The Islamic “jummah,” or Friday call to prayer, would be held on America’s grandest Christian stage – the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
It was a bold move that had never been tried. Leaders of the Episcopal cathedral said sending prayers up to Allah from a Christian church would show the world that two religions at odds with each other for centuries could “approach the same God” as one body of believers.

Not so fast.
Christine Weick, a 50-year-old Michigan woman with flowing blonde hair who lives out of her car, rose from the packed National Cathedral, the hall of halls in terms of religious prominence in America, and moved toward the front of the church.
She pointed to the cross hanging overhead.
That cross seemed to be the one thing nobody wanted to look at, she told WND Saturday in an exclusive interview.
The Muslims had set up their prayer rugs in such a way that their backs were turned on the cross, which they consider an alien religious symbol. Jesus was a prophet but was not the son of God and never died on a Roman cross, according to Muslim teaching. Yet, they found themselves staring at a woman who demanded the cross become the center of attention. She then blurted out the message she had traveled all the way from Tennessee to deliver.
You go girl!
Get those low lives out of my Temple!
Like it or not, the Episcopal leaders invited the Muslims there for a service. I'm sorry but I find what this woman did to be disprespectful to both the church and Muslim guest who were there peacefully. As to having their backs to the cross while praying, all Mulims pray in the direction of Mecca. Which apparently isn't in the same direction as the cross in the National Cathedral.
If Muslims do not believe in Jesus then they are not worshiping the same God that I am. Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan.
Mark 1:10-11
And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:
And there came a voice from heaven, saying, "Thou are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
John 3:16
For God so loved that world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
So again, if they don't believe in Jesus, they are not worshiping the same God that I worship. And my God will not be very happy to have those Muslims worshiping another god in his house. My God is a jealous God and makes no bones about it. He says I shall worship no other God but HIM and I listen for I believe in Jesus with every fiber of my being.
7:18 is right!
7:13. Yes, we don't like it. Nothing is more disrespectful to God than worshiping other gods in His house.
Should we put them on trains and send them to a camp? That is what you guys sound like.
They have their own Mosques to worship in. The Washington Cathedral is NOT for Muslims. period.
I still think we should bury pigs anywhere we don't want them. In fact, I might tie a pigs foot to my car antenna.
Keep sucking up to Muslims. This would not happen the other way around. Its 2014 and they still cut off heads and repress women. Gestures like these are to make fools feel magnanimous.
From the National Cathedral website: "Vision Statement. The National Cathedral will be a catalyst for spiritual harmony in our nation, renewal in the churches, reconciliation among faiths, and compassion in our world."
The CINOs, like RINOs never fail to misrepresent their own religion. Ive got 100 dollars cash for anyone that can show me where in the bible Jesus said to worship him. He never did. Ever. He said there is no way to the father but through me. That's not saying worship me. That's saying live as I did.
Its also a commandment to not worship graven images or idols. That's what a cross is. It doesn't matter if you personally or Christendom state otherwise.
Jesus also said to sell your possessions and give the money to the poor if you were a disciple of his. So if you wear a thousand dollar suit and drive a Cadillac, don't think for a minute you are as Jesus would have you.
Denial, it's not a river in Egypt.
How many times have they opened a Mosque anywhere to let Christians or Jews come in to worship? They are NOT interested in getting along. This was just a way for them to spit in our face. You nitwit liberals are falling for it.
Go to your local synagogue as a Christian preacher and ask to preach Christianity to the Jewish congregation. Report the results.
True Christians who did precisely what Jesus said to do would be just fine in a masjid. As a matter of fact they'd be hard to differentiate from the Muslims.
CINOS however wouldn't be nor ever will be.
Surah : 3 v : 199 "And there are, certainly, among the people of the Scripture (Jews & Christians), those who believe in Allah and in that which has been revealed to you (Muslims) and in that which was revealed to them, humbling themselves before Allah. They do not sell the verses of Allah for a little price, for them (Christians and Jews) is a reward with their Lord. Surely, Allah is Swift in account."
10:58 No one said to "worship" Jesus. The verses about Jesus were to show that if a person did not believe in Jesus, which Muslims do not, then they do not worship the same GOD that I worship. The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For God declared that Jesus was his son. I do however, worship Jesus, as He is part of the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
As far as the cross being a graven image; Jesus died on the CROSS for me. He shed his blood on that cross to wash away my sins. That is why the cross is symbolic to Christians. I know that all you AIN (atheist and agnostics in name) hate the cross and want it removed from everywhere so it must be pretty powerful.
Matthew 11:37-38
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his or daughter more that me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me."
I'll carry my cross and worship God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit at that same cross.
I personally live well below the poverty level, but I still tithe to my church as Jesus said that I should and I don't drive a Cadillac. I give to the poor and the wounded Veterans. I think I'm okay there.
You go ahead and sail on down that river Denial but I'll stay right here.
1:45 True Christians will always differentiate from Muslims.
I love my GOD. The only GOD Jesus.
"No one said to worship Jesus"
"I do however worship Jesus"
"I'll carry my cross and worship God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit at the same cross"
Enough said. You can act indignant and carry your hateful anti muslim message but your ideology and it's absolutely convoluted and illogical premise is why the USA has removed it from society as a whole.
It's why you have the supreme court overturning bans for this and that and why you no longer have prayer in school.
And you're right Muslims and "you" do not worship the same God. Nor do "you" and true Christians.
That's because you're Catholic.
Muslims absolutely believe in Jesus, he was a prophet. But we do not worship him as a God because he wasn't. He never claimed to be. And those that do worship there own desires. They want to be able to live materialistic and sinful lives and think everything is but a simple request from Jesus to clear.
Tell me, if God were to wish the world destroyed what could Jesus or Mary do to stop him? The answer is absolutely nothing, which tells you he isn't a deity, nor was she, nor was anyone else.
Let's talk about your other prophet. You know the one that married a 6 yr old child. The one that tells you can have 4 wives while he had..11 or 12? Every time he had some absurd fantasy he claimed it was a revelation from Allah. He was nothing more than a sick pervert.
If your allah is so powerful why doesn't he do the killing himself? Why does he need you terrorist to do it for him? Why does the koran never mention LOVE? Why if the USA is such a horrible country do muslims keep coming here for all the free stuff? Why hasn't your allah provided for you?
7:13 PM
When these people start chopping off the heads of your love ones, then you will sing a different tune.
Okay, where to start. I'm sorry, I was at work and missed all of this.
12:22 My message is certainly not hateful. I guess maybe I could be labeled as indignant, but I only get that way when I hear others say Muslims worship the same God as I do. THEY DO NOT! I'll remain indignant about that fact until Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns. My Jesus says, "Love your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. And love your neighbor as yourself." My Jesus does not say to go and kill all of the infidels who do not worship God. That is what their god teaches. Their god is not the same as my God.
I am not anti-Muslim. They can worship whoever they want to; in "their" mosques and their countries. They can enforce their Sharia law there also. God does not want someone worshiping any "other god" in His House.
As to why the USA and other countries in the world have "removed" God from society, I'll recommend reading the Book of Revelation in the Bible. It is all part of a bigger plan. They shall turn away from God in those days and there will be many false prophets. It is also why our society is so SICK! TWISTED, PERVERTED, EVIL, AND TRULY GODLESS. I hope you all end up happy with what you wished for. I'll be with Jesus--I'm okay with it.
And no, I'm not Catholic. Methodist.
In Christian heaven you will be surrounded by murderers, pimps, child abusers and molesters.
Do you know why?
Because any of those criminals that come from a western background that come near death are going to beg for forgiveness in his name, and under your religion, all will be forgiven.
In the Quran one must have more good deeds through their life than bad and if one doesn't the hellfire is their eternal fate.
There are no sins of the father passed on to the children nor is there a last minute pardon for the vile.
But in Christianity there is. And the idea that one has to be sincere to receive forgiveness is absolutely not what Christianity teaches. One has already received salvation and believing in the Christ will see you enter heaven.
The blood guilt Christianity preaches is a very interesting ideology.
Tell me, if man is guilty of the sins of his father then why are whites not pleading for forgiveness for the slave trade, the slaughter of native americans and millions of others over the last few centuries.
Are the sins of the father selectively applied?
As for reading the book of Revelation, oh I know the book well. As a child I recognized it as the most important book in the bible.
My favorite passage is Revelation 6:8.
You see I am Christian. An I am Muslim. And for one who understands both books there is no contradiction.
Islam is defined by its own holy books, shari'a laws and theologians, and does not accept a Muslim who believes in the Trinity, in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and only the authority of the Bible as the Word of God. These things strike at the heart of Islamic religious identity. Thus, a believer from a Muslim background can't say with integrity that he is a Muslim, or that Muhammad is the seal of the prophets - except at an early stage of their faith in ignorance.
Dr. Timothy Tennent. Followers of Jesus (Isa) in Islamic Mosques
In Christianity Jesus is the Son of God and Muslims do not believe that. They believe he was only a prophet. Therefore you cannot be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time. They are two totally different ideologies.
In certain Christianity Jesus is the Son of God (He actually calls himself the Son of Man). And in some he is apart of the trinity.
But in mine and others he was a blessed prophet of peace that taught us submission to god in the days of the phraisees before Prophet Muhammed revealed the Quran.
And I don't think the good doc nor any other mortal is in a solid position to tell anyone else who is Christian and who isn't.
Jesus is a prophet, the Messiah, born of virgin birth. And Muhammed is the messenger of Allah.
Radical Muslim - wants to cut off your head.
Moderate Muslim - doesn't want to cut off your head; wants the radical muslim to do the dirty work.
I'm tired of these asshats that keep 'reaching out' to the muslim community. They don't want co-existence, and I'm no longer interested myself.
Islam is for peodophiles.
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