DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 09, 2014
Will The Mayor & Council President Be Banking On A Hand Full Of People To Revitalize Downtown?
By the minuscule size and turn out of today's BIG MEETING in which Mayor Ireton and Council President Jake Day reached out to Rehoboth Beach newspapers and social media, I'd say this one is a bust!
How embarrassing it must be to be the leaders of a community and have next to no one show up. I'm sure if we were to scan the tags on the vehicles present we'd find mainly City Employees and social media friends, (as few as they obviously are) with nothing better to do on a Saturday.
Now, IF Jim and Jake had a KEG of beer there you might actually get a real turn out. Maybe next time.
Oh, be careful crossing the street there Ladies & Gentlemen. You might get run over bike a bicycle in the bike lane, NOT!
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It was not announced on any MSM until this morning. It was not highly publicized. They want the ole boyz club to do what they do behind out backs as usual.
They do not want the community there.
Did people maybe walk over from the library lot?
Who was driving the black pick up truck illegally the wrong way on a one way street. Don't tell me that is Jake Day's pick up truck. Clearly look at the one way sign and you will see they are going the wrong way.
The laws weren't written for Jake, he's special, special ED. That's his new nickname ED.
Sounds like someone's a little butthurt he wasn't invited.
3:42, I'm sorry Jimmy, my butt never hurts. Your right though, as a property owner I was never invited.
3:42 PM ironically a gay mayor and you speak of a butt hurting? WTH!
*"Never think that a handful of committed people cannot change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."
It amazes me,astounds me actually, that anyone can be so negative in light of good people trying to make positive change in a community that really needs it.
If you are not part of the solution , shut up and get out of the way.
But why the commitment by Ireton during the campaign to revitalize downtown? That made no sense unless he thought the voters were stupid enough to buy it.
I saw one of the emails that are sent out and like the mayor's roundtables I have no interest. A big woop for walking through the downtown and hearing promises of what won't happen. I worked on putting my house on the market because that would be best for me
I guess my belief that private industry not governmental bullcrap is what will make us as a city and nation strong
4:29's comment is really all that needs to be said.
Joe, I understand that you disagree with the mayor and Jake Day and others about the future of downtown and Salisbury in general. That's perfectly fine. But dumping on an event set up to get input from the community and elsewhere about the future of the city, just because you weren't invited to participate? Not a good look, brother.
Why the input from Rehoboth Beach? What does that town have to do with Salisbury?
Anonymous said...
It amazes me,astounds me actually, that anyone can be so negative in light of good people trying to make positive change in a community that really needs it.
If you are not part of the solution , shut up and get out of the way.
February 8, 2014 at 4:29 PM
Are you trying to say that Jim Ireton and Jake Day are good people? They gave our firehouse away. It was proven that the firehouse was still needed and you clowns gave it away? Not only was that a firehouse that could have been used for public safety that was our heritage. You people are idiots.
Anonymous said...
*"Never think that a handful of committed people cannot change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."
February 8, 2014 at 4:26 PM
What a stupid quote. Only a moron would come up with a quote instead of action.
You know what is so sad? Jake Day is so stupid that he actually thinks HE is making progress.
"But dumping on an event set up to get input from the community and elsewhere about the future of the city, just because you weren't invited to participate?"
Input from the COMMUNITY??? What community! It is MY community, not YOURS, not Jim or Jake's! I OWN PROPERTY DOWN THERE and even I wasn't invited.
When you send a press release to Rehoboth Beach Newspapers, WHAT COMMUNITY ARE YOU REACHING OUT TO? Come on now, TELL US!
I'll say it for you. They are encouraging the Gay Community and nothing other.
I have been a MAJOR VOICE DOWNTOWN protecting the interest of the property owners. Was Jim Ireton, Jake Day and ALL these other people down there clearing the sidewalks when it snowed, HELL NO.
So please don't try to lecture ME about my own community and who's best interest it belongs to. Are you people getting me now?
Anonymous said...
4:29's comment is really all that needs to be said.
Joe, I understand that you disagree with the mayor and Jake Day and others about the future of downtown and Salisbury in general. That's perfectly fine. But dumping on an event set up to get input from the community and elsewhere about the future of the city, just because you weren't invited to participate? Not a good look, brother.
February 8, 2014 at 5:25 PM
And you have the never to call that pervert a mayor? Here's your Kool Aid!
i'll stay out of a solution in which a property that was appraised for $750,000 gets sold for $85,000
Is that Hulk Hogan commenting on ur site Mr. Albero? Pardon Me Brother
Your rock Joe. Great answer.
You failed to se the huge bus from U of M parked on the south side of the building. As usual you paint the picture your way and spin something negative.
Well, the black pickup was parked there unoccupied with Army stickers all over the back windshield, but, it had its FLASHERS on! I guess that makes it "legal"?
That made the eighth vehicle aside from the bussed in out of towners that "made the scene". LOL!
6:58, Maybe YOU need to OPEN your eyes and look at the pictures provided above. We didn't miss the big bus. In fact, the Idiots on that bus are so stupid, they went back to College Park via Rt. 13 NORTH to Rt 54 WEST and went right past my house. I happened to be on the phone with a State Delegate at the time and we BOTH got a great laugh about it.
Yeah, they can't even find Rt. 50 and take the straight route back. Talk about a group of Dee, Dee, Deeeee's.
On channel 47 I seen a 7 year old giving his ideas also.
Great call, Joe on the "Lost Travellers"! Good Lord, they can't find their arses with both hands!
Fake Day and the Son of a woman beater/ raper/ sodomist seem to have everything well in hand with competent help!
Thank God we have such a responsible, progressive Gayor and a motor vehicle lawbreaker!
To Joe at 8:02,
While I agree the downtown event was a dog & pony show with little practical benefit, I'm not sure your comment about about them going back via Rt 54 was completely accurate.
I'm speculating they stopped and did some tax-free shopping in Delmar since living in College Park they're always in the clutches of OweMalley & OweBrown.
Submitted with a smile,
Maybe they wanted to take the scenic route and see the mason dixon line marker.
Anonymous said...
Well, the black pickup was parked there unoccupied with Army stickers all over the back windshield, but, it had its FLASHERS on! I guess that makes it "legal"?
That made the eighth vehicle aside from the bussed in out of towners that "made the scene". LOL!
February 8, 2014 at 7:00 PM
Actually really cops like to see FLASHERS on because that is the "come and get" signal for law breakers.
Has fake day even gotten his drivers license back?
It makes no difference what is said now, the damage to the shore is done. The loss of jobs. Companies won't be undone. There isn't a reason for a company to look at the shore as there are so many other places that offer so much more like.. Lower taxes, better weather, and larger populations. The shore just doesn't have it as the more farms than people theory doesn't work and your are all getting the rude awakening......
Dear Jim & Jake,
Just how many "Master Plans" is the City going to create?
Clearly you keep creating new ones until you guys get what YOU want and not what the community wants.
So everyone knows, all of the other Master Plans were created by other organizations. Lord knows how much money the taxpayers have blown over the years.
Local leaders continue to waste tax dollars with panels and commitees.I know this goes against liberals but here's an idea,get out of the way and let businesses put forth their plan.
Anonymous said...
Local leaders continue to waste tax dollars with panels and commitees.I know this goes against liberals but here's an idea,get out of the way and let businesses put forth their plan.
February 9, 2014 at 10:39 AM
The best idea I have read yet. Democrats do not believe in a Free Market. They do not believe in businesses being successful. The believe in taking from the rich and giving to the lazy, oops I meant poor.
If that bus went by joe Alberto's house I doubt it was by accident
You people aren't still discussing downtown are you? Someone is feverish.
If we weren't paying ridiculous taxes for follies like this, increasing utilities and skyrocketing healthcare, gas, etc., maybe we could afford to shop at stores downtown and elsewhere. Reform the policies that hinder us from attracting good jobs and let me decide how to spend my discressionary income...not the city, county and state - spending our tax dollars on things that the government should never be involved with.
Get rid of the tax and spend Democrats. There is no use for them in this economy and this country.
I find it amusing reading all these posts about bringing Salisbury back...... Are you people for real? The shore is not on an upswing and no large companies are knocking. Salisbury is not coming back.... The shore isn't coming back..... The damage is done and way to late to fix. People are leaving and the businesses that are left are leaving in a hurry. Sadly things don't look good. Something real big has to happen real fast or it's the end....
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