DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 19, 2014
O'Malley Calls For $10 Minimum Wage In Maryland
WASHINGTON - Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley is calling for an increase in the state's minimum wage to at least $10 per hour.
In an interview Sunday with CNN's "State of the Union", O'Malley said that if the minimum wage had only kept pace with inflation since 1968, it would be a little more than $10 per hour now. He says it would be $20 per hour if the wage had kept pace with productivity.
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How about just increasing the number of manufacturing jobs by 10? Pay manipulation can only happen when people have jobs. The ones without jobs are still making zero no matter what the minimum wage is.
Go get back on your box, O'Smelly.
Oh no, the sky is falling.. What about me, prices will go up, businesses will closed, say it ain't so!
First and only time I have agreed with him, and he is correct, MW would be higher if it had kept pace. But then so would everyone else's wages, which have not.
They have no choice anymore but to raise it and since it only effect a small number of the population its not the end of the world.
They burden on employers doesn't stop with the extra $2 and something an hour. It also increase the employers social Security contributions, worker comp......
To Annie.. they have no choice?
This country is going very fast down to socialism---to a form of communism...One wacko on MSNBC stated that there should be private property, level wages for everyone... etc
If the productive people in this country only just stopped producing... the millions of "takers" would then find out how bad things are...
This country and this state especially are going nowhere fast
$10/hour minimum wage =
Higher prices for everything =
More business taxes +
Fewer small businesses =
Higher unemployment rate =
More poor people =
Less people who can afford food =
More people on welfare =
Higher crime rate =
Possible depression eventually???
I am not sure what bubble you are living in, we already have all that, with the current MW level.
It will also be phased in.
Oh and lets not forget we are already providing corporate welfare by subsidizing their poor wages with hud, medicaid, food stamps.
Its been increased many times and the sky hasn't fallen yet...and the price of everything are still rising without a MW increase.
I think only 5% of the population is working for MW, so those arguments do not hold up.
And if your business plan can't support a 50 cent per hour increase, you probably shouldn't be in business.
How about those other 12?+ states that have already surpass the federal MW requirement.
And with the way things are economically, at this point, they have no choice but to increase it.
10;28 possible depression eventually?? Where do you think the economy is right now? We are now in a "de facto" depression, regardless of what the Govt liars tell us..
Annie - I am living in a "bubble" called REALITY.
Since O.C. is nearby, let's use them as as example. What do you think is going to happen if hotels, restaurants & bars have to pay their workers who work "grunt" jobs $10.00/hour? Hotel rates will shoot up, food prices on menus will shoot up, and drinks will shoot up. This will shoot DOWN their customer base.
Also, $7.25/hr all the way up to the proposed $10/hr is a WHOPPING 37.9% increase. What would you suggest a fair increase be for a business owner to compensate his/her hard-working employees who started out at $7.25/hr and who currently earn $10/hour after earning the increase from working hard for months/years?
Andy - It is usually phased in over a couple of years.
And those "grunt" jobs are usually harder than those making more sitting on their behinds in an office.
We are programmed to think those "grunt" jobs are simple or mindless. That is not always the case.
I already stated that all wages MW or not have been stagnant while inflation has soared. Many have gone without raises for years while corporate profits are at an all time high.
So I do not buy the oh poor corporate america theory.
The last increase was 4 years ago, when products cost less, so to say inflation is due to a MW increase from 4 years ago is bogus.
In 2009 gas was 1.85, what is it now?? And how are people on MW to afford it when it has doubled in 4 years and their wages have gone nowhere, as with everyone else.
Since employers are greedy and won't step up to the plate and pay a livable wage, apparently the government has to. But again we have 12+ states that already pay more.
So respectfully, your argument simply doesn't work
And lets not forget the "other" workers that will want a wage increase....due to the fact that they are higher on the importance chain....and then all the different cost associated with production, transportation, and implementation of such plan will cost....the river flows down hill.....
People like Anne....are stooges and have no idea how the real world works ....they get their College degree from some people who do not live in a competitive environment if they need more money they cry to the state and they are given money hand over fist....The classes are taught for the most part by people who have no or limited "real world" experience in being successful in the business world (other that in their narrow mind)and have "tenure" in which its nearly impossible to get fired from....Its useless to try to explain these things to those type people....
I agree Johnnybusinessowner. More people need to take heed to the words of wisdom of Proverbs 17:28, which is:
"Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues."
O'Malley is doing a great job at scaring away job opportunities.
Anyone one think O'Malley is trying to leave behind his name in history for being the first governor to bankrupt a whole state?
Broad assumption there dude, but thank you for the fantasy land comment. I hurt a couple of brain cells reading it. I can hear them screaming out your name.
As a controller for many companies I know for a fact that your theory does not hold up.
Greed is what sets wages. Nothing more, nothing less. Business owners who have never performed the task themselves decide it's worth based on hypothetical perceptions.
You are clueless to the ways of the world and need to read up on some history of how and why MW was imposed. Without it we would be no different than china.
And now that ACA had kicked everyone down to less than 30 hours the government has no choice but to up the ante.
If your business can't handle a phased in measly increase then you are either greedy or have a poor business plan and shouldn't be in business.
Annie; I'm sorry dear but you don't see the picture here. I agree with andy and jonnybusiness owner. I am a business owner in a cutthroat industry. If I have to pay more for my employees and conform to current standards with gov't, like licenses, regulations, etc. Then there are my other expenses, fuel for my equipment, insurance (business, vehicle, medical, property, equipment, my material suppliers, and subcontractors whom do work for me. My business cant compete with half-ass joe whom is not licensed, certified, and follows regulations. My costs will be more to do a project while half-ass joe can do it cheaper. Further more, MW could be bumped up to 8, but I highly disagree with $10/hour. ACA and current issues in government is not helping one bit. I do not see justification in a 38% increase in wage while taxes are going up, fuel prices going up, etc. DON'T DARE SAY I AM GREEDY EITHER! I'm NOT! I took a hefty pay cut in 2013 in order to see my business through, which a good chunk of that money went to my employees so they would have a good thanksgiving and christmas. I have a stable business plan, and I am doing well in my trade. YOUR POINT IS WAY OFF! Owemalley has done nothing to help our economy and this most definitely won't help. LOOK AT JOE'S MONTHLY JOB NUMBERS!
No my post is not way off.
How kind of you to give your employees a nice holiday, what about the rest of the year?
Take a HUGE pay cut to hand out a couple of turkeys?
There will always be a half-ass joe to compete with, and if you can not compete then you aren't that good.
I guess what you are saying then is that the other 12+ states with higher standards are way off too.
Gee I wonder how they are managing to survive. They must have better business plans.
All I hear is whining. Everyone in business have the same hurdles, taxes, fees. boo hoo.
You are too stupid and short sighted to realize that you are already paying them more thru corporate welfare, hud, medical, food stamps. Too bad you did not bother to read the full post before you answered. Oh and I guess you missed the ... corporations are posting biggest profits EVER....
Let me get you are crying towel to wipe your tears.
How generous of you to agree to $8, based on that I can assume with much certainty, that you do not pay very well. Greed always bleeds thru.
You stated you're controller for several companies.
What is your boss/bosses going to ask you to recommend to address a MW increase to all of your employees between $7.25 & 10.00?
As noted by others any/all increases in wage have an increased ripple effect on employer costs of social security and a variety of other linked employer costs. Thus the cumulative expense to employers is much greater than just what the mandated increase is.
You've been kinda glib about how any employer should be able to absorb and pass along these costs. Most employers of folks in the 7.25-10.00 range don't have your ability to effortlessly coin money.
Others have touched on the cost-push effect created by compression as your employees currently making above the contemplated MW find the premium they currently enjoy for their productivity, length of service, what-have-you is eroded or erased by OweMalley's pen. How are you going to change their pay to retain both their services and your margins and profit?
You will be charging fewer customers more to sell less of whatever you sell. Good luck with that scenario!
Ok, $10 per hr amounts to $20k per year, or about $18k after taxes. Unemployment escapes taxes and you get to find the other free money in a dozen different programs. So for those of you can do basic math, take the free cash and spend your free time on pushing for $15 per hr. Love the Gov O mal!
You are not big on reading and comprehension, since most of your repeated questions have been answered in previous posts.
You are clinging on to "the sky is falling" mentality and historically it has been proven pver and over again, that your theory is overblown and wrong.
Since companies are recording records profits, my recommendations are to use that money. Its that simple
Hang on to your crying towel, you are going to need it, because the more you cry to your customers and employees the more you will lose.
And they know you are greedy when you show up with that new vehicle, talk about your fancy vacation or new man toy, and they can't figure out how they are going to pay their mortgage.
Greed always bleed thru.
8:24 when you are going to post know your facts.
You pay federal and state income taxes on unemployment.
Annie, you said: "Since companies are recording records profits, my recommendations are to use that money. Its that simple"
Are you serious? This is AMERICA, not the Soviet Union.
Companies making good money are at least HIRING, unlike the small guys getting torn up by these kind of demands and going under.
Obama wants to RULE America. Obama wants to shut down small businesses and force people to become dependent on their government.
The man has made it almost impossible to buy ammunition for the guns we own. He has forced the prices to skyrocket and now they want to add a special tax to it.
Open your eyes people. Obama and O'Malley and the likes are destroying AMERICA because Liberals like Ireton can't survive in the REAL WORLD.
Yes Joe I am serious.
When you have the likes of Walmart, McDonalds, etc. underpaying their employees and coaching them on how to be on pubic welfare, then it is time that they start using their profits to pay them a livable wage and get them off welfare.
They are their employees, not mine, and I should not have to subsidize a billion dollar corporation's payroll thru higher taxes while they are posting record profits.
Even Walmart has culled their workforce, which is why you will see unstocked shelves. They are making their current workforce do more for less.
I do not dispute your opinion on Obama or Omalley.
But there is an accumulation of issues, it is not simply the MW issue. Maybe its time to repeal some taxes and fees, which is a separate issue on its own.
People need to be paid a livable wage. These are not simply teenagers anymore, these jobs are often primary jobs for people.
"These are not simply teenagers anymore, these jobs are often primary jobs for people." Bingo - you have now identified the REAL problem. Raising the MW will not fix the proliferation of unskilled labor or the lack of jobs. Raising MW will address the issue briefly. If we don't address the bigger problems, we'll be right back to this conversation within a year.
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