DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 11, 2014
This just in from a viewer...
FYI, I called the BOE this am to find out if that kid was suspended or expelled and I was told "Mam there is no reason to worry about that because he is in jail." I explained that he was out on bail and if he was not formally suspended or expelled that I believe he can be in school today. She tried to transfer me to the Director of School Safety , but he was in a meeting.
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Well this is nice. We have a most violent attack occurring in one of our schools and this dumb ass doesn't' even know the status of the offender. It's not like something like this happens everyday and for the entire staff of the BOE to not know the basic particulars is unacceptable.
Frederickson should have had everyone briefed and up to speed and a common statement prepared for everyone to say to the inquiring public and a more detailed for the media. This especially true to those who on the front lines and answering the phones.
This isn't the first rape to occur at Parkside High School. The first one happened in the 90's. So when the BOE states there isn't a precedent on how to handle this situation that wouldn't be quite true. No one can accuse this county of being proactive only reactionary. No wonder we are falling behind, we are too busy trying to catch up.
The star basketball player at Bennett got caught having sex at school last week and not even in trouble. They don't want to "hurt" his record.
I am a student and they have suspended others for less.
Consentual is a huge factor.I'm not condoning his actions 9:21,but that situation is not the same.
We too have heard about this young man. How is it he gets away with it?
Who is the principal at park side ? He or she should be suspended and the entire Administration.
So if your black and you have sex at school you don't get in trouble. But if you are white and get caught making out you get suspended??? Joe this is huge. They and Hiding this so this kid can keep his basketball scholarship at Delaware.
I will give you one better the young black male got a verbal parental conference. The white girl he had sex with 14 he is 18 -She was suspended.
They let kids get away with so much and then something like this happens.
Can you call Bennett and see what is up? Hope you have some connections. If they are letting this young man get away with this to protect his scholarship this is crazy!
Sounds like a lot of you "proud patriotic Americans" on this site have forgotten the concept of innocent until proven guilty.
Nice Liberal Comment
Guess it wasn't your daughter
9:49 You mean just like the NBA allowed due process on Sterling?
9:33 Consentual is a huge factor.. is not is she was a minor!
No one's forgotten that at all 9:49. What speaks volumes are the other charges incurred. If it were just 1st and/or 2nd degree rape alone, I would tend to give more benefit of the doubt. The 1st degree assault is telling.
The BOE is all about damage control and sweeping everything under the rug. This case deserves national attention so we can all get the answers that we as tax payers deserve.
People need to burn up the phones at BOE. Dr Margo Handy is the one who needs to take heat for this Jmb basketball fiasco. She is the one who overturns the principals, supervisors. And directors recommendations. Don't be to quick to blame Freddy all the time. She is just as bad.
They will just throw her a party, and spend $800 at the turtle! That will make this disappear! Get on it Fredrickson.
If the male at JMB was 18 and the girl was 14, a crime was committed beyond violation of school policy. I'm not sure how that's a parent conference for the male and a suspension for the female. Is there a deputy at that school?
So sad that federal, state and local "educators" put forth the fiction that African Americans could not be guilty of all that is alleged or that they're getting tougher punishments than Asians or Caucasians doing the same things. Lies.
Duct tape is an amazing thing.
It's the liberal progressive plan 11:05. They have brainwashed blacks into thinking they get unequally treatment in certain areas and they will "fix it" for them, then the blacks vote democrat.
The lowering of the standards also works well in giving the politicians a bragging platform.
Omalley can say how the number of suspension in MD schools had fallen.
It's election season and people need to just give the democrats an earful as well as not voting for them. This rape lies on their backs and is another step in their long list of failures. This rape due to the failure of the school system needs to be shoved, rubbed and smeared in the faces of all local democrats who are running.
We are paying for three vice principals at the in city high schools plus a dean of students and countless other folks who concentrate on kids who won't behave. We pay for an alternative school and another program for kids who won't behave at the alternative school. ALL students with the required 11 days of suspension need to be out of our schools and in an alternative program.
So is the punk in school, suspended or expelled?? The charges they have against him are serious. I sincerely hope that they don't allow him back in school. He has been a problem child and has been given every opportunity to get through school. IMHO He needs to be expelled from this school system period end of discussion.
Damn I got expelled for skipping steps and using bad language to the princible. Dont think I forgot about you Tony, not by a long shot buddy.
Just like the video he had a gun when he was arrested for this.
The employee should not discuss the status of students over the phone.
@1:43 so what your saying is that EVERY PARENT of a STUDENT IN WICOMICO COUNTY should arrive at the BOE in person and DEMAND ANSWERS that our KIDS ARE SAFE? WE HAVE A RIGHT TO THE ANSWERS ON THIS ONE!
Show up at the May board meeting. Tell them you've had enough political correctness. Consequences for those who commit offenses, no matter their race.
sounds like the girls daddy needs to step up
Every parent at Bennett High School and Parkside High School should be at the May BOE Meeting. Show up, tell them you want answers NOW, and no more of this political correctness bs. Enough is enough already.
6:00 every current sitting elected local official as well as those running in the next election need to be at that meeting as well. They need to be asking as well as answering questions. There is no excuse for them to NOT be at this meeting unless they are dead, in jail or in the hospital. Any prior obligations can and should be cancelled. School safety takes precedence over anything else and the ones who don't show up clearly do not care about our students and their safety.
Margo Handy is a pure racist in every sense of the word. She should not be in any arena that her racist mind set can harm a child's situation. Andy Turner is not far off the mark as well. Why is it when a Black is racist we all accept it ????????? The Board Of Ed. makes me sick. They have covered up so much racial bullying by Black males on White females it is alarming.
If that child was my daughter that thug would be in a crab pot somewhere off of Smith Island.
Time for White America to stand up for equality. The blame game has gone on way too long. Joe they have tried to label you a racist for pointing out far less. Stand your ground there is no "Shame" in standing up for equailty.
Have a Delmarvalous Day
Anonymous said...
People need to burn up the phones at BOE. Dr Margo Handy is the one who needs to take heat for this Jmb basketball fiasco. She is the one who overturns the principals, supervisors. And directors recommendations. Don't be to quick to blame Freddy all the time. She is just as bad.
May 7, 2014 at 10:49 AM
She is racist and it's all about "her people." She hates white people and will bend over backwards to get her people cleared and more white people charged and punished.
What is so funny about her and her people is that she lives in a big house in Nithsdale. She get paid $135/year, gets a take home car and all the gas she can burn and benefits for life. Her husband drives a brand new Corvette. If it was all about her people then why is she living in Nithsdale while all her people are living on Fitzwater Street and Church Street. Why doesn't she move to a home on Church Street instead of mingling with Whitey?
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