- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 17:21:49Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 16:54:15Nature: InjuryCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 15:48:05Nature: Smoke InvestigationAddress: N Schumaker Dr and hinman Ln Salisbury, MD 21802
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 15:15:04Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 13:07:31Nature: Heart PatientCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 13:00:46Nature: Assault EmsCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 12:24:13Nature: Stand ByAddress: 1100 Beaglin Park Dr Salisbury, MD 21801
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 12:02:44Nature: Structure FireAddress: 521 Alabama Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 12:02:43Nature: Structure FireCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 12:02:41Nature: Structure FireAddress: 521 Alabama Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 10:13:01Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 07:03:48Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 06:47:07Nature: HemorrhagingCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 06:25:10Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 03:07:55Nature: Psychiatric EmergencyCity: Salisbury
- Monday January, 13 2014 @ 02:37:23Nature: Psychiatric EmergencyCity: Salisbury

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 19, 2014
SFD Calls For Service 1-13-14
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More and more fires = less and less comments.
If you are talking about Alabama Ave I would have expected that kind of performance from the kids from votec not the “professionals” not a strong argument for paid firemen.
Fireman is a title you earn because of the job you do and reputation you build, a Fireman can be career or volunteer. Fire Fighters just collect a check or tell everyone they are a badass vollie! It takes time, pride and dedication to become a Fireman.
Talking about the fact that nearly every day there is a fire now. Not so long ago on this blog, everyone was saying there were no fires, now they are more frequent. If is your house on fire do you want someone coming at less than one minute out the door or closer to five minutes. Truth is it cannot be done with just career or just volunteers.
I believe the correct term is Vocational Technical. The performance yesterday was fine. Volunteers and paid firefighters working together to extinguish a serious fire. Those who fought this fire earned my respect with their actions. I sympathize with those who criticize because you fail to realize what the fire service is about. Helping others in their time of need.
My mechanic takes care of my vehicles. A Nurse helped deliver my children. My HVAC guy helped me repair my heating system. My insurance company helped me with my destroyed vehicle.
Hmmm, I wonder if ANY of them would do so for FREE, like Volunteers? You see anonymous 6:46, we PAY for that service, just like MANY others in life.
They too 'HELP OTHERS IN TIME OF NEED" and do NOT expect us to get on our knees and PRAISE them like a bunch of grown men Firefighters expect. Yeah, hero's.
Nobody asked you to praise them. All they ask is you allow them to do their job and not criticize them with your daily thread on their activities. Nothing in life is free including volunteers If you knew anything about the fire service you would understand. How can you begin to comment on a fire which you were not present to witness their actions. You simply comment in a negative fashion based on what someone told you. If you were on scene from beginning to end I believe your observations would be quite different. Instead you march on with your daily agenda of berating our fire department and those who serve. If your agenda is the mayor and the chief take it up with them. The troops in the trenches give 100 % every day both volunteer and career.
anonymous 7:20, I have no "beef" with the Firefighters, until they pop on here and start praising themselves anonymously.
A Volunteer is a Volunteer, not paid. If they are compensated in any way I'm confident it is well deserved. I'm simply saying, the paid Firefighters are PAID to do a job, period. Just like a Police Officer. I'm sure ALL of those involved last night and everywhere else did a fantastic job.
The daily thread is the very same service we provide for ALL Eastern Shore First Responders. You need thicker skin.
Its funny how you claim that you don't make Anon comment, yet your quick to jump in to reply on a comment toward an anon comment.
anonymous 7:25, here we go again. I happen to be moderating comments right now and it's very easy for me to respond. I'm VERY confident anyone reading these comments will clearly see I'm not writing anonymous comments but you go right ahead and think what you want.
I can only think of ONE person out there who would be so worried about such a thing.
Unlike him/you, I'm man enough to use my name on every comment I put up.
Their statements ask for no praise. I am a two hatter serving as a volunteer in my home town and career in another city. I understand the need for both sides in the fire service and appreciate the contributions made by both. Neither side is perfect and both do stellar work.
As a casual observer I have to question why you only post the run log for the Salisbury fire company. I have never seen any other fire companies calls posted on here. Why do you only post Salisbury and not Ocean City for example.
Dave, thank you. One, for your service. Second, for using your name.
You know, I was just watching the national news where they lead off with the story of the teenage girl run over by a fire truck at the airport in San Francisco, (I believe).
I couldn't help but feel sorry for the Firefighters in such a horrific situation and the fact that the family is suing just about everyone.
While it is sad that someone lost their life, NO ONE did anything on purpose. It was an accident, period. So yes, no one is perfect and you do provide stellar service.
The BIG question is, is the SFD overstaffed with paid Firefighters and should the SFD be using multi million dollar equipment to make lunch and dinner runs? These are fair questions and NOT personal attacks against the Firefighters.
The answer is no to too many, especially during the day. Volunteers are at their full time jobs and cant leave for calls. Many work jobs far away from Salisbury and have to pay the bills. That's the story all over America particularly in the EMS field. EMS positions have a ratio of 5 career to 1 volunteer and climbing. I believe Salisburys career manpower is staffed in higher numbers during the day until around 6 pm. That's around the time volunteers get home from work. I believe there is one fire crew at night.
I forgot to mention the national standard for manpower on fire units is 4 personnel. Pretty sure Salisbury is often at 3.
Dave, I respectfully disagree. I see Fire Departments all over the Eastern Shore that are all Volunteer.
Employers know the people who work close to the FD can leave. It is a vital part of a successful department.
Salisbury is different because they DISCOURAGE Volunteers, that's a fact. Just my opinion.
Dave 7:59, that's ONLY because of your accreditation. Sorry Dude but that's way too convenient. Pittsville, Parsonsburg, Powellville, Hebron and other communities do NOT have to be subjected to those standards because they can't afford, (nor are many willing) to join such an organization that FORCES the City Taxpayers to buy new and follow such rules and regs at a very costly price.
anonymous 7:38, forgive me for the delay.
It's a fair question. I will look into it and see if we can provide similar information.
Yes there are volunteer FD's everywhere and I can tell you first hand that they ALL struggle with insufficient manpower. I cannot think of one department without a manpower shortage. I don't know if you listen to a fire scanner but that might give you an idea of the situation. On any day listen to the dispatches and watch how long it takes to get out. Take note of the apparatus officers report on the radio. Engine x responding with officer and 2. Tanker X responding understaffed with 1. Its a real eye opener.
Yes Dave, I agree. And that's what makes it so cool. COMMUNITIES coming together. It's a BROTHERHOOD, something you obviously do NOT see in Salisbury.
The standards for fire departments are set forth by the NFPA. ALL fire departments are required to follow these rules. Neither Hebron, Willards or anyone else is exempt. Physicals, blood born pathogens, CPR, HAZ MAT OPs and FEMA 100 and 700 are just a few off the top of my head that are required without exception. Federal, State and local funding can be held back for failure to comply. Fines can also be assessed or costly legal penalties in court. The wise fire chief stays on top of todays huge list of requirements before the truck ever roles. Perhaps you should be placing the blame for volunteers leaving on our government. Their the ones mandating all these rule and requirements.
But Dave, didn't you admit earlier that SBY fails to meet that standard regularly?
Not sure bout regularly. They wouldn't be alone if they did. Everyone strives for the 4 but funding and availability dictates that. The issue of 4 is the recommended standard to accomplish all the necessary task to be performed by that unit. The lawyers and regulatory agencies focus more on that list that I mentioned earlier. FEMA and NFPA create new requirements every year and the average person doesn't want to deal with it.
The average Volunteer fire company runs between 150 to 400 fire calls and 100 to 1200 ambulance calls a year in this area. Salisbury runs almost 4000 fire and almost 9000 ambulance calls. It takes lot more people to over that amount of calls.
anonymous 7:38, we searched everywhere for the Ocean City information but they do not make it available.
Anonymous said...
More and more fires = less and less comments.
January 14, 2014 at 1:48 PM
What you call more and more doesn't justify 60 paid firemen in a town this small. Those apartments on Alabama Avenue are small 1 bedroom units. In New York City a single engine response would have been all that is required for that small fire. Go back to sleep because you bore me.
Dave said...
Their statements ask for no praise. I am a two hatter serving as a volunteer in my home town and career in another city. I understand the need for both sides in the fire service and appreciate the contributions made by both. Neither side is perfect and both do stellar work.
January 14, 2014 at 7:34 PM
You obviously haven't been paying attention now go crawl back under your rock.
Dave said...
I forgot to mention the national standard for manpower on fire units is 4 personnel. Pretty sure Salisbury is often at 3.
January 14, 2014 at 7:59 PM
You also forgot to mention that a standard is not the law. And buy the way Salisbury has 2 paid fire crews on at Station 16 every night and weekends that happen to do what most of the time? Sleep.
Dave said...
The standards for fire departments are set forth by the NFPA. ALL fire departments are required to follow these rules. Neither Hebron, Willards or anyone else is exempt. Physicals, blood born pathogens, CPR, HAZ MAT OPs and FEMA 100 and 700 are just a few off the top of my head that are required without exception. Federal, State and local funding can be held back for failure to comply. Fines can also be assessed or costly legal penalties in court. The wise fire chief stays on top of todays huge list of requirements before the truck ever roles. Perhaps you should be placing the blame for volunteers leaving on our government. Their the ones mandating all these rule and requirements.
January 14, 2014 at 8:31 PM
Now you are wrong. There are thousands of NFPA Standards and only a few are REQUIRED to be met and the few that you mentioned are not enforced and won't be enforceable. You clowns get on here acting like you know so much, but you know very little.
noun: standard; plural noun: standards
1. a level of quality or attainment.
"their restaurant offers a high standard of service"
synonyms: quality, level, grade, caliber, merit, excellence More
2. an idea or thing used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations.
When it goes to court, the lawyers will certainly hold you accountable against the standards set forth by NFPA. You've never been involved in any fire service legal cases obviously. Fail to follow NFPA standards on live fire training and see if they don't convict or fine your department based on the standard. Fail to follow 2 in 2 out and have a firefighter injured or killed. Let me introduce you to Mr. OSHA. Get the picture ? You need to rethink your statements.
Thanks Anon 3:25 NFPA 1403 is the standard for live fire training. There have been several fire departments and instructors severely penalized and sent to jail for not following this standard. I cant even begin to list all the rules that OSHA has in place for fire service calls like firefighting, confined space rescue, trench rescue and the list goes on and on.
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