But now the Maryland Democrat seems to be shrugging off Mrs. Clinton’s shadow and taking actual steps toward the higher office

In April, Mr. O'Malley reportedly held a closed-door meeting with political compadres and told them that he spoke with Mrs. Clinton, and that she gave him the thumbs-up he needed to make his own White House decision, Politico reported. Since, Mr. O'Malley has been seen visiting several crucial primary states, campaigning for fellow Democrats and simultaneously making friends with those who may one day help his career

Hillary will be charged with Murder over the Ambassador being killed....pick someone else A-Hole Democrats....
1:22 That won't happen. Remember she bumped her head so she doesn't remember anything.
Thisis old news, O'Malley will run a good campaign for POTUS come in a strong second, be bicked as the undercard on Hillary's ticket and becom the next VPOTUS. Done deal.
I never thought that I would say this, but I had rather have the commie that is there now than the imbecile running this state now.
Omally will never even make it past first round in primaries..what a fool...guess useful idiots will support him
I'm surprised with her decision.it is the right thing for her to do though given the seriousness of her illness.
O'malley's best bet is filling Bab's seat as US senator. Ultimately, I think that is where he will land.
Where is our local "Media Whore", in all this??? I thought Sheriff Lewis was taking a run for Governor or President!!!!!
I'm pretty sure he'll ride a wave of enthusiasm for a nation wide Rain Tax right up the Potomac.
God help us all--either Owe-Malley or Killary will finish off what Obama has started.
If the Hildabeast gets nominated - she'll pick OweMalley for the same reason OweBlama picked Slower-Lower-Joe....the assassination insurance policy!
Anonymous said...
Thisis old news, O'Malley will run a good campaign for POTUS come in a strong second, be bicked as the undercard on Hillary's ticket and becom the next VPOTUS. Done deal.
May 15, 2014 at 2:49 PM
Thanks Chuck. I see that you are a loyal soldier for Owe'Mowie.
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