DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 03, 2014
Practice Makes Perfect???
Just moments ago Salisbury Fire Department Station 1 backed into the Fire Station causing damage to the building/structure as well as the Fire Truck.
Now, you have to ask yourself. Was this a professional paid Firefighter? Were they out on an official call? Were they out grocery shopping? Were they out for a breakfast run? Will the driver be drug tested immediately as per City Protocol?
One thing is for sure, this WILL cost the taxpayers.
Posted at 9:53
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Wow he missed the door by a country mile.
Oh boy. Not good.
I'd bet they were on a food run.
There would have been a cover up, but now you got them! Just like when they screw up at Piedmont/US Air, they cover it up.
Think the truck will come back with the new color scheme?
Did you call 911 and report the accident? Instead of taking pictures - then there would be an official record of it!
Simple mistake, as usual it will be blown out of proportion.
Really 10:50 911? You one of those people who will hit 911 for any little thing? It is for emergencies only. Idiots
If they sit around, you complain. If they check equipment, you complain. The driver has a learners permit, is on private property, and was performing his weekly check to ensure the apparatus is ready for a call. Shit happens, he will face the consequences, and we move on. If you hit your garage door, do you call the police???
A learners permit? What is someone with a learners permit doing driving anything until they can learn to drive a car first!
Call me stupid but I see none of this damage you speak of. Perhaps you could repost the pictures with arrow or circles.
I am so happy I don't pay Salisbury taxes. I have lived or spent significant time in a dozen different cities, and *nowhere* else have I seen firefighters regularly using a fire truck to run errands. Yet in Salisbury, it takes place just about every day.
this was an accident, i can live with that. but the only real problem i have with the SFD is when they wash their own personal vehicles at the fire stations. i live in the city and have to pay an astronomical water bill. i have to minimize my water usage. so can i pull up to any of the fire stations and wash my car?
Everyone is human. We all make mistakes. Give him/her the benefit of the doubt.
Accidents happen, I don't care who you are.
You idiot! You have to have a learners permit for each class of license that you want to get. Get a brain!
Most of the car washing is done by your FREE volunteers!
I know that!! But it seems this idiot needs to learn how to drive a car before he can drive a truck. If he had a learners permit SOMEONE is required to be in that truck WITH HIM. I see someone outside the truck but not IN the truck. Even with someone OUTSIDE the truck was he not even listening to what they were saying. How can you NOT see a huge building. Oh and btw you don't need a learner for each class. If you go directly for your class A youc an bypass the others.
Actually, the volunteers rarely wash their vehicles up there. Next time you drive by, why don't you stop in and ask the person that is washing their vehicle if they are paid or volunteer. Not the first time an accident has happened in Salisbury, or any department. They happen everyday. I am sure it will be investigated as to how to prevent it in the future.
Who is the coward hiding in a car taking pictures? Big man!
Anonymous said...
Did you call 911 and report the accident? Instead of taking pictures - then there would be an official record of it!
July 30, 2014 at 10:50 AM
Smart thinking!
Anonymous said...
Who is the coward hiding in a car taking pictures? Big man!
July 30, 2014 at 12:45 PM
Who is this puss hiding behind anonymous? Big man!
Must be a paid fireman. Every time Joe covers anything scandalous about the Salisbury Fire Department the little morons get on her and bash the same citizens that pay their salaries. Did he mention coward?
10:50 and 1:08, I have to agree. If you and I were in an accident the Police would be called, a record of the accident would be official AND a FINE/TICKET would be given to YOU or I. So much for ACCOUNTABILITY.
What say you now Firefighters????
1:10, I love it how these TOUGH GUYS who hide behind anonymous.
Anonymous said...
Simple mistake, as usual it will be blown out of proportion.
July 30, 2014 at 10:57 AM
Simple mistake? The City is self insured and the tax payers have to pay for your mistake. You idiots should learn how to drive and you need to stay in the building instead of joy riding and chasing ambulances just so you can "establish command." Oh boy does that make you feel like a Big Man?
12:24 that's a lie, you know better than that.
Anonymous said...
Everyone is human. We all make mistakes. Give him/her the benefit of the doubt.
July 30, 2014 at 11:34 AM
It happens all the time MORON!! You obviously don't pay taxes.
JoeAlbero said...
1:10, I love it how these TOUGH GUYS who hide behind anonymous.
July 30, 2014 at 1:12 PM
The driver will get a drug test at PRMC right away, and an accident review board will investigate it as well. This is the SOP of the dept. As far as the damage to the engine, most of it will be fixed in house. It Is already in process. It was an accident, they happen in all professions. The weather it was career or Vol. Driver is no difference same SOP applies.
Anonymous said...
If they sit around, you complain. If they check equipment, you complain. The driver has a learners permit, is on private property, and was performing his weekly check to ensure the apparatus is ready for a call. Shit happens, he will face the consequences, and we move on. If you hit your garage door, do you call the police???
July 30, 2014 at 11:05 AM
This is obviously a paid fireman in Damage Control mode. He obviously knows quite a lot of information concerning this incident. My bet is this paid fireman is sitting around blogging while he is getting paid to be a firefighter and not a blogger. And you wonder why people hate the paid firemen in Salisbury. They waste, rob and steal from the tax payers and laugh about it.
As stated, the city is self-insured and it appears it is only property damage, all owned by the city. An accident report would not be necessary, an internal investigation by the rules of the city is all that is required.
Seems like a good reason for a $20 million dollar building update!
Another blown-up ACCIDENT...911 / Police get a life...things happen and it's part of life. Get it fixed and move on.
Anonymous said...
Most of the car washing is done by your FREE volunteers!
July 30, 2014 at 12:24 PM
No you are wrong. Your paid firemen wash their new trucks every single day. Free water.
Anonymous said...
this was an accident, i can live with that. but the only real problem i have with the SFD is when they wash their own personal vehicles at the fire stations. i live in the city and have to pay an astronomical water bill. i have to minimize my water usage. so can i pull up to any of the fire stations and wash my car?
July 30, 2014 at 11:31 AM
It wasn't an accident, it was pure negligence and I can't live with any of it. I am sick and tired of city employees, especially paid firemen wrecking all of that equipment like they do. Cars, pick ups, fire engines, ladder trucks, towers, hazmat trucks. When is it going to stop? That employee and his officer needs some unpaid time off.
Anonymous said...
You idiot! You have to have a learners permit for each class of license that you want to get. Get a brain!
July 30, 2014 at 12:23 PM
See how these paid firemen treat the citizens that pay their salaries. Joe this is beyond me. Is there even a truly nice person in that fire department? Every single day they are attacking someone on here whether it's the volunteers or citizens reading and commenting on you web page.
That commenter did not deserve to be called an idiot. I am really disgusted by every person in that fire department. I pray that I don't have an emergency because I am afraid they will respond. If they are that mean on here they can be dangerous in person.
Volunteers have to show up for calls and do more than hang out at the firehouse before they can wreck apparatus
Anonymous said...
Accidents happen, I don't care who you are.
July 30, 2014 at 12:06 PM
That wasn't an accident. That was negligence on the part of the driver and officer in charge. Where was the spotter? The SOP's require 2, I repeat TWO, spotters. Someone needs some time off and a letter of reprimand and the would be definitely the officer and driver.
"The weather it was career or Vol. Driver is no difference same SOP applies."
Would that be rain, snow or sunny?
Anonymous said...
Seems like a good reason for a $20 million dollar building update!
July 30, 2014 at 3:45 PM
That building was updated several years ago to the tune of several million dollars and then they put that man cave in the garage behind it.
The building we need to be concerned about is the new Station 2 on Naylor Street. They are building a new station for approximately $4 Million and they have quotes that the old station can be renovated(even though not required) for $2 Million. So what do you think Rick Hoppes and Jim Ireton plan on doing? Not only will this new fire house cost tax payers over $4 Million to build(just the building) the land and houses will be taken off the tax roles because it is going on a new location. The building is estimated at $4 Million to build, but that doesn't include the cost of the parking lot, road repair, utility hook ups, etc. The list goes on and on.
Start stocking up on Vasoline because the tax payers are going to be RAPED!!
Anonymous said...
Most of the car washing is done by your FREE volunteers!
July 30, 2014 at 12:24 PM
I thought the FREE volunteers were never around? If that is the case then they can't be washing their cars.
You guys keep lying and bashing on the volunteers.
You guys are pathetic!!
Anonymous said...
Another blown-up ACCIDENT...911 / Police get a life...things happen and it's part of life. Get it fixed and move on.
July 30, 2014 at 3:50 PM
Damage control by the paid firemen!
It just looks like a really embarrassing accident. They should have that guy back up in a parking lot for a few hours to better understand the vehicle before giving him a shot at the door again.
Wait a minute......are the paid firement complaining the vollies are using water to wash their vehicles? They don't seem to mind running around burning gas in a fire engine while they do their errands each day while they collect a city check......but God forbid a vollie wash their car. Hey paid FF's can you say HYPOCRITE!
Hoppes should be fired for allowing this to happen.
Anonymous said...
Volunteers have to show up for calls and do more than hang out at the firehouse before they can wreck apparatus
July 30, 2014 at 4:23 PM
See how the paid firemen treat the volunteers. No wonder it's hard to keep volunteers the way these paid firemen rag on them. This city needs a real fire chief to clean house. I guess to get a real fire chief we need a real mayor and a real council. Jake Day and Laura Mitchell don't cut it. Liarton has already proven that he is a loser.
Anonymous said...
"The weather it was career or Vol. Driver is no difference same SOP applies."
Would that be rain, snow or sunny?
July 30, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Thank you to the photographer who took these pictures. They were awesome.
Have you bothered to find out if the engine was going forward or backwards? Spotters are not used when going forward.....
When the city engineers inspect the building will they find more structural damage. Will the building be condimed? She should have drove into station 2. Will station 1 volunteers have to open the playhouse outback to use by career firefighters?
Will this be the mayors way of getting his name on another building in the city?
Who owns the property the new fire station is going on?
Hahaha! We have some top quality firemen there. I think every single one of them must have wrecked something.
I know for a fact that some of the fire trucks and ambulances get damaged and no one says anything about it and the fireman gets away with damaging the equipment.
I would like to know if FD policy requires a spotter when backing. What does it say in the driver education manuals? If spotters are required, then disciplinary action must be taken, and as a taxpayer, I expect it.
Some more tax payer money.....
Anonymous said...
Wait a minute......are the paid firement complaining the vollies are using water to wash their vehicles? They don't seem to mind running around burning gas in a fire engine while they do their errands each day while they collect a city check......but God forbid a vollie wash their car. Hey paid FF's can you say HYPOCRITE!
July 30, 2014 at 4:48 PM
Isn't this the truth. This current bunch of paid firemen from Rick Hoppes and John Tull all the way down need to be relieved of their duties.
Anonymous said...
Have you bothered to find out if the engine was going forward or backwards? Spotters are not used when going forward.....
July 31, 2014 at 9:25 AM
Well Smart A$$!! That is even worse to know that an paid fireman hit the building driving forward. WTH!! If that is the case then the paid fireman needs to be fired immediately.
Shows you how stupid and uneducated paid firemen are that they can't think of the repercussions before they speak.
Anonymous said...
Who owns the property the new fire station is going on?
August 3, 2014 at 9:50 AM
Look it up, it's already been posted once.
They take the fire trucks all over Salisbury. I have seen them situated at WAWA, Rita's, - instead of driving their own vehicles, they mount up in these monstrosities and drive them all over the place. There is no accountability with these departments. They need a Mayor that can 'clip their wings'.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
They take the fire trucks all over Salisbury. I have seen them situated at WAWA, Rita's, - instead of driving their own vehicles, they mount up in these monstrosities and drive them all over the place. There is no accountability with these departments. They need a Mayor that can 'clip their wings'.
August 3, 2014 at 2:43 PM
Salisbury hasn't had a mayor in over 17 years. We had 12 years of a drag queen and now 5 years of a criminal homo that ran from the police on a beach in Delaware after getting caught in a prostitution pose.
Fire fighters are voters, hence shoot isn't going to happen, give this a rest you've beat the horse to death. Wake up Salibury.
Bash the fire department all you want...one day you will need them and be grateful they respond and save you your family or your precious material items. You people have nothing better to do than target people who put their life on the line daily. You guys are the ones that are pathetic.
Anonymous said...
Bash the fire department all you want...one day you will need them and be grateful they respond and save you your family or your precious material items. You people have nothing better to do than target people who put their life on the line daily. You guys are the ones that are pathetic.
August 3, 2014 at 10:10 PM
Oh poor paid fireman resorting to scare tactics. Well guess what you won't be coming to our houses to save us. If our house catches on fire everything is ruined by fire, smoke and water damage. That is why we have fire insurance.. Get a life Bozo, you are not needed.
Anonymous said...
Fire fighters are voters, hence shoot isn't going to happen, give this a rest you've beat the horse to death. Wake up Salibury.
August 3, 2014 at 4:58 PM
The truth of the matter is most firemen aren't even registered voters.
Guess what? Not one single paid firemen owns property, lives in or in votes in the City of Salisbury. Another lie by an ignorant paid fireman who is talking crap.
The Salisbury Fire Department is a fire department that used to run on a few EMS call. Now it is an EMS Department that runs a few fire calls. This is the nature of today's fire service therefore the Salisbury Fire Department should be officially called Salisbury EMS. With that said a real EMS Chief should be hire and Rick Hoppes, John Tull and most of the Assistant Chiefs should be relieved of their duties.
The fire side of Salisbury EMS could still be placed in service with Volunteers handling the fire related calls. Eliminate fire engine responses to ambulance calls and send a second ambulance instead if needed.
Eliminate the automatic dispatch of fire trucks on all MVC's. Just because an ambulance is requested does not mean a fire truck should be dispatched. There are MVC's every day, all day long that never have an ambulance or fire truck respond so that is evidence the fire trucks are not needed.
Start charging for all false automatic fire alarms. Start charging for MVC's that a fire truck is dispatched on such as when a patient is trapped. Start charging for citizen assists when someone or something is locked in a car or a building. Start charging for lifting assistance on ambulance calls such as when someone has fallen and just needs to be put back in bed. Have an escalating scale for multiple responses to the same location.
Sell the fire boat, the haz mat trailer and one engine from each station. Six fire engines in Salisbury is not needed. Sell that 100 ft. tower truck. Salisbury has 3 ladder trucks and I bet you didn't know that. Just every fire company in Wicomico County now has a ladder truck so have them respond on a reported structure fire of anything 2 stories or more. Immediately scrap the plans for a new Station 2. Renovate the existing within the next 5 years.
With Hoppes, Tull and most of the assistant fire chiefs gone you would see an efficient fire and EMS department saving tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Ireton luvvvvvvvs I mean Luvvvvvs his Firemen. They get whatever they want. Millions upon Millions spent on the F.D. Jimmy gets a new poster out of it each year lol. Liarton is a Drama Momma that is why he never made V.P. at any school. The board knows the deal. You people elected him. The F.D. and the P.D. need a major overhauling.
Joe sorry you did not win they needed leadership more then anyone knows.
That's an interesting view anon 3:02. By eliminating the Chief, Deputy and Assistant Chiefs who do you propose to handle the management and incidents in the city ? Station 1 and 2 have no Asst. Chiefs and few other officers that are active. Your plan charges the citizens for everything that they already pay taxes for. That should go over well with them. Obviously you've never stood in the middle of Rt. 13 or the bypass on an accident scene. Without the engine and crew your dodging cars and risking your safety as rubbernecking, unattentive drivers speed by. Let me know how you make out treating multiple patients, clean debris, remove oils and fluids and provide your lighting at those scenes.
Anon 3:02 Your plan calls for the elimination of the Chief,his Deputy and most of the Assistant Chiefs. Most of them ? Who do you plan on relieving from that position ?
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