Press Releases 1/13/2014
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 11 January 2014
Location: 8700 block of Bi-State Blvd., Delmar, MD
Suspect: Jenna Nicole Travis, 21, Delmar, MD
Narrative: On 11 January 2014 at 7:25 AM, a deputy responded for a reported altercation at a residence in the 8700 block of Bi-State Blvd. in Delmar. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a male subject who advised that he was embroiled in an argument with his girlfriend, Jenna Travis that turned physical when she threw a plate at him. According to the victim, the plate struck him in the face. During the investigation, the deputy observed signs of injury to the victim along with a broken plate.
The deputy placed Travis under arrest for the assault and discovered that she was in possession of what was recognized as marijuana. Upon transport to the Central Booking Unit, Travis was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Travis on a bond of $20,000.00.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree and Possession of Marijuana

Travis, Jenna
Incident: Disorderly / Trespass
Date of Incident: 12 January 2014
Location: 900 block of West Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Eartha Lee Conway, 57, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 12 January 2014 at 11:50 AM, a deputy responded to the Price Check in the 900 block of West Road for the report of a disorderly subject clad in a nightgown. Upon arrival, the deputy found the subject, Eartha Conway, as described and learned that she had refused to leave the store upon request of management. Conway screamed at the deputy that she was owed store credit and she was not leaving. The deputy was aware that Conway had previously been informed by the store management that she was not welcome in the store.
The deputy placed Conway under arrest at which point she went into a profanity laced tirade against the deputy. All of this was in full view of store patrons and those passing by on the street.
The deputy transported Conway to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Conway is being held without bond pending an initial court appearance.
Charges: Disorderly Conduct and Trespassing

Conway, Eartha
Incident: Disorderly / Trespass
Date of Incident: 12 January 2014
Location: 5485 Airport Terminal Road
Suspect: Darnell Calvin Richards, 30, Brooklyn. NY
Narrative: On 12 January 2014 at 10:30 PM, a deputy responded to a reported disturbance at the Salisbury-Ocean City/ Wicomico Regional Airport. Upon arrival, the deputy learned a subject, later identified as Darnel Richards of New York was creating a disturbance at the airport. Richards was attempting to locate transportation back to New York but did not have any money with him. Richards left the airport upon request and was told not to return.
Shortly after leaving, Richards returned to the airport and made his way through the passenger gate onto the tarmac where he attempted to approach a commercial flight that was in the process of unloading passengers.
Richards was placed under arrest but he became uncooperative with the deputies and at one point during the arrest process he became physically combative.
Richards was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Richards on a bond of $5,000.00.
Charges: Disorderly Conduct, Trespassing and Resisting Arrest

Richards, Darnel
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 13 January 2014
The Beauties and The Beasts.
No doubt in my mind Lee Stevens was the arresting deputy of all 3 of theses people, or at least the supervisor in charge at the time these arrests were made. Way to go Lee. Keep up the good work. We love you man.
she can throw a plate at me ANYTIME!
How do you make your way through the passenger gate and on to the tarmac without a ticket? There is usually one sheriff and 3-4 TSA agents at the one entrance to passenger area.
12:49 then go bail her out.
I'm sure she would be grateful.
Eartha is bi polar.
Cry Baby man called the cops on that pretty thing! Must be a punk! On the airport guy Don't Taz me Bro!
12:27 LEE! Stop posting!
Whats the world coming to when you cant throw a plate!
5:19-The plate wasn't the issue.The issue was the boiling hot grits IN the plate.
Anonymous said...
12:27 LEE! Stop posting!
January 13, 2014 at 4:10 PM
I was thinking the same thing.
Jenna Travis posted pics on FB ^^^
I did 12 years with a manic depressive wife before the law finally realized it wasn't the big bad huasband causing the domestic violence calls, and won my divorce, rescuing the kids in the process.
So, go ahead, 12:49, and marry "that" and enjoy your nightmare!
Everybody's bipolar.
Nice "do", all o' youse.
10:03 grow a pair! Twelve years you must be a little slow!
No Sheriff at the airport after 10:30 AM due to budget cuts. They only work in the morning now.
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