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Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 05, 2014
Will The Wicomico County Elections Be Rigged?
Many are wondering, (with good reason) if the Wicomico County elections will be rigged.
One of the main reasons people are asking is based on the FACT that Rick Pollitt hasn't updated his campaign website, no one is hearing about fundraisers, he's not going door to door and quite frankly he has the very same attitude Mayor Jim Ireton had in the last Mayoral election, he just doesn't care.
Now, IF someone truly wanted to keep their job and truly cared about Wicomico County they'd be more vocal as well as being in the public eye. Rick Pollitt is doing none of the above.
So I believe it's a valid concern, as do every person I talk to about it. Many do not believe Obama got re-elected the second time around as well as Jim Ireton, (locally). Many are starting to wonder if Joe Ollinger actually won the last election.
Either way, acting like you have an election in the bag, (especially Liberals) simply shows how crooked America has become. With 20+ months straight of job losses in the County and NOTHING showing Pollitt has the County on the right track, (especially with multiple tax increases) it's time for new leadership.
Then again, we might not even have a choice with these electronic ballots.
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only if joe is running for office!
10:13 is none other than JT. He has my Site on a RSS Feed and is always the first to throw up a comment. He also doesn't capitalize the letter "J" in my name, it's too much work for his fat fingers.
Externally rigged,not internally.Be advised that any Wicomico County politician is a small part of a much bigger picture.A national picture that will not chance the wrong person being elected locally.
Lol that Fat Bastard flip flopper JT.
JON trailor park trash is part of the problem in wicomico county he types like a democrat but then backs gun rights ????? Which one is it FATBOY.
Pollitt,liarton,Osmelly,brown,Mitchell, shields,Fake day, are ALL part of the Pro Welfare agenda killing the American way if lufe, and they are All corrupt one way or the other especially LAURA WELFARE MITCHELL.
And trust me,he's really hard to fingerprint.I know.The squares aren't big enough.
I have no confidence in the electronic machines. I, like many others I know, will be voting republican across the board.
A legitimate post, with a serious question, gets ruined by comments by a bunch of inbreds.
This county, and city, are small enough to do paper ballots, which can show proof and do not allow for tampering. Computers, while necessary and helpful in today's world, are manipulated regularly.
please - quit showing pictures of our lame county executive....he makes me ill with his posturing and political bs
With the devious, deceptive people that slick Rick has surrounded himself with, this is a real possibility.
My dream is a landslide for Culver to send a message to that bunch.
Its been over a year since the Salisbury election and not one person I talked to voted for Ireton.
Don't forget the BOE gift card spending and the executive's office. Rick just doesn't care.
Rick Pollitt knows he is beat. He is not wasting money Joe. I have spoken to many many Dems that say they are not voting at all. They will not vote for Pollitt. It appears Culver will win by a large margin. I hear a politcal group will be coming out on Monday with who they will endorse. They will also assist in major ways with who they choose to endorse. I guess we will see.
*****the rumor is fat Pollit has a state position already set in stone. He does not care either way.
Teachers will probably support Pollitt. Wonder how they will feel when the new Bennett starts sinking into the ground because of the soil it is being built on.
Rick is a panderer plain and simple. Makes you wonder how he got Prettyman in his pocket. Oh right, that would be the two who drink while driving county vehicles who tell her she is hot. Rick can't lead his way out of a paper bag.
11:44 If the state is dumb enough to give him a position, we all need to send money to HOGAN.
No leadership in this area as of now.Extra large police force in Wicomico area means lots of crime running rampant.Delaware counties has same population with just state police and a couple cops in each town.
In line with 11:43AM's comment I'd like to ask if you'd post a list of candidates (national, state & local) that you feel are worthy of your/our support and vote. Possibly their name and a short reason why they deserve that support.
Your informed, public minded reason does have a wide appeal to the concerned voting public and I'm certain your judgement has sound background with gen'l citizen welfare at heart.
While I'm sure that you are all but overwhelmed with running SbyNews, a post of this nature would be quite contributive to most readers and undoubtedly helpful to the candidates that you'd endorse.
I truly believe if you could vote in any district in Wicomico County and the city of Salisbury you would have a much larger turn out, and it would be fair they could all go where they wanted, and it is much more deomocratic than being forced to vote in your district! That is why I now do the write in ballots, wish I did it years ago.
12:21 Thanks to the lack of leadership in the city and county, we are a crime magnet. Low income housing flourishing as affluent homeowners flee the county. I remember when people used to think Dundalk was the armpit of Maryland. Thanks to our liberal leaders, past and present, Wicomico is now the armpit. We are a joke in Annapolis. Rick can point to all the funds that Conway has gotten for recs & parks. Good place for the thugs and drug dealers to hang out. Are all the recent lightings that Ricky has promoted because of crime and safety issues?
Keep looking over your shoulder Joe. You're a riot to watch out in public.
Culver make sure you have banners stating "A vote for pollitt is a vote for Corruption" .
2:19, You are too funny and mental. I haven't been out "in public". Nice try.
I'll add,
It was the Daily Times that called me the day after the election that stated they believed the election was RIGGED, yet they had no proof. They went on to say there was not a single person in that building that believed Ireton won the election, THAT'S A FACT.
As long as the firehouse is a polling place and the WCEA and the schools are putting Democrat's signs in their yards, corruption is assured.
If Laura Mitchell and/or Josh Hastings get elected to the County Council you can bet your sweet ass it was rigged.
The election will be here soon so I think it would be a good idea to keep this as a top story for a couple of days.
Pollitt will win due to his corruption in the form of spending, etc. He is probably the most worthless politician to ever run in Maryland.
Joe. Look into the document thefts from the WCEA headquarters. Ask their president about it. But watch out!
i know mitchell is putting her signs in yards on empty property.(houses)
she'd have to no one wants her sign in a yard where they live.
Anonymous said...
Don't forget the BOE gift card spending and the executive's office. Rick just doesn't care.
October 3, 2014 at 11:36 AM
Ironically 55% of the County's funding goes to the Wicomico County Board of education and not one elected official from the County has questioned the BOE's spending? Why hasn't anyone questioned this one?
Anonymous said...
A legitimate post, with a serious question, gets ruined by comments by a bunch of inbreds.
This county, and city, are small enough to do paper ballots, which can show proof and do not allow for tampering. Computers, while necessary and helpful in today's world, are manipulated regularly.
October 3, 2014 at 11:21 AM
Oh grow up. But I do agree with your second part. There is no reason we shouldn't do paper ballots in the Nov. 4, 2014 election.
Anonymous said...
i know mitchell is putting her signs in yards on empty property.(houses)
she'd have to no one wants her sign in a yard where they live.
October 4, 2014 at 2:24 AM
Laura Mitchell was at the Volunteer Firemen's Association Annual Banquet last night trying to force her lame yard signs on some of the people there. I hope they threw them away when they got home.
I have not seen any Laura Mitchell signs and if I did I would have to laugh! She has obviously made poor choices in her personal and financial life and then wants to be in ours?
The other thing is John Cannon picked a perfect time to get back in the limelight. He was there, and the citizens didn't want him and now he thinks because Laura is such a loser, he can get back in there....and he probably will. It is just really sad that this is all Wicomico County has to pick from!! REALLY SAD!!!
Anonymous said...
Pollitt will win due to his corruption in the form of spending, etc. He is probably the most worthless politician to ever run in Maryland.
October 3, 2014 at 11:31 PM
What a bad attitude. Why don't you do something positive and get 5 friends and family members to vote for Bob Culver and the rest of the Republicans.
Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are 2 scary individuals. They are pro entitlement. Please vote Republican.
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