Provoking Republican lawmakers with an in-your-face vow to bypass Congress if necessary, President Obama said Tuesday night that he would use his executive authority on a dozen issues including income inequality and job training

“America does not stand still — and neither will I,” Mr. Obama said in the annual State of the Union address. “So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”
Killing America.
“I have to remind him we do have a Constitution. And the Congress writes the laws, and the president’s job is to execute the laws faithfully."
Amen. And I'm a Democrat. The executive order business has gone wild.
Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, accused Mr. Obama of “acting like a child.”
This sounds like Ireton, too.
I think he will do whatever it takes to make a bigger mess. Folks we really need to watch him as he will soon be attempting to challenge the term limitation's time for him to go ......
Be a big change alright, in the November elections.
YEP scumbag Mayor Blomburg did it.
I worry that the dictator in chief WONT step down when the time comes.
And each new part will be even more reprehensible than the last. Can't we recall him or something?!?!?
Obumer continues to demonstrate he is a hopeless excuse for a president.
George Bush used executive orders over 200 times in office. Obama has some catching up to do.
Love all the internet constitutional lawyers. Whats funny is on one hand the right is screaming "evil dictator obama is taking over with his eo's" but on the other hand "well, his eo's actually don't do much to make a difference". lol, which is it?
It may be a "dramatic year of action" when the people have had enough of the facist dictator.
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