DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 19, 2014
‘I’ll F***ing Kill You!’: Teacher Put on Leave After Getting Caught on Video Fighting a Student — But Wait Until You See What Led to It
A Baltimore teacher is on administrative leave after getting caught on cellphone video fighting a female student in a school hallway — but it’s apparently what was captured on camera prior to the altercation that shows the student was the instigator.
The main video opened with a chair on wheels getting tossed toward a female teacher talking on a cellphone in a hallway at Carver Vocational-Technical High School last Friday. The student, reportedly a 17-year-old senior, then came into frame and walked past the teacher. Sources told WBAL-TV that the teacher, who was wearing a white top, was calling for assistance regarding the student’s behavior.
The student, wearing a gray sweatshirt, then turned around and walked past the teacher again and into a classroom. After she reemerged in the hallway, the student threw what appeared to be a book at the teacher — and that’s when the teacher exploded, charging at the student saying what sounded like, ”I’ll f***ing kill you in here, bitch! What the f*** you think this is, bitch? I’m not f***ing playing with you!”
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Schools are a war zone due to these kids no that there are no consequence for there actions!!! Welcome to liberal world. Just another hood rat!!!!!
Teachers here in Wicomico get assulted all the time by students and nothing ever happens. Cover it up and guess what, our suspensions are down. We must be doing a great job. Can't wait to get out. If you know someone that wants to get into education, think very carefully. Most private schools and only a few public schools are any good.
They really need to just stop calling them schools.
They need to be called Pre-Detentions Center or Pre-Prisons.
What if a child had done this to the police? They would have been locked up and nothing done to the officer even if he used excessive force. Both are people in authoritative positions but only one actually has the authority to do anything about an attack.
Teachers have no authority. We can hardly even run our own classrooms anymore. They want sheep that are easy to control. Its all about the way things look, not about the kids anymore.
It all starts at HOME the Parents should be charged as well as the PROBLEM (punk) CHILD and give the teacher a week off to get her self together so she can resume teaching on a new note. Being involved in our education system locally I fully understand what happened in this situation and commend our teachers today in being able to withstand the abuse they receive on a daily basis. There is no respect anymore in public schools. For crap sakes the administration for the most part sweeps everything under the carpet and turns a blind eye to everything. Students get away with just about anything they want to do because their parents don't hold them accountable for anything and think their child is above every rule set down . Correct them and the parent threatens to SUE the school. What a great country we live in?
Piece of trash student needs caning with a bamboo stick.
I love seeing the teachers whining and complaining. That's what happens when you vote Democrat.
The teacher was in the right , these animals have to be eliminated from society. This female will be in a jail and spend most of life there. The teacher should have broken her jaw at the very least .
If a dog attacks me , I will shoot it , if anything attacks me I will shoot it. Especially a person wanting to harm me , sorry about that Trayvon and Brown.
You know what though 9:55, the teachers and other staff can say we've had enough.
I absolutely do believe that it does start at home and the fault lies entirely on the backs of the parents.
Now I've seen some of these "parents" and they aren't worth a God damn, so the teachers are stuck with the blame because God forbid the democrats in charge of the state would offend the useless parent voter base.
The teachers need to say "look you spineless politicians, time to stop coddling these worthless parents and start telling it like it is instead of putting all the blame on the teachers."
The teachers have no control because of Obola's grant money hanging over their heads if they reduce disciplinary actions. Of course O'Malley fell right in lockstep so "guidelines" on disciplinary actions were watered down. You need to tell the democrats-Omalley, Mathias, Conway, Pollitt, etc to take their grant money and shove it right up their asses. You have to give it to them straight and in a way they can understand. NO beating around the bush. Don't be afraid of insulting them because they are insulting (and assaulting our wallets) us everyday. What good is more money if the local schools have no control and the good students are suffering.
Reverse evolution happening right in front of us and all around us.
I would have wiped that child azz and gladly went home on paid, unpaid admin leave or even fired. Children today are sooooo gangster. Their parents think their behavior is acceptable because they think teachers should just walk away. If teachers have to walk away from these gangster banging, squaring up for a beat down, cuzzing out and disrespecting under 18 hoodlums called children, then these kids need to good straight to jail and NOT the juvenile centers. I stand with the teachers. Who cares what the momma's or grand momma's say. That little girl needed a good ole fashion going to Jesus azz wiping. Too bad she didn't get one. But, I did enjoy watching the teacher slam that child up against the locker.
No consequences for students at all. They just send them home and the teacher has to answer for their actions. More of the liberal democrat theories that offenders have more rights than those that protect us and teach our children. Liberals have ruined this country...............
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