MJ's response;
"Would you - (referring to the public) - rather have a highly paid career bureaucrat running our County, or instead, would you rather put the decision in the hands of the voters and let them to decide who should be running our County."
Folks, the above colloquy helps to express his - 'Red Blooded American Attitude' - and illustrates his opinions as it relates to the 'Eastern Shore Traditional Style of Living'. It is one that is grounded on the American tradition of Self-Determination verses a lifestyle that is reflective of a self serving political hierarchy.
Our editorial staff believes that MJ Caldwell will 'exude the reflections of the Eastern Shore Tradition grounded on Self-reliance and Self-determination.'
We give Mr. Caldwell a - THUMBS UP - and wish he and his family well in their latest endeavor to have him become the Wicomico County Circuit Court Judge. You can find out more about Mr. Caldwell by visiting his facebook page at:
Article by SBYnews Editorial Staff
The Executive Form of government has been a huge mistake for this county. We can't afford it! Plus we've ended up with a career bureaucrat.
If you have been paying attention you might have noticed that Tony has been doing all the work for Little Spyros. Little Spyros was to good to take the time to go to the Volunteer Fireman's Association Meeting last week so Tony went there and spoke on his behalf.
Great work Tony you are going to need the $145,000 per year salary for your boy to change your diapers in a few years.
I have to agree with you on that one 9:15 AM.
It's time to revert back to a Council Manager form of government.
9:30 - Really? if you are an example of a Caldwell supporter, THIS is what we don't need in a judge. Small minded thinking. Since when is a father supporting his son a problem? and no...I'm not a Sarbanes person - I am an undecided person, but comments like the ones you make are backfiring on you and your candidate. Don't want someone who thinks like you as a judge. Birds of a feather....
I agree 9:42. So 9:30, Jimmy couldn't attend the firemen's meeting, do you know why or are you just being ugly? Seems to me he sent a representative - his father. Also seems to me that there will be other chances for Jimmy to meet with your group. So, is this really about Jimmy or your dislike of Tony? Either way, looks petty for Caldwell to have people like you commenting about something like this.
9:42 AM you have already proved you are a Sarbanes so go crawl back in your hole.
The comment said nothing about a father supporting his son, the comment was about a deadbeat candidate who was to good to go to a firemens function to support himself. Quit twisting the information like all you Obama voters do.
MJ Caldwell is by far the best choice for Circuit Court Judge.
9:42 and 9:52 are the same person posting. HaHaHa. Voter Fraud supporters.
Jimmy owed Wells Fargo $5,000 and got the case dismissed with his connections. I smell a rat. WOW You talk about crooked politics. He is a thief! And note how he changes his name around from S. James Sarbanes to Spyros J. Sarbanes as if the average person wouldn't notice. This is not who should be our Circuit Court Judge.
Case Information
Case Number: 020300014892008Claim Type: CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:03/04/2008Case Status: CLOSED
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
Complaint Information
Complaint Status: DISMISSED (RULE 3-506)
Status Date: 06/03/2008Filing Date:03/04/2008Amount$4775.47Last Activity Date:06/03/2008
Judgment Information
Judgment Type: COMPLAINT DISMISSED (RULE 3-506)Judgment Date:06/02/2008
Judgment Amount: $0.00Judgment Interest:$0.00Costs:$0.00Other Amounts:$0.00
Attorney Fees: $0.00Jointly and Severally: In Favor of Defendant:
Possession Of Property Claimed valued At: $0.00Is Awarded To The: Together With Damages Of:$0.00
Value Of Property Sued For: $0.00Plus Damages Of:$0.00Is Awarded To The: Dismissed With Prejudice: Replevin/Detinue Amount: $0.00
Recorded Lien Date: Judgment renewed Date:
Renewed Lien Date: Satisfaction Date:
OMG look at this. Jimmy Sarbanes had almost $20,000 in a judgment dismissed. This is definitely crooked politics. This guy can not pay his bills so he had a friend in the court system dismiss the judgment. This means it will never have to be paid. What a Crook and dirty politics at it's best.
Case Information
Case Number: 020300071502007Claim Type: CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:11/27/2007Case Status: CLOSED
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
Complaint Information
Complaint No: 001(CHASE BANK USA, N.A.) Vs:(SARBANES, SPYROS J. )
Complaint Status: DISMISSED (RULE 3-507)
Status Date: 05/21/2009Filing Date:11/27/2007Amount$18356.6 Last Activity Date:05/21/2009
Judgment Information
Judgment Type: COMPLAINT DISMISSED (RULE 3-507)Judgment Date:05/20/2009
Judgment Amount: $0.00Judgment Interest:$0.00Costs:$0.00Other Amounts:$0.00
Attorney Fees: $0.00Jointly and Severally: In Favor of Defendant:
Possession Of Property Claimed valued At: $0.00Is Awarded To The: Together With Damages Of:$0.00
Value Of Property Sued For: $0.00Plus Damages Of:$0.00Is Awarded To The: Dismissed With Prejudice: Replevin/Detinue Amount: $0.00
Recorded Lien Date: Judgment renewed Date:
Renewed Lien Date: Satisfaction Date:
Looks like Spyros is good at breaking the law and just last month at that. I thought it was a $500 fine? I guess that was dismissed as well.
Citation Number: 00000036N0AZ3Case Status: CLOSED CASE
Violation Date: 02/10/2014 Violation Time: 09:24 AM
District Code: 02 Location Code: 03
Officer Name: GOLDMAN, TFC
Officer ID:5099
Defendant Information
Address:29825 JACKSON RD
City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code:21804
Charge Information
Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:1124.2Para:D2Code:
Location Stopped: RT 212 @ RACE ST
Fine: 83
Vehicle Tag: 38190M4 State: MD Vehicle Description: 08TOYT08
Disposition Information
Disposition: GUILTY
Disposition Date: 03/18/2014
Sentence Date: 03/18/2014
Costs: Fine: 83 CourtCost: 0 CICF: 0
Suspended: Fine: 0 CourtCost: 0 CICF Cost: 0
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
SCHG 2014-03-18 D226;A TO C
9:54 - maybe you and your buddies should go back to school and learn the difference between "too" and "to" if you are so smart....ROFL. When you can't think of anything else to say, bring up Obama. I'm a Republican and I'm tired of hearing it over and over again. Aren't we smart enough to bring up a factual argument rather than Obama and Jimmy is "to (sic) good" to go to a fire meeting? What happened to all politics are local? Have a meaningful discussion about the two candidates with facts - now that would be interesting.
Responding to 9:15 AM Posting - That said; Executive Form of Government .... we've ended up with a career bureaucrat.
Answer: Maybe us Voters can correct this situation come November when we elect Culver as the new County Exec. The trouble with the present First Elected County Exe, Pollitt, he doesn't have a clue on how to stimulate an economy. He is more concerned about his own nutritious diet than he is with the rest of ordinary taxpaying folks. We need to get rid of him and the 'Horse He rode in Town on.'
I will be encouraging all in our family to vote for MJ Caldwell as I believe he is the BEST CANDIDATE.
GO MJ! I say give the O'Malley appointment a run for his money. MJ deserves the Post . . . and everyone knows it. Including his fellow bar members.
I also remember this debate - held at Caruthers at SU. Mr. Caldwell did an exceptional job when he addressed the public. I was there to.
If SBYNEWS says he's okay, that's good enough for me. I'm going to vote for the guy.
I believe Joe is right. This particular office, Circuit Court Judge, is going to be a true test for Wicomico voters. This race is going to be a real scorcher all the way till the end. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but there are signs going up everywhere.
Anonymous said...
9:54 - maybe you and your buddies should go back to school and learn the difference between "too" and "to" if you are so smart....ROFL. When you can't think of anything else to say, bring up Obama. I'm a Republican and I'm tired of hearing it over and over again. Aren't we smart enough to bring up a factual argument rather than Obama and Jimmy is "to (sic) good" to go to a fire meeting? What happened to all politics are local? Have a meaningful discussion about the two candidates with facts - now that would be interesting.
April 25, 2014 at 10:16 AM
I noticed you stopped ROFL when the meaningful discussion with "facts" was presented.
If you were a Republican you wouldn't get tired of hearing it over and over again. Obama was put in office by lying Democrats like you. Real Republicans laugh when Democrats like you try to throw off the readers by claiming that you are "a Republican."
Like the original poster said go crawl back in your hole.
The facts are that Spyros Jimmy Sarbanes is like all lying Democrats who feel they are entitled to freebies like not paying your bills or a free pass to an elected position. It's people like you that give good Democrats a bad name. Good Democrats are the ones who haven't changed party affiliations in their old age but vote for the best candidate.
I am a Democrat and I am praying that MJ Caldwell spanks Spyos in both Primaries.
I never felt the Governor should be allowed the appoint Judges. M.J. will make a better judge no doubt about it. There is some shady crap surrounding Sarbans he is not his daddy.
Senator Sarbanes has done terrible damage to Maryland's economy. We don't need another Sarbanes/Oxley in office. O'Malley thought he could do an end-round through Wicomico's voters. He did - let's hope only temporarily. We voters need to send O'Malley and Senator Sarbanes another strong eastern shore message.
I would vote for the easter bunny before I would vote for S James Sarbanes. Foreclosures and judgements abound, look it up if you think I'm wrong. Wait, never mind, he must be the perfect politician sorry.
MJ Caldwell is by far the best candidate for Circuit Court Judge and should have been appointed by O'Malley instead of Jimmy Sarbanes.
Look at Jimmy and Margo's history of not paying their debt and getting it dismissed in court as favors. This is nothing but pure political corruption.
I hope the people that claim Jimmy is such a nice guy does a background check on him. He is not the best candidate and all you have to do is look it up. It's all there in back and white.
'The Opera Ain't Over Until the Fat Lady Sings'
Let's hope the Voters of Wicomico do the right thing and elect Mr. Caldwell to the Judgeship.
I find the tone of some of these comments to be really vicious. Even in a judgeship, it gets ugly. Why would anyone want to be in "elected" office? It just isn't worth it in aggravation and/or degradation.
I would argue it's worth it if you believe in why you're running. MJ seems to be dedicated to this position. He has run multiple times, and every time made it to the last 3 spots, and, oddly enough, gotten snubbed in favor of one of the democrats running.
If the appointing official isn't going to give you the treatment and respect you deserve, you reach out and take it for yourself. I think that's exactly what MJ plans on doing.
Anonymous said...
I find the tone of some of these comments to be really vicious. Even in a judgeship, it gets ugly. Why would anyone want to be in "elected" office? It just isn't worth it in aggravation and/or degradation.
April 25, 2014 at 2:32 PM
That's exactly how Democrats are. Where have you been your whole life.
To 2:32 Posting that says, I find the tones of these comments to be really vicious.
Answer: Well my advise is for you to change your party affiliation to Republican. 9 times out of 10 - it is the Democratic party that is so vicious in assaulting ones liberties.
Good endorsement. I will be pulling the lever for Mr. Caldwell. Or should I now say, pressing the button.
I sure hope he be better than the last judge I seen when I went to Court. I got locked up by the poelice for driving with no license. The poeliceman axed me why I was drivin with no licnese and I told him I did not have no moe money. That being the case I then could not pay da fine and so I was eventuly locked up. Sounds like Mr. Caldwell might be my man.
I believe MJ Caldwell would be perfect for the job. He is more than qualified and he should have little or no trouble to adopting. I hope he wins.
"MJ was one of the primary proponents that eventually led to the creation of the Elected County Executive's office."
That's why I'm voting for Sarbanes.
Sarbanes bumper sticker:
Give Jimmie a state job == it's the family tradition!
Anonymous said...
"MJ was one of the primary proponents that eventually led to the creation of the Elected County Executive's office."
That's why I'm voting for Sarbanes.
April 25, 2014 at 10:20 PM
Oh Boy! That's a real good reason to vote for a dead beat who doesn't pay his bill and in turn the tax payers have to pay them or the business loses because of it. You're an idiot. By the way your boy O'Pollitt doesn't seem to be opposed to the County Executive form of government and his supporters like Jimmy Sarbanes have done nothing to change that form of government. Shall I go on you idiot!!
Anonymous said...
9:54 - maybe you and your buddies should go back to school and learn the difference between "too" and "to" if you are so smart....ROFL. When you can't think of anything else to say, bring up Obama. I'm a Republican and I'm tired of hearing it over and over again. Aren't we smart enough to bring up a factual argument rather than Obama and Jimmy is "to (sic) good" to go to a fire meeting? What happened to all politics are local? Have a meaningful discussion about the two candidates with facts - now that would be interesting.
April 25, 2014 at 10:16 AM
Hey little buddy, just checking to see if you are still ROFL!
LMAO. You and your deadbeat family members refuse to pay their bills and BUSTED!!
At least MJ has the honesty and integrity to pay his bills instead of asking his pals to have the judgments dismissed.
MJ All The Way!
Anonymous said...
Sarbanes bumper sticker:
Give Jimmie a state job == it's the family tradition!
April 25, 2014 at 10:24 PM
Speaking of sticker. My daughter plays ball at Fruitland Little League and I am sick and tired of Jimmy Sarbanes and his family members forcing his stickers on me. The next time Jimmy or one of them slaps his sticker on my chest I am going to call the police and have them arrested for sexual assault. I will also be suing Fruitland Little League for sexual harassment.
Neither one of the Sarbanes has been able to make it in the private sector. Starting with Paul, Tony, and now Jimmy.
Jeezz - when are people going to wake-up.
10:38 do your homework and make an informed decision.
Once a Sarbanes, always a Sarbanes. I am so tired of hearing that Greek immigrant story, it sounds like a broken record.
I say give MJ Caldwell a chance, he's definitely earned it.
lets see the credentials of both men posted
Anonymous said...
Once a Sarbanes, always a Sarbanes. I am so tired of hearing that Greek immigrant story, it sounds like a broken record.
I say give MJ Caldwell a chance, he's definitely earned it.
April 26, 2014 at 6:45 PM
I first heard that story over 12 years ago and I thought I was the only one that was sick of hearing about it.
LOL. We should take notes.
Anonymous said...
lets see the credentials of both men posted
April 26, 2014 at 8:53 PM
UM!! You obviously haven't been paying attention. I have seen enough credentials on the Sarbanes boy and wifey. They don't pay their bills and they have stiffed quite a bit of people. He lost my vote.
Vote MJ all the Way. Please tell your family and friends and tell them to tell their family and friends.
Vote Republican!!
MJ really ought to have been nominated as he was the one that was shown to be the most qualified. The only reason he did not get the appointment is because MJ's last name did not end in 'Sarbanes'. Maybe the public can help to correct this travesty.
O'Malley has proven to be a real jerk when it comes to imposing his will on others. This is yet another classic case.
Chase Bank, Wells Fargo - non payment for services! What in the _ll kind of person is O'Malley appointing to such an esteemed office. Personally, I think I'm going to move the _ll out of here. Even Judge Roy Bean had scruples.
With all Sarbanes' shortcomings -- very little experience, suits about unpaid debt and foreclosure, etc. -- Caldwell's role in getting the County Executive form of government may well cost him the position of judge.
People will blame him for the Pollitt purgatory.
Wait til Pretl goes into full gear for Sarbanes. He appears to have started already by mudslinging at MJ Caldwell.
Pretl is also running Pagano's campaign against Joe Holloway -- Pretl despises Joe.
Response to 10:06 - Caldwell's role in getting the County Executive . . . .may well cost him the position of judge
Response: We all knew full well going into this the downside of a Democrat getting elected to the County Executive's position. That being said, if a good strong Conservative Elected County Executive had been elected to office, our economy would now be booming as opposed to us experiencing a full blown Depression. Let's hope the Voters will see the error of their ways come November and elect Bob Culver to office.
I saw Tony and Billy Sarbanes pimping around the Salisbury Festival wearing those stupid Let's Retain Judge Jimmy shirts. They walked right on by me. Mommy and Daddy aren't very smart if they think I am going to vote for their little baby Spyros who refuses to pay his bills.
Campaign signs flying everywhere, and yet the election is still more than 6 months away. This is going to be a real race to the finish.
Bottom line is the position calls for someone that has experience in jury trials, serious criminal, complex civil, and family law matters. This is a spot where someone has to make a call/judgement on a jury trial, that could put someone in prison for life, make a ruling on a multi-million dollar verdict, or take away someone's kids.
Sarbanes may very well be a nice guy with a pleasant disposition...... but that's not experience in jury trials, serious criminal, complex civil litigation, or family law.
M.J. has been there and done that hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Sarbanes has not. It's a matter of public record.
Ya can't loss over the fact one is qualified, one is not.
Anonymous said...
Campaign signs flying everywhere, and yet the election is still more than 6 months away. This is going to be a real race to the finish.
April 27, 2014 at 11:01 AM
The election is June 24, 2014. I love it when ignorant people speak and show their intelligence. It's times like this they should be required to sign their names.
County Executive position is NOT the problem; non-skilled, political oligarch currently dimpling the chair is.
If Spyros J. the candidate had any other last name this would not be a topic because he would not be viable.
But since he's related to career Democrat politicians suddenly he is worth appointment to a high local position where he gets to judge the future of regular folks?
The information posted about his defendant status is even more alarming.
Clean out the corrptocrats and don't elect or appoint any more of them!
Thank goodness that we still have elections for some Maryland judges. For years the Democrat party has been trying to stop having them.
Anonymous said...
I saw Tony and Billy Sarbanes pimping around the Salisbury Festival wearing those stupid Let's Retain Judge Jimmy shirts.
But was sonny boy on hand???
My opinion, slim lord.
O'Malley better call in his chips from the Sarbanes clan ASAP -- they will soon be worthless come the election.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I saw Tony and Billy Sarbanes pimping around the Salisbury Festival wearing those stupid Let's Retain Judge Jimmy shirts.
But was sonny boy on hand???
April 27, 2014 at 1:14 PM
I didn't see him as usual. Someone has always done his job for him. That is why he owes and stiffs everyone. He can't do anything for himself.
I think MJ is going to clean his clock as I'll try and explain. It is no secret that the eastern shore has a distaste for O'Malley, and, Paul Sarbanes. And so I'm predicting that the public animosity is going to spill over into the election and will result in a victory for Caldwell. We'll soon see if I am right.
Anonymous said...
I think MJ is going to clean his clock as I'll try and explain. It is no secret that the eastern shore has a distaste for O'Malley, and, Paul Sarbanes. And so I'm predicting that the public animosity is going to spill over into the election and will result in a victory for Caldwell. We'll soon see if I am right.
April 27, 2014 at 2:15 PM
Vote Republican no matter what.
Tony and Billy Sarbanes. Are they 2 men?
It would sure be nice to see the 'people' win an election for once. I'll be routing for MJ to win this one.
Whaaa! Everyone with no cards in the game are complaining about who gets appointed to a judge position and then has the run in an election. Just because no one in your family has gone beyond the bare minimum education, everyone else must be evil. LOL. Republican or Democrat, a judge makes decisions based on precedence and rarely if ever creates new law. Most of the people on the shore are only familiar with the criminal side of the court system. Joe is correct in that it is a great position to hold with the salary and benefits but it is nothing compared to being appointed to a federal judge position which is for life.
8:29 --
You are misinformed -- Democrat judges have regularly disregarded legal principles and precedent to reach liberal results and create "new law".
8:20 on 4/27
You are so very wrong.
We have a small circuit and lawyers must appear frequently before the same small group of judges. Tick off the judge and they can screw your current and future clients indefinitely.
Look for a lot of quiet in public from the lawyers about their personal preference in this for just that reason.
Most private plaintiffs or defendants do not have the resources to lodge appeals from crumby decisions, which are costly. The judge's decision in most instances is final and binding.
Our local bench is greatly improved from 20 years back.
Let's not backslide by keeping an unqualified appointee whose main credential is his last name.
This entire process should be very simple for the voters. Unlike a political campaign, an election for a judge should be based on expertise and experience. Because of that, this isn't even a close call.
Caldwell has been a finalist in the past and not challenged for a seat, but it is obvious why he is challenging now. Everyone, even Sarbanes, knows his resume and experience can't come close to Caldwell's. Caldwell has been practicing law-and doing it extremely well-for thirty years in Salisbury and is one of the most respected attorneys in the city. He might have more experience in all the various courts than any other attorney in the city. He has a high level education, a great family and has been active in the community every since I have known him.
Sarbanes is a nice guy, but he just isn't even remotely qualified for the position. He was the 5th most qualified out of the 8 initial candidates? Who was BY FAR the most qualified? You guessed it - MJ Caldwell.
No one is supporting Sarbanes based on merit or experience, because he just doesn't have it. You know it's a problem when your own supporters can't even put on spin control to make you look like the better choice.
This election is simple. It isn't abut politics. This is a huge responsibility to the city and county and the voters of both parties need to vote for MJ.
Anonymous said...
Whaaa! Everyone with no cards in the game are complaining about who gets appointed to a judge position and then has the run in an election. Just because no one in your family has gone beyond the bare minimum education, everyone else must be evil. LOL. Republican or Democrat, a judge makes decisions based on precedence and rarely if ever creates new law. Most of the people on the shore are only familiar with the criminal side of the court system. Joe is correct in that it is a great position to hold with the salary and benefits but it is nothing compared to being appointed to a federal judge position which is for life.
April 27, 2014 at 8:20 PM
The Sarbanes Klan is making fun of and attacking the voters in this County.
Please vote Republican. Vote MJ.
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