Norm Conway, Josh Hastings and Jim Mathias often tout their conservative “credentials” (read: bogus claims), but if you look closely at what they say and do, it’s easy to figure out their deception. Folks they know full well that they do not represent you or your interests. They understand that their bread is buttered in Annapolis, by tax and spend liberals who have never seen a tax increase that is high enough or a regulation that went far enough. They have their marching orders and they heed them.
Does anyone honestly believe that Norm Conway would be allowed to remain as the chair of (mis)appropriations if he bucked the Democratic power structure?
Of course not.

Knowing that our area is conservative and that Hogan will
easily win every county on the lower shore, why would be pose with Brown during
an election?
Because he was told to. And he followed orders.
Earlier in the campaign season Norm brought over two
ridiculously far left Delegates to knock on doors in our district. Delegate Al
Carr, who sponsored the Rain Tax and the potentially catastrophic job-killing
bill known as the Chicken Tax, along with Delegate Ann Kaiser, who sponsored
the “Firearms Sale Prohibiton” bill. Yes, that was a real bill. Kaiser
sponsored it and Norm welcomed her our area.
Here is another facebook picture that shows Norm, the two extreme delegates and three people likely being paid to “volunteer” for Norm (hint: teacher’s that is where your union money is going).
Perhaps the funniest part of this picture is the fact that Norm Conway voted to increase taxes, but when his buddies from around the state come visit, he takes them to Delmar, Delaware, so they can dodge the very taxes Norm votes for, including a 20% increase in sales tax!
Folks, I hope that every one of you are paying attention. Even those of you who leave terrible messages on my page. I hope that you take a moment and just think. Just think. Norm Conway is bad for Maryland and he’s even worse for our area. He doesn’t represent us. He represents liberal Annapolis politics and then runs as a “conservative”, just like Jim Mathias and their protégé Josh Hastings. Do not vote for any of these people. A vote for Norm is a vote for Delegate Kaiser, Delegate Carr and four more years of higher taxes and higher spending.
In case you wanted to look up the bills:
Chicken Tax:
Rain Tax:
Firearms sales prohibition:
Perhaps the funniest part of this picture is the fact that Norm Conway voted to increase taxes, but when his buddies from around the state come visit, he takes them to Delmar, Delaware, so they can dodge the very taxes Norm votes for, including a 20% increase in sales tax!
Folks, I hope that every one of you are paying attention. Even those of you who leave terrible messages on my page. I hope that you take a moment and just think. Just think. Norm Conway is bad for Maryland and he’s even worse for our area. He doesn’t represent us. He represents liberal Annapolis politics and then runs as a “conservative”, just like Jim Mathias and their protégé Josh Hastings. Do not vote for any of these people. A vote for Norm is a vote for Delegate Kaiser, Delegate Carr and four more years of higher taxes and higher spending.
In case you wanted to look up the bills:
Chicken Tax:
Rain Tax:
Firearms sales prohibition:
Norm has been in way to long Joe. I am voting Anderton time for change. I respect the time Norm gave the office. He is like an old boxer staying in the ring too long. Good luck Carl.
What a great advertisement for Delmar Pizza which is on the Delaware side of Delmar. It is so great to see him supporting businesses in Maryland. But that's ok. He just saved 6%.
would be great if he did support businesses in MD, complete lunacy to send back this tax and spender to Annapolis. Change it up please!!
How many free pizzas did Norm eat?
I can't remember who it was that said something like this about Democrats: "Whatever else the Democrats, I will have to admit that they always stick together".
And, that is true.., because they are a cult of fanatics with an agenda. They are the Ebola & Cancer of our political system. All one has to do is read the headlines. You don't even have to bother with the full article, just the headlines of virtually every story in the news tells us their story.
Please vote for a meaningful change on November 4th.
Did norm support Andys place, lol.
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