McCarthy, who was appointed to her post as EPA chief in June 2013, made the announcement in a puff interview with

When asked by the news site if climate change should be part of the educational system, McCarthy answered, “Very much so.”
The bureaucrat continued:
I think part of the challenge of explaining climate change is that it requires a level of science and a level of forward thinking and you’ve got to teach that to kids.
People didn’t have a sense of how dramatic climate change really is, and what it means for all of us. So that’s been a challenge. But what’s great about renewables is that when you put a solar panel on the roof of a school, you change the entire dynamic of education for the students. It’s hands-on.
When you wanted to get people active in the environmental world a while ago it was recycling, because you could do it yourself. Part of the challenge today is to make all of these things [affecting climate change] personal enough so that people can get engaged and get active, and feel like there are things we can do together. That’s the hump we need to cross in climate control and I think we’re doing that. I really do, I think people are getting active and engaged.
Not to my kids... I preach the opposite---Climate change is garbage ---PERIOD
But it's not scientific fact, same with GMO's. These people are the poison you should worry about.
Liars, ALL Liars.
Ready for school vouchers yet..shove this crap right back up the government arse were it belongs
Climate change was, is and always has been throughout history. Humans have actually SLOWED the affects of carbon and radium pollution by using natural resources more effectively and efficiently than the earth itself does. For instance, Sea level rise increases were much higher before the population of humans increased.
These silly liberals... they think they can control mother nature.
They are fools!
Current communist goal 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks
6:27 Ditto... and it started years ago.
This is just BS started by the Libs to redistribute the wealth. They take our tax payers dollars and give them to Africa and other third world countries. So that we will become a third world country with a communist government controlling us. It doesn't,t matter to the libs that they are teaching our kids lies.
How can you teach an idea and present it as fact when you hold no provable evidence?
Just asking...
The EPA was created by an executive order and can be abolished the same way.
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