DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 27, 2014
A Viewer Chimes In On Old Mill In Delmar
Well, as with any widely argued story, I took it upon myself to see for myself, and Lo, and Behold, there is NO signage posted at any entrance! Yes, there are signs referring to no overnight parking, but they are posted INSIDE the fences near the gates at or below KNEE LEVEL! So, you basically read them after you’ve gotten in your car and are driving OUT of the parking lot.
I’m calling car theft by deceit.
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Just for the record, I know a very nice couple who ate thier last Saturday and were sick Sunday Morning. No kidding, and I am in no way connected to this blog or issue. I know one thing though, I wouldn't set foot in that place after all this - Someone was arrested because the people running that place wouldn't communicate with an angry customer. If it were me running the business, it never would have gotten this far. If a customer is unhappy with a product or service I supply, you can bet I would be communicating, and I sure as heck wouldn't have towed the car in the first place. Red Roost for my family and friends this summer. Can someone post the other places these people own though? I want to know and I will be steering clear of those institutions as well.
Wow, with this whole story, my family has desided we wont give them our money, we will not eat there again, to much drama, and not any caring about their patrons. Very sad to see this happen to delmar
I doubt they will close because of this.most of your followers seem to be old farts and paranoid smart meter types
LOL-Some aren't referring to it is as "The Old Mill Diarrhea House" for nothing!
And when this business goes belly up everyone will be complaining that yet another business has closed.
Say what you want, but I prefer the Old Mill to any of the choke and pukes located in the downtown ghetto!
I too would like to know what other places they own as well. I do not want to give uncaring people my hard earned money.
My boyfriend went in there last year to apply for a job. He walked in and the owner said "What do you want?!" He turned around and walked away.
What a way to run a business. Has anyone ever heard of "customer satisfaction" or "the customer is always right"? I don't understand why there are locked gates around there in the first place. I can tell you that if that were my place of business I would do everything to make this right including a written public apology to the customer and payment for the tow fee. That being said, the customer should have never threatened the establishment. A simple letter to the editor and word of mouth would suffice. I wonder if the customer ever even tried talking to the owner of the restaurant first anyway?
10:04 makes a very valid point. This is about customer service and an angry customer. How many other businesses take things to such an extreme when a customer publicly declares they are unhappy with the service. Old Mill owners would have been better off apologizing and dealing with the issue as a business should. The towing of a car was something I could look past. Having this person arrested is not.
Old Mill I would be surprised if this is the last you hear from this. I am sure there will be periodic updates and I am also sure that we will be following the outcome of the court case.
I hope you see this for what it is. A wake up call. Your product is not unique therefore your customer base is held by trying to provide your service better than your competitors. You are failing. I would hate to see,what has become ,a Delmar institution to fail because of something so easily corrected.
So, if you go there when they're open, the gates are open and against the inside of the fences. Of course, the entrances are close to the building, so those spaces fill up first, hiding the fact that there are gates, as well as hiding the overnight signs, so 98% of the patrons on any given night are kept unaware that there are gates or an overnight parking rule. And if it's just an hour or two after hours, how is that "overnight" unless you close the gates and lock them so the owner cannot get his car out, therefore forcing the overnight? Real cool, there! Makes for happy customers either way, right?
I want to be in court that day!
Well it's not a park and ride.people just need to realize there mistakes.
If they go "belly up " it will be by their own actions
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And when this business goes belly up everyone will be complaining that yet another business has closed.
April 25, 2014 at 10:19 AM
Most will say good riddance. They will have brought it on themselves.
This Place has NOT BEEN THE SAME SINCE OWNERSHIP CHANGED>>>>> SAD>>>> They Though they could buy an already established place and not have to do anything but collect a check WRONG<<<<< WORK FOR IT LIKE WE HAVE TO,, And like the Previous owner did to make it that way......
This placw has turned into a complete joke. I hope people see how rude the owners are and stop going there. I heard they just fired an employee after 13 years of service because some customers played the I'm not paying he bill trick. They have stopped bring back old employees and make up some of the dumbest excuses as to why. They are also in hot water with the health department. Maybe you should look into that Joe I'm sure you would be surprised as to what goes on behind the closed doors of the kitchen. Also wanted to note it funny how they brag about being voted best on the eastern shore. I'm sure people would love to know how the OLd Mill forces each employee to fill out the form and vote for them and if they don't turn it in to management to show it has been done then management threatens them and or deducts money from their checks or tips for not doing as told. I'm sure if they didn't do this there is no way they would be voted on the shore. Hopefully this will shine a big light on the things that happen there and people will stop going and spead the word to others.
The fall down is a hard one. The owner realy has no people skills. The same people that made you money can break you. I think he needs to get on the right side of things here. Word of mouth will crush a food establishment.
They also own DOMINO's PIZZA around the Shore!
Keep your eyes open for the "NEW MILL"; a new crab house opening in Delmar next month-you may be surprised by who is running it!!
I am not sure why folks think old mill is uncaring or why they feel it was old mills place to call the girl. They surely don't go to Joe's site daily to see if they made a customer made. And than try to figure out who the customer was, and contact the customer.
If you have a problem with a person or business go to them directly
Blocking the parking lot that way would seem to be a fire hazard. No way for the VFD to gain access to fight a fire? Would serve them right if they were forced to remove the gates....
Nothing that a pair of bolt cutters would not take care of
11:21, The car was already removed from the parking lot. Bolt cutters would be useless anyway.
Ha ha ha ha So true!
I find this whole situation distasteful and quite frankly we don't need, nor should we tolerate business owners who handle themselves in such a way.
Instead of using the irate customer as a teachable moment for their staff, they felt compelled for whatever reason, to exact revenge.
They have a lot of young people employed and should set a good example. Not to mention their own children.
Two wrongs do not a right make. (Yoda)
Anybody that thinks the customer is always right never dealt with customers. The trick is making them believe that they are always right. I personally agree that the police should have been called. I don't frequent the place by the way, haven't been there for many years and wouldn't return regardless of this mess. Just not convenient for us. Assateague Crab House rocks.
My Daughter ate there a couple years ago, last time I was there, I have gone to Old Mill for years, this happened just after the new Ownership, and I was totally disappointed. Never Been Back.... The served us Crabs That I am positive that where taken off another table, they where Cold as Ice, the Chicken was so Dry that it could have been used as a towel.
When I paid the bill I told the cashier that I have always come to the Old Mill for Years but this was my worst experience I have ever had. Was not offered a Sorry, or a discounted bill, and after paying the bill and expressing my thoughts, I told her you will never see me here again.
Guess what? They will never see me again .
I too find this situation distasteful and offensive. This business is sending out a message that they would prefer you to drive drunk than to leave your car.
Wouldn't common sense dictate that maybe someone might have had a few too many drinks and left the car. Or were perhaps having car trouble.
Rushing to have the car towed the same evening (yes completely contradictory to their own sign)was just mean and unnecessary and not the actions of a responsible business owner, especially one that has the privilege of selling alcohol.
" The trick is making them believe that they are always right."
Exactly 12:12. A prudent business owner knows this and uses it to their advantage.
The Old Mill fails miserably in the public relations department.
I'm not understanding why they felt it imperative to tow the car that evening.
Most holders of a license to sell alcohol feel strongly that they have an ethical as well as a moral duty to the community to prevent drinking and driving as much as possible, therefore when they see vehicles still present in the lot after hours you just assume the driver didn't feel comfortable driving.
This business practice of towing a car so hurriedly and without forethought, sends out a bad message and can hurt other restaurant owners who take their ethical and moral duties toward their customers and the community seriously.
I am interested in the NEW MILL. More info please and thanks! :)
Have not been to the Old Mill since the old owners left. I have had several friends say that it had went south as for their service so I have not been back. I would rather call Skipjacks and order my crabs and eat them in the comfort of my own home.
Previous owners were not the most pleasant people either!
well, my last trip to old mill was about 3 years ago, my friend came from out of town and we took her grandmother and my 6 yr old to dinner there. they were incredibly rude from the hostess to the server. the food was not so good. they came up to us as we were walking to the front (the grandmother is using a walker so we werent moving very fast)and the manager came running behind us, asking if we planned on paying our check. i held up my hand with the check and the cash to pay it and told her not to worry, we wouldn't be back. needless to say im not surprised to hear any of this drama has happened, im just surprised they have stayed open this long while treating customers like thieves and liars. good riddance
1:11 said: "I'm not understanding why they felt it imperative to tow the car that evening."
They probably have a huge problem with people parking there overnight because it is within walking distance of ... wait, what? Maybe people park there overnight to look at the little ponies?
The person responsible for towing the car was being a jerk. I see no other reasonable explanation.
I have been wondering why they have gates there also. I wish someone could explain a logical need for them.
Who the hell owns this place anyway, all the comments about the owner but no one seems to know who it is.
The sad part is if u ride by there on any Friday or Saturday night, the place will.be packed I'm sure, some people just don't care. Well they wont get my money or time. Way to many places to eat that do care about our small community, and try very hard to treat their customers with fairness, and respect. Such a shame, times r hard, and to pay their prices, and knowing how that treat people, just shameful.
I've been in hospitality since 1973, there have been a few places I worked where the owners thought that was going to be their entertainment spot for friends and family, until they realized how much work has to go into making everyone happy. Employees, customers, sales people, advertisers yada, yada yada Old saying is Momma (business nucleus) aint happy, ain't nobody happy. Sounds like the owners are butt wipes. I don't have anything bad to say about their food, I've never eaten there. I've been cooking so long I rarely eat anywhere but work and home!
Does the owners realize if the customer was to drive her car intoxicated and seriously hurt or eve killed someone that they could be held responsible for serving her the alcohol
Unfortunately, this incident does not surprise me one bit, especially after management "indefinitely suspended" one of their veteran servers a few weeks ago. She has waited on my family for years and has always provided us with excellent service. Unfortunately, after a customer alleged that she dropped a snow crab on the floor, picked it up, and then served it to another table she got the ax and was made to pay the table's bill with her own tips. To be honest, any customer could make accusations such as these; however, based on some of the previous comments it is obvious that they are very concerned about being reported (once again) to the Health Department and are willing to sacrifice their own veteran staff (with a lot of loyal customers)so that they do not get ratted on. Hey Prouse, there's no need for you to get ratted out....I think all of these comments will suffice! I, as well as many of this server's other regulars, will be taking our business to Millie's in Vienna where I understand crabs will be served there, too, come Mother's day!
Hey 7:40
Don't tell people about Millie's. We enjoy taking a boat ride up the Nanticoke to Vienna and avoiding the Salisbury/OC/transgender crowd.
Sad to hear this all the way here in Germany. I will be home this summer and will be visiting Red Roost this summer.
Charlie says:
So if a car owner left their car in the parking lot, and the Old Mill gated the car in for the night, the owner could not get their car until the next day. I don't think I would have a paying patron fined for leaving their car there. I would say that your car is secured until you return during the next business day. If the Old Mill owner feels the need to gate their property to limit access during closing times, it is their choice. They may have good reason for it. But making a paying customer pay a fine, that is a bad choice.
It's also a little late for damage control.
As a former employee at the Old Mill, when I first read about this story, I was not at all surprised by the actions of new owner Don Prouse and his management team. I do agree that they had the right to tow this girl, and that she did in fact handle the situation poorly, however to have her arrested over a “threatening” facebook comment is rash, infantile behavior, both obvious traits of Don Prouse that I unfortunately witnessed first-hand. He and his management team are careless, unprofessional, and treat their customers and employees like dirt. Throughout my 5 years working for the Prouses, I witnessed such obscenities as profiling during hire, drinking on the job, discrimination via racial-based seating, forcing customers out after 2 hours, serving questionable food, and forcing employees to fill out the annual metropolitan survey. These are only few examples of the atrocities that customers and employees were subjected to on a daily basis. The Prouse team really needs to take a step back and re-assess themselves, and I hope that this incident is the “ammunition” that they need to turn things around at the current “best crab-house on the Eastern Shore.”
OK,we get it.The Old Mill is a bad place.Let's move on.It's now officially old news.
what about the "new mill" any news?
If you are are reading the blog and even took time to write a post than it must not be that old...
It's not old news until after the court case on May 19. Old Mill, spying on her facebook page, had the customer arrested for and she has to hire a lawyer and go to court May 19. She is being charged with disorderly conduct.
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