DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Maryland's only openly gay Senator, Rich Madaleno, (below) Finally Gets His/Her Way To Whatever Bathroom He/She Wants
Now get this Ladies & Gentlemen, (THIS IS A FACT) its not as if Madaleno has to dress as a WOMAN to get into the Ladies Room.
Honest to God, all he has to do, (even if dressed as a man) is FEEL like a woman that day and he/they can walk right in.
I spoke directly with Delegate Mike McDermott last Friday and this is exactly what he impressed upon everyone. That's how ridiculous this Bill is.
What is with out legislators any more these days. They can tap their feet in a bathroom and start something. I mean, seriously, what am I missing here??? Is there really that much of a demand for these mental giants that they have this need to impose on the privacy of the opposite sex. America is losing it, no doubt about it. Maryland, well, it's becoming the biggest joke of all "57 states".
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I guess that makes you one of them-thar homophobes that all those anti-Christ liberals keep talking about....(and that's what's running this state) They HAVE no shame.
If I'm not mistaken, this is the same Senator that sponsored the chicken tax.
Homophobe means I'd be afraid of them, (whatever they are) and I'm certainly not afraid of them. It's a catch phrase/WORD these freaks like to use.
The ONLY fear I have from them is the possibility of one of these freaks attacking/assaulting my Grandchildren in a bathroom, time will tell. It's bad enough we had to educate them on what tapping feet with elected officials means in a men's room.
How could I let my Granddaughter into a Ladies Room on her own now, huh???? I, I'll repeat, "I" would have to live with not being able to protect her for the rest of my life.
IS THIS THEIR GOAL? How on God's Green Earth did something like this pass! There are THAT MANY of these freaks out there that would encourage a MAJORITY of our elected officials/representatives to vote in favor of such crap?
If you people can't see just how out of control these Idiots are then you need mental help. They all need to get voted out of Office and good clean God Fearing AMERICANS need to replace them immediately.
That goes for LOCAL elected officials as well.
S I C K POS!!!!!!!!!! This bill is just really nice for little kids going in a public bathroom.
Oh, so you know. This is the very same Idiot who wanted to create a five cent tax on chickens in Maryland.
Does this bill exempt registered sex offenders from being allowed into the girls bathroom? I mean, this is a perfect excuse for them to use to get into the bathroom and go after little girls! It gives them a Hunting Ground!
Yea, another distraction from the serious issues, the ones that never get "fixed" in Annapolis or Washington.
Easier than talking about cuts to state budgets or tax reductions for ever poorer state taxpayers.
That's been the template and it WORKS.
This kind of crap needs to stop! Where does the public find these people? This might be the only 'job' they can hold... I'm sick, vomiting in my mouth. This guy needs to go back to the closet.
This same Bill was sponsored in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 all failed up until this year.
That is the way the Democrats work, a little this time, a little bit more next time, until the citizens just give in. There is something wrong with the system when you interview 100 people and 99 of them say they don't want a Transgender entering a bathroom. And yet the other 1% dominates.
As if Maryland can not get any worse with these homo's. This state is going to hell in a hand basket
Before this bill was enacted, we had two bathrooms, Men and Women. Now I guess it is going to be acceptable to have just (1) bathroom.
11:18 AM Posting, I agree. There is something wrong with the equation 1 + 1 = 3
What in the world is happening to our Country. It wasn't enough to tax the rain, no now they have to ruin a persons privacy. I swear what is this place coming to.
It cuts both ways. Women that feel like men can use the men's room too. Not a fan of this law by any means, but men that want to be a woman are seeking the attention of men not girls/women.
Notice NOT ONE person is in support of this bill.
I have no problem with transgendered people. However, I do have a problem with an obviously male person entering a women's restroom when I am changing my kids diapers, or taking my daughter to use the toilet. I do not even allow my husband to take my daughter anywhere that doesn't have a family bathroom because I do not know what male pedophiles could be in the men's rooms.
I'll never understand these "freaks." If they had an inkling of intelligence they would want to be "discriminated" against. For instance, if a business owner has that much disdain for someone that they don't want to take their money, they should be allowed to put up a sign reading "No Gays Allowed" especially in places that serve food. If someone hates someone so much that they would forego their business it wouldn't be beyond them to sabotage their food in some way. Something is really wrong in the heads of these gays in more ways than one.
11:51 why is it so hard for you to say that this is just not normal. these folks have pounded on us so much that we just can't say anymore that this is wrong. you do realize that we are now talking about intergenerational intamacy (ie pedaphelia) is now normal
I will repeat myself. Remember, these people get elected on the local level and move up the ladder thru voting, and end up on the State level. We must begin in local voting and put a stop to liberal Democrats in city and county elections. It's not too late to vote these people out and have this bill overturned.
What exactly is intamacy? You do realize that's not a word. Why is it so hard for you to just disagree with this without equating transgender individuals with sexual predators? You and I may agree this is not normal, but it doesn't make all transgender people criminals.
This is a very sick individual! Our society is in a ROT mode!
Dare I ask....
What will they think of next?
Certainly the our elected officials will keep pushing the envelope even more forcefully now that all kinds of doors have been cracked open.
I'm with you 12:25 I will not vote for any democrat this upcoming election. They continue to prove time and time again, they are not my kind of people.
Your child/grandchild is more likely to be sexually abused by a family member/family friend than a stranger.
12:26 They may not be criminals as far as the clothes they wear, but they are sick people. So, if a transgender grabs my arm and I coal cock "it", you would want me brought up on charges that I hit a sick person. Again Democrats are the problem here and you know it.
gays represent less than 3% of the population SO why are we spending so much time on them when we could be doing something for the majority of Americans ???
Yes and no 12:50. What you say is true when the adult in the child's life, happens to be living what is referred to as a high risk lifestyle. Believe it or not there are quite a few child victims of sexual abuse that the sex was arranged by a parent in exchange for drugs/money. This is happening everyday in the larger cities and quite possibly right under our noses locally.
just drop them in the toilet and flush it on your way out!
SO now our children will be walking in and out of EACH OTHERS BATHROOMS....NICE.
12:26 you don't have to know how to spell to read the writing on the bathroom wall in this case.
You go on to ask this question." Why is it so hard for you to just disagree with this without equating transgender individuals with sexual predators?"
Well its not so much that people think of transgender as sexual predators its the fact that this law opens the door for sexual predators . hell one can even say it lays out the red carpet.
Now I wonder when the first stories of children coming home from school with stories of one of the teachers who now proclaims they are transgender using the same restroom your children are using .
This law has opened the flood gates for so many law suits on both sides of the issue our courts will be clogged for years.
Wow he really looks hot as a lady. Have to be careful how I pick up in the bars
Just think about it folks, your little children, boys and girls will be in a bathroom with registered and NON registered Sex Offenders! He will be able to look over your child and size them up for his weird sick sexual fantasies. He can expose himself and just say it was an accident, after all she is in a bathroom now that allows him to do his business in there also!
He can sit on the couch in the ladies room and watch all of the girls doing there business, and he can get away with it now because it is legal. Wake up people, this is wrong!
Bring on Sharia Law.
Well I always feel like a woman but if the mens room is empty and the ladies room is in use I use the mens room.
Obama is Gay, Michelle Obama is across dresser...and the list goes on...Let them walk in on me taking a leak...someone's gonna get an A$$ Whipping....
WHy not have a third bathroom for "non-gender" ? Because then homos and trangenders couldn't whine and scream about themselves. Its all about power and attention. Homos and Trannies are everybit as militant and terroristic as radical Islamists now.
To 3:15 - I agree. This nation used to be one based on traditional American values. Now look at what we have. It is a sad State when a man can go into a Women's bathroom, and then the next day, go into a Men's Room. And they wonder why these people are beaten-up. Like I said, it is a sad day here in Maryland.
sorry 12:26 i spelled the word intimacy wrong because i am pounding the keys so hard in total frustration, now forgive me for my spelling and go back to my argument. because of your logic adults sleeping with children is now being considered normal. you can just throw out the predator laws
The Bible tells us things will have to get this way before Jesus comes back. I am not surprised.
Just more deterioration of our country. I won' t use a bathroom if I suspect a man , or whatever they are, may be in the ladies room! I'll try not to pee on myself when I'm out in public!
3:37 LMAO, OK. The bible also tells you not to eat crabs and other shellfish, not to have any piercings, nor any tattoos. Do you follow all of those, too? Your family?
Thank you 1:35. I said I don't have a problem with trans-gender or gay people for that matter, and I absolutely do not believe they are all pedophiles. I have a problem with THIS BILL because it would allow an obviously male person to go into a woman's bathroom, thereby allowing a possible sex criminal into a woman's bathroom without people being able to be alarmed.
Maybe you should read and understand the Bible before you try to quote or should I say misquote from it.
I find it ironic that you would use a book that you obviously don't believe in to try to make your point.
3:55-Not sure where tattoos (which by the way while I am not religious no one in my immediate family has one and as a matter of fact being of "prep school" type they make fun of those that do)or piercing are mentioned in the Bible. As far as seafood-dietary "laws" are from the old testament and are followed by those who follow a kosher diet. If Christians adhered to the book the old testament, people would still be fed to lions.
Democrat, Liberal agenda bent on destroying this country. I do not know how any Democrat can hold their head up anymore.
4:07 So, we don't use those scriptures? Just the ones that promote hate, and further the religious agenda? I see. Religion is the root of all evil.
Find me in the new testament where God promotes hate to further the religious agenda.
I think you are confusing the Bible with the quran. The quran states you can lie if it promotes the religion.
No 4:22 Religion is not the root of all evil. People who hide behind religion to promote their own terroristic barbaric agendas are. Just like people who use their homosexuality to terrorise. Just like those who use race to terrorise.
I'd bet ten dollars Norm Conway voted for this!
They don't call them the Q word for nothing. When a man sodomizes another man he ought to be beaten. I'm not going out looking for trouble, but if one pulls up on me in a men's bathroom and dares to wink, I'm going to give it to him regardless of what the law says. I have a higher law to abide to, and I'm going to do it. It's called the Natural Law.
The ones that voted yes to pass aqlong with this sicko are just as sick. How can we find out who voted yes on this bill?
4:22-Lack of religion is the root of all evil. This is not a debatable point. FYI-every supposedly secular so called self help book is based on Biblical principles.
Psycho buzz words and phrases such as "don't engage" someone, means essentially the same as the Biblical phrase "turn the other cheek." Every single Anger Management program is based on exactly what the Bible teaches about controlling one's temper.
So, if a female enters a mens room dressed as a man, by law, what can I do. Can I ask it for a date or can I kick it's ass? Keep voting democratic because you are a pervert.
It's on Del Mike McDermott facebook 6:03. Cane voted in favor and Conway against. Since Conway isn't coming out screaming about this, as is Del McDermott that means he is really in favor of it, but the party didn't need his vote to pass it, so he voted against it. Don't let their evil ways fool you. Unless and until they come out immediately, loud and publically they only voted the way they do to appease people down here.
This law extends to the public school system too. Just think, your daughters will be able to see that the old saying of, "All Men are created equal", is a falsehood, they can compare the teachers!
FYI, Chuck Cook has a brother,
NAMED ALONA, with high heels, a bra and a thong! These people are seriously screwed up in the head.
I seen Mayor Irenton and him holding hands last week in the park.
Remember the old saying of the 60's, well it will be back in style. "Let it all hang out" !
You are not mistaken. This fruitcake is one and the same and he intends to bring it back right after the election.
so actually what thi means is there are no mens or womens bathrooms anymore? I would never let my kids go into a public bathroom by them selves anyway. this law also makes it ok for the pedophiles to go into the womens restrooms . maybe that is why this law was created?
Wait! Is that guy the girl???
Who allowed this to happen?
"I'm not anti-homosexual,
Freaks like this should be in institutions as they are severely mentally ill.
Society has truly lost it's way when this activity and behavior is accepted as a regular everyday lifestyle.
I guess his daddy did not love enough or maybe way too much in either case it would be sad. WTF is going on in this country. Many Scientist say this is all a sexual prefrence. Some say they are born gay. I love all people so I guess build a third bathroom lol so they can turn it into the sh*t hole San Fran has become. What makes it o.k. to wear leather chaps with your ass hanging out while roller skating down the street. I am gay. If yhese people got the treatment they needed as children this would be cut by75%. I do feel some are born gay. Sorry grandaMa and Pastor Lee. The rest is nothing more then perversion.
If you followed the AIDS epidemic why did it attack the homosexual community so hard. The reason was engaging with multiple sexual partners in unprotected sex. I.V. drug abuse. All common place in hard core homo settings. That part part of the gay society is nothing more than sexual deviants.
We have given them political clout. I dont know why but gay have become a political party.
One more question is why do lesbians have to look so much like men. Crew cuts,logging boots really ? So let me get it right you WANT a man you just dont want a penis really. Why date a women that looks just like a man minus the shlong. I just dont get it. Again that is a perversion. No lip stick lesbians need be offended I get you guys. Kinda
Sad times glad I am on my way out lived a long happy sane life. Love the sinner hate the sin.
Is that really Rich Madaleno dressed as a woman? WTH voted for IT?
OMG WTH is the world coming to!
Jim Ireton is a friend of his on FB. Doesn't surprise me in the least bit!
Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton are both Facebook Friends of this creep. Surprise, Surprise.
Blogger JoeAlbero said...
Homophobe means I'd be afraid of them, (whatever they are) and I'm certainly not afraid of them. It's a catch phrase/WORD these freaks like to use.
The ONLY fear I have from them is the possibility of one of these freaks attacking/assaulting my Grandchildren in a bathroom, time will tell. It's bad enough we had to educate them on what tapping feet with elected officials means in a men's room.
How could I let my Granddaughter into a Ladies Room on her own now, huh???? I, I'll repeat, "I" would have to live with not being able to protect her for the rest of my life.
IS THIS THEIR GOAL? How on God's Green Earth did something like this pass! There are THAT MANY of these freaks out there that would encourage a MAJORITY of our elected officials/representatives to vote in favor of such crap?
If you people can't see just how out of control these Idiots are then you need mental help. They all need to get voted out of Office and good clean God Fearing AMERICANS need to replace them immediately.
That goes for LOCAL elected officials as well.
March 31, 2014 at 10:28 AM
Joe I agree with you 100% and get the point but "The ONLY fear I have from them is the possibility of one of these freaks attacking/assaulting my Grandchildren in a bathroom, time will tell." seems somewhat self centered. You should include any child or all children.
Anonymous said...
Does this bill exempt registered sex offenders from being allowed into the girls bathroom? I mean, this is a perfect excuse for them to use to get into the bathroom and go after little girls! It gives them a Hunting Ground!
March 31, 2014 at 10:40 AM
Very good point!
Anonymous said...
Wow he really looks hot as a lady. Have to be careful how I pick up in the bars
March 31, 2014 at 2:00 PM
Ugh!! Really?
It might flip you over and where you out in bed.
Anonymous said...
WHy not have a third bathroom for "non-gender" ? Because then homos and trangenders couldn't whine and scream about themselves. Its all about power and attention. Homos and Trannies are everybit as militant and terroristic as radical Islamists now.
March 31, 2014 at 3:15 PM
Why would you even think of caving into this sick perversion you mentally ill bastard. You are part of the problem now go away!
Anonymous said...
Your child/grandchild is more likely to be sexually abused by a family member/family friend than a stranger.
March 31, 2014 at 12:50 PM
Look at this idiot defending this legislation.
3:15 PM you make a good point about Homo's being militant. Look how militant Jim Ireton is every time he speaks to the public. Look what he did to the 3 female city employees in Mojo's. Look how he treated Lore Chambers in public. And you idiots voted him in office and lets him get away with it.
Anonymous said...
Bring on Sharia Law.
March 31, 2014 at 2:21 PM
Go to Hell!
Anonymous said...
3:37 LMAO, OK. The bible also tells you not to eat crabs and other shellfish, not to have any piercings, nor any tattoos. Do you follow all of those, too? Your family?
March 31, 2014 at 3:55 PM
You are an atheist idiot.
Anonymous said...
So, if a female enters a mens room dressed as a man, by law, what can I do. Can I ask it for a date or can I kick it's ass? Keep voting democratic because you are a pervert.
March 31, 2014 at 6:51 PM
Agreed 100%. This Bill means that women can prey on young boys just like men do. Men will be going into women's bathrooms preying on little girls. God forgive me if anyone says anything out of place or puts a hand on any of my children.
Anonymous said...
It's on Del Mike McDermott facebook 6:03. Cane voted in favor and Conway against. Since Conway isn't coming out screaming about this, as is Del McDermott that means he is really in favor of it, but the party didn't need his vote to pass it, so he voted against it. Don't let their evil ways fool you. Unless and until they come out immediately, loud and publically they only voted the way they do to appease people down here.
March 31, 2014 at 6:52 PM
You can bet Conway supports it. The Democrats have a plan and they know ahead of time if they have enough votes so they can let people like Conway and Jim Mathias vote to appease the people on the shore. You dumb@$$es both republican and democrat that vote for either of these 2 need to be stoned.
Anonymous said...
You are not mistaken. This fruitcake is one and the same and he intends to bring it back right after the election.
April 1, 2014 at 12:06 AM
Huh? Who are you talking about? Please copy and paste or address by the date and time of their post? When you make a "thought" post like this it could mean anyone.
Anonymous said...
"I'm not anti-homosexual,
Freaks like this should be in institutions as they are severely mentally ill.
Society has truly lost it's way when this activity and behavior is accepted as a regular everyday lifestyle.
April 6, 2014 at 8:58 AM
I could not agree with you more.
Anonymous said...
I guess his daddy did not love enough or maybe way too much in either case it would be sad. WTF is going on in this country. Many Scientist say this is all a sexual prefrence. Some say they are born gay. I love all people so I guess build a third bathroom lol so they can turn it into the sh*t hole San Fran has become. What makes it o.k. to wear leather chaps with your ass hanging out while roller skating down the street. I am gay. If yhese people got the treatment they needed as children this would be cut by75%. I do feel some are born gay. Sorry grandaMa and Pastor Lee. The rest is nothing more then perversion.
If you followed the AIDS epidemic why did it attack the homosexual community so hard. The reason was engaging with multiple sexual partners in unprotected sex. I.V. drug abuse. All common place in hard core homo settings. That part part of the gay society is nothing more than sexual deviants.
We have given them political clout. I dont know why but gay have become a political party.
One more question is why do lesbians have to look so much like men. Crew cuts,logging boots really ? So let me get it right you WANT a man you just dont want a penis really. Why date a women that looks just like a man minus the shlong. I just dont get it. Again that is a perversion. No lip stick lesbians need be offended I get you guys. Kinda
Sad times glad I am on my way out lived a long happy sane life. Love the sinner hate the sin.
April 6, 2014 at 9:47 AM
I don't know if you are admitting you are gay or not.
"So let me get it right you WANT a man you just dont want a penis really. Why date a women that looks just like a man minus the shlong."
It's my understanding they use artificial ones on each other. They are sick and perverted women.
I was in Walmart North the other day(imagine that) and saw 3 Butch couples within minutes of each other. That goes to show you how much of a freak society this Salisbury area has become.
In this upcoming County Election you should vote all Republicans.
County Executive - Bob Culver
County Council
At Large - John Cannon
At Large - Matt Holloway
District 1 - None
District 2 - Marc Kilmer
District 3 - Larry Dodd
District 4 - None
District 5 - Joe Holloway
They may not be perfect, but they are the best choices.
Please stay home and pray the gay away from Salisbury. We are counting on you.
I am ashamed to be associated with Maryland because of the time and money spent on something that is useless. THERE IS NO REASON TO BRING ANY THING LIKE THIS UP AND WE P====SSED AWAY OUR TAX DOLLARS.
Good thing I calmed down before writing this
2:38 pm: Please contact Joe with this so he can do a regular post of these names....
One of this clowns many facebook pages has a profile picture of a red apple that says "Teacher Recommended - Montgomery County Education Association."
Another lawless teachers union.
I hope that the Lord sends down fire from heaven and strikes Mr. Madelino and that other female Transgender Rights advocate who is also running for the Maryland Senate - right in the Ass. Maybe then, they will get the message.
Perversion is the new normal and normal is perverse. A person is born with a specific gender. They can remove their body parts, but it does not change their gender. they are quite simply individuals who have butchered their bodies
Anon April 6 2:14, it was in response to the question asked regarding Magdalena. The poster asked if he was the same one that tried to get the chicken tax passed. He/She/It is absolutely the same one and he/she/it will be bringing it back out after the election.
There was a male & female restroom in Baltimore that I saw this week...on a college campus...I am no prude, but it made me very uncomfortable.
I know and they even let boys and girls live in the same dorms. What is this world coming to.
Please Post each day till voting time said...
2:38 pm: Please contact Joe with this so he can do a regular post of these names....
April 6, 2014 at 5:37 PM
I agree with you. Joe can you do this for us!
Anonymous said...
Please stay home and pray the gay away from Salisbury. We are counting on you.
April 6, 2014 at 3:14 PM
This doesn't make any sense you Homo Troll. Go crawl back under your rock.
Anonymous said...
I know and they even let boys and girls live in the same dorms. What is this world coming to.
April 6, 2014 at 7:58 PM
If that is the case there will be so many knocked up college students and many more abortions.
So, if this freak shows up in drag, it should be impeached. It is a GROSS misrepresentation and NOT what the voters voted for! This should be criminal as it is deceptive and misleading.
I know I didn't vote for 'it'...how do we keep reelecting these weirdos to office? Most likely because they're the best of the ones that are willing to do the job...scary!
How many years have you been asleep? Dorms have been co-ed since the 80's.
To 2:38.......I would NEVER vote for John Cannon or Matt Holloway! What the heck are you thinking? We already got our fill of Cannon He is a disaster for Wicomico County (one of the good ol boys) And Matt Holloway has been a total disappointment to the citizens of Wicomico County!!
wouldn't it be easier to build a water closet for those confused this morning about who they are?
To 7:40 Poster referring to Madeleno as He/She/It. I am LMAO as I was thinking the same to. What is it with these people who don't even know what sex they are or what bathroom to visit. I just hope I don't have a young daughter that one day finds her self squatting with a perverted male onlooker. What this Bill does is endorses an immoral act.
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