Speaking at the first White House summit for working families in Washington, Mr. Obama said parents aren’t to blame for spending too little time with their children or for being unable to afford

“These problems are not typically the result of poor planning or too little diligence on the parts of moms or dads, and they cannot just be fixed by working harder or being an even better parent,” Mr. Obama said. “All too often they are the result of outdated policies and old ways of thinking.”
But the president gave no proposals Monday to expand workplace benefits nationwide. He announced a limited executive action directing federal agencies to implement existing workplace flexibility initiatives and to institute a new “right to request” work policy.
White House aides blame congressional Republicans for the lack of new initiatives.
“There are a lot of good ideas that are being blocked in Congress right now,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, citing the GOP’s opposition to raising the federal minimum wage.
I hope they continue to block his socialist ideas...
it's true! we should all be millionaires like Clinton biden Kerry, Pelosi reid. If these corporate interests paid us like they do them then it would be true!
“These problems are not typically the result of poor planning or too little diligence on the parts of moms or dads, and they cannot just be fixed by working harder or being an even better parent,” Mr. Obama said. “All too often they are the result of outdated policies and old ways of thinking.”
Yes this is true, very alive and standard practice here in smallsbury. Employers are very narrow minded and are clueless to the realities employees face with employers ignorant and out dated employment practices and ways.
I am by no means a liberal, but I certainly rethought things after a.conversation with my german buisness owner godfather. He brought up the amount of leave both sexes are given when they have children. I asked if that made him only seek a certain type of employee. He said no, as a business owner taking care of their employess goes hand in hand with what you produce. They WANT to make sure their employees have decent lives. It is as important as whatever it is they sell. They wouldnt have it any other way.
One of the major employers here on the eastern shore imports people then lays them off or provides no growth or retention.
As a business practice - saves money on retention - but fosters a crummy reputation as an employer!
1:37, I am an employee at a local company and believe me when I say that they are doing everything they can to stay open. A smaller paycheck is better than none! unless you are one of those leeches who think you are owed. Since I see the accounting system I know that they are doing everything they can to stay open and keep all employees from being laid off. My employer allows me to bring my child to work with me. That is far better than paying more than I earn to daycare. That is above and beyond what I was given when I worked for a large corporation in the big city. They would most definitely give raises if people were buying. But everyone is cash broke from homes that cost more than they are worth and business going oversees.
3:55 and good for you but your employer is one in a million.
I interviewed with a notable OC employer who offers no vacation, crappy pay, only 3 holidays and no healthcare for employees (only for the "family" owners). For some reason obamacare was "our" fault.
I also interviewed with a smallsbury company that paid no vacation (at all), and no healthcare - until you worked there a year.
It is just plain stupid to deny the facts that here in the bury, employers are down right ignorant to the fact that their success is OFTEN the result of good employees, who are not compensated fairly nor cared for with leniency in their time of need.
Funny how you label people as leeches because they have the expectation to be compensated fairly for their hard work.
You are either the owner or the working wife and not an actual employee.
3:55 quite a naive and comical comment.
Can you name one business here that closed due to going oversees?
The value of your home is not relevant to being "cash" broke. Your mortgage is the same amount regardless of home value.
Get a clue. Maybe people do not come there because of the unprofessional atmosphere of it looking like a day care. Maybe if your employer paid you a livable wage and ran the business like a business you would not be where you are. There is a definite line between kindness and being cheap.
2:22 - I have no reason to question what you say. However, one of the nastiest jobs that I ever had was working for a European company. They treated American employees like crap. Your godfather sounds like a decent guy - but don't think that they all have that mindset.
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