When agents refused to carry her luggage, a task that is not in their job description, Hillary allegedly screamed “Stay the f*** away from me! Just f*****g do as I say!” former FBI agent Gary Aldridge wrote in his book Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the White House.
Agents who served on the Clinton’s protective detail claim that Bill was very cordial, always chatting and asking about their families, while Hillary was aloof and hardly gave so much as a “thank you,” the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.
Another former Secret Service agent, Dan Emmett, wrote in his book At Arms Length that the former president sometimes disregarded the safety of his Secret Service protection

They are all Power Hungry...
No different than the current First Lady.
Sounds like just another disgruntled employee with an axe to grind.
A good friend of mine worked security for the Clinton's in the White House and from stories he told me about things he witnessed through out the Clinton years I can assure the readers these stories are true. Here's a classic for everyone on a Saturday morning my friend was called to the White House Kitchen and there he discovered Bill Clinton on his back with Hilary standing over him cussing him like a dog in front of the kitchen staff, all the security personnel that had responded were all watching in shock because of what they saw. There were multiple incidents following the Lewinsky scandal hitting the news about Hilary being in a constant state of rage throwing lamps and other objects at Bill and she connected fairly often and if you review press meetings for on air interviews where it was obvious Bill was wearing makeup to cover his war wounds from Hilary's violent attack! Their are many more stories I won't share now, but if you've heard stories my friend can verify as to them being true or not.
is there any surprise... the 50% that support this kind of horrible person don't understand anything and never will
What can you expect from White Trash? They are crude, vulgar, putrid people raised with no class by the low class.
A book by Kathleen Willey several years ago, stated the same behavior by Hillary. She is not a nice person but manages to hide it when necessary.
You need to read the book from a recent Secret Service retiree, he says Michelle Obama is even worse! She scream obscenities and berates the men all the time. Even to calling the White agents "Boy"!
She may try to hide it but she doesn't hide it well, you can tell she is nothing but a biotch.
Tell her to have her muslim friends carry them.
Hey Idiot 12:57 we already have term limits. In case you didn't know they are called elections. The people were elected by the people and they will stay in there as ling as they keep getting voted on. The will of the people override your desire to have , term limits"
Re: Anonymous 1:39--Ignorance isn't always bliss!
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