DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Attn: Sheriff Mike Lewis & The Local Main Stream Media
I strongly encourage each and every one of you to watch this video. If you'd like to skip some of it I'd suggest you go to 6:50 on the video and watch from that point forward. Mike, if you want to be MILITARY, JOIN the military. In the mean time, YOU'RE A SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, of which you were elected or hired to be. I'll bank on my MILITARY and their TRAINING and experience before I'll allow a group of wanna be cops acting like the HERO's serving our Country every day overseas. ENOUGH of the pounding of the chest and citizens applauding their Sheriff. Our Sheriff's head has become so big he couldn't fit into the hole to get into one of these "Urban Assault Vehicles". Folks, WATCH this video and LEARN the TRUTH about our now Police State / Militarized Zone in Wicomico County.
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Aren't sheriffs departments supposed to serve warrants.
I saw this in the paper and had the same thoughts. What the heck is the sheriff doing.
I have no words to describe how ticked off I am at Mike Lewis. They refuse to take reports any more and are acting like Salisbury so their crime statistics won't look so bad. Now this. Mike should be a fly on the wall at local restaurants during breakfast. Maybe he needs to bug the tables so he can come back to earth.
Mike couldn't have Delmar out shining his department.
Yes, cops are morons. I have been saying this for years.
But, the mob mentality of primitive uncivilized racists is the real problem in Ferguson along with Communists from Chicago and the Black panthers.
Someday we may be glad the police force has the equipment to deal with the black thugs who are playing the knock out game with racist attacks on whites. Or maybe the flash mobs of black youths who clean out a convenience store in 5 minutes. Or maybe we'll be glad they can stop a group from Doverdale from looting and burning homes...
Mike Lewis is a joke. I seen the video when he was showing off his military toy. He said they need it in 'case' of a mass shooting, school shooting, and whatever other stupid excuse came out of his pie hole.
Why don't you get an attack helicopter too Mike? Ya know, we could get hit with some Iraqi's or something.
9:49 AM
It all just went over your head didn't it?
God Forbid we as Americans have to stand our ground to protect our own property, (which has happened IN AMERICA) from our own people/government, Mike Lewis and the WCSO feel the need to PROVE he can and will out force us. Our 2nd Amendment Rights will never out do what you have in store for us, will it Mike.
I wonder what they'd say/do if I went to one of these auctions and bought one of these things on behalf of the CITIZENS.
"Someday we may be glad the police force has the equipment to deal with the black thugs who are playing the knock out game with racist attacks on whites. Or maybe the flash mobs of black youths who clean out a convenience store in 5 minutes."
The thing is they aren't protecting us from this behavior so why even have them.
Had one long before them! Goes nice with my deuce and a half, and ma deuce. Fun stuff.
You're treading on very, very thin ice Albero. Haven't you learned your lesson yet pussy?
10:22, REALLY, "thin ice" eh? You mean, because I don't break the law, some how, some way, YOU are going to find a way to press charges against me because I firmly DISAGREE with the little boys with big toys theory?
I know, how about you send every Office to MILITARY training and you won't have to be POLICE any more.
You know, equipment that will DESTROY ANYTHING or ANYONE it its path.
You call that Policing at a Sheriff's Office? Is crime so OUT OF CONTROL in Wicomico County because their Sheriff is rarely ever in the Office that they NEED such a defense machine?
Thin ice or not, I have the right to my opinion. Mike can just keep telling people I don't have a large enough audience to make a difference, yet he knows different. I'm not at all worried.
We need this monster piece of equipment just like we need a fire boat. Question? How much does it cost to insure this piece of equipment?
mine-resistant vehicle last year. A similar vehicle in Wicomico County could be used during a mass shooting or a barricade situation, Sheriff Mike Lewis told the Daily Times.im glad we need that veh. for all the land mines we have in the county
10:52, According to Sheriff Lewis, why should your concern matter. The funding for this equipment is coming from money seized from drug busts, so you shouldn't be concerned and they should get to spend that money any way they see fit. He's starting to remind me of the Liberal John Fredericksen and Rick Pollitt.
The DT article on this starts off by saying:
"Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis hopes he never has to use the agency's new armored vehicle"
According to the guidelines of the 1033 program through which this vehicle was procured, he must use it within a year or return it. Now, this information came from the Missouri state program, not directly from the Federal Disposition Services website, which, inexplicably, is down right now. Imagine that!! Here's the link:
Furthermore, while the vehicle didn't cost the taxpayers any moneys to procure, the operation and maintenance(O&M) will. Most DoD contractors derive around 20% of their income from the actual sale of equipment like this, the other 80% comes from O&M costs. So guess who's been lobbying hard for this program in Washington??
Joe they cant send them to military training half of them wont make it thru the training
I heard Mike in an interview justifying their new $1,000,000 armor vehicle, he said, "This didn't cost the taxpayers a dime." Where does he think the federal government gets it's money? So much for thinking Mike is a conservative republican!!
What everyone needs to remember is that November 4th is getting closer and closer. Show our pos sheriff the door.
Small man complex...little man little....
Gee I knew if I kept reading this blog, someday I would actually agree with something. Lewis needs to go. As you state, if he wants to be in the Army, he should join. His department spends most of their time pulling people over for dim license plate lights. There has never, ever been a need for anything remotely like this vehicle in this area. And, there never will be.
November lol who will run against him all are scared
I'm on the fence about this contraction. Part of me feels better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. You never know what could happen. On the other hand, it terrifies me because it could be used against civilians for something ridiculous.
I'm not comfortable being out-gunned by a police dept.
Everyone can say what they want about Mike, but I wouldn't take his job for a million a year. I'm sure that improvements could be made, but it could be alot worse on the other hand.
If it is so bad working there and under him, why do so many Deputies stay?
LOL! I see most of the comments came from the Hotel Ester area.
Exactly why the Sherri ff should not be elected. The little dictator has got to go.
Seriously? I have been trolling this blog since it started and will honestly say because of all the crap in the beginning, Joe isn't my fav person in the world.
HOWEVER, wtf are you gonna do. NOTHING! Joe has every right to disagree with what is going on. No one is treading on any ice and nobody is scared of the Sheriff's Dept.
So go back to your patrol car and write some more speeding tickets and go flirt with some more waitresses and store clerks and keep your stupid mouth shut. You aint' shit.
There's a handful of deputies that deserve their paycheck and respect and you surely are not one of them.
Looks like old South Africa is doing well in America with all those heavy vehicles.
Mike Lewis = little minature rooster
I'm sure if we *really* needed it, we could get one from the National Guard. There's a lot of better things we could spend that $1 million on, regardless of the source.
At least Sheriff Lewis is a strict constitutionalist in public. And I have no reason to think otherwise of him. I worry less about him having it than the next guy.
1:04,A strict constitutionalist would be ARRESTING ILLEGAL ALIENS.
I am sure all the communities who have experienced mass shootings or other mass casualties thought it would NEVER happen in their community. Seems like some of the posters feel the same about Salisbury and the surrounding area. Thank God there are people who plan and train for the worst. LEOs see the worst of humanity on a daily basis - rape, murder, child abuse, pedophiles, drug abusers, human trafficking. Unfortunately the reality is the world can be a very ugly place - even right here in little ole Salisbury. Give the guy a little credit for wanting to be prepared and wanting to protect our citizens. As he said - he hopes he never has to use it. Most of the posters on here would be the first ones to complain if something happened and the Sheriff's office wasn't prepared or equipped. Can't have it both ways.
3:53 PM
and just how exactly would this toy be used in a school shooting, or any other bs excuse? just like the fire boat, if the river ever catches fire we are covered. lmao.
there are businesses, condos and homes along the river...the fire boat could help fight those fires should they occur particularly where there is limited access to fire hydrants...if your mental capacity is truly your last comment about the river catching fire...you need to not embarrass yourself by posting...
3:53....what dumb-ass logic. Are we next going to have surface-to-air missile defense, just in case? You know, so we'd "be prepared and equipped" for that contingency, too?
I hate to bring you back to reality, but there are NOT millions of terrorists waiting and planning to attack f'ing SALISBURY, okay?
Quit acting so damn afraid and quit allowing other people to lay that "we have to be ready!!" for some of the most outlandish scenario's they can dream up to frighten you with....
How about we start training a team of scuba diving soldiers just in case Al-Queda sends an underwater assault team into this Podunk little ghetto? I'd hate to not be prepared or equipped.
Maybe we can get a submarine, too.
How about you sheep start understanding who they REALLY plan on using that stuff against (read the article on civil suppression on this blog, posted today, if you don't have a clue yet).
Or, you could do what you are best at ---- cheering. Get ready now....USA! USA! USA!!
12:12 that's the problem, he's elected and only answers to the voter. So he can run wild for four years with no one to answer to. He's out of control and most of his deputies are starting to act like him
Maybe wico miko can put on his netted army helmet and cigar stub in his mouth and navigate his new WARWAGON up to the chipman center when mary and her ppl have another session talking about police brutality.Then leave and go right down church street and put that taxpayer paid for military vehicle to good use.
What got me when i read the article in the daily slime was in one sentence mikey says not a taxpayer dime has been spent then he says they spent 5K on a paint job which in my opinion was a total waste. 4 cases of walmart grille black and 5 supervised inmates from 411 next door would have been alot more in line for the taxpayer.Lets see how many grants they get for maint and upkeep on that vehicle. Keep a eye out on the monthly county expenditure for expensive parts and labor bills on this.
Bow you sheeple bow to your supreme leader! How dare you question authority of the leader you elected to rule over you and intimidate you with supreme power!
Joe try an open thread for SPD officers to fill you in on the corruption going on in that department. Duncan is running out all the good officers with seniority and hiring a bunch of whiny do nothing's.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
there are businesses, condos and homes along the river...the fire boat could help fight those fires should they occur particularly where there is limited access to fire hydrants...if your mental capacity is truly your last comment about the river catching fire...you need to not embarrass yourself by posting...
August 19, 2014 at 5:29 PM
if you really believe that crap, it shows your mentality. and don't ask people not to comment because you know ur full of it. The only thing I have seen them do with that 'far boat' is knock out windows so the homeless had no place to sleep. all these what if's and punishing poor people is worth the price of that toy eh?
I hear all the convicts in ECI are taking art therapy to qualify for the new section 8 housing on the river. It is all section 8 housing with consideration to artists first. How can they be turned away???
Joe, is anyone at the sheriffs dept qualified to drive the tank?
If you think the fire boat is anything more than a toy you are a fool.
Someway shape or form, Wicomico should revisit the entire Sheriff program and try and make it more accountable to the citizens instead of having the citizens serve their Departments.
For example: Sussex County Delaware had a renegade Sheriff who thought his head was bigger than the County's elected officials. Their Sheriff was into empire building - and so the elected officials promptly notified their Sheriff's department to remove their emergency beacons and perform only their Charter mandated duties - to serve the Chancery Courts. IMHO - Wicomico officials are way overdue in restoring some fiscal sanity to out of control Department on its way to Imperialism.
Three sylables each what are the other similarites
I will take my chances living here without huge army assult vehicles. If it’s that bad,,,I’m Gone.
Need to get away from elected sheriff and hire to serve at the pleasure of. Mike's time is up.
Beezer - I work in Sussex and the Sheriff said he would not remove the flashing beacons and so the council had the Sheriff cars registration withheld. The Sheriff sued, and guess what, he lost. I believe most often our officials forget that there has to be some fiscal accountability. It happened in our sister county Sussex and now it is happening in our own backyard here in Wicomico. Our officials should be holding back on the spending reins and restraining all departments. Sheriff's office included.
On top of operating cost just what is a four wheel 24 ton vehicle going to do to the roads it will travel on? There is no room for an 'oops' moment without causing major damage.
This guy is an idiot. Yes the thug robbing someone just prior to the shooting is very relevant.
This clown is a race baiter like Al Sharpton. I am sorry you take his side.
Anonymous said...
"Someday we may be glad the police force has the equipment to deal with the black thugs who are playing the knock out game with racist attacks on whites. Or maybe the flash mobs of black youths who clean out a convenience store in 5 minutes."
The thing is they aren't protecting us from this behavior so why even have them.
August 19, 2014 at 10:03 AM
Agreed. I am sure this was needed when those two white kids were murdered by the gang of 200 at the College MacDonalds at Texas A&M.
Trust me some of this is needed. You will wish they had is when those mobs start going door to door robbing, looting and killing whites. It's just a matter of time. Quit hating cops so much.
I just wish the Feds instead furnishing a riot wagon would have dumped the money into generating some jobs! The largest deterrent to crime is through promotion of a sound economy. SBY & Wicomico is big time lacking in that department.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This guy is an idiot. Yes the thug robbing someone just prior to the shooting is very relevant.
This clown is a race baiter like Al Sharpton. I am sorry you take his side.
August 24, 2014 at 4:54 PM
NO, it is not. Well, it isn't to reasonable people, YOU on the other hand....
He'll mike stands on Gary's back to get into the damm army truck while rich,Tim and dolch are in the back playing with gi joe dolls
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you think the fire boat is anything more than a toy you are a fool.
August 20, 2014 at 10:41 AM
Everyone who disagrees with your opinion must be a fool? There must be a LOT of fools around here then, since MOST think it is unneeded and a TOY for the BOYS in the farhouse. You must be one of them.
Anonymous August 19, 2014 at 1:04 PM - “At least Sheriff Lewis is a strict constitutionalist in public.”
That statement is pure crap. Sheriff Lewis and several of his deputies violated my First and Forth Amendment rights.
Below is only a portion of the complaint I filed with the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office (yeah right, do they even care, probably threw it in the trash).
Wicomico County Sheriff Deputy Corporal Howard Hatton Phillips proceeded to asked me to provide him with my identification. I informed the Corporal Howard Phillips that I had no identification with me; my wife informed the Corporal Howard Phillips that I had left my wallet home and didn’t have any ID on me. Corporal Howard Phillips repeatedly demanded (in a very terse manner) for me to show him my ID. I repeated that I didn’t have any ID with me. Then Corporal Howard Phillips asked “what is your name?” I informed Corporal Howard Phillips that I did not believe I need to tell him my name.
I then asked Corporal Howard Phillips if he could get any of his superiors to respond to the scene. Corporal Howard Phillips ignored my request.
Corporal Howard Phillips then ordered me to tell him my name or I would be arrested. He did not tell me that I am required to provide my name by law prior to being arrested. Corporal Howard Phillips handcuffed me saying “I am arresting you”. I asked “what are you arresting me for”? Officer Phillips did not tell me why I was arrested or what the charges are against me.
After being handcuffed, Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies began searching through my all of my pockets of the clothes I was wearing without informing that they were going to do so. I had just been placed into handcuffs as the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies began reaching into my pockets, I asked / said “don’t you need a search warrant”. When being searched there were at least 5 or 6 Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies completely surrounding me and Officer Phillips was shouting at me.
The actions of the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies were NOT one of merely “patting me down” for checking if I might have any weapons. I believe the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies were looking for identification. The actions of the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies was searching, pulling everything out of my pockets and even placing contents of my pockets back into my pockets.
The Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies began making arrangements for my transport to the sheriff’s office. With their hands on me, we walked over to a parking lot where they pointed to a police car and told me that is the vehicle they were going to be using.
They opened the rear passenger side rear door and began placing me in a position to be seated on the back seat. I said “hold on, wait a second” (because I have a prior and permanent injury to my right knee and wanted to be careful with getting into the car) and one of the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies began yelling “I told you to get into the car, or I will TASER you.” I said “what? You’re going to taser me”? As I began to sit down, I said “hold on, wait a second, there is something in my back pocket.” The same Wicomico County Sheriff Deputy again yelled “I told you to get into the car, or I will TASER you.” One of the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies reached in my back pocket and removed its contents. I then sat down onto the back seat of the police car.
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