DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Want To Know Who To Vote For...
Larry Hogan came to Salisbury yesterday for like the 40th time since he started running for Governor. Brown has been here maybe two times.
In my honest opinion, I do not think Wicomico County has ever had a better opportunity to elect new blood to represent us here on the Shore. Believe me when I tell you, if I honestly felt there was a single democrat worthy of your vote I would tell you. There are NONE.
It's time to get rid of Rick Pollitt, Jim Mathias and Norm Conway. The democrats are now SO DESPERATE, (especially Mathias) they are now calling REPUBLICANS and asking them to commit to voting for Mathias. It was hilarious how stumped Mathias' people were when they were challenged by EDUCATED Republicans in which Mathias' people ultimately hung up.
If you do go to the polls today, vote Republican across the board and we'll be well on our way to recovery, unlike what the Democrats have delivered for at least the past eight years.
If you are happy with your increased taxes, fees, toll increases, rain tax, loss of jobs, neighbors relocating to neighboring states, foreclosures on almost every other home, (reducing YOUR property value) then vote the Democrat ticket.
We hope you enjoyed a phone call from Larry Hogan yesterday.
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Someone needs to get Hogan to tour our prisons, without being escorted by the Administration, so he can see the BS that our corrections officers deal with on a daily basis. He should go to ECI the next time he is on the shore.
I was approached by some middle aged heavy set blond woman at the OC outlets near Petco the other day wanting me to vote for Mathias.
I told her in no uncertain terms that I was a bit mad because his supporter "JT" won't allow my comments which ask questions and are not personal attacks or bad language or anything other than simple questions.
She then proceeded to tell me in no uncertain terms that what JT did was out of their control and that they just dismissed him off as a nothing and "not the brightest bulb in the pack" looking more for attention than anything else and she personally couldn't stand him either!
joe you look like a bum
12:50, LOL, yeah, that's me. Joe the bum. I don't know, many have told me they had never seen me so happy. I tend to agree with them. For people like you, you can't stand seeing people enjoying life in such great republican company. You see, when you are in the company of good people who have the same beliefs, well, I guess you tend to look like a bum in the enemy's eyes. You have a wonderful day.
Just got my nra magazine. Inside they have a nice, easy to understand list of all those running in Md. If they don't have an A rating on gun rights, no vote from me.
A received a Mathias call from across the bridge which is a huge mistake in my opinion. He "fights for the shore" while Baltimore city volunteers do his bidding? Are you kidding me?
The guy went through his sales pitch about Mathias voting against this thing or that thing but also listed things I know Norm Conway voted for. The guy also said Jim was willing to work across the aisle. So when he was done I told him that the tax increases he claims to have voted against Norm Conway voted for. If Jim Mathias was a principled person who really care about these issues he would do the honorable thing and endorse Carl Anderton.
The guy stammered and didn't know what to say. I told him that Jim didn't have the guts to push back against his party and the evidence is clear in how he is handing our Norm's flyers to people. Norm isn't campaigning. Jim Mathias is campaigning for him.
Remember that when you go vote.
2:23 be careful with the NRA endorsements. They often endorse people like Mathias and Conway because they are incumbent Democrats. See the NRA just wants to be able to say that they are non-partisan. So they overlook good guys like McDermott and Anderton even though both of them have a track record of standing up for the second amendment and speaking out on the issue.
12:50 - You ARE a bum!
12:50 - You should get a life!
9:12 correctional officers, last few I saw couldn't bend over and tie their own shoes, looked like they slept in their uniform and another looked like a welfare recipient. With all the public press from other state prisons how much contraband does ECI allow because of such poor hiring standards. I'd make you all pass drug test, physical tests and educational requirements. No pity party here dude!
As with any profession there are good employees and worthless employees. I'm not saying all CO's are good but most of the pos staff we have is because of the liberal douche bags hiring them. The reason so much contraband gets in is because of the welfare mommas the liberals hired or the staffing cuts to save a dollar. As for the testing requirements you talk about, put your money where yourout is and do it if you have the influence to do such. I want someone standing with me that can pass your test.
7:32 reply to 6:29 comment. It should say "put your money where your mouth is".
Thanks to all your hard work and reporting I will be voting Republican across the board!Thanks Joe and SBYNews!
The thing is they don't have to worry about the Eastern Shore..... usually it goes Republican....it is the other side of the bay, you have to worry about.
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