Several years ago (1978) Talbot County instituted a TAX CAP after a similar hugely unacceptable tax increase to Wicomico County incensed the voters to action. From 1978 until 1995 ballot questions were put before the voters to remove the TAX CAP. Finally, in January of 1995 a Coalition of Special Interest Groups - Board of Education, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, NAACP, League of Women Voters, and other individuals sued to overturn the Tax Cap and they won! The TAX CAP was ruled unconstitutional.
Do you think VOICE should have gone for a TAX CAP? That certainly would have been an easy 'kneejerk' thing to do in light of the Court's decision.
After the TAX CAP was ruled unconstitutional in January 1995, The Talbot County Council in May raised the property tax by 46%. That's right they raised the property taxes by almost 50%! But they - SPECIAL INTEREST - didn't have enough! The next year, in 1996 they raised it another 46.3% And we - Wicomico residents - think that 23.7% was bad. Now let's try and add this up . . . .what's 46.1% and 46.3% over two years. Let's hold the math until the end of this lesson.
The Talbot voters were so incensed they searched for a way to stop these run-a-way politicos and came up with the Revenue Cap concept. The voters rallied to get it on the ballot and it was passed in 1996 by 72.21% of the voters! It stands as law today in that County. Even after MANY attempts to have it removed . . .VOICE used the EXACT wording in their petition as was used in Talbot County. It's exactly the same language that is LAW in Talbot today.
So what have we learned today. Hopefully we've learned that from the time the TAX CAP was ruled unconstitutional and was replaced by a REVENUE CAP in Talbot County - (1995 - 1996) - property taxes went up 92.4%!!! Actually, that would not be entirely accurate as I'm told that before the REVENUE CAP could become law the actual true tax increase was 113.8%.
The next question is a bit more subjective - after this current events history lesson - was the Daily Times staunch reason for objecting to the REVENUE CAP . . . do you now feel that the VOICE proposals are obviously not well thought out?
If your property tax increased by 113.8%, would the difference be greater or less than your recent pay raise?
Article Published By Beezer - SBYnews Contributor
Thank you very much,
so again, all this nimod on the other post keeps harping on, is removing the property tax cap so that our elected officials can tax the crap out of us, and that per him, will stimulate the economy?
I got another idea.... jobs.
We can play this tax game all day, but the result will always be less money for the citizen and more for government.
Maybe government should earn it fairly, by doing their job promoting the area, bringing in more business.
Or we can build another park.
Yup, more than double. $100 + 46.1%= $146.10, + 46.3% = $213.74.
You're paying $1300/ year now? That turns to $2,780!
Go ahead, take the cap off and let those worms out of the can!
liberal trash will steal the pennies off a dead mans eyes.
I agree with the majority of the above posters. I want my money to stay in my own hip pocket as opposed to some government bureaucrat. And believe me people, they will take everything and literally pick your bones dry. These Democrats - (of which I used to be a member) - will take everything you have and leave you penny-less.
Who in the hell are you people at SBYNEWS. For the life of me, I have never seen such impeccable reporting in my entire life. This has got to be one of the best news media in the entire Country, and that is saying something.
They call our form of government, systems - checks and balances.
For once, the citizens were able to check-mated the politicians and special interest. Let's hope it happens again.
Responding to 7:56 Posting
IMHO, I believe this news media must be a special ops division of the US military. I too have never seen anything like it. And I am not knocking it because, for once in my life, I feel like the real America is starting to emerge again.
To 7:56 Posting - these people are trained professionals in the art of propaganda. It's called the TRUTH!!
Wow, that is some powerful statistics there buddy. 113.8% increase in property taxes. I might as well just leave and abandon my home because there is no way in Sam Hell I could sustain these kind of tax increases. Thank God we do have a revenue cap.
Let's hope that History doesn't repeat itself because if it does, I am out of here, plain and simple.
Joe, I really appreciate what you are doing and putting up this post because most of our residents don't know what has transpired here in Wicomico. Well now the do.
To 8:13 - No one else can sustain these types of rate hikes, not even the most influential. I had an attorney who lives on the Wicomico River and he informed me a few days ago what he was paying in real estate taxes and I told him to get rid of it ASAP. He responded, 'If only I could'.
I voted in favor of the revenue cap and apparently there were a lot of others that did to. I distinctly remember when my property bill arrived and I thought it must be a mistake, only to find out that it was I who was taken to the cleaners. As the Israelis say; 'Never Again'
Joe, thanks so much for your reporting. We need to see this and continue to see this as a reminder of what we're fighting and of course the truth...
Thank you Joe for all you do and for getting the TRUTH out there for all to see.
Joe, thank you very much for performing this advisory. Sometimes you take a lot of criticism for what you do.
When something of this magnitude becomes a public spotlight, there are a lot of elected officials that would like for you to none other than go away. Fortunately, for the public, you haven't. I am very grateful for your service.
To 7:28 - I like your analogy. On Point, and it is the gospel truth.
Funny what a slanted story at best. Take a hard look at Talbot's property values. No they do not have over sixty empty buildings. They have very low crime stats. Hmmm I guess you get what you pay for. You you think for one minute anyone in Talbot County would move to this dung heap. Yep we have done great here Beeezzzy. Wonder how many people have time to be bloggers in a County where people work for a freaking living. No the tax cap killed this county take a hard look at all the shell buildings. Look at all the empty homes. This county is a ghetto campared to Talbot. So whi did the right thing really.
10:41, This Blogger is retired. This Blogger also reinvests back into multiple properties on the Eastern Shore. This Blogger also PAYS IT FORWARD back into the Shore to help those in the most need. Who are YOU and what do YOU offer?
10:41 - It's all of the tax crap that has been thrown into the pile taxes. EX: Inventory tax, great they moved to remove it - but it is to late, the damage has already been done. And how about the Hotel/Motel tax, yeap, the highest rate in the State. Alright, let us move over to the other side of the equation, Local income tax rate, there we go again, the highest in the State. Taxes and taxes after taxes. Remember what Fortune Magazine said; Maryland a 'TAX HELL'. So much for my bantering.
your saying more taxes will help our crime rate? its the people living here stupid that cause the crime. no matter how much housing you give them, those same people will commit the crimes. And we who are the good citzen will walk from our homes, we will take the credit hit and will go somewhere where we can live in peace and not be taxed to the point of losing everything. take your socialist CRAP somewhere else and look to yourselve. Hold some accountability and responsibility for peoples actions.
Joe,just got my 2014 corporate Maryland personal property return and now they want a balance sheet filled out,what's up with that?
More people, less money for services. Can't be any simpler than that. Your revenue cap at work. If you guys understood that, you wouldn't be so quick to drink THIS Koolaid.
12:05 - Why don't you say something constructive. My advise to you is to get off of EBT card, section 8 housing, and go find a job. Maybe then you will learn to appreciate what Freedom really is. From the rant of your posting, you are part of the problem.
12:05,the usual liberal response.Instead of pushing for more businesses and less regulation just tax and spend.
Yea yea, 12:05 let's tax the heck out of the few working, property owners left. Lets tax the crap out of the retired. That's a great idea.
You are too blind to realize you are killing your own theory...
12:05 here. By services, I am speaking of safety, roads, etc. 12:56, I work for everything I have. I'll put my credit rating up against anyone's. I don't take money from anyone and I don't owe anyone other than my mortgage which is almost paid off. I pay my share and am willing to do so. I give to my church and local volunteer fire companies. This IS the revenue cap at work. Too bad so many don't understand what it is really doing to our county.
I feel the county should do away with roads division,serving lunch at schools and contract it out to businesses.Volunteer firefighters do the same job as paid ones do.Time to save the taxpayers some money.
Yes its me again 10:41 I see no one has answered the question as to why NO ONE is leaving Talbot county for wicomico county.
The problem is so many middle income families have left since this cap came into place. V.O.I.C.E. was headed by a drunken realestate broker who I wish had this cao stuck up his anus right now. Anyone know where he is Don Lets Turn Wicomico into a Coffin lol. All you realestate moguls got burned by your own greedy agenda JOE !!!!
The cap has screwed every aspect of this county. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR !!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing good is free. This county is becoming a freaking ghetto. When Somerset county can provide better services it is sad. That county is poor and are doing great with what they have. Come to think of it they dont move here either. Just like the post on S.U. Joe they are all leaving this sinking septic tank of a city. Sorry guys sold one property at a loss. One more to go and my family will be in North Carolina. Sorry I do love it here, but most of you are strait up Tards. A>M>F
Cant be that bad building 2-100million dollar schools,75million dollar wastewater plant,4 new fire trucks and ambulances and continued building.
To 5:25 - And a million dollar Fire Boat to go with it.
It ain't all that bad.
To 4:26 Posting
I also voted for the revenue cap and I am proud of it. I knew it was the only way I could ever afford to live here. As for why Wicomico looks the way it does is because we have had incumbents in office - year after year after year. Norman Conway, Rudy Cane, and look they are double dippers. By that, I mean they worked for the BOE and then also the Maryland General Assembly. They aren't trying to look after your interest. They are trying to garner more interest on their savings which has been accumulated on the taxpayers backs. So don't sound your trumpet on VOICE. Sound your Trumpet on your own Professional representatives. Yes - I know for a fact you are a taker - probably a school teacher.
The way I see it, the Republicans for the most part want to try and empower the people. On the other hand, the Democrats for the most part want to take from those working to enhance their own lifestyles. Then, the Democrats try and demoralize the Republicans by calling them racists, or bigots.
IMHO, the Democrats are the culprits that have ruined Salisbury/Wicomico. There aren't any business incentives. They have destroyed them all.
Poster 4:16 has sour grapes. I don't think he'll find much solice on this website. Long Live The Revenue Cap!
4:26 Posting says - 'This County Is Becoming a Freaking Ghetto'
I agree. I wish people like you would leave so that we might be able to enjoy the place.
Does anyone know what the final vote tally was on Wicomico's Revenue Cap referendum? I am very curious and would appreciate your assistance.
I think that 4:26 Poster is JT. By the tone of his comments - it sounds just like JT. What a loser.
4:26 Silence doesn't mean that we quit. It simply means that we do not want to argue with a person who just doesn't want to understand.
6:56 next time try google. This shows lack of ambition on your part. Which is a common culture in this area.
With all of the county's 34 precincts reporting, the spending cap was approved 18,741 to 10,061. Voters rejected the transfer tax, which was expected to generate $1.8 million to pay off debt from school construction projects, 15,693 to 12,848.
Here is a really good article about Pollitt from 2010 and the tax cap.
I have no doubt that he is going to try and repeal it again if he gets re-elected.
Posting 8:35 - Revenue Cap Vote 18,741 to 10,061. Are you sure that is right. According to my calculation that represents 65% of the Voters in Favor(extremely high) of the Revenue Cap as opposed to 34% Against. That doesn't sound right as I have never heard of any referendum being that high.
This is 9:06 Poster - Maybe that is right, because I went back and re-read the Current Events article and it says that the Talbot tax cap initiative won by 72% of the voters. If that is the case, then the residents are overwhelmingly supportive of the ballot initiative.
Look, Rick Pollitt knows that he is political toast if he even attempts to go near the Revenue Cap issue. He'll never bring it up from now till the election because he knows it will cost him dearly at the polls. In my opinion he is already a weak candidate and can easily be toppled by Culver given the current predicament of our local economy. I feel like Joe does about this election it is about the current state of our economy.
The people want to keep their own money instead of financing the wants of their government. As we all know, unrestrained government growth is the biggest deterrent to a thriving community. On the flip side, those within government don't see it that way, thus there always exist a tension. The secret is to strike that balance between private growth and government growth. In Wicomico's case, the private sector has dramatically declined while the government growth has increased. This is unsustainable in any community and you are currently witnessing the results. It is not pretty.
Total BS and I can't buy the picture that's being presented by these numbers.
9:06 it was about 70% based on the population in the yr 2000
I do not think that anyone is factually explaining how the tax cap works. Which is why there is so much banter about it.
In the year 2000 the county took in about $45 million in property taxes.
With the tax cap that means that in 2001, property tax revenue can increase a total of only $900,000, regardless of new construction.
If TAX REVENUE rises more than 2%, the property tax % rate must be cut.
In 2001 the tax rate was 1.084.
In 2009 the tax rate was .881
In 2014 the tax rate is now .9086
That is because as construction brought in more REVENUE, the tax % rate had to be adjusted down to cap the TOTAL REVENUE increase of only 2%.
Now that construction has declined the tax rate will rise to compensate for the losses and fall to residents to make up.
I do not think people understand that the cap was not that their tax % could only be increased 2%, that is not how it was written.
Problem is.. no one is honestly explaining how the cap works, and the potential problems that can arise from it, and how population, home sales, home values and construction also impact it.
I believe in some sort of limits, but wholly believe that most people do not fully understand how the cap works.
Then let us increase the rate of construction. Do away with what restrained it to begin with, Impact Fees, (another new tax).
The Revenue Cap is doing exactly what it was designed to do - preventing what happened before (24%) property tax increase. This is pretty self-explanatory. And another showcase for the Revenue Cap - shining a spotlight on Countywide spending - and there lies the problem.
6:43, so we are building more buildings so that they can sit empty? Yea that will help.
It's working in China, they call them ghost cities. Miles and miles of buildings with no inhabitants, but China keeps saying that they are coming.
Damnest thing I have ever witnessed.
Tax, tax, and more tax. We have the property tax, we have the impact fees (tax), flush tax - (doubled in one year), we have the inventory tax -(now repealed but damage is already done), we have the admissions tax - (civic center tax (HB1525), recreation tax & amusement tax, . . . MY GOD FOLKS WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO OURSELVES? We are self imploding!
Why don't we just deed everything over to the state/county and have them pay all of our expenses.
Really, think about it, your government just keeps taking and has no 'skin in the game'. All they do is put their hands out and say give it to me. That is exactly what is going on.
Educate yourself on the terms Revenue Cap and Tax Cap people two totally differant things. Anyone find Don Coffin and the rest of the V.O.I.C.E. Clan yet lol. They killed this county. The crap back fired in thier face. They made a fortune during the intitial years. Then it slowly caught up with them. You get what you pay for. Look at the roads in this county. Look at all the commercial buildings sitting empty. Houses were so over valued that people are upside down on mortages. The freaking banks and realestate brokers did this. They knew the ceiling and did it any way. Coffin and his croanies are getting just what they deserve now. As for the poster that thought I worked for the B.O.E. lol just look at the grammer. I have worked manual labor most of my life. I have a degree in life and common sense.
If it smells like dung then it is dung. Coffin and crew smelled like dung. They had an agenda why else would anyone in realestate support such a cap ??
Good roads, Jobs, and schools bring good people. Your options now are working for the city,county,or de-beeking freaking chickens.
Time for a sweep I dont give a crap what party. These clowns need to go. Sorry it has been broke a long time. People use you common sense.
To 11:12 Posting - who said 'People Use You Common Sense'
Answer: They did - (loud & clear) - emphasis added. We now have a Revenue Cap by almost a 2 to 1 margin. Thank God we do have a revenue cap because there wouldn't be anyone left. It's the only bright spot in Wicomico County.
Reference to 10:32 Posting - Where you show the real property tax rate
Answer - That is exactly why most people voted for the revenue cap - so that their tax rate would go down
each successive year. That was the original intent. Where the hell have you been? It is working perfectly! Anytime you can accomplish a rate reduction with these spend thrift politicos - that is a bonus.
As for limiting revenues, you had better go back and check the overall budget numbers. Right after the revenue cap was passed the Income Tax Revenues shot through the roof and Wicomico experienced some of the largest budgets on record - $131,000,000 dollars. So please - don't try and lecture the public when you don't know what your talking about. SHEEZZ!
Responding to 11:12 Posting
I think 11:12 Poster is JT because as most people can tell he has no class. JT, don't you have anything else better to do? Go back into your section 8 housing.
11:12 Poster - What is de-beaking chickens? I have heard of deboning chickens, but I have never heard of de-beaking chickens. Is that a new technology?
I do not believe that 10:32 or 11:12 is going to find much solace on this blog. He is barking up the wrong tree.
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