you can figure a way to get the county on board.
I am sure there would be liquor license issues that arise. The empty lot across the way would be ideal for parking as well. Planning for how to handle Civic Center events and how they block of the road is another other issue that would need county support.
Other than a private investor not sure how to handle paying a qualified person to run it, like you volunteered for. Tourism maybe?
1:12 that's a fantastic idea. I think it makes more sense in sby than in Worcester County.
Sounds great to me BUT (there is always a but) the Labinal building , will not be available until late in 2016. Add another possible year for renovations before the project was up and running. People need jobs now, not three years down the road.
Are there other vacant buildings in prime locations that could be considered instead of the Labinal building? Does there need to be a survey or study done to see if there is enough interest from possible venders? Can these vender provide the capital needed.
As good as your idea sounds Joe, I believe it will take a lot more than thinking outside the box to get a Liquor Mall up and running.
Even a marketplace would be nice almost like a flea market.
To Joe and the rest of SBY:
Why can't any of you people see, that the govt does not want you to make money???
the whole point of what is and has been happening around this city, county and state let alone this country is to TAKE ALL OF YOUR MONEY, as much of it as they possibly can, legally until they get all of it and then have to take the rest illegally...
Common sense says, they being the govt wants you to be broke, poor and forced to have the govt help you...
WHY else would they keep on taxing and taxing and taxing, spending it all away on crap and saying they fixed something when in fact they didn't or even made it worse??? Why would the govt make it hard for someone to get a job and for the govt to make jobs leave the country based on loop holes??? Why does the govt and police come after petty crimes like cigarette loosies, when Google and apple and other corps pay NO TAXES what so ever???? Look at SBY, is it easy to own or start a business here? NO, do they make you pay high dollar? YES, do other companies want to be here in SBY let alone MD? NO are they moving out? YES...
the fact that none of you can see this, realize this and understand this shows you people actually know nothing at all what so ever...
there is only 3 reasons as to why all of this is happening...
An ice rink is an excellent idea. Something for children as well as adults. Hockey is now a year round sport and hosting hockey tournaments throughout the year brings in teams that spend money in local restaurants, hotels and shopping. This would be a big boost to local businesses.
Not a bad concept, but it's that the same type of concept that is going up where University Tire is/used to be??
As for Labinal, it leans itself well for DoD work/manufacturing. If the state really wants to help, it could find I way to identify all current MD,(small/medium size) business's that bid on DoD contracts (www.fbo.gov/)and offer them a deal they can't pass up. If state, county, and city all pitch in... it could be a win-win, considering there's a built-in workforce??
What kills me, is that there is a river running through town and a developer goes bust building High density waterfront condos.
So, to salvage the project they turn it into a section 8 project. OMG, could this town be any more idiotic?
I don't know how much sq feet we are talking about, but the county could buy or rent the building, and build a connector to the civic center and sell the liquor there for the people attending the events there. Madison Square Gardens has alcohol at their events even have fully stocked bars in their sky boxes and I have never seen any out of control drunks. To the person that posted about the bakery, my suggestion is that it would be one type of many vendors. These suggestions I am offering are just off the top of my head, like everything they need much tweeting!
An ice rink sound like a good idea BUT you are only appealing to a certain group of people. And I'm sure each organization would want a special pricing because of being non-profit.
Joe, you are a genius. Sound like a fantastic way to create a few dozen more minimum wage jobs.
1:57, It doesn't have to be in that building. Perhaps the old Vernon Powell bldg on the Plaza would work as well?
What I'm trying to do here is OPEN your minds. I'm sharing how MY mind works.
4:03, you are so wrong. I figured there's be some nay sayers here.
Look, this concept wouldn't even be in your league as a place to go on weekends. I'm talking $4.00 to $7.00 a beer.
The idea isn't to cater to YOU. The idea is to DRAW people to US and provide an environment and experience like they've never seen before.
Do you think a Theme Park would be designed just for people in Salisbury? NO! This is what I mean about how most people here don't even know how to think out of the box.
Take advantage of what you have here. OC has a Beach. We have land 20 miles from the Beach. GET IT???
You are trying to reason with your general audience. How did you think that would go?
Aside from that, I love your idea! We should organize a public forum and discussion so everyone can get ideas out in the open!! I really think an ice rink is a good idea, lets hope Worcester County doesn't waste any more money on the idea. It would be a dud there, a star here!
OK, let's get real here. The Ice Rink in Ocean City is a flop. I've been there many times and there may be one or two people on it. So please, it's not an economic development success or you'd see them everywhere. Crown even had one that flopped and now there's a roller rink barely making it there in its place. I can see it now, parents going nuts with lawsuits because their child fell and broke bones. Find a shallow pond and wait til it freezes over.
Awww let me guess you want a Obama basketball court? Screw you you people get Enough.
there are 80 acres across the street from labinal if someone had the money and the inclination to build from ground up.
Isn't/wasn't there an ice rink at Crown?
Joe, is there any reason you cannot do this yourself? You have the business savvy and ideas needed. With your contacts through Salisbury News and possibly Bob Culver and Governor Hogan you can get the word out to prospective clients of the new Salisbury Project. I'm sure you would get the backing needed.
As You stated, you have the background to draw upon many cities across this nation. There is no doubt in my mind you know how to make this project grow. You correctly believe locals do not have the finances or know how or ambition to take on a "destination Vacation" of this magnitude. Joe you do this. Don't wait for our leaders. You have the, will, the knowledge and the know how - go for it
I think the rinks in Ocean City and Crown were fake ice. Give us the real stuff with a Zamboni! We used to have Ice World here back in the 70's.
JC Penney building might be best.
I think it's a good idea. I always thought capitalizing on the 200,000+ people in OC during the summer was a good idea. People will drive 30 mi for something out of the ordinary.
This concept is something along the lines of something I heard going on in the salon industry.
On the western shore someone took a building and separated it into little "mini" salons and cosmetologists and barbers are renting them for a lot less overhead than a whole salon. You are your own boss.
A bit off topic here but if anyone has a novel idea and the inclination to work hard getting into the reality TV business is the way to go. They are inexpensive to produce (no "stars", no sets, etc) and networks are now having a hard time getting cable to pay the fees they want. This is going to have them out searching for less expensive TV shows so reality shows are going to be in demand.
Firecracker Films is an example of a reality production company. They are from the UK and started w/My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, then did an American version and a spin off of that called Gypsy Sisters. The shows are picked up by TLC.
I am not sure what the definition of bakery is. but I am sure we have several.
We could make it a church !!
Maybe a building for the homeless.
Hi, Joe. I think it's a great idea. Maybe combine that with catjowill's suggestion of connecting it with the Civic Center. Win-win with booze nearby, but no clause violated.
I'd actually like to see you buy the building and do it. Not for the county, not for the city, but as a profit-making venture for you. The city and county would be benefitted, but you would make it happen with profits going to you.
It won't happen any other way, Joe, and you know it. Not if the government here is involved in any way shape or form.
Terry Cohen had a neat idea for the firehouse that involved incubator style space combined with a market. A smaller version of Reading Terminal Market, I think. Actually, she didn't claim it was her idea. She said it came from brainstorming with a local person or various persons. The city could have held on to the building, served locals, built community and been a destination for tourists. I loved the idea and would have been a steady customer.
But Ireton wouldn't meet with her, wouldn't talk to her. Just beat her up in the Daily Rag about not wanting to sell the building. Surprise, surprise, look who got it. I don't wish the youngsters failure, but I don't think their venture will mean all that much to downtown after the novelty wears off. Seen it happen with too many places like it over the years. Brew River is still in business, but it wasn't the savior of downtown and some consider it a problem.
The problem with Salisbury is, if you aren't an "anointed one," you have no chance to do cool things. But with this one Joe, it would be private corp. to private corp. and you could tell Ireeton to stick it.
Joe put up an article the other day talking about Worcester County getting an ice rink. So maybe you will get your wish.
You're right, we have a river running right through salisbury so why not start a booze cruise? We used to have the maryland lady that was a faux paddle wheel you could book parties on to cruise the wicomico, we have a ship builder right here in sby and yet no booze cruise!
Fiber lines are big business, you just don't hear about it much.
More homeless yeah ok, what's your address liberal.
I'm sure you could do a lot more with better internet access. Shoot I'd open up a small tech shop in there given the bandwidth. But alas our local leaders still neglect an investment in technology!
In the back of my mind I'm praying we won't lose our jobs, but reality strikes me every time I walk through labinals doors! Its really a shame when you actually love your job and what you do. I hope something comes up so we all don't have to rely on government assistance or unemployment!!! I'd go crazy!! But reality strikes me, I'll never make the amount that I'm making now at a new job.
Sorry. ..(
Alicia, as someone who has spent a lot of time out of work, I feel your pain and the pain of everyone who is about to lose their job through this latest calamity with Labinal.
Here's an idea. Troubled Mortgages can be bought and sold for pennies on the dollar, when the bloody banks won't even bend for the borrower. There are active operations out there where they buy the mortgages and then forgive them.
How about someone starts a local non-profit that takes donations and buys up the mortgages of everyone they can locally and set Salisbury free from the bankers? Now that would be doing something. Providing time for the community to come together and work to save itself. To reinvent itself.
Bottom line is, politicians will always be politicians. Narcissistic, socio-psychopaths.
But people can come together and help each other.
I say stop the politician bashing and put all that wasted energy toward actually doing something for each other.
It is after all, the only way anything ever gets done.
Peace be with you.
Turn Labinol into a farmers market like in New Castle,De.
San Antonio / River Walk.. Been there and it is a blast. when my wife and I. moved. here 25 years ago we were attracted by possibilities of developing similar here in Salisbury. The rest is history.
As to thoughts for the Labinal location.. Given the right economics my son might very well be lured back to Salisbury from New York City if he could find a location to expand his "21 Bean" coffee roasting business which he has been developing on a micro scale for 2years.
when I lived in Colorado I two times a day would pass by the Coors plant. Unless you do not mind the smell of something just as atrocious as a Chicken farm_, then a distillery might work. mind you I have nothing. against chicken farms...face it... something producing such unpleasant ordors 24/7 IN the city would not be a plus.
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