DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 09, 2014
A Letter To The Editor: Negligence at DOVE POINTE
Hello Joe. I am writing you to inform you of an incident that happened at Dove Pointe. A community client was left on a Dove Pointe bus ALL day long today. The client was found soiled and drenched in urine. The client also had no access to food or water ALL day. Word needs to get out to the community about this incident to show just how negligent this place is to it's clients.
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Dove Point ? Should be called Buzzard Point.
The person in charge of transportation buses should be fired immediately.
Inspections of buses should be done before and after each run.
This is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg! The abuse of those served by Dove Pointe is sickening! Take a closer look I dare you!
I wish I had the money they spent on landscaping.
Lipstick on a pig 8:21.
There are numerous horror stories about that place and yes, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. If any one place needs to be investigated, it's this place.
They are not the only agency with skeletons in their closet. Their competitor has done much worse.
These agencies are as bad as Walmart.
Low paid employees, no benefits, still on welfare.
Its a win-win for these taxpayer funded "for profit" - non profits.
The are simply warehousing the disabled, providing substandard care, and making money doing it.
You are an idiot if you think its to the benefit of the disabled.
8:43 'Lipstick on a pig' ... Nailed it dead on!
Hopefully this client has a relative to stand up for them. Don Hackett is only in it for the money. If you think he cares about these clients you are sadly mistakin. Maybe a good hefty lawsuit would open his eyes. Im sure the staff try to do the best they can,but when it comes down to "Hatchet Hackett" less is better.
employees are only as good as their management...I'd start at the top in deleting them and work my way down...it starts at the top!!!
Finances at Dover Pointe need to be investigated something is not right there. Someone is pulling something illegal.
They had to fire someone a few years ago because the person was using duct tape to restrain a person in their care.
Let's not forget also Don Hackett's obsession with interior decoration. He spends a fortune on making that place look upscale.
There is nothing wrong with taking pride in where you work and wanting to make it appealing to the clients but he is way over the top and a lot of that money could go into the care of the people there.
I have always wondered how some of the "caregivers" of the clients are able to take lavish trips around the world; are they being paid that much that they can afford something like this? Makes me wanna scratch my head especially working in Salisbury. Or is this a "government" paid job?
Inspections of buses should be done before and after each run.
November 6, 2014 at 7:27 AM
That is already required by D.O.T. Whether it gets done or not depends on the drivers.
Person in charge of transportation cannot do a vehicle inspection on that many vehicles. The driver should be responsible for their vehicle. "Buzzard Pointe" has been through many audits only to be covered up by management. Finances certainly need to be looked at. Buying buildings, decorating, landscaping yeah only to impress from the facade not to the services of the clients. Jam them in a room that is plain and lucky if you are able to get good table and chair to sit in. Food served is bland, mushy, overcooked and not correct temp. Appearance is all they are worried about. Top management just out to get what they can for themselves. Kickbacks and high wages while the caretakers just get pennnies. The number of problems that occur over there are ridiculous and yet they are still open.
those of you who comment on Dove Pointe's being run incorrectly have no clue what you're talking about. They have been audited more than any agency in the area. They come out "clean" every time.
This is NOT a government job!!! As far as employees taking expensive vacations; that's none of your business Lucy. Many people like to work and don't need to earn more because they are independently wealthy. Again; that's none of your D--n business.
Dove Pointe has been a blessing for many disabled people in our area. The families of these clients are very grateful for their services.
It's a huge undertaking and they do a great job. Will there be problems. duh....Yes there will be problems, just like every where else. NO organization, business, etc. is perfect.
I guarantee many of the commenters on this blog regarding this issue have NO clue what they're talking about. I believe you only repeat what you hear second hand and just like those that slam Perdue Farms, you have a grudge, an agenda or an ax to grind, so go back in your hole and shut up...
I am not an employee, related to the director or his family; just an observer and have seen Dove Pointe from the beginning. I know many who have used their services and they don't say what you say.
How is it that the local news channels aren't covering this too?
Is the state aware of what's going on?
Any follow up on this Joe?
Comments from Dove Pointe?
10:58 needs to shut it until they HAVE been there and seen
By saying you don't work there or have no loved ones there negated everything you said
Maybe 10:58 is talking to the wrong people
I think a human being that cannot fend for themselves being locked in a bus alone all day alone is fairly important and not a 'business problem' 10:58
Has anyone with first hand information contacted Adult Protective Services?
10:58 made one valid point. The families are grateful for someone else to take care of their loved ones. They no longer need to bother themselves with dealing with a situation they do not know how to handle.
With that said, they also do not keep tabs on what is going on or how their loved ones are truly being treated.
Taxpayer money foots the bills and everyone is happy, expect the poorly paid support staff.
These are not non profits, their whole goal is to figure out how to pay as little as possible to take care of these people and keep the profits for themselves.
Its all about money, always was and always will be.
10:58 there is a big difference between someone who has "used their service" and someone who works there.
Here is a DUH for you;
Of course they have a different opinion... DUH
The clients are not allowed to use any thing you see in the front of Dove points main building just donated by the biggest furniture store in laurel. There clients get paid very little less than half that they pay at lower shore.
You will.only attract QUALITY people with quality pay, many people that work there work several jobs because Hackett pays them nothing but walks around all the time acting like an a$$ about the way it looks...maybe he should take a look at that crazy family of his!!! There are many good people that work there but we all know some people are just there for the paycheck...you really have to be in it for the people to work with the disabled. But then again people who are actually trained to work with them won't work there because of the pay! As far as the furniture goes...whichever cares where they get their furniture! It is in fact donated...every single piece of it from what I hear because that family has a disabled child that is a client there.
Dove Pointe doesn't want to pay the staff in the homes, the clients stay begging US for money because they get paid 2¢ per bubble...or less!!!! They just went up on their insurance and they eat us up in taxes...taking over 100.00 or more in taxes alone! Blacks will never work in the administration offices we are not light enough! We do all the work, and are under paid! Its not fair!!! We are working multiple jobs just to make ends meet.
Let's not make this about race. No one referenced the persons rave that was left on the bus so obviously that was not part or the issue. The whole point is apparently those people are being mistreated and it seems as if you work there and are quite angry because of the amount of money you make. And that may be one of the reasons some of the people ate neglected. A job like that you have to be in it for the love of what you so not because of the money. That clearly isn't a job anyone can get rich at. Hence the reason most people work multiple jobs. Let's be realistic unless you have a Degree and a great work ethic you will not on the Eastern Shore have a job that pays well enough that you won't complain. Unless you are working a job u love and enjoy the money will not matter. I'm sure the people in the Administrative Staff have Degrees it has nothing to do with race. There has never been any rules or stipulations on education. Because people choice not to further their education does not mean it's a rule about race on any they do not have the jobs that they envy others for having. That comment was way off topic. If you don't like your job quit. I'm sure the people there aren't BEGGING you like the clients. Kind of a cruel statement when it's directed at you huh...so sad. Most of the people there have no families and the caregivers ate supposed to be there to substitute for that you ate supposed to show just as much compassion as you would your own child. I'm sure if that was your family member left on the bus you would not be concerned about money you would want justice and equality. So many people are abuse because of disabilities that they did not CHOOSE to have. Or looked down on. I really hope u change your way of thinking. That obviously is not a job you need to have
When it boils down to it....for Dove Pointe it is about the money and we only act the way the head honchos around us act! I like what I do and the consumers!! Its not that...people that have been here for years are still making nothing!!! Do you leave your family for a week straight or do you sit behind a desk and work 8-4??? Do you actually work in the homes! Do you care how the staff feels? I didn't think so....I'm sure you don't work overtime, I'm sure you're well educated and in your feels about the comments made! It doesn't take a degree to care for a client. It takes patience and love yes!!! I agree!!! No one is trying to get rich but they are trying to pay their bills and not be stressed for two more weeks until they get paid again! Oh you must be one of the people they were talking about on administration taking the trips and having lots of leave time! I'll stick to what I do...obviously if the clients like most of residential and not administration there is clearly something wrong...but let your degree help you figure out why!!!
7:08 is a clueless pompass jerk. And based on their lack of ability to form coherent sentences and inability to spell, negates their arrogant theory that those with degrees are better than those without.
I do not have a degree but have had to teach the imbecile bosses hired above me their jobs... like you, they are clueless idiots with a meaningless piece of paper.
Fact is, the support staff are the backbone of these organizations, and without them, these organizations would not exist.
Just because someone complains about the obvious injustice they see everyday does not make them a bad employee.
9:22 WELL STATED!!!!!
I always see the great Mr.Hackett on or in the metropolitan magazine.Everyone thinks he is all that.He is a big show alright.He tell people that make donations to the foundation, he gives his employee raises.Don't believe it.I like to know who these employee are.The employees there have not had raises in years,the last one was lest than a quarter.Its not only about the money,this is true,but maybe,just maybe,if you paid your employees a little better they in turn would work better. for the company.You do have some good employees that work there.You know who you are
This thread has been interesting reading. I have known this organization for more years than I care to mention. Warts are there, that is without doubt. Two points made are worth further mention.
One commenter, November 6 @ 9:08 AM mentioned that 'Finances at Dove Pointe need to be investigated...'. Interesting insight, yes that should be looked into. It is something that has been brought to the forefront recently by way of improprieties arising at one provider on the Western Shore. CFO at Dove Pointe is a fast and loud talker, not sure the credentials he carries (or lack thereof) match the demands of the job.
Secondly, the points made about the CEO appearing on repeated covers of Metropolitan Magazine deserves more attention. The Metropolitan Magazine is an advertising periodical and it would require paid for publicity. As a 'non-profit' is it Dove Pointe's place to be paying for this type of 'ink'?
I would love to see the repair bills chips auto ripoff and repair in whiton is charging them to work on the handicap vehicles.I hear he is raping them terribly from a former employee.I hope the handicapped person was not sedated from carbon monooxide from a exhaust leak. 1355
Amazing that so many comments are carving up Dove Pointe, but don't say a word about the responsibility of the individuals who were tasked with keeping track of the client all day.
ALL "instructors" (caregivers) in the day program make $9.70./hr. You work 8 hours a day with NO breaks for yourself and yes, insurance rates just took an increase.
I have observed Dove Pointe buses speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. But the same holds true for Somerset Community Development in Marion. Never seen such reckless drivers and they are responsible for numerous clients.
This is a reply to 11:49,If you don't know the whole story about what happened you shouldn't put your two cents in.The staffs involved did get fired.I don't know why this consumer was left on the van,but this wasn't the first time this had happened. Same staff and same consumer.Only before it was a shorter time period.I guess my question is,why the staff still had a job there, after the first incident,so if you have in confident management, or HR that's not the staffs issue.Should of never happened the first time let alone second or third time!!!
Dove Pointe just had a state imspection and passed with flying colors. I worked there for years, are there problems - sure nothing is ever perfect. If you check the record of injurys or reportables you would see they have any excellent record, much better than some of the other agencies. When an incident occurs the state is notified, law inforcement if necessarey and if deemed necessary charges are filed. Why can't you talk about all the great things they provide or do you think life at Holly Ctr. is a better solution.453
I'm a longtime employee of Dove Pointe and everything that has been said so far is TRUE! However, I'm shocked that no one has mentioned the roach infestation. Roaches crawl on the clients and all throughout the classrooms. All Hackett cares about is the front of the building that he rents out for an arm and a leg. The sad part is that it's been reported numerous times and nothings been done. And Chris Parks is a MONEY HUNGRY EMBEZZLER!! Parks and Hackett are both in it for the $$$. The cater to the clients whose family have money, A client was pushed out of wheelchair lift and injured really bad and the surveillance video magically disappeared and people were paid to keep their mouths shut about what really happened. DOVE POINTE NEEDS A SERIOUS INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY!!!
Dove Pointe is paying a lot of people to keep their mouths shut...they should be peeling that paper off to the people that leave their husbands, wives and children! Yes staff is responsible for the well being of the clients but it sad we get crumbs for caring and everyone else gets paid to sit at a desk, send their phones in their offices straight to voicemail!
@2:53am: Yes Dove Pointe had a state inspection. Passed with flying colors??? No they did not. Several issues are still being addressed, issues that have been ongoing and Dove Pointe is scrambling to "fix". Hush money only works for so long before the community will get fed up with the lies and the hypocrisy.
I would like to comment about Dove Pointe going by the Wicomico County System as far as delays and closings.THEY DONT !!!!!!!! They want you to still drive those vehicles (even though you didn't sign up to be a driver or aide,that's what you have a transportation dept. for) in fog or snow and the first time you have an accident or someone gets hurt,they want to fire you!!!.This tells me that they don't care about the safety of the consumer just that they are there for 4 hrs.
and can be billed for it !!!!!!
When did this become about the pay and decor and not the neglect of the person who was left on the van all say?
Was this reported to the state? Adult protective services?
November 11,2014 at 12:39 pm
This became about pay, décor, etc. from the get go...re-read the thread. Terrible thing this person was left unattended on a vehicle all day, inexcusable.
Reported to the 'State', yes. APS probably not yet.
The root core of the problems noted here revolve around treatment of employees as opposed to treatment of the facility. No one has mentioned that circus like sign that is out in front of the main center. Mostly has Don's picture on it with the time and temp. What did that cost??? And what did it contribute to the well being of the individuals that are served there?
Nov 11th @ 2:29...well said!!!! Its all terrible if you ask me!
To the post that states the issue is the client left on the bus is absolutely one of many problems. Staff can be affected by the work environment. It is hard to see some benefit financially and the people who work directly with the clients struggle to make there bills. Hopefully all the post will be instrumental in getting this place investigated.
I can truly say that all employees at Dove Pointe are not bad. There are employees that go above and beyond for the consumers & do a EXCELLENT job. However, the truth of the matter is that all the HORRIBLE things that are going on outweighs the good things & that's the HONEST TRUTH!!!! So the people that are commenting (Nobody but the BIGWIGS in Upper management)that's trying to cover for all the horrible stuff that's going on your just as BAD & evidently you must don't know about a lot of incidents that's taken place. Then again, maybe you do know & your just as crooked as Hatchet Hackett & Mr. Finance Man himself Chris Parks. You all that's speaking so highly of Dove Pointe are probably one of the ones on the "Hush Money List" cause nothing that's been said thus far is incorrect!!!! It's all CORRECT information!!!! I truly hope the parents of these consumers have took the time out to read this information to see what really goes on at Dove Pointe & how their loved ones are really being treated behind closed doors!!!!!
Really odd work culture at that place. Have heard it referred to as 'Stepford Wives' if anybody remembers that.
The aide that was on the bus
You know
The one who left this person on the bus ALL day with no food water or toilet???
She's back at work today
That's a problem
Something should be done
10:09 AM
Do you find that all that surprising??? Another warm body at $9.70?? New employee walks in today and gets hired at the same hourly rate that someone who has been there for 14 years gets, think about that.
That's how much they care for their consumers.NOT!!!
That's how much they care for their consumers.NOT!!!
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7
1:07 PM
...so what is this about?
Stones are not being throw,humans are being neglected, plain and simple.You should do unto others as you want to be done to you.
OK then
I'm sure if it was you family member left on the van,you would have a different opinion of this..1:07.
If I was that employee, I wouldn't want to show my face there,knowing everyone knew what I did.Wow unbelievable, how some people get away with things,while others get fired.Dove pointe never stops amazing me.
2:43 PM
Yeah, kind of wondering what that all meant. Not sure the Bible verse has relevance to this incident, although maybe I'm really missing something?
Now they have these residential coordinators going into the houses every other day just to find something on certain people (who speak their minds) so they can be fired! The staff turnaround is outrageous and that is what isn't fair to the consumers.... Getting used to someone and getting put somewhere or fired!!!
It'd be something if everyone walked off the job leaving the administrative staff to work in the center and in the homes!!!!
Maybe someone should ask for the number of W-2's mailed out or sent to employees vs. the number of positions that they have. That could be an indicator of turnover.
Yes the police were there yesterday and went into 1 certain room, but did not even come to the room that the consumer that was left on the van was. The administrative staff came to the rooms to "WARN US" they were here and not to tell them anything. Just left the UPPER ones do the talking. Finance also has two (2) separate books for when the STATE comes. One saying the staff make $11+ an hour. They ALWAYS show the one with the bigger pay. When the consumer is questioned they only ask "do you like Dove Pointe? They have been trained to say yes. They don't know any better. The only time Hackett has any dealings with his caretakers is at the fashion show that's held yearly. He will walk right by you or come through your area and not even open his mouth to speak or give a smile, even if you speak first. When BIG WIGS are there, administration tells staff to take the worst consumers out the building and off the premises. There also is one area that has the worst consumers and he WON"T bring anyone to that area to tour.
Yes and did you know that if you want to get a good evaluation, it's not by doing your job,no no,you buy purses from New York City and sell them to her at a cheap price.What a kickback,oh no not at Dove Pointe.You know who you are,don't you.You didn't know that everyone knew that did you.Some people just can't keep a secret ,can they.
Woooowww!!! Fraudulent books huh!!!??? No one is trying to get rich but I hear people say they came from all kinds of states and they started off with $12, getting raises and all that!!! The ones saying be in it for the love are the ones getting that good money! They're saying that because they don't have to deal with the consumers one way or another!!! I wish I knew who to call so I can complain!!! And because of this blog....YOU CAN FORGET A RAISE ON JANUARY..... SMH!
Wow my mom works there.She should get back pay if thats the case.1.30 more a hour can really add up,about 1,900 a year.
5:05 is correct
They also keep the loud clients or verbal clients out of the areas when there are 'presentations' for the public like the 'open house' at Christmas
But again
Why was the aide allowed to come back to work
The are 2 neuro-typical functioning adults on that bus, I guess the administration feels that one is just less responsible with the lives that are put into the care of their hands.
1:07 must be the bus aide
This is to 5:51.I don't quite understand your language. Did you say something about a raise.wow haven't hear that word for a long time.Your tone is telling on you.
Lol! I've heard they gave a raise and took it back!!!! How do you do that?
You want to know the funny thing about the aide on the van,that came back to work is that now she isn't even doing a van run now.Is that suppose too be a punishment??She probably got paid for the days she was out too.Sweet.Not to worry the consumer is o.k. too
Smh!!! Its all unfortunate! They don't pay the workers... The consumers check every two weeks are 20.00!!! What are they going to do with that! The schedulers get mad when they gotta go in the homes and work...they scheduling supervisor is a prick...smh! Walking around like he can't be touched! Its about presentation! Its all in how you treat the people working for you!!
I guess if you want paid time off.That's one way to get it,without getting wrote up.Sad to say that,how terrible to think like that,but more or less the upper management is putting out the wrong message,to their staff.
If everyone stuck to their job to make it a better place for the consumers and support staff things would run more smoothly! Nothing is confidential! If a person is out on leave, for surgery or whatever everyone I mean everyone knows their business!!!!
Do you mean that hippa law doesn't apply to support staffing.wow that's a surprise. What is wrong with Dove Pointe.
9:24p correct! Its terrible!
Every year we have that training about abuse and neglect. We are suppose to report it to upper management. If we don't we are just as guilty as the person who is doing it.Well I guess this incident for one wasn't bad enough to fire both staff involved. How is it one staff gets fired "that was a newer employee."And one get to keep their job,"a well season employee that's been there for years."They both should of been responsible for the consumer,that is their job.It's really sad how they play favorites,and don't go buy their own rules.
Now is the time to speak up guys
I think that is what everyone is doing.unfortunately no one seems to care...How about it D.D.A.and other organization out there.Do you care!!!
V waters need to stop messing around with gary
That has nothing to do with serious issues at Dove Pointe,And sound like a personal problem that you have.Stay on task so this can be taken seriously. SHM
I thought Gary was married my my and these are people who preach religion all the time
The serious issues are that the consumers don't like administration, staff is under paid, if they are laundering money or whatever the case is I want to be paid what they are saying I'm getting paid on paper!
Lets just keep it all the real. If Vanessa if you are so saved and holly ghost filled why are sleeping around with a man thats not yours and you just know that's whats done in the dark comes to the light
Amen to that.
She need to be a shame of herself
Who cares about the lust affair.There is bigger fish to fry.That's not one of them.This isn't about personal information about coworkers.It's suppose to be about our job.Can we stay on that subject. Please!!!
This is America and if you are not happy with your job you can go elsewhere. This bashing going on is a prime example of the attitude that is shown by the employees. If they cared they would look for solutions instead of making these negative comments. Work towards a solution. This whole blog has been about how unhappy Dove Pointe employees are but they stay there when they can leave and make more money elsewhere or at least that is what they are saying. Take a good look at the benefits you get. You get better benefits then most and Dove Pointe pays out alot for those benefits. Now can we get back to the issue of the consumer left on the van? Is this the employee's fault of the agencies fault? Can we please grow up and stop the bashing of people when it has nothing to do with the issue.
It is interesting to me that so many employees seem so dissatisfied with their employment at Dove Pointe, and yet they are posting to this site during working hours. Maybe Dove Pointe would be happier with their employees in a better frame of mind if they were doing their job (like taking care of individuals) and not posting nasty messages about each other and their supervisors during business hours. This whole thing started because someone made a mistake that endangered someone's life. It is anger, frustration, jealousy has driven good people to waste their energy sounding selfish and immature. Spend more time taking care of the people you work for, not posting on this blog.
7:09 AM and 8:26 AM
I must think that these and other employees have worked to seek other remedies. They are thwarted in their attempts to do this. The individual left on the van as he/she was is a really sad testimony to all of this...but is it the reason for all this really sad commentary here? Perhaps. Maybe the Administration at Dove Pointe needs to step back and take a look for themselves with respect to what they are actually doing for the clients that walk through those doors everyday.
BTW, really glad that childishness earlier stopped, maybe it is the immaturity of the employees that is driving the problems?
And yes skill labor isn't cheap,and cheap labor isn't cheap.So if the employees would get paid for their worth,then maybe the employees wouldn't have this so called bad attitude.I am concern about this person that was left on the van,so very sad.It's a shame that would happen to anyone.
Correction:5:52 . should of read; And cheap labour isn't skill.
All of his buildings look great but what about the work for the consumers. Dove Pointe has nothing to offer them so they can receive a pay check to support their needs and wants. Please buy more vans and less buildings so the consumers can be at work for 6 hours a day. ( that is what they are entitled too ) It is much more important to have great things going on inside the building then to have a great looking building. THE CONSUMERS DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER.
Yes, it was irresponsible for the consumer to be left on the van all day. I can't see how someone could know that a person arrived at the center, but didn't get off van. Yes, there should be an investigation for the sake of the individual. Regardless, all this has no bearing on pay scale. Simply a matter of good common sense and attention to detail. And yes, I agree the pay is not the greatest, but considering the alternatives, it's not that bad. How many other positions out there will give you off Holidays (w/pay if you are full time) and weekends? To me, it's not about the money, but about what can be done for the consumer. The reward for a display of kindness or caring from the consumer far out weights the monetary compensation. If everyone working at Dove Pointe would think of the consumer(s) as their family member, then perhaps more compassion would be shown towards them and less monetary focus on themself (management included). Treat the consumers as you would want to be treated. The goal here is to provide the best quality of service to the consumer(s) as possible. Let those that are are driven by greed see what acts of kindness and compassion can reap.
This is a reply to. 3:29 am:Let me tell you about kindness and compassion, who takes care of the consumers when they are sick,diarrhea, vomiting, fever,rashes that we don't know what the rash is from,seizure, and so the list goes on.Who feeds them,gives them drinks.When they don't have any money,take money out of their own wallet or purse,gives it to them,so they don't go with.Who are the ones that watches them so they don't get hurt from other consumers, whom are having a bad behavior, getting between them,protecting them and putting ourselves in danger while doing it.Not to mention dodging chairs, shoes and other things being thrown. Well I can tell you its not the ones sitting behind a desk with a degree, and the door shut.It's the direct staff. So what is wrong with wanting a little appreciation for what you do.Its not about greed,its about being fair.Someone who has. work there for years gets the same pay as someone who just got hire,Is that fair!!!
Mr./Ms. 9:49 AM sounds a little angry with that comment. Perhaps 9:49 AM should produce his/her GED and apply for the next open administration position??
Or you can throw someone under the bus,and get their position.
9:23...9:28 AM
Your point here?
What about the new HR person that bragged about sleeping with C.Parks, she moved up the ladder fast
1:29 PM More soap opera stuff??
Wow what a shame C.P.All the things that has been said about the C.E.O. and the financial administration,you never commented on.Not even on the client that was left on the van.And then you wonder why people are saying stuff about you.YOU DESIRE WHAT YOU GET...SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL GET PAID BACK.
If it's such a "soap opera", why are you still trolling the feed oh mr head of financiers o' dove pointe
Might I make a suggestion?
The next time you comment?
Slow down
Take your time
Don't be in such a rush
When you rush, you do things like forget to comment as anonymous
I'm willing to bet 3:58 did not mean to openly post his name
Oh what would the board of directors think???
You're right
I didn't see not one comment of his, or anyone else from administration, stepping up to the plate to openly address the poor citizen who was left neglected all day under their care.
But this 'person', '3:58' sure took time out of his busy day to try and pawn off his personal business as a 'soap opera'
And they wonder why they have problems.....uh because the head of finance is really no better than any other individual who posted or replied previous to this.
3:58 is sort of quiet now
7:23 AM
Bet he or whoever posted will stay quiet too, what more can they say until they address the root problems?
I don't mean to pick on Mr Parks here but his mentality of stating the 'soap opera' thing obviously came about because someone outed him and his shenanigans at work and outside of work (when did dove put trick or treating with your 'coworker' as a job requirement...I rest my case)
All of it must have felt like a soap opera to him, only when it got personal.
Wonder how personal it was for the person who was left on that bus???
But no comments until he was outed.
The issue is the client
But the mentally of the whole facility speaks for itself all the way to the flashy sign with Mr Hacketts face everywhere (how about advertising what the CLIENTS do or hey!!! CLIENT activities) to the head financier having an illicit affair in house along with promotions after, right down to the immaturity of the direct care staff on here posting about who is outing who, promotions, degrees and pay.
When this facility starts being about THE CLIENTS???? THAT is when we will see change.
But certainly not while clients are being left on buses, Mr Hackett cares more about flashy signs, decore and advertisements with his face everywhere and Mr Parks is porking the staff and trolling blogs for his entertainment.
Wake up
Did anyone notice that Chrus Parks posted on this blog under company time?
Isn't Dove Pointe hours 8-4???
Hello? Mr Hackett???
Did mr parks get his unsatisfactory job notice???
If I was any other staff at Dove Pointe? I'd be highly upset!
Mr 3:58
Who's 'soap opera' is it now?
Look the direct care staff takes a lot of garbage from this administration. But more of the staff are good workers,we stay there because we do enjoy our consumer and want to make a different in their life. We do have some employees there that frankly do not belong there,like any where else.like the one who left the consumer on the van, but for some reason administration has decided to keep her there.This same person had a client in her care that had chocked on a hot dog at lunch a few weeks prior to this incident.But. she still has her job??? If someone calls out more then two times because they are sick, you get wrote up the fifth time you get suspended. I don't see the fairness in their concern for their employees.Most the time we get sick because the clients come to the center sick,spending germs all over us.We also have been by administration tthat we are replaceable, stupid,and incompetent. I think you get what you profess after awhile..The administration needs to evaluation how they talk and treat the employees that are good and get rid oof the bad ones..Just a stupid thought from someone who doesn't have a degree. And by the way a degree doesn't make you SMART...that a piece of paper.
Yep, grab your ankles Parks cause here it comes
Woooooooow 12:46
The same %#*% person was the aide on the bus and had the client who choked too!!!!
She's still working there????
They have people working here that are slapping, beating and cussing them out but they still have their job...oh and stealing the consumer's money! If you go to someone in confidential your name will be plastered as being a rat....then you get in trouble.... They all dumb!
For every bubble the consumer does they get paid half a cent!! RIDICULOUS!!! I believe dove pointe needs to get hackett out and put someone in there who has a heart for the client. And retrain and educate the kitchen staff on how to cook tasty meals. Even though some clients have pureed food the taste should still be there. All that pretty landscaping fountains and remodeling there should NOT be roaches crawling around. Something really needs to be done because the clients can't speak up for themselves!
I would just like to know who Mr. Hackett answers to. Is there anyone out there that cares about these human beings,.wake up and do something about this place,.The people being served there deserves so much better.If you keep doing the same thing,and expect to a get different results, its insanity.They need to start cleaning house from the top,it all starts there and then overflows down.Get rid of all the butt kisser,that get made up positions to accommodate their own agenda.That's right I said it,tell Mr. Hackett what he wants to hear and he will give you a position with a raise,but if you just do your job and don't kiss butt,you will get nowhere.BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, EVERYONE HAS TO ANSWER TO A HIGHER POWER.
And they are using the clients' money!!!!
Here is a run down of current mishaps that consumers at Dove Pointe have succumbed to due to unqualified direct care staff.
1. Consumer left on a van.
2. Consumer fell out of bed and broke her hip, because staff did not pull up her bed rail.
3. Consumer was handcuffed by staff in a house because the consumer was having a behavior.
4. Consumer was taken t0 PMRC to have a broken arm examined. The doctor did a full body scan and found that all of her ribs were bruised and broken. The doctor called protective services and the DDA is going to investigation. None of the staff working in the house filed a GER or an incident report. All injuries at Dove Pointe must be filed on THerap.
Therap LOLOLOL oh please. TRISH ESH HIDES ALL THE BAD STUFF FROM THE STATE. I have proof of her tampering with therap and not allowing other people to see certain reports. Bunch of crooks. A lot of people that work here love the people they work with, but it definitely a few bad apples that ruin the bunch. What is weird to me is that the ones that do there job the right way always get fired, but people who are in incidents like above always keep there job. Also I know of a girl who FILLED OUT A GER and was fired by ROSE RIDDLEY for doing so. I wonder if she is interested in filing a lawsuit. It is a bunch of functional crackheads working at DP *cough Ruth matthews cough*. Apparently a guy under her care busted his eye open hitting his head in the shower. She is a big liar and always claims to be doing her job. people like her should be fired, then again they would NEVER be able to work anywhere else. With her "testimony's". She came to a house I work and was spewing that nonsense to one of the consumers!. I thought religion was not supposed to be forced upon consumers. So many people hate her but she keeps hackett's bill low doing the bare minimum so she keeps her job.
Karma at it's finest. I have a family member that goes there but I live in Florida. I am guilty of not checking on them like I should. These comments have me irrate because it is ALOT of money that is spent for my family member to go there as far as SSI. As far as the above comment, what do you mean by functional druggies? I will pull my family member out of there so quick you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. So please confirm this. Due to the safety and possible retaliation, I wont disclose the house my uncle lives in, but it is located in Salisbury, Maryland. I will be in contact with APS and make a visit VERY soon. Dove pointe cannot deny me of seeing my family!!! I do not work for Mr.Harkless, but it seems as if he is a nasty individual. My great aunt put my uncle in this facility and now we will have to review somethings as far as him being there. And when I do come up to salisbury I will speak to this mr harkless guy and give him my two cents. IF ANYTHING HAS HAPPENED TO MY FAMILY MEMBER AND I WAS NOT TOLD THERE WILL BE A LAWSUIT. thank you
Did Mr. Parks ever receive discipline for blogging on company time?
I say you send this blog to hacketts email....attached with a fwd to aps and other agencies
December 8, 2014 at 1:31 PM
Mental Midget! Anybody that searches their product knows that everything, yes, everything! is etched in stone in a server. Nothing, again, nothing, can be deleted. How, in your ignorance, can you even insinuate this?
They didn't say deleted...they said hide!!! Bigg difference! You can hide things because certain things are hidden on the clients payroll!
^^^^ That is known as 'level of access' to the information in the electronic reporting system. Some of the information, for various reasons, have no need to be accessed except by persons needing said information. You are correct, the original poster did not say 'deleted'.
Level of access my ass. How do you know that though???????? Very apparent administration has found its way onto this blog
12:17 AM
Level of access might be 'your ass' but that is a known with any electronic data storage system. No, not administration, just know some about data storage apps.
ok.........my point is how do YOU know what DP keeps as a certain level of information if you are not one of them working the computers??? This isnt the FBI or CIA. Certain things such as risks etc should not be kept from employees which is my point. And how is paying 20 cents a bubble top secret info??? Thats just code for HIDING something. please lololol
I can't speak for this Dove Pointe agency specifically nor the FBI or CIA, and I'm not 'one of them working the computers' but I am wondering what part of mandated HIPPA Training you slept through. Risks? Elaborate please. I really can't speak to 20 cents a bubble, not sure what that means other than, as you state, it is a code for HIDING something.
what the hell does HIPPA have to do with hiding things on therap you freaking idiot!!!!!! You have the brain capacity of a cashew. Im not going back and forth about what I know is intentional hiding of wrong doing in this company. Especially going back and forth with someone who probably works administration. This blog was about the consumers safety I could care less about your bird brain opinion with this "top secret info" you claim is allowed.
6:55 PM might benefit from some anger management sessions
no just very aggravating explaining to idiots such as yourself
Pardon my correction here, but I believe it was you as poster who mentioned "top secret info" (Dec. 18 @ 6:55 PM) and prior to that alluded to the agency 'HIDING something' (Dec. 17 @ 2:10 PM). Either premise is incorrect. Data storage systems, such as the one referred to and used by the agency in question, all have levels of access for users. Your reference to RISKS? Explain please,
Cashew Brain
Ok cashew lol
noticed you did not post the comment about the loss of a consumer and staff supporting each other
The bottom is if you dont like working at dove point please leave. This will allow the staff that truley cares about the well being of the consumers to perform their jobs in a professional manner. The employees that are on this site are the ones that dont want to do nothing have so much to and always have an attitude.
To all dove pointe people that knows Mr. Duke Apollo.. He is a SNITCH he carries this black book around and write things about then go to the office and tell lies on people that have no clue wuts going on. His book was found and read. Smh
Its messed up when u let your boss no what's going on in the house when thy ask. And thy turn on u. Its some butt kissing butt licking to get things done its not rite.
the one who wrote go get a job at mcdonalds, please I wouldn't hire your illiterate ass to mop a floor. Bottom line is Hackett does the bare minimum and does not care about the consumers. Alot of abuse and neglect happens here but there are way too many DDA facilities in the state of Maryland for them to keep up. Ruth matthews should be drug tested as I have heard she abuses consumers at Johnson rd and another house she works Part time. Rose riddley used to have sex with inmates up ECI but she is supervisor?????????? lololol
Omg, I've never read something so funny!
The guy named Dane that works in transportation also bagging Mercedes Patterson what is his purpose at D.P. I heard that D.P fired him years ago felt sorry for him and rehired him. The so called VMT. Dane is a snitch. He used to be a meth head. He still owes me $500 from the firehouse days. To all D.P. employees Dane will stab you in the back. Be aware of his mood changes this his due to Dane still snorting meth. Dane and Mercedes both need to be drug tested
Speaking of Dane employee of the month,lol.I don't know how he got that???Mercedes must of wrote on that piece of paper a bunch of crap about him,because she is the only one who likes him. He sure can't work on vehicles. He messed up a new bus that he try to put a new navigation system on.IT IS STILL SITTING THERE.He is not a license mechanic, should he really be working on vehicles that we transport our clients on.
How does a employer tell his employees 12 days before they are suppose to of had off, that they have to work to make up for a snow day that originally was suppose to be made up in April.You know people do make plans to do things on schedule days off.Not only did we not get raises,now we are being punish by having another day taken away.Why didn't you just stick to the original calendar.I know that makes to much sense.Another stupid idea from the upper management.
I am so upset about a client that got hurt on a bus that a staff was driving ,this poor man got hurt because he fell out of his wheelchair because he wasn't strapped in right.Did not have a chest strap around his chest.This happened two times,once on a outting,and then on a medical run,when he went to the doctor there wasn't a aide on the bus.Always suppose to have a aide with wheelchair. One time is a accident, two times is negligence. Get it together Medical Transportation Supervisor, just because Chris Parks is related to your partner, doesn't mean you should do whatever you want and get away with it.Shame on all of you.You should care more about the clients than you do.Safety should always be first priority.
What do u think about how thy now want to take our own vacation and sick time to pay for the days we were off for the sno last week. Ain't that some mess.always trying to take more from us and not giving us nothing.what kind of employer is that?
Don't judge
Believe me when I say the caregivers that work in the homes such as house managers and the aides do not get paid a lot at all! They are the ones that out up with the most of the things that happen and when things happen with certain things in dove pointe will trickel down on to the house like with vehicle maintenance so many requests were put in and nothing done till family got involved!!! Omg I could go on and on with things that I have seen and heard
a guy that lives at johnson rd is a known criminal. Look up his name on maryland state criminal website. ACCIDENT waiting to happen. Heard a female there was knocked out by him and is planning on doing something major. If I were you its not worth 9.50 to work amongst criminals and possibly get stabbed etc. Also is it true Chris parks and the human resource lady are sleeping together??? salisbury is a small town but jesus. Also as far as these "mishaps" that occur. I would just tell the family's to there face when they come and visit what is happening.
But the place is supposedly for the "consumers" but they get put out for their behaviors arent they the reason dove pointe even exist....
Well said!! Especially those who work in the homes ,they work holidays mostly doubles n if you work 16hours on a holiday you only get paid 8hours of holiday pay but your really working 16hours...sad they are scamming The most essential ppl to their company
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