Salisbury Fire @SalisburyFD
Command requesting a truck out if Hebron to assist on the working fire

Command upgrading to a second alarm. Requesting an engine from Fruitland

Command reporting working fire in the attic

Units responding to a working structure fire in the area of Newton St. Use caution in the area
Salisbury FD can't handle a structure fire? Not much but houses on Newton, some big ones that have been converted into slum apartment housing.
Anonymous said...
Salisbury FD can't handle a structure fire? Not much but houses on Newton, some big ones that have been converted into slum apartment housing.
May 5, 2014 at 6:56 PM
I was thinking the same thing. After all it was only in the attic.
BTW who is doing all this tweeting? Are we paying someone to listen to the scanner so they can tweet?
So, according to you all, we do not need a fire department, just need a garden hose & put out our own fires, after all it was only an way it could spread.
So the lives of those living in the apartments don't matter?
Wicomico County Needs To Foot More Of The Bill With City
The latest round of who pays for what has started with the City asking the County to foot more of the cost of the City's firefighting efforts. The reason is simple the City Fire Department handles 2/3 of the call volume for the County but only receives 20% of the money that Wicomico County spends on it's fire departments. This has been an ongoing problem for some time now and it really has become time to look back into the tax differential.
One of the very main reason we have few actual home owners in the City limits is the ridiculous double taxation that occurs. I have stated before 1,250 a year property tax for a nice home in the County or 3500 a year for a home on Decatur Avenue in the City. City residents also pay for duplicating services in many other areas as well.Remember Delmar and Fruitland are dealing with similar problems with this arrangement.
I found a study online that is from 2010 that shows what would need to happen to offset the revenue loss if the County stopped double dipping.
"Our analysis indicates that in order to ensure that real property tax revenues are sufficient to
cover County FY 2010 operating expenses, the current County real property tax rate would need
to be increased by $0.009 from $0.759 to $0.768. If a tax differential were granted, the current
County real property tax rate would need to be increased by $0.037 from $0.759 to $0.796,
requiring the County to fore go $1,213,984 in tax revenues from the three municipalities."
The County must see that it can't expect the City to foot more of the bill when the City isn't getting anything in return. This must be dealt with by all Municipalities sitting down together and fixing this problem once and for all.
Posted by Jonathan Taylor at 5/05/2014 09:40:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, according to you all, we do not need a fire department, just need a garden hose & put out our own fires, after all it was only an way it could spread.
May 5, 2014 at 10:42 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So the lives of those living in the apartments don't matter?
May 5, 2014 at 11:07 PM
No Morons! The point is the volunteers can handle these little fires. The city doesn't need over 60 paid firemen for small fires like this.
Those two clowns must be paid men in their damage control mode for job security.
Maybe if we put step by step instructions (pictures) on how to fight a fire in the attic on the bottom of a lunch menu they wouldn’t have to call for a second alarm.
Your all dumb.....within a year the city won't have a paid anything and will be in total collapse. You people don't get it....things are going to get far worse......
7:02 speaking of dumb, first word of your comment is spelled "you're."
Anonymous said...
7:02 speaking of dumb, first word of your comment is spelled "you're."
May 6, 2014 at 9:13 AM
Paid firemen are very uneducated.
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