(August 14
, 2014) – In the early evening hours of August 9, 2014, Ocean City police, with assistance from ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), shut down eight henna tattoo stands operating on the boardwalk.

Through investigation, it was determined that individuals operating the henna tattoo stands were in the country on active F-1 student visas. Officers and federal investigators gave a total of ten students a warning for selling goods and/or services on the boardwalk. Investigators explained to the students that operating a henna tattoo stand did not comply with the parameters of their F-1 visa and they agreed to shut down their stands. This resulted in a total of eight henna tattoo stands being shut down.
This cooperative effort between the Ocean City Police Department and HSI is an example of the OCPD’s dedication to working with its law enforcement partners to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.
I don't see why we need ICE and homeland security anymore. We have an open border, and we let terrorist go. What's the point of their existence? That money could be used to fund even more entitlements for the lazy!
So, THIS is what Homeland security is doing? Shutting down harmless henna tattoo stands run by civilized college students from Europe? While
third world illegal aliens STREAM across the border bringing pestilence and crime to our neighborhoods and cities?
I'm not proud to be an American.
Great job shutting down those tattoo stands. They were really causing harm to our country. Why don't you do something about the murderers coming across the border?
I find it amazing that people come here legally then are punished for doing something outside what is specifically allowed for them yet we let anyone come here illegally and give them complete freedom!
Funny how the person in the Pole Dancing comments said that all of these are owned by middle eastern kingpins when it's just some college kids trying to earn some beer money.
11:03 it's because those federal government agencies are under strict orders. The orders are coming from big business esp Big Agri business and are advanced by the democrats. These businesses want a steady stream of unskilled labour available so they do not have to raise wages.
This is how it really works on Capital Hill and the world of politics. There is always a motive and it's not ever what most people think it is.
Great. They are an eyesore.
11:17 is exactly right and one of the few people who is in tune with how the world of politics works.
If you are an educated European, Asian or even a Hispanic or a Latino you will pay hell to get a visa to even visit the US. Now if you are an unskilled semi illiterate even in your own language the US welcomes you in with open arms. If you are a criminal too. This ensures a steady stream of criminals to help line the pockets of those who profit dearly from the prison industry such as the food supply vendors.
It's misdirection. Pay attention to the henna stands and look at the ocean, while millions break the law coming up from the Southern border.
Glad the Stasi could spare the manpower to stop this insidious threat at the waterline!
Between stands like this and the pole dancers Im glad I haevn't been to OC in the summertime in about 15 years. Sounds like it really has gone down hill.
Sounds like a business opportunity for someone else. I bet they could buy the carts for cheap now.
I say good work. I'm sure they were paying NO taxes at all.
Good.We don't want OC looking like main street in Istanbul,or like a 3rd world flea market.
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