Wicomico County Health Department
Señales de alerta de enfermedad por calor incluyen temperatura corporal sobre 103, pielseca y roja sin sudar, pulso rapido, dolor de cabeza, mareos, confusion y nausea. Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene algunos de estos signos, busque atención medica inmediata.
Did I magically move to mexico?
Did I magically log on to the mexican blog?
Peddle this on Telemundo!
Our new Official Language????
Gracias !
OMG, we can't even have our messages in English anymore? Wonderful, just wonderful.
OMG, you mean they actually are trying to help seniors no matter what language they speak? OMG, the message is given in English as well. OMG, get over yourself.
No comprende. Sad; so stinkin sad. Where did the U.S of America go???
At least someone there is actually doing something.
I'm so sick of our tax dollars going to do anything is other languages. Just go to MVA or Social Security Office & see your choices of languages. It's ridiculous. I'm sorry, you come here now LEARN ENGLISH!!!
8:06 AM - When in the United States, speak ENGLISH, period. You want to speak Spanish, go back home where you belong.
Press #1 for Englishia
8:06 is probably the same liberal a_ _ wipe that commented on the previous news item
I am so tired of the way the liberals are ruining this country
I can make of this that it's an alert that temperatures will reach 103 and cause fast heartbeat, head dizziness vomiting and nausea. Use precaution and seek medication attention....
come on yall.
Stop your bitching... you hire them and do business with businesses that employ them... You are the problem.
I don't think a Facebook post is something to get all worked up over. Look at the county health department web site and you will discover, wait for it, It's in English. Are we trying to start something here?
I checked their facebook page and this particular post on facebook was posted yesterday. It was not posted in English until about an hour ago. Since your comment is timed at 8:06. I call BULL!
11:29, you are so clever. Anyone with half a brain knows to go to the official site (where English is front and center) vs what someone posts on social media. You call Bull all you want. I looked it up, found English where it matters, so I have no problem with extra postings that might reach other people. Perhaps that is what 8:06 meant. Try to get the message rather than trolling for "gotchas."
Offical site? It was their official Facebook page. The reason so many people use social media is so they don't have to jump through all the hoops and go to different websites to try to find out information. If you have time to do that fine. Sorry I don't have the time to do so.
You say try to get the message? It was not posted on Facebook in English until today. If it mattered enough yesterday to post it in Spanish why not post it also in English?
12:59: Anyone who thinks Facebook substitutes for an official web site that pops right up when you look for Wicomico Health Department should grow up. Facebook is social media and perhaps the post was to reach out to those who spend lots of time engaging in such. Any adult who wants official information does not turn to Facebook to provide it. One search hardly qualifies as jumping through hoops. Maybe Facebook is all you know how to do. You obviously have lots of time to use that. Someone is looking for something to complain about.
Maybe time to learn another language, ignorant people.
WTF we speak English in this country.
6:08 - YOU may do, amigo, but not all of us do.
Can't we all agree that getting the word out about dangerous temps is more important than the language of the message? I suppose you would rather non-English speaking folks not be warned?
Seems like an appropriate time to ask: WWJD?
Seems like the health department only wants the non-English speaking to be warned.
And I'm sure that when you travel out of the country, you expect to find someone who will speak English to you.
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