DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 31, 2014
"In Two Years, Fifteen (15) EMT/FF Will Be eligible To Retire" "No Strings Attached"
These quotes were a RESPONSE to impress upon the Council the FD would have no problem keeping these 12 Firefighters on without it costing the City Taxpayers, (no strings attached) any additional funds.
You see Folks, when the TRUTH comes out, (and ONLY SBYNews delivers such) the Firefighters come back attacking my Wife and Family.
There it is, firmly DOCUMENTED once again.
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Don't worry about the criticism, Joe. The only people who get shot at are those willing to stick their necks out.
Well there you have it. Mayor - 1 Firefighters - 0.
I've been watching the back and forth debate between you and the fire department for years. This time I have to agree with you Joe.
The faboys site comments are bashing the paid FFs and the city should stick to there deal.
It's VERY important that each and every one of you know the following.
It was immediately following THIS MEETING that Salisbury News started publishing EVERY daily call log for the Salisbury Fire Department.
We wanted to PROVE to every taxpayer in the Fire Departments own words and documents that they do NOT need the additional 12 Firefighters.
YOU have seen what we have delivered. Do YOU believe they need as many paid Firefighters as they currently have?
Do YOU believe they need as many paid Firefighters as they currently have?
August 23, 2014 at 2:55 PM
No they don't. And the dummy who can't back that far truck in a door, and even RAN INTO THE DOOR, should be let go. SFD wastes enough money without having to repair doors and buildings by inept drivers.
Not only NO, But "HELL" No. You need Volunteers go out and recruited them. Every High School is full of seniors with no plans for tomorrow. He might as well ride around in a pretty new red truck while collecting unemployment checks.
Full retirement and then get another tax paid job ? Will they be double dippers too?
NO. They do not need these fire fighters.
With the twelve gone, there is going to be loads of overtime!!!!!!
The "need" for the fire fighters is really irrelevant.
The question is about "money". Does the City have the money or not? If not, then the fire fighters must be laid off.
Simply enough decision.
Looks to me that the medics are justifying the FF paid service and the. FF have attitudes???
The way I see it, these 12 were lied to. They had faith in the command staff and the city and took these jobs. At this point in time any firefighter who has any confidence in the department needs to wise up.
4:02, NOOOOO. With the 12 GONE, time to encourage more VOLUNTEERS. The EVIDENCE is the FACT that there have been very few fires over the past two years. Codes are getting better. Fire Departments are becoming proactive making sure homes have smoke detectors and then there's sprinkler systems.
OMG, guess what, PAID FIREFIGHTERS are truly a thing of the PAST. COMMUNITY, (Volunteer) Firefighting is on its way back in.
Retire ? I don't think so , they would just double dip if anything.
Most firefighters (if that's what you want to call them) are on 24 and off 36 , most work at other locations during that 36 off giving them a cool double pay.
Nice piece of change for playing pool . We all know what the deal is , the cats out of the bag , thanks for the information Albero.
Yes I sleep for the whole twenty four only getting up to go get dinner supplies. I might run a call or two. I play pool when I am bored, oh wait no pool table at the stations. We also do not get to sleep much but I will take all that overtime that is coming.
In 1967 I saw my fellow brothers disappear from my platoon with missing limbs and some dead. They are my heroes , these guys who call themselves firefighters are a real joke. WE call them want -to- be a hero. Sorry guys , very few obtain that honor. Don't want to steal your thunder or glory , but , it is what it is.
I get sick to my stomach when I see the stupid comments in support of all these paid farmen.
Well, try to BS the people and every now and then somebody comes along with the truth. Only liberals react so poorly when confronted with the truth. Don't argue the facts; attack the opponent.
5:26 PM
If you had a like button, I would click it.
There is no power here in this town nor has there ever been.Everything has been done precisely as an outside faction ordered it to be done with no inside Salisbury influence.All of those who think they are in control need to get over themselves.Locals DO NOT MATTER and have zero influence whatsoever.Powerless!!
I believe it's time for Rick Hoppes and his executive staff to be relieved of their duties. They have failed the Mayor and Council and more importantly they have failed the citizens of Salisbury.
The acquisition of these 12 paid firemen constitutes FRAUD and Rick Hoppes should be fired or asked to resign.
I can see John Tull drooling right now at this opportunity to become the fire chief. I bet his daddy love Jeff Simpson is working behind the scenes to help make this happen.
This needs to stay at the top for a couple of days.
Anonymous said...
With the twelve gone, there is going to be loads of overtime!!!!!!
August 23, 2014 at 4:02 PM
Not true at all. Recruit and retain volunteer fire fighters to respond when and only when there is a need such as a structure fire. There is no need to have two fire engine crews staffed at Station 16 every single night and every weekend. There is no need to dispatch fire trucks on every car accident. There is no need to allow the paid fire officers on the engines and trucks to self dispatch. There is no need to send a fire truck on every ambulance call. There is no need to have a paid assistant chief on duty in his own SUV 24 hours a day. There is now need to have 3 Chief offices one captain and 4 paid fire lieutenants working in administration every single day. There are 8, that's right 8(eight) paid firemen on duty on the administration side doing nothing every single day except surfing the internet and playing solitaire every single day. Eight paid firemen is almost enough minimum staffing for 3 fire engines. That's right 3 fire engine could be staffed with the Administrative officers. Better yet that staffing could fill 4 ambulances. This city would be better off with 4 additional ambulances running the numerous calls this city has. Four more ambulances would mean they could handle all the medical assists being dispatched. That means no more fire trucks with all those paid firemen would not be needed.
Anonymous said...
Retire ? I don't think so , they would just double dip if anything.
Most firefighters (if that's what you want to call them) are on 24 and off 36 , most work at other locations during that 36 off giving them a cool double pay.
Nice piece of change for playing pool . We all know what the deal is , the cats out of the bag , thanks for the information Albero.
August 23, 2014 at 4:54 PM
No they are on the pay clock for 24 hours and then they are off for 72 hours, not 36 but the rest of your information is somewhat accurate.
Anonymous said...
Yes I sleep for the whole twenty four only getting up to go get dinner supplies. I might run a call or two. I play pool when I am bored, oh wait no pool table at the stations. We also do not get to sleep much but I will take all that overtime that is coming.
August 23, 2014 at 5:15 PM
I'm sorry you don't get to sleep more while being paid...I don't understand why FD work 24 hr shifts and not a rotating 8 hr/5 day per week shift. I think they would be more awake and alert to handle emergencies and as a tax payer I would know that I am not paying someone while they sleep!!!
I have a hard time with both fire fighers and esp paramedics sleeping. There is no one in this world who can wake up out of a sleep and instantly be alert.
It makes you wonder how many more people would survive things like heart attacks and strokes if they weren't treating patients while lethargic.
Anonymous said...
I have a hard time with both fire fighers and esp paramedics sleeping. There is no one in this world who can wake up out of a sleep and instantly be alert.
It makes you wonder how many more people would survive things like heart attacks and strokes if they weren't treating patients while lethargic.
August 23, 2014 at 8:10 PM
Espescially paramedics? You are an idiot. If anything they need the rest the most.
Are you saying that volunteers shouldn't sleep because they have to wake up when their pagers go off and they will be to lethargic to drive?
How long do you think it takes the paramedics to "wake up," get to the ambulance, start it, drive to the scene, greet the patient, and then evaluate and treat. I am sure they are wide awake by the time they are beside the patient.
Now go crawl back under your rock.
Jeff Simpson now that's a dirt bag we haven't heard about in a long time.
Why has Fireboat 1 been out of service for? By the way what is Fireboat 1?
Last night the million dollar Tower 16 responded to Patterson Avenue on the ambulance chase with 22D. That means that the Salisbury Fire Department had 2 paid fire crews on duty at Station 16 on Cypress Street. It took them long enough to decide if they were going to self dispatch themselves or not. That's right 2 paid fire crews on duty last night getting paid tonight getting paid to sleep when they aren't self dispatching themselves. When it gets dark they quit chasing ambulances so they can sleep, that is unless Central dispatches them. Gotta get some rest so they can work their second full time job when they wake up. Gotta pay for that brand new sports car and jacked up pickum up truck. 22D is another fat overweight fireman that goes by the name of Wismer. I saw him on his laptop yesterday trolling on your blog. I am sure he is one of the ones bashing you on here. He runs his mouth about you all the time and so does that little short mouthy assistant chief that calls himself Mity Mouse.
The sad thing with this situation is the fire chief and his officers are lying to these 12 individuals. They are promising them jobs they do not have. They are putting false hope of a grant extension that is not going to happen. Come October 1st they will become unemployed and Hoppes could care a less! It was always said the department should be called Salisbury "liar" Dept!
You don't have the manpower for 8hr shifts. They are currently staffed at minimum levels at the 24hr shift
LOL! You all are a bunch of cry babies. Sit around and complain about something you know nothing about. Fact, that's all you will do. When it's all said and done the paid will still be here and still be receiving their pay. Talk is soon there will a lot more entitled for pay. So guess who will be paying then.
10:38 PM
they are crying because they have to pay for lazy, good for nothings like you. they sit around and complain and you lumps just sit around.
8:44-If you don't think mistakes are made, some very serious, some fatal, because of sleep depravation in paramedics then you are a first class fool.
Litigation involving medical errors on the part of sleep deprived paramedics is increasing at an alarming rate.
Now get the hell out from under the rock you are under and learn what is going on in the real world before you dare call anyone else an idiot. It would benefit you greatly.
True 8 hour shifts may cost more money, but 10's and 14's will not. It was done for years with the same staffing you have now, minus some administrative officer positions made for friends by the higher ups! 24's are a thing of the past. Too much liability!
I wonder how many of Albero and the Keyboard Clan have ever volunteered or had anything, physically, to do with the fire service. I am thoroughly impressed that each of you knows so much about the profession from all angles and can use raw data to support theses such as "the volunteer service is on it's way back." Makes sense. Name one department in our great nation that you see that occurring? Don't worry I'll wait. With your imbecilic ideology one could infer that you might think that insurance - health, auto, home, etc. - is also obsolete. At the end of the day when you need your fire department, career or volunteer, it is there. If you have the luxury of having a paid fire department, like we do, it is there more promptly with personnel that train to serve you day in and day out. Don't bite that hand that feeds you.
And with all due respect Mr. Albero I wish you belated kudos for your stunning second place finish in the most recent mayoral election.
Best Wishes,
Another Anonymous Taxpayer that Knows Everything About Everything
Reapplying shows the need for the twelve. I want to see the first volunteer police force in the city. If the fire department can have them, so can the police department.
Anonymous said...
You don't have the manpower for 8hr shifts. They are currently staffed at minimum levels at the 24hr shift
August 23, 2014 at 10:05 PM
Who are you talking to?
No they are not currently staffed at minimum levels at the 24 hour shift. Refer to August 23, 2014 at 9:08 PM which explains it is staffing two (2) fire engines every night of the week and weekend. This is unnecessary and a waste of hard earned tax dollars when volunteers can handle the calls. They don't even rely on Station 16 volunteers. Rick Hoppes has been in charge of the entire Salisbury Fire Department since Jeff Simpson left and even a year or so before that and he hasn't done one thing to recruit and retain volunteers. Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy moved Station 16 to it's current location on Cypress Street and he has done nothing to reach out to the citizens the live in that part of town. I don't know about you but I would consider this racist. This fire station has doors locked and double locked. Their are cameras everywhere because he says it is an unsafe neighborhood. Well he is right there, but what has he done to make it a better neighborhood? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Rick Hoppes has been accused of being racist in the past and he certainly exemplifies that honor bestowed upon him. He should be out in the community every day trying to recruit minorities, especially after he forced one out who is well respected everywhere he goes. You know why nothing is done to reprimand Rick Hoppes for his racism? Because Jim Ireton is just as racist himself. Now Jake Day is proving to be just as racist himself for not doing anything to rectify this problem as the City Council President.
Anonymous said...
LOL! You all are a bunch of cry babies. Sit around and complain about something you know nothing about. Fact, that's all you will do. When it's all said and done the paid will still be here and still be receiving their pay. Talk is soon there will a lot more entitled for pay. So guess who will be paying then.
August 23, 2014 at 10:38 PM
Your comment really doesn't even make sense, but the next city election is in 2015 and there are prominent people and organizations that are recruiting good candidates to send Jim Ireton and Jake Day packing. We want candidates that are going stop this wasteful spending and we will find them.
Unknown said...
10:38 PM
they are crying because they have to pay for lazy, good for nothings like you. they sit around and complain and you lumps just sit around.
August 23, 2014 at 11:13 PM
Bingo! I think this is the worst crop of firemen the city has ever had. All back stabbers stabbing good people in the back. What is just as bad and possibly worst is how they treat and attack the citizens who pay their salaries. We all know this starts at the top and it's time to chop the head off that snake.
Anonymous said...
8:44-If you don't think mistakes are made, some very serious, some fatal, because of sleep depravation in paramedics then you are a first class fool.
Litigation involving medical errors on the part of sleep deprived paramedics is increasing at an alarming rate.
Now get the hell out from under the rock you are under and learn what is going on in the real world before you dare call anyone else an idiot. It would benefit you greatly.
August 23, 2014 at 11:58 PM
LMAO! What a bimbo. Is that right? Just because you say so. You must also watch CNN and believe everything they tell you.
Please tell us where you got your information from. Please cite your sources. I bet you can't!! LMAO. What a bozo.
Anonymous said...
True 8 hour shifts may cost more money, but 10's and 14's will not. It was done for years with the same staffing you have now, minus some administrative officer positions made for friends by the higher ups! 24's are a thing of the past. Too much liability!
August 24, 2014 at 8:12 AM
How can true 8 hour shifts cost more money? An hour is an hour so it all works out.
Why are 10's and 14's better? Prove that these shifts are better?
24's are a thing of the past? Wrong answer Bozo. Most real fire departments do them and as a matter of fact Anne Arundel County just went from 24/48's to 24/72's. Another bozo that invents things and feeds the rumor mill as he goes along.
Anonymous said...
I wonder how many of Albero and the Keyboard Clan have ever volunteered or had anything, physically, to do with the fire service. I am thoroughly impressed that each of you knows so much about the profession from all angles and can use raw data to support theses such as "the volunteer service is on it's way back." Makes sense. Name one department in our great nation that you see that occurring? Don't worry I'll wait. With your imbecilic ideology one could infer that you might think that insurance - health, auto, home, etc. - is also obsolete. At the end of the day when you need your fire department, career or volunteer, it is there. If you have the luxury of having a paid fire department, like we do, it is there more promptly with personnel that train to serve you day in and day out. Don't bite that hand that feeds you.
And with all due respect Mr. Albero I wish you belated kudos for your stunning second place finish in the most recent mayoral election.
Best Wishes,
Another Anonymous Taxpayer that Knows Everything About Everything
August 24, 2014 at 9:48 AM
This sounds just like it was written by Rick Hoppes himself. I have heard him call Joe Albero and imbecile. As a matter of fact that comment about the stunning second place finish was the joke around the firehouse for the longest time.
Anonymous said...
Reapplying shows the need for the twelve. I want to see the first volunteer police force in the city. If the fire department can have them, so can the police department.
August 24, 2014 at 9:56 AM
They are all over the country and we should be utilizing them in Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury. Do your own research. They are called Reserve Officers and they are just like volunteer firefighters where the get the same exact training as their career counterparts and they carry a weapon, drive the police cars, execute arrests and perform all the same duties. They just do this without a pay check. As a matter of fact I would volunteer my services if Wicomico County would do it. I don't know of any in the state of Maryland, but they are in other states like Ohio. Maryland may have some law against it, but I might do some research on why. Oh I take that back, the Salisbury Police Department does have "reserve" police officers, but they are not sworn officers like real Reserve Officers. These are nothing but the mom and pops of the community that wear a totally different and silly looking uniform. Their duties only include filing papers and directing traffic at the Salisbury Festival. It's really an embarrassment.
Stunning second, eh? I was man enough to move to Salisbury and run for Mayor, unlike 99.9% of the rest of the citizens.
You make losing sound embarrassing. I am proud of what I did. You should look at almost EVERYTHING Ireton/Day have done since my run for Mayor. Let's see, the Downtown area has become their #1 priority. I am the one who came up with the transportation, idea between SU and Downtown. Immediately following the election Ireton had put into place a kiosk in the foyer of the GOB to help move permits for businesses through much faster.
Even the democrats saw my vision made sense. Very much like this Blog changing the local MSM, I made a positive difference, yet I now do NOT have to put up with all the crap that comes with the Mayors Office.
If YOU want to call that losing, well, it just shows how simple minded some of you are. I/we won in the long haul. No shame, no hanging my head low and the funniest part is, Ireton does NOT support the 12 Firefighters and the more than one million dollars a year it cost the taxpayers to keep them.
So when I see such a comment I clearly see you are just pissed off that I exposed the TRUTH about what the FD stated. The truth hurts, I get it.
Joe I still think you won the election and I think it was rigged by Chuck Cook and some of his connections through the O'Malley administration. One thing to keep in mind is the fact that an election poll was at the Salisbury Fire Department Station 16. Who would have access to that station? Rick Hoppes, Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook. I think the polling place should have been at a church and not a city building. It's already been proven that Obama won the national election through fraud and I am pretty sure that is how Ireton won. Cheating during city elections is nothing new. Remember what the slum lords did with Gary Comegys and the SU students who weren't really eligible to vote. The Democrats have mastered cheating the elections.
Responding to 11:39 Posting
I to believe the election was rigged. I have said from day one that I thought there was fraud from the outset. The electronic balloting - there is no way to verify the results without a paper back-up.
And as for Salisbury/Wicomicos economic development - we post the official employment results each month. And take-a-look at these deplorable numbers - Wicomico has now been in the doldrums for well over two years with a staggering declining workforce.
If Joe had been in office - there is no doubt in my mind we would have already been well on the way out of the current economic morass. It is truly unfortunate for the thousands upon thousands of Salisbury/Wicomico citizens to have to endure the current harsh hostile economic environment.
Read it and weep 10:48-If you think you are ever going to match wits with me you are grossly mistaken and don't you ever forget it.
Patterson PD, Weaver MD, Frank R, et al. Association between sleep, fatigue, and safety outcomes in Emergency Medical Services providers. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012;16(1):86-97.
Fernandez AR, Crawford JM, Wilkins JR, et al. The influence of shift length and sleepiness on error-related events in EMS (Abstract #72). Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012;16:152-187.
Looking at the Calls for Service for the Salisbury Fire Department that Sbynews posts every day is proof positive there isn't a need for firefighters. The need is for paramedics, EMS personnel and we don't need to hear that crap that "We are cross trained and we do everything." That is absolutely a false statement.
The only reason firefighters are cross trained as EMT's is because the Firefighter I certification calls for it. They can't get a job without it.
The firefighter EMT's do not want to do patient care they only want to drive the ambulance so they can drive fast and blow people off the road with lights and sirens. They would rather ride the fire truck and sleep at night.
Most firefighters want the job for the thrill of driving fast and being in the middle of the action with the look at me syndrome. They don't take the job for the passion of helping others. This is painfully obvious by the multiple attacks on the public, Joe Albero and the citizens that pay their salaries.
If they truly wanted to be a patient advocate and provide real patient care then they would become paramedics and that they have not done. Very few become paramedics only because it is a pay raise and not because they desire to excel and become an Nationally Certified Paramedic.
The basic EMT course is or was approximately 120 hours whereas the Paramedic Program is a 2 year program.
A true paramedic wants to be a paramedic and dedicate his time to that and not riding the big red fire truck because it is cool. In Salisbury they make you ride the fire truck so that the firefighters can get more pay for riding the ambulance.
If you want a true dedicated paramedic service then you would need to separate the EMS division on it's own and get it out of the fire houses. It is known nationwide that EMS is job security for fire departments. Separate EMS from the Salisbury Fire Department and you will see that the volunteers can handle the so called fire calls. The need for a fat fire chief like Rick Hoppes would be a thing of the past.
Most of the paid fire staffing, fire boat, new fire trucks, new ladder trucks, new hazmat trucks was purchased because of the revenue that EMS billing generates. If fire and EMS was separate then you wouldn't have seen the wasteful spending in the fire department.
Those paramedics run themselves ragged and want to take shifts on the fire trucks so they can get some rest and sleep at night.
Other than paying for paramedic salaries the EMS revenue is not put back in EMS. There are no EMS leaders like an EMS chief, EMS Assistant Chief, EMS Captain or EMS Lieutenant. Real fire departments have those ranks for EMS. They also have EMS command vehicles and EMS support vehicles. They also have EMS Supervisor vehicles that are dispatched to assist on ambulance calls and supervise and field train but you don't see this in the Salisbury Fire Department because Rick Hoppes is not EMS oriented so he and his "executive staff" put it as a low priority. Getting promoted in the Salisbury Fire Department is pretty difficult if you are a paramedic because they think you have to be on the ambulance if you are a paramedic. The ambulance is known as the gut bucket by the higher ranks in the department.
Being a paramedic in Salisbury is difficult if you want to be promoted. It is like a glass ceiling but it has gotten better.
The problem is you have to be a fire officer if you want to get promoted, but the good ole boys are mostly firemen.
Separating Fire and EMS is Salisbury would be the best thing for it's employees and especially the tax paying citizens.
Even the volunteer stations in the county want paid guys. They are trying to get a paid firefighter/ driver, so they can get out Monday through Friday. They even recognize it is harder for volunteers to get out.
Adding to 11:39 Comment about Fraud in the election.
I remember vividly when Ireton accused Joe of being a racist. Then, right after he gets in office he sacked Lori Chambers. So in the end - which candidate was truly the racist? I know Joe very well and I can tell you first hand that there is not a racist bone in his body. The NAACP should have supported and embraced Albero for Mayor.
9 of the 12 original FF/EMTs have been hired by the department. In order to maintain the funding through the 2 year period they had to maintain 12 persons on the grant. This meant they had to hire new people along the way. I hope this sheds some light on the issue.
Anonymous said...
Read it and weep 10:48-If you think you are ever going to match wits with me you are grossly mistaken and don't you ever forget it.
Patterson PD, Weaver MD, Frank R, et al. Association between sleep, fatigue, and safety outcomes in Emergency Medical Services providers. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012;16(1):86-97.
Fernandez AR, Crawford JM, Wilkins JR, et al. The influence of shift length and sleepiness on error-related events in EMS (Abstract #72). Prehosp Emerg Care. 2012;16:152-187.
August 24, 2014 at 12:14 PM
Your Study 1 -
RESULTS: We received 547 surveys from 30 EMS agencies (a 35.6% mean agency response rate).
CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of EMS workers, poor sleep quality and fatigue are common. We provide preliminary evidence of an association between sleep quality, fatigue, and safety outcomes.
Only 30 EMS agencies were surveyed and a 35.6% response rate is not a very good response to make any assumptions. This has nothing to do with 24 hour shifts. It is about fatigue and it affects all U.S. employees.
You have no clue what you are talking about and you obviously didn't read the studies. By the way that is all that it is. A study and nothing more. I can do a study and say that 24 hour shifts are the best shifts for all employees using a small sampling just like this little study. Studies can tell you anything you want to hear.
Go blow smoke up someone elses arse because you are very obviously uneducated. I got your wits... MORON.
August 24, 2014 at 12:41 PM is a comment worthy of it's own post.
Anonymous said...
9 of the 12 original FF/EMTs have been hired by the department. In order to maintain the funding through the 2 year period they had to maintain 12 persons on the grant. This meant they had to hire new people along the way. I hope this sheds some light on the issue.
August 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM
No it doesn't!
Anonymous said...
9 of the 12 original FF/EMTs have been hired by the department. In order to maintain the funding through the 2 year period they had to maintain 12 persons on the grant. This meant they had to hire new people along the way. I hope this sheds some light on the issue.
August 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM
How many of the 12 FF/EMT's are actual paramedics? You may have already answered the question.
How many of the 12 original FF/EMT's are from the volunteer ranks in Salisbury?
How many of the 12 original FF/EMT's are Black?
How many of the 12 original FF/EMT's are city residents?
What happened to the 6 Paramedics that were approved several years ago to be hired? How many Paramedics were actually hired? NONE!
Engine 16-1 just dispatched itself on an Ambulance Call with 21B to Wellington Circle. 21B is an acting Lieutenant who isn't qualified to be a lieutenant. Went on scene and established Wellington Circle Command. In less than a minute Wellington Circle Command placed the situation under control and returned to service. Proves that a fire engine isn't needed on those ambulance calls. Wellington Circle is in the County and now Rick Hoppes and Jim Ireton are going to bill the Wicomico County Council for an ambulance call and a fire engine call to Wellington Circle.
Self dispatching a mandatory by order of Rick Hoppes and reprimand will happen to the engine officer if they don't follow policy. Self dispatching in this case serves 2 purposes. One, it tries to justify paid firemen by increasing the call volume. Two it tries to increase EMS and Fire revenue by billing Wicomico County. This should be considered fraud and Rick Hoppes should be fired for this.
Putting a fire engine on the road in an emergency response increase the chances of getting into and accident and injuring the firefighters and the public. This is not acceptable and should be discontinued. Again Rick Hoppes should be fired for this fraud and disregard for public safety.
Anonymous said...
Adding to 11:39 Comment about Fraud in the election.
I remember vividly when Ireton accused Joe of being a racist. Then, right after he gets in office he sacked Lori Chambers. So in the end - which candidate was truly the racist? I know Joe very well and I can tell you first hand that there is not a racist bone in his body. The NAACP should have supported and embraced Albero for Mayor.
August 24, 2014 at 12:55 PM
You are correct. I have been in Mojo's numerous times around Jim Ireton when he is drinking and he constantly makes racist comments. He made one comment about a black person that walked in the door and automatically accused him of being a criminal and made a joke about it.
Does anyone remember who this person was talking about? Something tells me it was O'Barsky or Gladwell?
Anonymous said...
Dear Firefighter, I don't hate you guys on the line. Your leadership stinks and is arrogant toward us people that got to foot the bill.
I did watch last night and I will say that there is one firefighter I don't have respect for and that is the one who insulted the council as being a Jerry Springer show. While I agree that a lot that goes on in the city looks like that, that man had no place in uniform insulting the people who had the decision to make based on bad information from that man's so-called leadership. That your chief let that man go like that shows a lack of leadership.
That man and his chief owe the council an apology. If I had done that to my bosses, I would have been fired. The council president showed that man more respect than he gave her.
Also a lot of the problem is your boss's boss. You are lead by children.
That's all, over and out.
August 28, 2012 at 9:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Adding to 11:39 Comment about Fraud in the election.
I remember vividly when Ireton accused Joe of being a racist. Then, right after he gets in office he sacked Lori Chambers. So in the end - which candidate was truly the racist? I know Joe very well and I can tell you first hand that there is not a racist bone in his body. The NAACP should have supported and embraced Albero for Mayor.
August 24, 2014 at 12:55 PM
Does anyone have any contact information for Lore Chambers?
That is correct next budget year the volunteer companies want to try to get FF/Drivers for each station. Most department have a hard time getting out Monday through Friday.
Earlier someone made the comment that they should recruiting minorities. Why? Because they are a minority?
We should be recruiting the best qualified, period.
Anonymous said...
That is correct next budget year the volunteer companies want to try to get FF/Drivers for each station. Most department have a hard time getting out Monday through Friday.
August 24, 2014 at 3:14 PM
Maybe it's time for Wicomico County to take over fire and EMS. If the volunteers in the county can't handle the calls they wanted to run on then the County needs to hire a fire chief for the entire county. Obviously the volunteer fire chiefs got what they asked for when they asked to be dispatched on certain ambulance calls, 10-50 PI's, now car accidents with roll overs even if there are no injuries, flooded basements, electrical hazards, trees across the roadway and wires down as well as many others. These are not fire related calls and the fire departments should not be dispatched on them. The fire chiefs in the county want to be dispatched on these calls because they were bored with no real fire calls and they needed their fill of look at me I have a white hat and a radio and I am in charge. Sorry for your luck, you got what you asked for and now you can't handle it. Go back to fire dispatches only or suck it up cupcake.
I agree with 3:41 PM ^^^
It's time for Wicomico County to hire an EMS Chief/Emergency Services Chief that is a paramedic to run the County wide EMS system. It makes no sense for the County Executive and the County Council to throw millions of dollars at the volunteer fire company's so they can staff their ambulances. Fruitland and Alan were the last fire companies to get ambulances so they could get those millions of dollars and collect the ambulance billing. Every single call that Allan gets is to go to Princess Anne at Wicomico County's expense. Powellville, Mardela and Sharptown rarely get any ambulance calls.
Start a county wide system and use those resources in a better and more efficient way. It can be done.
Does anyone know how many career firefighters or paramedics left of were forced out under Rick Hoppes' watch?
Name names if you want to.
This is the funniest crap I've ever read. What a bunch of little bitches. Oh that's right, it's the shore.
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know how many career firefighters or paramedics left of were forced out under Rick Hoppes' watch?
Name names if you want to.
August 24, 2014 at 4:41 PM
That's a good question. I know many were forced to leave and several had enough and left on their own.
Father and Son Rathel's retired and one went to OC as a Paramedic. Paramedic Kinhart left for OC and got a promotion to Lieutenant. Salisbury can't keep paramedics because the pay sucks and they are treated like crap.
Rick Hoppes' relative that is a Lieutenant in Maintenance on the Administration side should retire. He does nothing but play solitaire on his computer all day. What is a Lt. of Maintenance anyway. Lt. Greg Hoppes, nepotism at it's best.
3:29 you are spot on. this is a major problem with government jobs, teaching jobs, state universities and colleges and more. they hire for diversity and not for the best person qualified for the job; hence poor quality work and outcomes. period
Old man Rathel was in the drop and had to leave. Little Rathel and Kinhart both chased money. All the extra money they are getting will not equal the retirement they would have received. They just wanted money upfront. Salisbury's pay does suck, but there are good calls, good benifits,& good retirement.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is the funniest crap I've ever read. What a bunch of little bitches. Oh that's right, it's the shore.
August 24, 2014 at 4:53 PM
A fox smells it's own hole, asswipe.
All fire departments who run EMS in Wicomico County get the exact same amount of money from Wicomico County. The amount they get is only around $100,000, that's no where near enough to even pay for 4 full time paramedics. If you knew anything about medical billing then you'd know that they only receive around 35% of the fees they bill for.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
August 24, 2014 at 12:41 PM is a comment worthy of it's own post.
August 24, 2014 at 1:29 PM
No, it is not. Even IF volunteer stations WANTED paid firemen, I doubt they would get them. Do you really think people would want their taxes to go up to pay for someone to sit around?
Anonymous said...
All fire departments who run EMS in Wicomico County get the exact same amount of money from Wicomico County. The amount they get is only around $100,000, that's no where near enough to even pay for 4 full time paramedics. If you knew anything about medical billing then you'd know that they only receive around 35% of the fees they bill for.
August 24, 2014 at 10:21 PM
Lot of holes in your 'story'.But I'm not going to beat a dead horse.
Anonymous said...
Old man Rathel was in the drop and had to leave. Little Rathel and Kinhart both chased money. All the extra money they are getting will not equal the retirement they would have received. They just wanted money upfront. Salisbury's pay does suck, but there are good calls, good benifits,& good retirement.
August 24, 2014 at 7:05 PM
The Retirement in OC is much better than Salisbury. The pay is much better. They are both making twice the amount then what they were making in Salisbury. Shorter retirement also. The "benefits" are excellent in OC. Salisbury has to be 50% for their health insurance when they retire. And there are not any good calls in Salisbury. Ocean City has just as many good calls all year long. Ocean City firefighters can sit on their front pad and meet and greet beautiful women. What do you get to meet in Salisbury? Crack whores and ghetto prostitutes. Yeah boy, the shore are some good benifits in Salbury.
I'm sure old man Rathel wouldn't want to be called OLD! By the way his gear was taken from him at Station 2 recently. More of Rick Hoppes' shit again trying to force out good people because he is power hungry.
Anonymous said...
All fire departments who run EMS in Wicomico County get the exact same amount of money from Wicomico County. The amount they get is only around $100,000, that's no where near enough to even pay for 4 full time paramedics. If you knew anything about medical billing then you'd know that they only receive around 35% of the fees they bill for.
August 24, 2014 at 10:21 PM
It's a lot more than that bozo you are clueless.
No it's not, Joe you know where to find this information. How about you post it. Then about medical billing; hardly any insurance company will pay a dime if the patient was classified as a priority 3 (least severe) and only received BLS treatment. Then state funded health insurance will only pay around $100 for a priority 1 or priority 2 call no matter what ALS interventions were performed. Then most of the Wicomico County FDs don't send unpaid medical bills to collections. They send out two notices of the bill needing to be paid, if it doesn't get paid then nothing else is done. Collections cost quite a bit of money to do, most FDs don't have the extra income to justify it. How would I know all this? I've done medical billing.
Taken directly from the 2014 Wicomico County Appropriation budget: volunteer ambulances 19-52: to be divided evenly between 11 stations (not SFD): EMT Grant = $1,100,000 and EMT workers comp = $85,250. That's $1,185,250 between 11 stations. That's $107,750 to maintain and pay their EMT or Paramedic employees. The salary of each paramedic is around $38,000, then benefits and workers comp is around another $15,000. That's $53,000 per full time paramedic. With the county appropriation for paid EMS personel the FDs can only pay 2 full time paramedics.
So much for those millions they get huh.
Then 45,000 to have an ambulance and 120,000 for the fire side for each department.
Haha. That's the joke of the day!!
It has always been a concern of mine that hospital personnel work 12+ hour shifts. Sometimes 24? I feel a little skittish if I ever have to go to the ER and wonder how long the person working on my vitals has been without sleep, and has now signed up to work on me for three hours!
Firefighters, not so concerned; I know they've been sleeping for two days, and insurance will cover the building.
Paramedics? Again, concern. Take off after 8 and get your rest and personals taken care of, then come back and be alert and rested for me.
I support having paid firemen.
I wish you would use this blog for something positive.
Excellent question August 24, 2014 at 1:35 PM. Rick Hoppes is one of the biggest back stabbers racist this department has ever seen. No wonder Jim Ireton likes him so much now. They are both back stabbing racists!!
Anonymous said...
This is the funniest crap I've ever read. What a bunch of little bitches. Oh that's right, it's the shore.
August 24, 2014 at 4:53 PM
That's right and make sure your FAG A$$ don't ever come back.
Anonymous said...
Taken directly from the 2014 Wicomico County Appropriation budget: volunteer ambulances 19-52: to be divided evenly between 11 stations (not SFD): EMT Grant = $1,100,000 and EMT workers comp = $85,250. That's $1,185,250 between 11 stations. That's $107,750 to maintain and pay their EMT or Paramedic employees. The salary of each paramedic is around $38,000, then benefits and workers comp is around another $15,000. That's $53,000 per full time paramedic. With the county appropriation for paid EMS personel the FDs can only pay 2 full time paramedics.
So much for those millions they get huh.
August 25, 2014 at 9:48 AM
That money along with all the billing the County would then take in would be enough to get a county wide EMS system going. Take EMS away from the greedy paws of the volunteer fire cheefs and you will see a great system.
Anonymous said...
Earlier someone made the comment that they should recruiting minorities. Why? Because they are a minority?
We should be recruiting the best qualified, period.
August 24, 2014 at 3:29 PM
I tend to agree with you but I have a very strong feeling you are a racist. Funny how you jumped on this quick.
Anonymous said...
I support having paid firemen.
I wish you would use this blog for something positive.
August 31, 2014 at 11:03 PM
This is a positive as it is going to get for the tax payers.
Since you are so supportive of "paid firemen" then I challenge you to post your name and address so that we all know that you are a tax paying resident of the City of Salisbury and your voice matters.
But since we know you are just a paid farmin who doesn't pay taxes then STFU.
Anonymous said...
It has always been a concern of mine that hospital personnel work 12+ hour shifts. Sometimes 24? I feel a little skittish if I ever have to go to the ER and wonder how long the person working on my vitals has been without sleep, and has now signed up to work on me for three hours!
Firefighters, not so concerned; I know they've been sleeping for two days, and insurance will cover the building.
Paramedics? Again, concern. Take off after 8 and get your rest and personals taken care of, then come back and be alert and rested for me.
August 31, 2014 at 5:34 PM
This dirtbag is back running his mouth again stirring the pot. What have you got against 24 hour shifts. I have worked 24 hours shifts for years and I can tell you they are the best shifts for EMS. When you go to 10's and 14's or rotating 8 hour shifts when you are supposed to sleep during the day to get rested up. It doesn't happen. I know that for a fact.
Make assumptions much?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
All fire departments who run EMS in Wicomico County get the exact same amount of money from Wicomico County. The amount they get is only around $100,000, that's no where near enough to even pay for 4 full time paramedics. If you knew anything about medical billing then you'd know that they only receive around 35% of the fees they bill for.
August 24, 2014 at 10:21 PM
Lot of holes in your 'story'.But I'm not going to beat a dead horse.
August 24, 2014 at 11:01 PM
Oh please do. I would love to hear your side.
Anonymous said...
No it's not, Joe you know where to find this information. How about you post it. Then about medical billing; hardly any insurance company will pay a dime if the patient was classified as a priority 3 (least severe) and only received BLS treatment. Then state funded health insurance will only pay around $100 for a priority 1 or priority 2 call no matter what ALS interventions were performed. Then most of the Wicomico County FDs don't send unpaid medical bills to collections. They send out two notices of the bill needing to be paid, if it doesn't get paid then nothing else is done. Collections cost quite a bit of money to do, most FDs don't have the extra income to justify it. How would I know all this? I've done medical billing.
August 25, 2014 at 9:28 AM
All insurance companies pay for any priority ambulance call. There are ALS fees and BLS fees and they will be paid. That is why billing companies now how to justify transport.
What is state funded insurance? WTH!!
"Then most of the Wicomico County FDs don't send unpaid medical bills to collections."
Then they are in violation of their Medicare agreement. They are foolish for not sending to bill collections.
"Collections cost quite a bit of money to do, most FDs don't have the extra income to justify it."
Bill collections don't cost a thing. The bills are bought and ruthless bill collectors try to collect on them. FD's don't have extra money? Why not the get free money from the County Executive.
"How would I know all this? I've done medical billing."
What's your point? Just because you have done it, doesn't make you an expert. This comment proves you are pretty ignorant.
Anonymous said...
Taken directly from the 2014 Wicomico County Appropriation budget: volunteer ambulances 19-52: to be divided evenly between 11 stations (not SFD): EMT Grant = $1,100,000 and EMT workers comp = $85,250. That's $1,185,250 between 11 stations. That's $107,750 to maintain and pay their EMT or Paramedic employees. The salary of each paramedic is around $38,000, then benefits and workers comp is around another $15,000. That's $53,000 per full time paramedic. With the county appropriation for paid EMS personel the FDs can only pay 2 full time paramedics.
So much for those millions they get huh.
August 25, 2014 at 9:48 AM
Which FD's have full time paramedics? Hardly any.
The departments make more money from what the County Council pays them and the billing. I love how you have been trying to hide how much they bring in.
Funny how all these FD's have brand new fire trucks and ambulances. Fire trucks with nice polished aluminum wheels when they could have saved thousands going with painted wheels.
Why don't you sign your name Bozo so that we all know which FD you are lying for.
Anonymous said...
It has always been a concern of mine that hospital personnel work 12+ hour shifts. Sometimes 24? I feel a little skittish if I ever have to go to the ER and wonder how long the person working on my vitals has been without sleep, and has now signed up to work on me for three hours!
Firefighters, not so concerned; I know they've been sleeping for two days, and insurance will cover the building.
Paramedics? Again, concern. Take off after 8 and get your rest and personals taken care of, then come back and be alert and rested for me.
August 31, 2014 at 5:34 PM
So this moron reappears with this stupid comment again. What a loser. You have know clue what you are talking about.
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