This shameless shilling for Sarbanes is not surprising. Pagano’s campaign chairperson is Michael Pretl. Because both candidates for the judgeship appear on each party’s ballot in the primary election in June, more mudslinging at Mr. Caldwell can be expected soon.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Ron Pagano Is Pandering For Sarbanes
This shameless shilling for Sarbanes is not surprising. Pagano’s campaign chairperson is Michael Pretl. Because both candidates for the judgeship appear on each party’s ballot in the primary election in June, more mudslinging at Mr. Caldwell can be expected soon.
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Is this guy a little person?
The folks they're associating with tell a lot of the story.
Helps me verify who I'm not voting for.....!
The answer is yes, both figuratively and literally.
At least the mudslinging is local, for now. The democrat good ole boy network that gerrymandered the political favor to the Sarbanes family from the other side of the bay, hasn't even started their "slingin" yet....
Judge Sarbanes, you had better check Pagano's background. I doubt you would want him lobbying for you.
Like Pagano's opinion means anything. Check out
Nora MOORE and Donald Moore, Plaintiffs,
Ronald A. PAGANO, Defendant.
This is most likely why he's got the million dollar lien going. Nondischargeable bankruptcy debt.
Ron Pagano5 months ago
There may be some talent (even a real message) here, but it's overshadowed by guns, hate, too much profanity (I don't mind profanity in music, but this is over the top)...and oh, yeah, did I mention the guns? Is that really necessary with all the death and killing going on around the country. Remember Trayvon, Martin, Malcolm and all the rest who were murdered because someone felt empowered by a gun in their hand. Can't wait to see your next video...I hope you can make it big!
just found this comment by Ron Pagano referencing DDE's video. If I were Mr. Sarbanes I would not want him lobbying for me! What a dumb a@@.
Agreed 2:19 The "Sarbanes" on this side of the bay have always been decent respectful people. (unlike
Paul) At least I thought so... I'm surprised Tony would allow this association. But, they are Democrats so maybe they are lowering the bar like the rest.
Birds of a feather: Pagano, Pollitt, Pretl and now Sarbanes. P-U plenty.
Pagano in a convicted felon. now that's who I would want publicly supporting me. Just more reasons why we need M J
Pagano is a sick SOB 2:50. Oh he was so outraged by the tea party calling them bigots and other names. He was so indignant all for the sake of his child and grandchild. Now with the DDE video he tiptoes around. Pagano I have news for you. You are a piss poor example of a father and a grandfather. No decent person would give those thugs any recognition or encouragement.
Anonymous said...
Judge Sarbanes, you had better check Pagano's background. I doubt you would want him lobbying for you.
May 7, 2014 at 2:19 PM
Um!! Obviously you haven't been paying attention. It's Judge Jimmy's background that we have already checked. Judge Jimmy has more foreclosure cases and judgement cases against him and his wife than he has tried. Judge Jimmy is not a judge, he is a typical Democrat that mooches off of society and wants something for nothing.
I bet Tony is getting all kinds of contributions for Little Spyros from his buddies.
When I see a Judge Jimmy sign in front of a business all that tells me is I will no longer patronize that business.
Has anyone else noticed how many Jimmy Sarbanes signs are popping up all over the city on property that seems to be vacant. This tells me they are just planting his signs anywhere they choose.
Kind of reminds me of Bubba Comagees doing that.
Judge Sarbanes did not solicit this endorsement. Just like he doesn't solicit the negativity here. Small minded folks will seek to bring down everyone around them. They think it makes them outshine those same people.
Anonymous said...
Judge Sarbanes did not solicit this endorsement. Just like he doesn't solicit the negativity here. Small minded folks will seek to bring down everyone around them. They think it makes them outshine those same people.
May 7, 2014 at 7:18 PM
Judge Sarbanes... LMFAO
Please tell Spyros and his wife to pay their bills instead of ripping off the tax payers. Please tell spyros to get a job on his own.
We did not solicit Spyros as our Circuit Court Judge, but you seem to think this sleezy appointment is Ok. Speaking of small minded!
Anonymous said...
Judge Sarbanes did not solicit this endorsement. Just like he doesn't solicit the negativity here. Small minded folks will seek to bring down everyone around them. They think it makes them outshine those same people.
May 7, 2014 at 7:18 PM
Tony is that you? I didn't know old folks knew how to get on a computer much less troll on a blog.
M.J. can be hard to stomach sometimes but he is not a crook. I guess he has my vote. M.J. remember where you came from and stay true to justice if you make it.
7:18 -
I might agree with you if Pretl were not involved -- he's a direct link between Pagano and Jimmie Sarbanes and Pollitt, too.
Sarbanes family is a joke . bought and paid for by all the democratic crooks. they want their guy in there to cut their deals when they need em. wake up people! Caldwell won't go along with that kind of bs and they know it.
The simple, direct question is this...... what qualifies Sarbanes for being a Circuit Court Judge? He may be nice, people may like him personally, he may be a '"Hail fellow well met"....... but what makes him qualified to be a Circuit Court Judge?
The answer to that makes the only difference. This is NOT a position were we can vote him out in a couple of years, saying "Well, that didn't go well". It's for 15 years...... on issues of criminal, family, and complex civil litigation, not just foreclosures.
Sarbanes, quit putting up your signs on propeties that you have not asked permission to do so on
Jimmy Sarbanes has his signs planted at every corner at the round-about in Fruitland near Walmart. Someone should take pictures of it and send them to Joe. Isn't it littering or trespassing putting signs up on property you are not allowed to?
I was at the Fruitland Falcons football field yesterday and I saw a white Ford Expedition backed up to the fence near the concession stand with big Jimmy Sarbanes magnets on the doors. Does anyone know who drives that Ford Expedition? Is it Judge Jimmy with special parking privileges or is it one of the Ed Urban Klan?
2:27 PM
Campaign signs are not allowed on or along the county's roadways unless on private property. Report this to Rick Pollitt and the Sheriff.
Anonymous said...
2:27 PM
Campaign signs are not allowed on or along the county's roadways unless on private property. Report this to Rick Pollitt and the Sheriff.
May 11, 2014 at 3:46 PM
They have been there a month and no one has done anything about it yet. Rick Pollit, the Fruitland City Council and the Sheriff's deputies ride through there every day.
Convicted Felons are great campaigners and fund raisers ...just ask Hillary Clinton.. she has a legacy of association with this type of person.. they are the Pride of the Progressive fleet..George Soros has been convicted of all kinds of Financial misdoings and corruption ..he has full access to his puppets Pelosi Reid Clinton and Obama -- the people need to know the truth about the ring of racketeers posing as leaders..
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