The Mirror is told that this picture comes from last year’s ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers) conference in Las Vegas. Brown was there evidently “on official” business

Brown’s campaign manager Justin Schall added some color

While it’s uncertain if he was there to fundraise for his campaign, it’s widely known to be a major reason why candidates go to Vegas.
The picture is all smiles and bliss. But look closely — in the background is a pole-hugging, scantily-clad woman with a top hat. So what would otherwise be a normal visual of a politician on a trip with work-related guests includes, err, a curvy woman in a red bikini (or bra and panties, whatever the case may be.)
On our tab no less!
Looks like little obamie!
I think I see some of WCBOE employees also !
Sad that he is the front runner..
Don`t worry the Democratic DUMB-ASSES that go to the polls will vote for him anyway
Character isn`t a qualifying factor in the Gubernatorial election. So, the electorate in their infinate wisdom will pay him to be the I don`t have a clue ass he really is. Bob Aswell
I've seen pole dancers hire to work at trade shows. Not as risque as most think - more a scantily clad exercise routine. No big deal.
Scandal? Are you kidding? This is the kind of stuff that gets Democrats promotions within the party.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've seen pole dancers hire to work at trade shows. Not as risque as most think - more a scantily clad exercise routine. No big deal.
June 6, 2014 at 1:05 PM
Yeah Right!!
Participating in damage control aren't we.
Oh Come on now...the Dancer was a Transvestite that stays with Obama when Michelle is out sleeping with Hillary Clinton...
strange times we are in said...
Oh Come on now...the Dancer was a Transvestite that stays with Obama when Michelle is out sleeping with Hillary Clinton...
June 6, 2014 at 5:42 PM
I think you are on to something.
If this was Mitt Romney or another Republican Chuck Cook would be all over this claiming it was a scandal.
I remember when Chuck Cook posted all over his Facebook how Romney had something to hide because he supposedly wouldn't show his tax returns. However they conveniently forgot that Obama refused to show his birth certificate and college transcripts. DUHHHH!!
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