DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Coastal Association of Realtors Representative Sarah Lake Rayne Assaults 9-11 HERO At Last Nights Forum
While Mr. Adams respectfully stood outside the forum and held up his signs, Coastal Association of Realtor representatives got in Mr. Adam's face and harassed and intimidated him.
Mr. Adams stood his ground and let me tell you why. GO HERE first. Once you've seen that article you've come to realize that Paul Adams IS a true American Hero who rescued numerous people from the Twin Towers in New York City on 9-11.
Mr. Adams, way beyond what ANY of YOU have offered this Country deserves EVERY RIGHT to express his 1st Amendment Right!
Mr. Adams chose to serve his country proudly as an EMT in New York City. Get this, he WAS a hard core LIBERAL in the UNION in New York and left his party to become a REPUBLICAN because he saw the light.
That being said, last night Sarah confronted Mr. Adams and started grabbing his signs in the attempt to rip them out of his hands in front of the whole crowd. One can only hope PAC 14 will show it, but you know how that works.
Sarah should have been arrested last night and almost was. The LIBERALS are becoming that aggressive and it needs to STOP. I personally watched several Coastal Association of Realtor representatives swarm in the foyer wanting to know, WHO IS THAT MAN, CALL SECURITY. As if THEY were being attacked.
Now, considering you and I pay 50% of the TUITION for ALL college students, Mr. Adams has EVERY RIGHT to be in that PUBLICLY OWNED BUILDING in a PUBLIC FORUM to express his 1st Amendment Right.
This HERO should NOT have to take the LIBERAL ABUSE he received last night and your damn right I'm going to expose the Coastal Association of Realtors for their poor judgment, actions and demands.
Shame on ALL of you. When YOU step up to the plate and run back into the TWIN TOWERS THREE TIMES TO RESCUE AMERICANS FROM TERRORISM, THEN YOU CAN SPEAK. Until then, you ALL owe this man an apology.
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Good on him , i will Never do. Business with them ever.
Let's out this commie Real Estate association. Let's see if Gillis, and others will drop their membership if they are members.
I didn't recognize him last night but I defend his right to freedom of speech.
One can only assume that the liberal left has bottomed out and hit survival mode. Why else would a political party begin what clearly amounts to physical violence and assault? They evidently foresee their demise and I for one welcome it overwhelmingly.
What a bitch! This is the same skank who used to blab her drunken night business all over Facebook until called out on it on this site. She's so classy!
1:14, this is also the woman who was behind the alleged phone spoof to me from Mayor Jim Ireton. The Daily Times FIRED her immediately.
I say the Coastal Association of Realtors also needs to terminate her for her actions.
This woman is OUT OF CONTROL and thinks she can do ANYTHING.
Who were the other CAR reps that tried to intimidate Mr Adams? We need to give them too a dose of public humiliation one of which they've never seen before.
If you don't like the signs you ignore them! The only way this would have been acceptable had been if they had instructions posted on audience conduct and signs were named as being forbidden.
I expect anything from Lake. She is the epitome of White Trash.
CAR if they are to show any professionalism needs to fire her ASAP. If you have a problem you handle it with tact and dignity. You don't invade someone else's space by grabbing from them but the White Trash blood in her compels her to be confrontational in a physical manner.
Then they send Darron Whitehead out to keep the guy out I guess. So out of control. Wasn't he a cop at one time? He should know better.
I'm surprise they hired her in the first place. She's been known to behave in the most indecorous ways imaginable and can't be taken as anything close to a professional. This incident is further proof. I hope CAR officials see fit to ask PAC 14 for the tape and after they see her trying to grab the sign, she is terminated immediately. Such conduct is not becoming for an employee of any professional organization.
She is a close friend of Jimbo the mayor... what kind of actions and demeanor would you expect from one within his circles? The same as from Chuck Cook and Chris Demone. Trash.
He was a Trooper but i seen the guy get in the X Troopers face. Lol.
Liberals are only tolerant of speech they control.
Liberals want people to live and speak what they tell you but not what they do or say!
FIRE her.
"Anonymous said...
Then they send Darron Whitehead out to keep the guy out....
October 16, 2014 at 1:26 PM"
And he obeyed them? Oh my bad. He's was one of those Amway fruitcakes. They are the kind of people easily programmed.
Whitehead work for the gestapo now?
so what did the sign say??
Whitehead is a good man. He has many years of martial arts training as well, so believe me when I tell you he can handle himself well.
1:23 - "The only way this would have been acceptable had been if they had instructions posted on audience conduct and signs were named as being forbidden."
There were signs/notices posted that said no political signs were permitted during the forum and the moderator kindly asked twice that no signs were used during the event. That said, Mr. Adams had a right to use his sign but he probably should have waited until after the event while everyone was exiting and everyone would have still seen his message.
I see a lot of "Liberal" comments but CAR actually supports Bob Culver and is funding him. CAR's name was on the sponsor board at Culver's event at the Ward Museum the other night. You shouldn't take the actions of one person who is not even a Realtor member of CAR as if they were the actions of CAR. Most Realtor's I know have conservative ideas.
3:38, With all due respect, LET ME EXPLAIN A LITTLE SOMETHING TO YOU.
I was there last night and pretty much ALL of these representatives went after Mr. Adams. They were very aggressive and they were very out of line.
I don't care WHO supports other candidates. This has NOTHING to do with CANDIDATES. This has EVERYTHING to do with this man's 1st Amendment Rights and the very people who tried to take his rights away from him.
Sarah was OUT OF CONTROL and YOUR people should have stopped HER.
my husband knows paul and i can tell you that this fat, sloppy woman will not quiet him or force him to back down. he stands his ground and says whats on his mind, both of which are within his rights as an american. sooner or later we won't have these rights anymore but for now they are still in the constitution. good job paul, keep up the good work.
MAR is endorsing Liberal Jim
So can the other Trust me.
Correct these fools took it to the next level i was there all tbey had yo do was call security did they nope sent there goons,did nothing, so much for frerdom of speech thanks dummocrats.
3:31 The sign said no campaign material. If the moderator suddenly decided against protest signs AFTER viewing said sign then he was wrong. You don't change the rules after the game starts. The rules are to be laid out ahead of time. That's called being organized, thorough and forward thinking. Not that I think they can prevent such signs on public property. It's that old document called the Constitution getting in the way again. Proper decorum (and law) dictates that they should have ignored Mr Adams and his signs.
They aren't real smart. We shouldn't even be talking about this. CAR gave us this to talk about and it's overshadowing the debate. Stupid Stupid Stupid.
It's makes them look like amateurs.
"Anonymous said...
Whitehead is a good man. He has many years of martial arts training as well, so believe me when I tell you he can handle himself well.
October 16, 2014 at 3:25 PM"
Sounds more like a stooge to me. So I guess his martial arts training compelled him to go out there and show his ass. He is NOT representative of the martial arts community. His actions last night are those of an Amway robot-an aggressive bully.
X pooper.
Again, CAR is roughly a 1,000 member organization so I wouldn't take the actions of a handful of Realtor volunteer's and say they are the views/actions of the organization. Yes, from the sounds of it the situation could have been handled differently. I definitely defend the right to free speech. Sincerely, if the event went down as you say it did then I hope there is evidence of it that can be sent to the CAR board of directors since obviously the board can't just fire people without having sufficient evidence. I really just wanted to make it clear from the other comments that labeling CAR as a Liberal organization isn't accurate.
And the trooper, i thought anyone that use to carry a badge would understand the right of free speech, hmmmmmmmmmm
3:31 What the signs actually said were no campaign material.
This man had ever right to hold up a sign of protest. The debate was on public property and it's his right to protest peacefully. He should sue CAR for their blatant attempt to restrict his rights afforded to him by the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Realtors are members of CAR and through their dues/fees/etc. pay the salary of the belligerent woman. They have relatively few folks on payroll and she is certainly in one of the jobs most in the limelight.
Her actions cast her employer, and all the agents who provide her salary, in a very unfavorable light.
Perhaps it's time for her to notch back and as they say, 'spend more time with family'.
Sarah, Kinko's called; resumes are ready!
Something else that was interesting was the question and answer at the end of the debate. I understand two questions were submitted but was told by Sarah that they ran out of time and could not use them. I know for a fact that there were other questions in the basket but she only
handpicked one that suited her.
Democrat frauds.
She should be fired period.
He should sue.
Sort of reminds me of Mike Dunn and his 'no sign' policy. Or was that Louise Smith?
As to the latter two mentioned politicos, (ex) now, if memory recalls there wasn't any difference between Mike & Louise.
So many of the commercial realtors have gone over to the left because it's the government beneficence of big money, big housing, or should I say "free" housing that sustains them. Free enterprise living on the taxpayers dime. Look at all the SVN properties with political signs. No doubt they line up at the trough.
Welfare and a guaretted pay ck, no loyalties anymore with realtors then again has there ever been.
I'm gonna sue you Albero you have crossed the line
Bring it on Fat girl.
Obama voter LOL.
How come no pics of the confrontation? Was there really a confrontation? No one remembers it.
Now thats funny .
Sarah would not have gotten involved - if not for the fact that one sign read, "No Fat Chicks On The Beach". That was not very nice.
While you are at it sue McDonald's and Burger King.
I actually thought the sign waving guy was a Dem operative trying to get Rick and Laura some sympathy votes. It seems I was mistaken.
I know the majority of people there had no idea who he was.
Free Speech-
Sorry I didn't get to talk to him.
Any organization that sponsors a debate has the right to set the rules. You think the RNC would allow signs at a national debate?
I don't care what your background is, if you were Bill Clinton the RNC would not allow him to hold a sign up during a debate.
Being 9/11 responder doesn't give you the privilege to not follow the rules.
You better be glad I didn't get to you albero
Does it not crack you up how these ANONYMOUS wussies threaten me physically or with lawsuits.
Yet NONE of these WUSSIES have EVER been man enough to do anything.
Thanks for the laugh rainbow boys.
7pm you are not accurate on your observation of commercial realty people. Bob Culver, Larry Hogan and many others in that field are far from the left, including no other than Joe himself!
This is NOT a national debate its a freeking local Debate Fool.with PUBLIC EMPLOYEES.
I sat behind the guy holding up the signs and he was not disturbing anyone. Greg Bassett kept glaring at him the whole time, which was pretty funny. It was made clear that no political signs could be brought into the debate, but nothing was said about Freedom of speech signs. The Liberals cannot stand when something does not go their way - I felt the guy with the signs was Spot On about Mitchell and Pollitt.
WRONG 8:18! You can not restrict a sign such as this (free speech) on public government owned property and that is what WorWic happens to be. Doesn't matter whether it's a candidates forum like last night or a school fundraiser. If the forum had been held in CAR's office then that's a different story or some other public but privately owned location such as a hall owned by a service organization like the Lions.
"Anonymous said...
Any organization that sponsors a debate has the right to set the rules. You think the RNC would allow signs at a national debate?
I don't care what your background is, if you were Bill Clinton the RNC would not allow him to hold a sign up during a debate.
Being 9/11 responder doesn't give you the privilege to not follow the rules.
October 16, 2014 at 8:18 PM"
They have the right to set rules but they do not have the right to circumvent the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The organizers had about as much right to tell him to remove the sign as one of the school's admins would have to tell a student to not pray in the school before having a bite to eat.
If they were out of control as you say you saw????? What did you do to stop them???? Sit behind your camera???
I have study her reactions since the issue with the scam phone call . She needs a mental evaluation . Her actions are typical of overweight , friendless people. Her need to draw attention to herself is so obvious , very sad we have people like this that expose their mental health as if it were OK.
11:09, I did stop each and every one of them.
That will be on the tape right?
3:25 Oh, he has martial art training? Should we all bow to him or something? Martial arts shows weakness, and that you have a beat mindset, and must be trained and ruled. Weakness, not a strength.
Why no pictures of the assault?
I could care less about the gentleman holding the sign but this happened to me last week at the Oriole game, which I paid $130.00. I politely told the young Lady holding the sign that she was blocking my view and she needed too sit down. I am a die heart Oriole an thankful that the usher finally took the sign from her until after the game. Honestly some people are ignorant and want the spotlight.
8:05. I have to say, that is just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard on here. Martial arts is because your weak? Ha ha. Try going and telling anyone at South Side Jiu Jitsu that and see if you walk out with your tail between your legs.
It was at the top of the stairs by the doors.
Its for weak minded people that need a covidence booster .
They should be sued.
next time he, and WE, should all get t-shirts printed up!
Her husband Ben is a Douche too , he works for neighborhood services and was given the job by the mayor
She also sponsored Pioneer Green, LLC, an wind developer to speak to promote 600+ foot industrial wind turbines throughout our communities. Evidence shows this decimates property values. IT is time for this gal to go.
It appears that Wicomico Realtor Henry Hanna has the political answer. Has anyone seen the Mathias billboard he has in front of his home on Rt. 13 near the bowling alley.
9:03 - That isn't Henry's house, it is his brother.
Remember, that same group was behind getting Jake Day elected and smearing Debbie Campbell. They are a disgusting bunch and already have way too much influence. Shame on Lake. She never has seemed to have much regard for truth or free speech.
Maybe everyone who has a home for sale in this area should suspend their listing until this woman is terminated...you'd get some attention then
Great point.
I'm sorry but her temperament is just NASTY!
Oink oink oink is what she is.
Tell him to take his signs to New York City and stay there. Just another comehere rabble rouser.
Your pitching a Bitch over a 9-11 survivor/hero breaking the law over hold a sign? Wtf is wrong with you?
No Alberta had the part of lazy slob causing trouble
If the Coastal Association does not penalize the agents and fire the employees that were present, you do not have to do business with the Coastal Association, or their agents, if you don't wish.
Many Virginia REALTORS - Eastern Shore Association - are also licensed in Maryland.
I am not in the habit of apologizing for other's actions, nor making excuses for them. However, when considered unacceptable, I will extend my personal regrets to Mr. Adams that this incident happened. Please know that the majority of seasoned (over 25 years) CAR REALTOR Members are not pro-management, have not been for years, especially after the decision was made to merge the Wicomico and Worcester County offices. We have virtually no say in what that office does and/or does not do, nor the hiring and/or firing process. If we did, things would certainly be different!
Although I immediately contacted Mr. Adams to express my deepest apologies for actions by our Association, I also want to add my public apology as well. It is unfortunate that the guilty parties seem incapable of apologizing on their own.
It is an extreme embarrassment to the majority of our members and wish we could take the necessary steps to remove those individuals from our staff to avoid any member of the public suffering such abuse in the future.
The only way he could get/ keep a decent job...
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